Name: cyrus-imapd Version: 2.4.17 Release: 1%{?_dist_release} %define ssl_pem_file %{_sysconfdir}/pki/%{name}/%{name}.pem # uid/gid reserved, see setup:/usr/share/doc/setup*/uidgid %define uid 76 %define gid 76 %define _cyrususer cyrus %define _cyrusgroup mail %define _cyrexecdir %{_exec_prefix}/lib/%{name} Summary: A high-performance mail server with IMAP, POP3, NNTP and SIEVE support Summary(ja): IMAP, POP3, NNTP, SIEVE をサポートする高パフォーマンスのメールサーバ License: BSD Group: System Environment/Daemons URL: Source0:{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Source1: cyrus-imapd.logrotate Source2: cyrus-imapd.imap-2.3.x-conf Source3: cyrus-imapd.pam-config Source7: cyrus-imapd.sysconfig Source8: cyrus-imapd.cvt_cyrusdb_all Source9: cyrus-imapd.magic Source10: cyrus-imapd.cron-daily Source11: README.rpm # Vine # init.d support Source100: cyrus-imapd.init Source101: cyrus-imapd.db.cfg Patch3: Patch4: cyrus-imapd-2.3.1-authid_normalize.patch # fedora/rhel specific, find current db lib, rhbz#461875 Patch6: cyrus-imapd-2.3.12p2-current-db.patch # for c-i <= 2.4.12 Patch8: cyrus-imapd-2.4.12-debugopt.patch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root BuildRequires: autoconf BuildRequires: cyrus-sasl-devel BuildRequires: perl BuildRequires: tcp_wrappers BuildRequires: libdb-devel BuildRequires: openssl-devel BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: flex BuildRequires: bison BuildRequires: groff BuildRequires: automake BuildRequires: openldap-devel BuildRequires: krb5-devel BuildRequires: net-snmp-devel BuildRequires: transfig BuildRequires: ghostscript BuildRequires: rpm-devel Requires: %{name}-utils = %{version}-%{release} Requires: file, libdb-utils Requires(pre): coreutils shadow-utils /sbin/service Requires(post): e2fsprogs perl grep coreutils findutils /sbin/chkconfig Requires(postun): shadow-utils grep /sbin/service Requires(preun): /sbin/service /sbin/chkconfig Vendor: Project Vine Distribution: Vine Linux %{?perl_default_filter} %description The %{name} package contains the core of the Cyrus IMAP server. It is a scaleable enterprise mail system designed for use from small to large enterprise environments using standards-based internet mail technologies. A full Cyrus IMAP implementation allows a seamless mail and bulletin board environment to be set up across multiple servers. It differs from other IMAP server implementations in that it is run on "sealed" servers, where users are not normally permitted to log in and have no system account on the server. The mailbox database is stored in parts of the file system that are private to the Cyrus IMAP server. All user access to mail is through software using the IMAP, POP3 or KPOP protocols. It also includes support for virtual domains, NNTP, mailbox annotations, and much more. The private mailbox database design gives the server large advantages in efficiency, scalability and administratability. Multiple concurrent read/write connections to the same mailbox are permitted. The server supports access control lists on mailboxes and storage quotas on mailbox hierarchies. The Cyrus IMAP server supports the IMAP4rev1 protocol described in RFC 3501. IMAP4rev1 has been approved as a proposed standard. It supports any authentication mechanism available from the SASL library, imaps/pop3s/nntps (IMAP/POP3/NNTP encrypted using SSL and TLSv1) can be used for security. The server supports single instance store where possible when an email message is addressed to multiple recipients, SIEVE provides server side email filtering. %description -l ja Cyrus-IMAP サーバは基本的な技術を用い、小規模から大規模なエンタープライズ用途 で利用できるよう設計された、スケーラブルなメールシステムです。 Cyrus-IMAP の実装は複数のサーバに渡り、シームレスなメールおよび掲示板システムを 提供します。他の IMAP サーバと異なり、本サーバは通常はログインが許されない ユーザ権限の下で閉じたサーバとして働きます。メールボックスデータベースは Cyrus-IMAP システムのプライベートファイルとして保存されます。全てのユーザは IMAP, POP3, KPOP プロトコルを通してのみメールにアクセスできます。