
update to 5.38.1

git-svn-id: http://trac.vinelinux.org/repos/projects/specs@10794 ec354946-7b23-47d6-9f5a-488ba84defc7
ara_t 8 年之前
共有 1 個文件被更改,包括 46 次插入39 次删除
  1. 46 39

+ 46 - 39

@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
 # -*- mode: rpm-spec -*-
-# By default, this spec file will generate RPMs for Clisp, CMUCL
-# and GCL. This can be changed by modifying the variables below.
-%define enable_clisp 1
-%define clisp_flags --enable-clisp
-%define enable_cmucl 0
-%define cmucl_flags --disable-cmucl
-%define enable_gcl 0
-%define gcl_flags --disable-gcl
+# By default, this spec file will generate RPMs for Clisp and SBCL.
+# This can be changed by modifying the variables below.
+%define enable_clisp 0
+%define enable_sbcl 1
 # Inhibit automatic compressing of info files. Compressed info
 # files break maxima's internal help.
@@ -16,15 +12,15 @@
 Summary: Maxima Symbolic Computation Program
 Summary(ja): 数式処理プログラム Maxima
 Name: maxima
-Version: 5.36.1
+Version: 5.38.1
 Release: 1%{?_dist_release}
 License: GPL
 Group: Applications/Engineering
 URL: http://maxima.sourceforge.net
 Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
-BuildRequires: texinfo
 Requires: maxima_exec = %{version}-%{release}
+BuildRequires: texinfo
 Requires(post): /sbin/install-info
 Requires(preun): /sbin/install-info
@@ -36,15 +32,24 @@ symbolic debugger source level debugger for maxima code.  Maxima is
 based on the original Macsyma developed at MIT in the 1970's.  It is
 quite reliable, and has good garbage collection, and no memory leaks.
 It comes with hundreds of self tests.
 %description -l ja
 Maxima は高機能な数式処理プログラムです。Maximaを使えば、多項式、行列、
 も簡単にこなせます。Maxima のコードに対応したソースレベルの数式デバッ
-ガも備えています。Maxima は MIT で1970年台に開発されたオリジナルの 
+ガも備えています。Maxima は MIT で1970年台に開発されたオリジナルの
 Macsyma がベースとなっています。Maxima はとても信頼性が高く、すぐれた
+%if %{enable_sbcl}
+コマンドライン履歴を使用する場合には rlwrap パッケージを
+rlwrap maxima
 %package xmaxima
 Summary: Tcl/Tk interface to Maxima
@@ -61,41 +66,39 @@ Tcl/Tk interface to Maxima.
 %package exec-clisp
 Summary: Maxima compiled with clisp
 Group: Applications/Engineering
-Requires: clisp
 BuildRequires: clisp
+Requires: clisp
 Provides: maxima_exec
+Obsoletes: %{name}-exec-sbcl
 %description exec-clisp
 Maxima compiled with clisp.
-%if %{enable_cmucl}
-%package exec-cmucl
-Summary: Maxima compiled with CMUCL
+%if %{enable_sbcl}
+%package exec-sbcl
+Summary: Maxima compiled with SBCL
 Group: Applications/Engineering
-Requires: cmucl
-BuildRequires: cmucl
+BuildRequires: sbcl
+Requires: sbcl
 Provides: maxima_exec
-%description exec-cmucl
-Maxima compiled with CMUCL.
-%if %{enable_gcl}
-%package exec-gcl
-Summary: Maxima compiled with GCL
-Group: Applications/Engineering
-Requires: gcl
-BuildRequires: gcl
-Provides: maxima_exec
-%description exec-gcl
-Maxima compiled with Gnu Common Lisp.
+Obsoletes: %{name}-exec-clisp
+%description exec-sbcl
+Maxima compiled with SBCL.
 %setup -q
-%configure  %{?cmucl_flags:} %{?gcl_flags:} %{?clisp_flags:}
+%configure \
+%if %{enable_clisp}
+    --enable-clisp \
+%if %{enable_sbcl}
+    --enable-sbcl \
+    ;
+%__make %{?_smp_mflags}
 %__rm -rf %{buildroot}
@@ -132,21 +135,25 @@ fi
-%if %{enable_cmucl}
-%files exec-cmucl
+%if %{enable_sbcl}
+%files exec-sbcl
-%if %{enable_gcl}
-%files exec-gcl
+* Sat Nov 05 2016 Toshiaki Ara <ara_t@384.jp> 5.38.1-1
+- New upstream release
+- add build option (SBCL)
+- delete build options (GCL and CMUCL)
 * Fri Jul 31 2015 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 5.36.1-1
 - update to 5.36.1
 - add BuildRequires: texinfo
+* Sun Jun 17 2012 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 5.16.3-3
+- rebuild with Vine6 environment
 * Sat Mar 06 2010 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com> 5.16.3-2
 - rebuilt with new toolchain, libsigsev-2.8 and clisp-2.48