VineSeed ML アーカイブ

[VineSeed:20787] Re: upload: VirtualBox

  • From: TANAKA hiroaki <mosaicist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [VineSeed:20787] Re: upload: VirtualBox
  • Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 01:17:35 +0900

On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 06:12:11 +0900
Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> また、x86_64 で x86_64 guest が動作しないという報告ももら
> いました。追試してもらえると助かります。

Host  x86_64
guest x86_64、i686(ともに Seed)


私のところでは、OS 自体は起動できるんですが、vboxvideo が利用できず、
ずっと vesa で X を起動させています(以下 x86_64、i686 とも同様です)。

============ xorg.conf 抜粋 >> ==============
Section "Device"

#	Driver      "vboxvideo"
	Identifier  "Videocard0"
	Driver      "vesa"

Section "Screen"
	Identifier "Screen0"
	Device     "Videocard0"
	DefaultDepth     24
	SubSection "Display"
		Viewport   0 0
		Depth     24
============ << xorg.conf 抜粋 ==============

今回の update に期待したのですが、やはり Driver "vboxvideo" は

guest に guestadditon(3.1.6) の再インストールも試しましたが、

============ guestaddition install >> ==============
# ./ 
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing VirtualBox 3.1.6 Guest Additions for Linux.........
VirtualBox Guest Additions installer
Removing installed version of VirtualBox Guest Additions...
tar: 險倬鹸繧オ繧、繧コ = 8 
Building the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel modules
Building the main Guest Additions module ...done.
Building the shared folder support module ...done.
Building the OpenGL support module ...done.
Doing non-kernel setup of the Guest Additions ...done.
You should restart your guest to make sure the new modules are actually used

Installing the Window System drivers
Warning: unknown version of the X Window System installed.  Not installing
X Window System drivers.
Installing graphics libraries and desktop services components ...done.
============ << guestaddition install ==============

どうも vboxvideo のインストールに失敗しているようで、
実際、xorg.conf で vboxvideo に設定すると X が起動できなくなります。


# apt-get build-dep VirtualBox 
# apt-get install java

# しばらく vesa ドライバでごまかします。

zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz
  [            [            [ 田中宏明 mosaicist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

         [           [            [ From the bottom line on the Vine 
zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz