%define __spec_install_post %{nil} # Provide perl-specific find-{provides,requires}. #%define __find_provides %{_libdir}/rpm/find-provides.perl #%define __find_requires %{_libdir}/rpm/find-requires.perl Summary: A web-based administration interface for Unix systems. Summary(ja): Web ベースのシステム管理ツール Name: webmin Version: 1.470 Release: 1%{?_dist_release} License: Freeware Group: Applications/Administration BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root AutoReq: false BuildArch: noarch Provides: %{name}-%{version} Requires: perl PreReq: sed chkconfig findutils fileutils initscripts grep perl-Net_SSLeay Source0: http://www.webmin.com/download/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Patch0: webmin-1.470-vine.patch # additional modules Source10: http://www.niemueller.de/webmin/modules/ipchains/ipchains-0.83.1.wbm.gz Source11: http://www.niemueller.de/webmin/modules/iptables/iptables-0.91.1.wbm.gz Source12: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/netatalk/netatalk.wbm.gz Patch7: netatalk-vine.diff Patch10: ipchains-Japanese.patch.bz2 %description A web-based administration interface for Unix systems. Using Webmin you can configure DNS, Samba, NFS, local/remote filesystems and more using your web browser. After installation, enter the URL https://localhost:10000/ into your browser and login as root with your root password. NOTE THAT THIS VERSION NOW USES SECURE WEB TRANSACTIONS: YOU HAVE TO LOGIN TO "https://localhost:10000/" AND NOT "http://localhost:10000/". %description -l ja Web ベースのシステム管理ツール。Webmin を用いると、DNS, Samba, NFS, ローカルまたはリモートのファイルシステム, Apache, Postfix などの設 定を Web ブラウザにて行うことができます。 インストール後、ブラウザから https://localhost:10000/ にアクセスし、 root のパスワードを入力して root として入ってください。安全のため、 パスワードは定期的に変更するようにしましょう。 この rpm パッケージの場合、セキュリティ強化の為に、デフォルトでは (localhost) からのみ接続できるように制限してあります。 また、perl-Net_SSLeay パッケージを用いて、デフォルトで SSL による 暗号化を行うように設定しています。 %prep %setup -q -a 10 -a 11 -a 12 %patch0 -p1 -b .vine %patch7 -p1 cd ipchains %patch10 -p1 %build (find . -name '*.cgi' ; find . -name '*.pl') | perl perlpath.pl /usr/bin/perl - rm -f mount/freebsd-mounts* rm -f mount/openbsd-mounts* rm -f mount/macos-mounts* rm -f webmin-gentoo-init chmod -R og-w . %install [ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ] && rm -rf %{buildroot} mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/libexec/webmin mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/sysconfig/daemons mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/rc.d/{init.d,rc0.d,rc1.d,rc2.d,rc3.d,rc5.d,rc6.d} mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/pam.d cp -rp * %{buildroot}/usr/libexec/webmin cp webmin-daemon %{buildroot}/etc/sysconfig/daemons/webmin cp webmin-init %{buildroot}/etc/rc.d/init.d/webmin cp webmin-pam %{buildroot}/etc/pam.d/webmin echo rpm >%{buildroot}/usr/libexec/webmin/install-type %clean #%{rmDESTDIR} [ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ] && rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-,root,root) /usr/libexec/webmin /etc/sysconfig/daemons/webmin /etc/rc.d/init.d/webmin %config /etc/pam.d/webmin %pre grep -i openlinux /etc/.issue >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -r /etc/webmin/config -a -r /var/log/webmin -a "$1" = 0 ]; then oldrpm=`rpm -q webmin 2>/dev/null` if [ "$oldrpm" != "" ]; then echo "The Caldera version of Webmin is currently installed on" echo "your system. You must remove it with the command" echo " rpm -e webmin" echo "before installing this Webmin RPM." exit 1 fi fi perl </tmp/.webmin/$$.check <&1\` =~ /Vine\\s+Linux\\s+2\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='Vine Linux 2.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Vine\\sLinux\\s2\\.1\\.5/i || \`cat /etc/vine-release 2>&1\` =~ /Vine\\s+Linux\\s+2\\.1\\.5/i) { print "oscheck='Vine Linux 2.1.5'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Vine\\sLinux\\s2\\.5/i || \`cat /etc/vine-release 2>&1\` =~ /Vine\\s+Linux\\s+2\\.5\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='Vine Linux 2.5'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Vine\\sLinux\\s2\\.6/i || \`cat /etc/vine-release 2>&1\` =~ /Vine\\s+Linux\\s+2\\.6\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='Vine Linux 2.6'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Vine\\sLinux\\s3\\.0/i || \`cat /etc/vine-release 2>&1\` =~ /Vine\\s+Linux\\s+3\\.0\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='Vine Linux 3.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Vine\\sLinux\\s3\\.1/i || \`cat /etc/vine-release 2>&1\` =~ /Vine\\s+Linux\\s+3\\.1\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='Vine Linux 3.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Vine\\sLinux\\s3\\.2/i || \`cat /etc/vine-release 2>&1\` =~ /Vine\\s+Linux\\s+3\\.2\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='Vine Linux 3.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Vine\\sLinux\\s4\\.0/i || \`cat /etc/vine-release 2>&1\` =~ /Vine\\s+Linux\\s+4\\.0\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='Vine Linux 4.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Vine\\sLinux\\s4\\.1/i || \`cat /etc/vine-release 2>&1\` =~ /Vine\\s+Linux\\s+4\\.1\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='Vine Linux 4.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Vine\\sLinux\\s4\\.2/i || \`cat /etc/vine-release 2>&1\` =~ /Vine\\s+Linux\\s+4\\.2\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='Vine Linux 4.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Vine\\sLinux\\s5\\.0/i || \`cat /etc/vine-release 2>&1\` =~ /Vine\\s+Linux\\s+5\\.0\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='Vine Linux 5.0'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /SunOS.*\\s5\\.5\\.1\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Sun Solaris 2.5.1'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /SunOS.*\\s5\\.6\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Sun Solaris 2.6'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /SunOS.*\\s5\\.7\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Sun Solaris 7'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /SunOS.*\\s5\\.8\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Sun Solaris 8'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /SunOS.*\\s5\\.9\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Sun Solaris 9'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /SunOS.*\\s5\\.10\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Sun Solaris 10'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /OpenLinux.*eServer.*\\n.*\\s2\\.3\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Caldera OpenLinux eServer 2.3'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /OpenLinux.*\\n.*\\s2\\.3\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Caldera OpenLinux 2.3'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /OpenLinux.*\\n.*\\s2\\.4\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Caldera OpenLinux 2.4'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /OpenLinux.*\\n.*\\s2\\.5\\s/i || \$etc_issue =~ /Caldera.*2000/i) { print "oscheck='Caldera OpenLinux 2.5'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /OpenLinux.*3\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='Caldera OpenLinux 3.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /red\\s*hat.*\\s5\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 5.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /red\\s*hat.