山本@千葉です。 /VinePlus/5 へ latexml-0.7.0-1vl5.{noarch,src}.rpm perl-Parse-RecDescent-1.964-1vl5.{noarch,src}.rpm perl-XML-LibXML-1.70-1vl5.{i386,x86_64,src}.rpm perl-XML-LibXSLT-1.70-1vl5.{i386,x86_64,src}.rpm /VineSeed へ latexml-0.7.0-1vl6.{noarch,src}.rpm perl-Parse-RecDescent-1.964-1vl6.{noarch,src}.rpm perl-XML-LibXML-1.70-1vl6.{i686,x86_64,src}.rpm perl-XML-LibXSLT-1.70-1vl6.{i686,x86_64,src}.rpm をそれぞれ put しました。 LaTeXML と LaTeXML に必要な perl モジュール一式です。 LaTeXML は新規パッケージです。 Summary: LaTeX to XML Converter %description latexml is a program, written in Perl, that attempts to faithfully mimic TeX's behaviour, but produces XML instead of dvi. The document model of the target XML makes explicit the model implied by LaTeX. The processing and model are both extensible; you can define the mapping between TeX constructs and the XML fragments to be created. A postprocessor, latexmlpost converts this XML into other formats such as HTML or XHTML, with options to convert the math into MathML (currently only presentation) or images. 例えば、TeX から XHTML (+ MathML) へ変換する場合は、 $ latexml --dest=hoge.xml hoge.tex $ latexmlpost --dest=hoge.html hoge.xml を実行します。 以上、どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。 ---------- 山本 宗宏 GPG Key ID: 0x7637A1D1 GPG Key Fingerprint: 570B C7E6 E5F3 E14F 0898 3EB8 8ECC 8310 7637 A1D1