vine-users ML アーカイブ

[vine-users:072296] sudo apt-get install subversion が失敗する。

  • From: take_tk <CQK01016@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [vine-users:072296] sudo apt-get install subversion が失敗する。
  • Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2005 15:43:44 +0900


(1)subversion は apache2 に依存している。
(2)apache2 は に依存している。 
(3) のアップグレードは非常に危険。


[tk@EDiCube-02 tk]$ sudo apt-get update
[tk@EDiCube-02 tk]$ sudo apt-get install subversion
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  subversion: Depends: apache2 (>= 2.0.48) but it is not going to be installed
E: Broken packages
[tk@EDiCube-02 tk]$
[tk@EDiCube-02 tk]$ sudo apt-get install apache2
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  apache2: Depends:
E: Broken packages
[tk@EDiCube-02 tk]$
[tk@EDiCube-02 tk]$ sudo apt-get install
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Selecting db4 for ''
The following packages will be upgraded
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  LPRng MySQL-client MySQL-ruby MySQL-server SysVinit TrueType-base
  TrueType-kochi-subst VFlib VFlib-utils XOrg XOrg-Xnest XOrg-tools XOrg-twm
  XOrg-xdm Xconfigurator acpid alternatives apache apel apt aspell aumix
  authconfig autoconf autofs automake bc bind bootsplash build-essential
  control-center cpufreqd cups cvs cyrus-sasl desktop-file-utils dia
  docbook-dtds dvipdfmx eel2 emacs emacsen-common eog eplaser-cups eruby fam
  file-roller flim foomatic foomatic-ppd foomatic-ppd-gimp-print-ijs ftp gcc
  gcc-c++ gcc-cpp gd-progs gdk-pixbuf gdm gedit gettext gftp ggv ghostscript
  ghostscript-fonts gimp gimp-print gimp-print-plugin gnome-applets
  gnome-cups-manager gnome-desktop gnome-desktop-libs gnome-libs gnome-media
  gnome-panel gnome-session gnome-system-monitor gnome-system-tools
  gnome-terminal gnome-user-docs gnome-utils gnome-vfs2 grip groff-perl
  gstreamer-plugins gtk-engines gtkhtml2 gtksourceview hpijs imlib initscripts
  intltool iptables irb jed jvf kakasi kbdconfig kernel#2.4.26-0vl15
  kernel-pcmcia-cs kudzu lftp libbonobo libbonoboui liberuby libglade libgnome
  libgnomecups libgnomeprint libgnomeprintui libgnomeui libruby libtool
  libungif-progs libuser libxml2-python libxslt-python liece lilo magicdev
  metamail mew mkinitrd mktcapdir mod_ruby mod_ssl modutils mouseconfig
  mozilla mozilla-chat mozilla-dom-inspector mozilla-mail mozilla-psm murasaki
  murasaki-usb-mount namazu namazu_JFdb namazu_JMANdb namazu_VineDocsdb
  nautilus nautilus-media netpbm-progs newt nfs-utils nkf nscd ntp ntsysv
  openjade openldap openldap-clients openldap-devel openldap-servers openssh
  openssh-askpass openssh-askpass-gnome openssh-clients openssh-contrib
  openssh-server openssl-perl pam passwd pciutils perl perl-DateManip
  perl-File-MMagic perl-Net_SSLeay perl-Parse-Yapp perl-SGMLSpm
  perl-XML-Dumper perl-XML-Encoding perl-XML-Parser perl-libxml-enno
  perl-libxml-perl postfix postgresql ppp ppxp printtool procinfo proftpd pump
  python qpopper quota rail rdoc readline rp-pppoe rp-pppoe-gui rpm rpm-build
  rpm-perl rpm-python ruby ruby-mode ruby-openssl ruby-tcltk samba
  samba-client samba-common samba-swat scrollkeeper semi setuptool sgml-common
  sh-utils sharutils slang sndconfig strace sylpheed synaptic tetex
  tetex-macros tknamazu usermode usermode-gtk util-linux vim vine-keyring
  vine-printfilters vixie-cron w3m w3m-el w3m-img webmin wl xchat xdvik
  xinitrc xml-common xpdf xscreensaver yatex yelp yp-tools ypbind zsh

WARNING: The following essential packages will be removed
This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing!

  apt rpm (due to apt) readline (due to apt) vine-keyring (due to apt) python
  (due to apt) initscripts modutils (due to initscripts) util-linux (due to
  initscripts) SysVinit (due to initscripts) sh-utils (due to modutils) pam
  passwd libuser (due to passwd)

1 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 238 removed and 34 not upgraded.
Need to get 884kB of archives.
After unpacking 1166MB disk space will be freed.
You are about to do something potentially harmful
To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'

take_tk = kumagai hidetake