*\\s5\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 5.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /red\\s*hat.*\\s5\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 5.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /red\\s*hat.*\\s6\\.0/i || \`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /6\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 6.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /red\\s*hat.*\\s6\\.1/i || \`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /6\\.1/) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 6.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /red\\s*hat.*\\s6\\.2/i || \`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /6\\.2/) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 6.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /red\\s*hat.*\\s7\\.0/i || \`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /7\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 7.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /red\\s*hat.*\\s7\\.1/i || \`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /7\\.1/) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 7.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /red\\s*hat.*\\s7\\.2/i || \`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /7\\.2/) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 7.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /red\\s*hat.*\\s7\\.3\\s/i || \`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /7\\.3\\s/ || \$etc_issue =~ /VMware\\s+ESX\\s+Server\\s+2\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 7.3'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /red\\s*hat.*\\s8\\.0\\s/i || \`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /\\s8\\.0\\s/) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 8.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /red\\s*hat.*\\s9(\\.0)?\\s/i || \`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /red\\s*hat.*\\s9(\\.0)?\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 9.0'\\n"; } if ( \$etc_issue =~ /red\\s*hat.*\\s10(\\.0)?\\s/i || \`cat /etc/redhat-release /etc/fedora-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /red\\s*hat.*\\s10(\\.0)?\\s/i || \`cat /etc/redhat-release /etc/fedora-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Fedora.*\\s1\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux Fedora 1'\\n"; } if ( \`cat /etc/redhat-release /etc/fedora-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Fedora.*(\\s2\\s)|(FC2)/i || \`cat /etc/redhat-release /etc/fedora-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /X\\/OS.*release\\s2\\.0\\s/i || \`cat /etc/alphacore-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Alpha\\s*Core\\s+release\\s+0\\.9\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux Fedora 2'\\n"; } if ( \`cat /etc/redhat-release /etc/fedora-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Fedora.*(\\s3\\s)|(FC3)/i || \`cat /etc/redhat-release /etc/fedora-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /X\\/OS.*release\\s3\\.0\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux Fedora 3'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /(Advanced\\s+Server.*2\\.1)|(AS.*2\\.1)/i) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 2.1AS'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /ES.*2\\.1/) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 2.1ES'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /WS.*2\\.1/) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 2.1WS'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /(3\\.0AS)|(2\\.9\\.5AS)|(AS\\s+release\\s+3)/i) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 3.0AS'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /ES\\s+release\\s+3/ || \`cat /etc/whitebox-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /White\\s+Box\\s+Enterprise\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+3/i || \`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Tao\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+1/ || \`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /CentOS\\s+release\\s+3/ || \`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Scientific\\s+Linux.*\\s+release\\s+3/i) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 3.0ES'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /WS\\s+release\\s+3/) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux 3.0WS'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Desktop\\s+release\\s+3/i) { print "oscheck='Redhat Linux Desktop 3'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/slackware-version 2>/dev/null\` =~ /7\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Slackware Linux 7.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/slackware-version 2>/dev/null\` =~ /7\\.1/) { print "oscheck='Slackware Linux 7.1'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/slackware-version 2>/dev/null\` =~ /8\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Slackware Linux 8.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/slackware-version 2>/dev/null\` =~ /8\\.1/) { print "oscheck='Slackware Linux 8.1'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/slackware-version 2>/dev/null\` =~ /9\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Slackware Linux 9.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/slackware-version 2>/dev/null\` =~ /9\\.1/) { print "oscheck='Slackware Linux 9.1'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/slackware-version 2>/dev/null\` =~ /10\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Slackware Linux 10.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/slackware-version 2>/dev/null\` =~ /10\\.1/) { print "oscheck='Slackware Linux 10.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Debian.*\\s2\\.0\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Debian Linux 2.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Debian.*\\s2\\.1\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Debian Linux 2.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Debian.*\\s2\\.2\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Debian Linux 2.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Debian.*\\s3\\.0\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Debian Linux 3.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Debian.*\\s3\\.1\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Debian Linux 3.1'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /6\\.0/ || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+Linux\\s+6\\.0\\s/i) { print "oscheck='SuSE Linux 6.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /6\\.1/ || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+Linux\\s+6\\.1\\s/i) { print "oscheck='SuSE Linux 6.1'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /6\\.2/ || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+Linux\\s+6\\.2\\s/i) { print "oscheck='SuSE Linux 6.2'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /6\\.3/ || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+Linux\\s+6\\.3\\s/i) { print "oscheck='SuSE Linux 6.3'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /6\\.4/ || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+Linux\\s+6\\.4\\s/i) { print "oscheck='SuSE Linux 6.4'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /7\\.0/ || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+Linux\\s+7\\.0\\s/i || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+eMail\\s+Server/i || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+SLES-7/i) { print "oscheck='SuSE Linux 7.