Name: bluez-firmware Version: 1.2 Release: 3%{?_dist_release} Summary: Broadcom BCM2033 Firmware - Bluetooth(TM) Summary(ja): Broadcom BCM2033ファームウェア - Bluetooth(TM) License: GPL Group: System Environment/Kernel ### spec file for package bluez-firmware (Version 1.2) # bese Mandriva Linux URL: Source:{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root Provides: bluez-bluefw Obsoletes: bluez-bluefw #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %description Bluetooth(TM) Firmware. Package contains firmware images for some Bluetooth(TM) adapters. Currently supported are: * Broadcom Corporation BCM2033 * AVM Computersysteme Vertriebs GmbH BLUEFRITZ! USB The BLUETOOTH trademarks are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., USA. %description -l ja Bluetooth(TM)ファームウェア このパッケージは Broadcom社製チップを搭載した Bluetoothアダプターの 為のファームウェアです。BCM2033をサポートしています。 * AVM Computersysteme Vertriebs GmbH BLUEFRITZ! USB The BLUETOOTH trademarks are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., USA. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %prep %setup -q %build #org# %configure %configure --mandir=%{_mandir} make #org# %make %{?_smp_mflags} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT mandir=%{_mandir} install %clean rm -fr %buildroot %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc AUTHORS ChangeLog %{_libdir}/firmware/* #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Maintainers: # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %changelog * Fri Sep 26 2008 Seiichirou Babasaki 1.2-3 - added "# Maintainers: " comments. - changed UTF-8 encode at bluez-firmware.vs.spec - updated specfile * Fri Jun 13 2008 Seiichirou Babasaki 1.2-2 - updated specfile * Wed Jan 16 2008 Seiichirou Babasaki 1.2-1vl1 - Import bluez-firmware - Packager: Babasaki - updated specfile * Thu Mar 01 2007 Emmanuel Andry 1.2-1mdv2007.0 + Revision: 130847 - Import bluez-firmware