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /7\\.1/ || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+Linux\\s+7\\.1\\s/i) { print "oscheck='SuSE Linux 7.1'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /7\\.2/ || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+Linux\\s+7\\.2\\s/i) { print "oscheck='SuSE Linux 7.2'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /7\\.3/ || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+Linux\\s+7\\.3\\s/i) { print "oscheck='SuSE Linux 7.3'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /8\\.0/ || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+Linux\\s+8\\.0\\s/i) { print "oscheck='SuSE Linux 8.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /8\\.1/ || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+Linux\\s+8\\.1\\s/i) { print "oscheck='SuSE Linux 8.1'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /8\\.2/ || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+Linux\\s+8\\.2\\s/i) { print "oscheck='SuSE Linux 8.2'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /(9\\.0|\\s9\\s)/ || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+Linux((\\s9\\.0\\s)|(\\s9\\s))/i || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+SLES-9/i) { print "oscheck='SuSE Linux 9.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /9\\.1/ || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+Linux\\s+9\\.1\\s/i) { print "oscheck='SuSE Linux 9.1'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /9\\.2/ || \$etc_issue =~ /SuSE\\s+Linux\\s+9\\.2\\s/i) { print "oscheck='SuSE Linux 9.2'\\n"; } if ( \`cat /etc/SLOX-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /VERSION\\s+=\\s+4\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='SuSE Linux OpenExchange 4.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/UnitedLinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /1\\.0/) { print "oscheck='United Linux 1.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Corel\\s+LINUX\\s+1\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Corel Linux 1.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Corel\\s+LINUX\\s+1\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='Corel Linux 1.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Corel\\s+LINUX\\s+1\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='Corel Linux 1.2'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/turbolinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /release\\s+4\\.0\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='TurboLinux 4.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/turbolinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /release\\s+6\\.0\\s+/i || \`cat /etc/turbolinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /release\\s+6\\s+advanced/i) { print "oscheck='TurboLinux 6.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/turbolinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /release\\s+6\\.1\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='TurboLinux 6.1'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/turbolinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /release\\s+6\\.5\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='TurboLinux 6.5'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/turbolinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /7\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='TurboLinux 7.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Cobalt\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+2.2/i || \`cat /etc/cobalt-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /2\\.2/) { print "oscheck='Cobalt Linux 2.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Cobalt\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+4.0/i || \`cat /etc/cobalt-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /4\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Cobalt Linux 4.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Cobalt\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+5.0/i || \`cat /etc/cobalt-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /5\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Cobalt Linux 5.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Cobalt\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+6.0/i || \`cat /etc/cobalt-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /6\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Cobalt Linux 6.0'\\n"; } if (\`uname -r\` =~ /2.2.16/ && -r "/etc/cobalt-release") { print "oscheck='Cobalt Linux 6.4'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/cobalt-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /7\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Cobalt Linux 7.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Mandrake\\s+release\\s+5\\.3/i) { print "oscheck='Mandrake Linux 5.3'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Mandrake\\s+release\\s+6\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Mandrake Linux 6.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Mandrake\\s+release\\s+6\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='Mandrake Linux 6.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Mandrake\\s+release\\s+7\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Mandrake Linux 7.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Mandrake\\s+release\\s+7\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='Mandrake Linux 7.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Mandrake\\s+release\\s+7\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='Mandrake Linux 7.2'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/mandrake-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /8\\.0/ || \$etc_issue =~ /Mandrake\\s+release\\s+8\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Mandrake Linux 8.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/mandrake-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /8\\.1/ || \$etc_issue =~ /Mandrake\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+8\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='Mandrake Linux 8.1'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/mandrake-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /8\\.2/ || \$etc_issue =~ /Mandrake\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+8\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='Mandrake Linux 8.2'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/mandrake-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /9\\.0/ || \$etc_issue =~ /Mandrake\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+9\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Mandrake Linux 9.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/mandrake-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /9\\.1/ || \$etc_issue =~ /Mandrake\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+9\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='Mandrake Linux 9.1'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/mandrake-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /9\\.2/ || \$etc_issue =~ /Mandrake\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+9\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='Mandrake Linux 9.2'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/mandrake-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /10\\.0/ || \$etc_issue =~ /Mandrake\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+10\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Mandrake Linux 10.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/mandrake-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /10\\.1/ || \$etc_issue =~ /Mandrake\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+10\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='Mandrake Linux 10.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Mandrake\\s+Corporate\\s+Server\\s+release\\s+1\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Mandrake Linux Corporate Server 1.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Conectiva.*Linux.*3\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Conectiva Linux 3.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Conectiva.*Linux.*4\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Conectiva Linux 4.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Conectiva.*Linux.*4\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='Conectiva Linux 4.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Conectiva.*Linux.*4\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='Conectiva Linux 4.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Conectiva.*Linux.*5\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Conectiva Linux 5.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Conectiva.*Linux.*5\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='Conectiva Linux 5.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Conectiva.*Linux.*6\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Conectiva Linux 6.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Conectiva.*Linux.*7\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Conectiva Linux 7.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Conectiva.*Linux.*\\s8/i) { print "oscheck='Conectiva Linux 8'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Conectiva.*Linux.*\\s9/i) { print "oscheck='Conectiva Linux 9'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Conectiva.*Linux.*\\s10\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Conectiva Linux 10'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Thiz.*Linux.*\\s5\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='ThizLinux Desktop 5.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Thiz.*Linux.*\\s6\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='ThizLinux Desktop 6.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Thiz.*Linux.*\\s6\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='ThizLinux Desktop 6.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Thiz.*Linux.*\\s7\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='ThizLinux Desktop 7.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Thiz.*\\s?Server.*\\s4\\.3/i) { print "oscheck='ThizServer 4.3'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Thiz.*\\s?Server.*\\s6\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='ThizServer 6.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Thiz.*\\s?Server.*\\s7\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='ThizServer 7.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/msclinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /2001.*January/i || \$etc_issue =~ /2001.*January/i) { print "oscheck='MSC Linux January 2001'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/msclinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /2001.*February/i || \$etc_issue =~ /2001.*February/i) { print "oscheck='MSC Linux February 2001'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/msclinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /2001.*May/i || \$etc_issue =~ /2001.*May/i) { print "oscheck='MSC Linux May 2001'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/msclinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /2001.*June/i || \$etc_issue =~ /2001.*June/i) { print "oscheck='MSC Linux June 2001'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/msclinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /2001.*August/i || \$etc_issue =~ /2001.*August/i) { print "oscheck='MSC Linux August 2001'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/msclinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /2002.*February/i || \$etc_issue =~ /2002.*February/i) { print "oscheck='MSC Linux February 2002'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/msclinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /2002.*March/i || \$etc_issue =~ /2002.*March/i) { print "oscheck='MSC Linux March 2002'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/msclinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /2002.*May/i || \$etc_issue =~ /2002.*May/i) { print "oscheck='MSC Linux May 2002'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/msclinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /2002.*July/i || \$etc_issue =~ /2002.*July/i) { print "oscheck='MSC Linux July 2002'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/msclinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /2002.*Nov/i || \$etc_issue =~ /2002.*Nov/i) { print "oscheck='MSC Linux Nov 2002'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /LinuxPPC\\s+2000/i) { print "oscheck='LinuxPPC 2000'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Trustix.*1\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='Trustix 1.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Trustix.*1\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='Trustix 1.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Trustix.*1\\.5/i) { print "oscheck='Trustix 1.5'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Trustix.*2\\.0/i || \$etc_issue =~ /Tawie\\s+Server\\s+Linux.*2\\.0/i || \$etc_issue =~ /tinysofa.*release\\s+1\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Trustix 2.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Trustix.*2\\.1/i || \$etc_issue =~ /Tawie\\s+Server\\s+Linux.*2\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='Trustix 2.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Trustix.*2\\.2/i || \$etc_issue =~ /Tawie\\s+Server\\s+Linux.*2\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='Trustix 2.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Trustix.*Enterprise.*2\\)/i) { print "oscheck='Trustix SE 2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Cendio\\s*LBS.*\\s3\\.1/i || \`cat /etc/lbs-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /3\\.1/) { print "oscheck='Cendio LBS Linux 3.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Cendio\\s*LBS.*\\s3\\.2/i || \`cat /etc/lbs-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /3\\.2/) { print "oscheck='Cendio LBS Linux 3.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Cendio\\s*LBS.*\\s3\\.3/i || \`cat /etc/lbs-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /3\\.3/) { print "oscheck='Cendio LBS Linux 3.3'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Cendio\\s*LBS.*\\s4\\.0/i || \`cat /etc/lbs-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /4\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Cendio LBS Linux 4.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Cendio\\s*LBS.*\\s4\\.1/i || \`cat /etc/lbs-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /4\\.1/) { print "oscheck='Cendio LBS Linux 4.1'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/ute-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Ute\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+1\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Ute Linux 1.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Lanthan\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+1\\.0/i || \`cat /etc/lanthan-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /1\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Lanthan Linux 1.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Lanthan\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+2\\.0/i || \`cat /etc/lanthan-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /2\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Lanthan Linux 2.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Lanthan\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+3\\.0/i || \`cat /etc/lanthan-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /3\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Lanthan Linux 3.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Yellow\\s+Dog\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+2\\.0\\s+/i || \`cat /etc/yellowdog-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Yellow\\s+Dog\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+2\\.0\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='Yellow Dog Linux 2.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Yellow\\s+Dog\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+2\\.1\\s+/i || \`cat /etc/yellowdog-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Yellow\\s+Dog\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+2\\.1\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='Yellow Dog Linux 2.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Yellow\\s+Dog\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+2\\.2\\s+/i || \`cat /etc/yellowdog-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Yellow\\s+Dog\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+2\\.2\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='Yellow Dog Linux 2.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Yellow\\s+Dog\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+2\\.3\\s+/i || \`cat /etc/yellowdog-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Yellow\\s+Dog\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+2\\.3\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='Yellow Dog Linux 2.3'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Yellow\\s+Dog\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+3\\.0\\s+/i || \`cat /etc/yellowdog-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Yellow\\s+Dog\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+3\\.0\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='Yellow Dog Linux 3.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Yellow\\s+Dog\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+4\\.0\\s+/i || \`cat /etc/yellowdog-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /\\s4\\.0\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Yellow Dog Linux 4.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/latinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Latinux\\s+8\\s/i) { print "oscheck='Corvus Latinux 8.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Immunix.*\\s6\\.2/i || \`cat /etc/immunix-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /6\\.2/) { print "oscheck='Immunix Linux 6.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Immunix.*\\s7\\.0/i || \`cat /etc/immunix-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /7\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Immunix Linux 7.0'\\n"; } if (-d "/usr/portage") { print "oscheck='Gentoo Linux Any version'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /Lycoris Desktop/i) { print "oscheck='Lycoris Desktop/LX 1.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/securelinux-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /SecureLinux.*1\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Secure Linux 1.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/openna-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /release\\s+1\\.0\\s/i) { print "oscheck='OpenNA Linux 1.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /tmp/wd/version 2>/dev/null\` =~ /2\\.1\\.0/) { print "oscheck='White Dwarf Linux 2.1.0'\\n"; } if (-r "/etc/antitachyon-distribution") { print "oscheck='SoL Linux 17.00'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s1\\.1/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /1\\.1/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 1.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s1\\.2/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /1\\.2/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 1.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s1\\.3/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /1\\.3/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 1.3'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s2\\.0/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /2\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 2.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s3\\.0/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /3\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 3.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s3\\.1/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /3\\.1/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 3.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s3\\.2/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /3\\.2/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 3.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s3\\.3/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /3\\.3/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 3.3'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s3\\.4/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /3\\.4/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 3.4'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s3\\.5/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /3\\.5/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 3.5'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s3\\.6/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /3\\.6/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 3.6'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s3\\.7/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /3\\.7/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 3.7'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s3\\.8/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /3\\.8/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 3.8'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s3\\.9/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /3\\.9/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 3.9'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s4\\.0/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /4\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 4.0'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s4\\.1/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /4\\.1/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 4.1'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s4\\.2/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /4\\.2/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 4.2'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s4\\.3/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /4\\.3/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 4.3'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s4\\.4/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /4\\.4/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 4.4'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s4\\.5/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /4\\.5/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 4.5'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s4\\.6/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /4\\.6/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 4.6'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s4\\.7/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /4\\.7/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 4.7'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s4\\.8/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /4\\.8/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 4.8'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /coherent\\s*technology.*\\s4\\.9/i || \`cat /etc/coherent-release 2>&1\` =~ /4\\.9/) { print "oscheck='Coherent Technology Linux 4.9'\\n"; } if (\$etc_issue =~ /PS2\\s+Linux\\s+release\\s+1.0/i) { print "oscheck='Playstation Linux 1.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/tinysofa-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /release\\s+2\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='TinySofa Linux 2.0'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/startcom-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /3\\.0/) { print "oscheck='StartCom Linux 3.0'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s2\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 2.1'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s2\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 2.2'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s3\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 3.0'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s3\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 3.1'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s3\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 3.2'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s3\\.3/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 3.3'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s3\\.4/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 3.4'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s3\\.5/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 3.5'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s4\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 4.0'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s4\\.1(\\s|\\-)/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 4.1'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s4\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 4.2'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s4\\.3/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 4.3'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s4\\.4/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 4.4'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s4\\.5/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 4.5'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s4\\.6/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 4.6'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s4\\.7/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 4.7'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s4\\.8/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 4.8'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s4\\.9/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 4.9'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s4\\.10(\\s|\\-)/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 4.10'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s5\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 5.0'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s5\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 5.1'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s5\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 5.2'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /FreeBSD.*\\s5\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='FreeBSD 5.3'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /OpenBSD.*\\s2\\.5/i) { print "oscheck='OpenBSD 2.5'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /OpenBSD.*\\s2\\.6/i) { print "oscheck='OpenBSD 2.6'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /OpenBSD.*\\s2\\.7/i) { print "oscheck='OpenBSD 2.7'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /OpenBSD.*\\s2\\.8/i) { print "oscheck='OpenBSD 2.8'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /OpenBSD.*\\s2\\.9/i) { print "oscheck='OpenBSD 2.9'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /OpenBSD.*\\s3\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='OpenBSD 3.0'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /OpenBSD.*\\s3\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='OpenBSD 3.1'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /OpenBSD.*\\s3\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='OpenBSD 3.2'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /OpenBSD.*\\s3\\.3/i) { print "oscheck='OpenBSD 3.3'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /OpenBSD.*\\s3\\.4/i) { print "oscheck='OpenBSD 3.4'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /OpenBSD.*\\s3\\.5/i) { print "oscheck='OpenBSD 3.5'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /OpenBSD.*\\s3\\.6/i) { print "oscheck='OpenBSD 3.6'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /NetBSD.*1\\.5/i) { print "oscheck='NetBSD 1.5'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /NetBSD.*1\\.6/i) { print "oscheck='NetBSD 1.6'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /NetBSD.*2\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='NetBSD 2.0'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /DragonFly.*\\s1\\.0A/i) { print "oscheck='DragonFly BSD 1.0'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /HP-UX.*10\\.01/) { print "oscheck='HP/UX 10.01'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /HP-UX.*10\\.10/) { print "oscheck='HP/UX 10.10'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /HP-UX.*10\\.20/) { print "oscheck='HP/UX 10.20'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /HP-UX.*10\\.30/) { print "oscheck='HP/UX 10.30'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /HP-UX.*11\\./) { print "oscheck='HP/UX 11'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /IRIX.*6\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='SGI Irix 6.0'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /IRIX.*6\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='SGI Irix 6.1'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /IRIX.*6\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='SGI Irix 6.2'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /IRIX.*6\\.3/i) { print "oscheck='SGI Irix 6.3'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /IRIX.*6\\.4/i) { print "oscheck='SGI Irix 6.4'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /IRIX.*6\\.5/i) { print "oscheck='SGI Irix 6.5'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /OSF1.*4\\.0/) { print "oscheck='DEC/Compaq OSF/1 4.0'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /OSF1.*V5.1/) { print "oscheck='DEC/Compaq OSF/1 5.1'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /\\sAIX\\s+2\\s+4\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='IBM AIX 4.2'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /\\sAIX\\s+3\\s+4\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='IBM AIX 4.3'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /\\sAIX\\s+0\\s+5\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='IBM AIX 5.0'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /\\sAIX\\s+1\\s+5\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='IBM AIX 5.1'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /\\sAIX\\s+2\\s+5\\s+/i) { print "oscheck='IBM AIX 5.2'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /SCO_SV.*\\s5\\./i) { print "oscheck='SCO OpenServer 5'\\n"; } if (\`sw_vers 2>/dev/null\` =~ /ProductVersion:\\s+10\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Mac OS X / OS X Server 10.0'\\n"; } if (\`sw_vers 2>/dev/null\` =~ /ProductVersion:\\s+10\\.1/i) { print "oscheck='Mac OS X / OS X Server 10.1'\\n"; } if (\`sw_vers 2>/dev/null\` =~ /ProductVersion:\\s+10\\.2/i) { print "oscheck='Mac OS X / OS X Server 10.2'\\n"; } if (\`sw_vers 2>/dev/null\` =~ /ProductVersion:\\s+10\\.3/i) { print "oscheck='Mac OS X / OS X Server 10.3'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s1\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 1.0'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s1\\.2/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 1.2'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s1\\.3/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 1.3'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s1\\.4/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 1.4'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s5\\.1/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 5.1'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s5\\.2/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 5.2'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s5\\.3/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 5.3'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s5\\.4/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 5.4'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s5\\.5/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 5.5'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s6\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 6.0'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s6\\.1/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 6.1'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s6\\.2/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 6.2'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s6\\.3/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 6.3'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s6\\.4/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 6.4'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s6\\.5/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 6.5'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s6\\.6/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 6.6'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s6\\.7/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 6.7'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s6\\.8/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 6.8'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s7\\.0/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 7.0'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s7\\.1/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 7.1'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s7\\.2/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 7.2'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s7\\.3/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 7.3'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s7\\.4/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 7.4'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /Darwin.*\\s7\\.5/) { print "oscheck='Darwin 7.5'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Java Desktop System.*\\nVERSION = 1\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Sun Java Desktop System 1.0 (Linux)'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Java Desktop System.*\\nVERSION = 2\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Sun Java Desktop System 2.0 (Linux)'\\n"; } if (\`cat /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Java Desktop System.*\\nVERSION = 3\\.0/i) { print "oscheck='Sun Java Desktop System 3.0 (Linux)'\\n"; } if (\$uname =~ /SunOS.*\\s5\\.9\\s/i && \`cat /etc/sun-release 2>/dev/null\` =~ /Sun\\s+Java\\s+Desktop/) { print "oscheck='Sun Java Desktop System 2.0 (Solaris)'\\n"; } EOD . /tmp/.webmin/$$.check rm -f /tmp/.webmin/$$.check if [ ! -r /etc/webmin/config ]; then if [ "$oscheck" = "" ]; then echo Unabled to identify operating system exit 2 fi echo Operating system is $oscheck if [ "$WEBMIN_PORT" != "" ]; then port=$WEBMIN_PORT else port=10000 fi perl -e 'use Socket; socket(FOO, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname("tcp")); setsockopt(FOO, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l", 1)); bind(FOO, pack_sockaddr_in($ARGV[0], INADDR_ANY)) || exit(1); exit(0);' $port if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo Port $port is already in use exit 2 fi fi %post /sbin/chkconfig --add webmin if [ "$1" != 1 ]; then # Upgrading the RPM, so stop the old webmin properly /etc/init.d/webmin stop fi cd /usr/libexec/webmin config_dir=/etc/webmin var_dir=/var/webmin if [ -f $config_dir/config ]; then perl -pi -e 's/lang=ja\n/lang=ja_JP.euc\n/g' $config_dir/config fi perl=/usr/bin/perl autoos=3 if [ "$WEBMIN_PORT" != "" ]; then port=$WEBMIN_PORT else port=10000 fi login=root if [ -r /etc/shadow ]; then #crypt=`grep "^root:" /etc/shadow | cut -f 2 -d :` crypt=x else crypt=`grep "^root:" /etc/passwd | cut -f 2 -d :` fi host=localhost ssl=1 atboot=1 nochown=1 autothird=1 noperlpath=1 nouninstall=1 nostart=1 allow= CONF_LST_LANG=ja_JP.euc export config_dir var_dir perl autoos port login crypt host ssl nochown autothird noperlpath nouninstall nostart allow CONF_LST_LANG ./setup.sh >/tmp/.webmin/webmin-setup.out 2>&1 rm -f /var/lock/subsys/webmin /etc/init.d/webmin start cat >/etc/webmin/uninstall.sh </dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" = 0 ]; then # RPM is being removed, and no new version of webmin # has taken it's place. Run uninstalls and stop the server echo "Running uninstall scripts .." (cd /usr/libexec/webmin ; WEBMIN_CONFIG=/etc/webmin WEBMIN_VAR=/var/webmin LANG= /usr/libexec/webmin/run-uninstalls.pl) /etc/rc.d/init.d/webmin stop /bin/true fi /sbin/chkconfig --del webmin fi %postun if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then grep root=/usr/libexec/webmin /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" = 0 ]; then # RPM is being removed, and no new version of webmin # has taken it's place. Delete the config files rm -rf /etc/webmin /var/webmin fi fi %changelog * Sat Jun 6 2009 Ryoichi INAGAKI 1.470-1 - applied new versioning policy, spec in UTF-8 - updated Patch0 and spec files for Vine Linux 5.0 - updated SOURCE11 * Thu Dec 27 2007 Kazutaka HARADA 1.290-0vl2 - updated Patch0 and spec files for Vine Linux 4.2 - don't redirect messages when start/stop webmin at %%post, %%preun and %%postun. * Sat Sep 16 2006 Ryoichi INAGAKI 1.290-0vl1 - new upstream release - changed Group to Applications/Administration - updated Patch0 and spec files for Vine Linux 4.0 * Fri Jun 23 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI 1.280-0vl1 - new upstream release * Thu Sep 8 2005 Ryoichi INAGAKI 1.180-0vl3 - fixed Patch0 (restart section in /etc/rc.d/init.d/webmin) * Thu Aug 25 2005 Ryoichi INAGAKI 1.180-0vl2 - updated for Vine 3.2 (Patch0, spec file) * Wed Feb 16 2004 Ryoichi INAGAKI 1.180-0vl1 - new upstream release - updated Patch0 for Vine3.1 - s/Copyright/License/ - changed Group: * Tue Feb 25 2003 Daisuke SUZUKI 1.070-0vl1 - new upstream release - [SECURITY FIX] * Wed Oct 30 2002 Daisuke SUZUKI 1.000-1vl7 - change restart behavior in /etc/init.d/webmin. * Wed Oct 30 2002 Daisuke SUZUKI 1.000-1vl6 - fix /etc/init.d/webmin replace webmin root password as real password, when it is null(like root::0). * Sun Oct 27 2002 Daisuke SUZUKI 1.000-1vl5 - add allow= to miniserv.conf - add some configuration check in /etc/init.d/webmin * Sun Oct 27 2002 Daisuke SUZUKI 1.000-1vl4 - fixed security bug. - add adhoc script to replace null root password in miniserv.users with real password. * Tue Oct 08 2002 FUJIOKA Takeyuki 1.000-1vl3 - added some third party module. (netatalk,iptables,ipchains and the patch.) * Mon Oct 07 2002 Daisuke SUZUKI 1.000-1vl2 - fix some patch bug. * Mon Oct 07 2002 Daisuke SUZUKI 1.000-1vl1 - replace lang name (ja -> ja_JP.euc) in config file at %%post script. * Fri Oct 4 2002 FUJIOKA Takeyuki 1.00-0vl0 - updated to 1.00 - added Vine Linux patch (limit default access policy to 'allow=localhost' and SSL.) (Japanese login if LANG=ja_JP.eucJP) ("os_list.txt" to add the dectection of VineLinux) * Sun Mar 31 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji 0.92-0vl3 - added Source12 and Patch7 (netatalk webmin module 0.9) - modified Patch4 for Vine 2.5 and 2.5CR * Sun Mar 03 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji 0.92-0vl2 - stop/start webmin service only if webmin is already running in %%post section * Wed Feb 06 2002 Toru Sagami 0.92-0vl1 - updated to 0.92 and added iptables module - quit replacing quota bind8 sendmail file man modules * Thu Jan 3 2002 Tomoya TAKA 0.91-0vl1 - update to 0.91 - add some updated modules to Webmin 0.91 (cf. http://www.webmin.com/webmin/updates.html) - update ipchains module to 0.83.1 and modify ipchains-Japanese.patch - cleanup spec file * Tue Nov 13 2001 Tomoya TAKA 0.88-0vl3 - remove /etc/webmin/ and /var/webmin/ from %%files * Tue Oct 23 2001 Toru Sagami - 0.88-0vl3: fix for Insecure Temporary File Creation * Sat Sep 15 2001 Toru Sagami - fixed Group s/Application/Applications/ * Thu Sep 13 2001 Toru Sagami - 0.88-0vl1: updated to 0.88 * Fri Sep 07 2001 Toru Sagami - 0.87-0vl3: treatment to use LPRng by default instead of lp * Fri Jul 27 2001 - 0.87-0vl2: webmin starts at 99 and stops at 00 (No reason!) - eliminate noreplace attribute from initscript (NOTE: 'noreplace' may be marked to config file, not to initscript) * Mon Jul 16 2001 - 0.87-0vl1: port to VineSeedPlus from VinePlus/2.1 - two of the patches are slightly modified for 0.87 - slightly modified initscript message * Sat Mar 17 2001 KAJIKI Yoshihiro [0.84-0vl2] - correct ja message of webminlog - security fix on postinstall.sh * Mon Feb 26 2001 KAJIKI Yoshihiro [0.84-0vl1] - update to 0.84 based on the Mandrake 0.84-1mdk - add requires Net::SSLeay - split add-ja-info.sh from Japanese patch * Tue Sep 19 2000 KAJIKI Yoshihiro - update Japanese resource to match with webmin-0.81 - set several access control as default for security * Thu Sep 14 2000 KAJIKI Yoshihiro - change default protocol to SSL, if Net::SSLeay is found - update to webmin-0.81 * Mon Sep 4 2000 KAJIKI Yoshihiro - update Japanese resource (almost compleated except help) * Thu Aug 30 2000 KAJIKI Yoshihiro - update Japanese resource (not compleated yet) - correct default script position of ipchains * Mon Aug 28 2000 KAJIKI Yoshihiro - update Japanese resource (not compleated yet) - correct default language bug - add ipchains module * Thu Aug 24 2000 KAJIKI Yoshihiro - update Japanese resource (not compleated yet) - limit default access policy to 'allow=' * Mon Aug 21 2000 KAJIKI Yoshihiro - add Japanese resource (not compleated) - add a vine specific patch and remove mdk specific patches - add an ad hoc patch against requiring /usr/local/bin/perl - rebuild for Vine Linux * Wed Jul 19 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau 0.80-6mdk - BM * Tue Jun 20 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau 0.80-5mdk - now uses 0.80 final of Webmin * Wed May 24 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau 0.80-4mdk - more bugfixes in postfix module, after bugreports by Charles * Sat May 20 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau 0.80-3mdk - small bugfix in postfix module * Thu May 18 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau 0.80-2mdk - patched "os_list.txt" to add the dectection of Linux Mandrake Corporate Server 1.0 and Linux Mandrake 7.1 - patched the post-install script which said "Mandrake 7.0" all the time if Webmin was installed during system install * Fri May 5 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau 0.80-1mdk - upgrade to 0.80 beta with the kind help of Jamie, because of incompatibility between 0.79 and perl 5.6 * Wed May 3 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau 0.79-5mdk - updated postfix-mdkmodule so that it tests if postfix is running in a more portable way [uses kill -0 ] - updated install style so that it adds to the runlevel information at install time; thus it's okay now to select/deselect it in DrakX * Thu Apr 20 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau 0.79-4mdk - fixed the hang of post install at boot time [grr] * Wed Apr 19 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau 0.79-3mdk - fixed very bad security issue concerning exec of script during install - added small executable to tell people that they have to connect through their web browser * Mon Apr 17 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau 0.79-2mdk - fixed missing LICENCE file * Fri Apr 14 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau 0.79-1mdk - 0.79 - updated postfix-mdkmodule with bugfixes and other stuff - mdkicons now have a copyright * Thu Apr 6 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau 0.78-2mdk - Updated Mandrake Icons - Updated `PreRequires', and fixed the problem of /etc/issue, in order to not fail in install * Mon Mar 27 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau 0.78-1mdk - Mandrake Icons * Fri Mar 17 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau 0.78-0.4mdk - v0.78 - Postfix Module - cleanup and debug of specfile with help of Chmouel :-) * Thu Feb 10 2000 Lenny Cartier - v0.77 - used srpm provided by Vincent Danen * Tue Feb 8 2000 Vincent Danen - 0.77 - updated specfile based on the webmin source RPM (newly released, nice changes!) - included the 0.73 ocstheme again (does anyone know of an update to this?) * Thu Jan 13 2000 Vincent Danen - 0.76 * Wed Dec 08 1999 Lenny Cartier - new in contribs - used srpm provided by Vincent Danen * Sun Dec 5 1999 Vincent Danen - built specfile for Mandrake contribs - based loosely on Leon Breedt's SRPM for 0.73 - webmin-install.sh is now a source package, not built from patch - bzip sources