セキュリティ のために TLSv1 と SSL をサポートしています。 %package murder Summary: Cyrus IMAP server murder aggregator system files. Group: System Environment/Daemons Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description murder The %{name}-murder package contains the Cyrus murder aggregator system, i.e. IMAP, POP3 and LMTP proxies, and the mupdate mailbox master daemon. It allows for cluster setups where there are many backend Cyrus spools and frontend proxy servers. %package nntp Summary: Cyrus IMAP server NNTP system files. Group: System Environment/Daemons Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description nntp The %{name}-nntp package contains the Cyrus NNTP server component. Cyrus has the ability to export Usenet via IMAP and/or export shared IMAP mailboxes via NNTP. This is made possible by a new NNTP daemon which is included with Cyrus. %package devel Summary: Cyrus IMAP server development files. Summary(ja): Cyrus IMAP サーバーの開発用ファイル Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description devel The %{name}-devel package contains header files and libraries necessary for developing applications which use the imclient library. %package -n perl-Cyrus Summary: Cyrus IMAP server utility Perl modules. Group: Development/Libraries Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version)) %description -n perl-Cyrus The perl-Cyrus package contains Perl modules necessary to use the Cyrus IMAP server administration utilities. %package utils Group: Applications/System Summary: Cyrus IMAP server administration utilities. Requires: perl-Cyrus = %{version}-%{release} Requires(pre): shadow-utils Requires(post): grep, coreutils, make, openssl Requires(postun): shadow-utils %description utils The %{name}-utils package contains administrative tools for the Cyrus IMAP server. It can be installed on systems other than the one running the server. %prep %setup -q %patch3 -p1 -b .flock %patch4 -p1 -b .authid_normalize %patch6 -p1 -b .libdb %patch8 -p1 -b .debugopt install -m 644 %{SOURCE11} doc/ # only to update config.* files automake -a -f -c || : aclocal -I cmulocal autoheader autoconf -f # Modify docs master --> cyrus-master %{__perl} -pi -e "s@master\(8\)@cyrus-master(8)@" man/*5 man/*8 lib/imapoptions sed -i -e 's|\([^-]\)master|\1cyrus-master|g;s|^master|cyrus-master|g;s|Master|Cyrus-master|g;s|MASTER|CYRUS-MASTER|g' \ man/master.8 doc/man.html # Modify path in perl scripts find . -type f -name "*.pl" | xargs %{__perl} -pi -e "s@/usr/local/bin/perl@%{__perl}@" # modify lmtp socket path in .conf files %{__perl} -pi -e "s@/var/imap/@%{_var}/lib/imap/@" master/conf/*.conf doc/ # enable idled in .conf files to prevent error messages %{__perl} -pi -e "s/# idled/ idled/" master/conf/*.conf # Fix permissions on perl programs find . -type f -name "*.pl" -exec chmod 755 {} \; %build %global _hardened_build 1 CPPFLAGS="%{optflags} -I%{_includedir}/et -I%{_includedir}/krb5 -fno-strict-aliasing -fPIC"; export CPPFLAGS CFLAGS="%{optflags} -fno-strict-aliasing -fPIC"; export CFLAGS CCDLFLAGS="-rdynamic"; export CCDLFLAGS LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,relro" %ifnarch ppc ppc64 LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -pie"; export LDFLAGS %endif %configure \ --enable-netscapehack \ --enable-idled \ --with-ldap=/usr \ --with-snmp \ --enable-murder \ --enable-replication \ --enable-nntp \ --with-perl=%{__perl} \ --with-cyrus-prefix=%{_cyrexecdir} \ --with-service-path=%{_cyrexecdir} \ --with-bdb-incdir=%{_includedir}/libdb \ --with-extraident="Vine-RPM-%{version}-%{release}" \ --with-syslogfacility=MAIL \ --with-krbimpl=mit # --enable-listext \ make -C man -f Makefile.dist make -C doc -f Makefile.dist make LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -pie" make -C notifyd notifytest %install [ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ] && %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} # This is needed to install the perl files correctly pushd perl/imap %{__perl} Makefile.PL PREFIX=%{buildroot}%{_prefix} INSTALLDIRS=vendor popd pushd perl/sieve/managesieve %{__perl} Makefile.PL PREFIX=%{buildroot}%{_prefix} INSTALLDIRS=vendor popd # Do what the regular make install does make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} PREFIX=%{_prefix} mandir=%{_mandir} make -C man install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} PREFIX=%{_prefix} mandir=%{_mandir} install -m 755 imtest/imtest %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ install -m 755 notifyd/notifytest %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ install -m 755 perl/imap/cyradm %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ # Install tools for tool in tools/* ; do test -f ${tool} && install -m 755 ${tool} %{buildroot}%{_cyrexecdir}/ done # Create directories %{__install} -d \ %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/{rc.d/init.d,logrotate.d,pam.d,sysconfig,cron.daily} \ %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/sasl \ %{buildroot}%{_var}/spool/imap \ %{buildroot}%{_var}/lib/imap/{user,quota,proc,log,msg,socket,db,sieve,sync,md5,rpm,backup,meta} \ %{buildroot}%{_var}/lib/imap/ptclient \ %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/rpm \ %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pki/%{name} \ doc/contrib # Install additional files install -m 755 %{SOURCE8} %{buildroot}%{_cyrexecdir}/cvt_cyrusdb_all install -m 644 %{SOURCE9} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/rpm/magic install -p -m 644 master/conf/prefork.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/cyrus.conf install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/imapd.conf install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/pop install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/imap install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/sieve install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/mupdate install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/lmtp install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/nntp install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/csync install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name} install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE7} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{name} install -p -m 755 %{SOURCE10} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/cron.daily/%{name} %{__install} -m 755 %{SOURCE100} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/%{name} %{__sed} -i -e 's,__LIB__,/usr/lib,g' %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/%{name} #install -p -D -m 644 %{SOURCE12} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/cyrus-imapd.service #install -p -D -m 755 %{SOURCE13} %{buildroot}%{_cyrexecdir}/cyr_systemd_helper %{__install} -m 644 %{SOURCE101} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/rpm/db.cfg # Cleanup of doc dir find doc perl -name CVS -type d -prune -exec rm -rf {} \; find doc perl -name .cvsignore -type f -exec rm -f {} \; rm -f doc/Makefile.dist* rm -f doc/text/htmlstrip.c rm -f doc/text/Makefile rm -rf doc/man # fix permissions on perl .so files find %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/perl5/ -type f -name "*.so" -exec chmod 755 {} \; # fix conflicts with uw-imap mv %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/imapd.8 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/imapd.8cyrus mv %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/pop3d.8 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/pop3d.8cyrus # Install templates install -m 755 -d doc/conf install -m 644 master/conf/*.conf doc/conf/ # Generate db config file #( grep '^{' lib/imapoptions | grep _db | cut -d'"' -f 2,4 | \ # sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/-nosync//' -e 's/ *$//' -e 's/"/=/' # echo sieve_version=2.2.3 ) | sort > %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/rpm/db.cfg # create the ghost pem file touch %{buildroot}%{ssl_pem_file} # Rename 'master' binary and manpage to avoid crash with postfix mv -f %{buildroot}%{_cyrexecdir}/master %{buildroot}%{_cyrexecdir}/cyrus-master mv -f %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/master.8 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/cyrus-master.8 # Rename 'fetchnews' binary and manpage to avoid clash with leafnode mv -f %{buildroot}%{_cyrexecdir}/fetchnews %{buildroot}%{_cyrexecdir}/cyrfetchnews mv -f %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/fetchnews.8 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/cyrfetchnews.8 %{__perl} -pi -e 's|fetchnews|cyrfetchnews|g;s|Fetchnews|Cyrfetchnews|g;s/FETCHNEWS/CYRFETCHNEWS/g' \ %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/cyrfetchnews.8 #remove executable bit from docs for ddir in doc perl/imap/examples do find $ddir -type f -exec chmod -x {} \; done # Remove installed but not packaged files rm -f %{buildroot}%{_cyrexecdir}/not-mkdep rm -f %{buildroot}%{_cyrexecdir}/config2header* rm -f %{buildroot}%{_cyrexecdir}/config2man rm -f %{buildroot}%{_cyrexecdir}/pop3proxyd find %{buildroot} -name "perllocal.pod" -exec rm -f {} \; find %{buildroot} -name ".packlist" -exec rm -f {} \; rm -f %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/syncnews.8* find %{buildroot}%{perl_vendorarch} -name "*.bs" -exec rm -f {} \; %clean [ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ] && %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %pre # Create 'cyrus' user on target host getent group saslauth >/dev/null || /usr/sbin/groupadd -g %{gid} -r saslauth getent passwd cyrus >/dev/null || /usr/sbin/useradd -c "Cyrus IMAP Server" -d %{_var}/lib/imap -g %{_cyrusgroup} \ -G saslauth -s /sbin/nologin -u %{uid} -r %{_cyrususer} # Let postun know whether cyrus-imapd was running if [ -e /var/lock/subsys/cyrus-imapd ]; then /sbin/service %{name} stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || : touch /var/lock/subsys/cyrus-imapd fi %post /sbin/chkconfig --add %{name} # Force synchronous updates, usually only on ext2 filesystems for i in %{_var}/lib/imap/{user,quota} %{_var}/spool/imap do if [ "$(find $i -maxdepth 0 -printf %%F)" = "ext2" ]; then chattr -R +S $i 2>/dev/null ||: fi done if [ ! -f %{ssl_pem_file} ]; then pushd %{_sysconfdir}/pki/tls/certs umask 077 cat << EOF | make %{name}.pem -- SomeState SomeCity SomeOrganization SomeOrganizationalUnit localhost.localdomain root@localhost.localdomain EOF chown root.%{_cyrusgroup} %{name}.pem chmod 640 %{name}.pem mv %{name}.pem %{ssl_pem_file} popd fi # Add service entries if necessary if ! %{__grep} -q ^lmtp %{_sysconfdir}/services; then echo -e 'lmtp\t\t24/tcp\t\t\t\t# LMTP Mail Delivery over TCP' >> %{_sysconfdir}/services echo -e 'lmtp\t\t24/udp\t\t\t\t# LMTP Mail Delivery over TCP' >> %{_sysconfdir}/services fi if ! %{__grep} -q ^nntps %{_sysconfdir}/services; then echo -e 'nntps\t\t563/tcp\t\t\t\t# NNTP over SSL' >> %{_sysconfdir}/services echo -e 'nntps\t\t563/udp\t\t\t\t# NNTP over SSL' >> %{_sysconfdir}/services fi if ! %{__grep} -q ^pop3s %{_sysconfdir}/services; then echo -e 'pop3s\t\t995/tcp\t\t\t\t# POP-3 over SSL' >> %{_sysconfdir}/services echo -e 'pop3s\t\t995/udp\t\t\t\t# POP-3 over SSL' >> %{_sysconfdir}/services fi if ! %{__grep} -q ^imaps %{_sysconfdir}/services; then echo -e 'imaps\t\t993/tcp\t\t\t\t# IMAP over SSL' >> %{_sysconfdir}/services echo -e 'imaps\t\t993/udp\t\t\t\t# IMAP over SSL' >> %{_sysconfdir}/services fi if ! %{__grep} -q ^sieve %{_sysconfdir}/services; then echo -e 'sieve\t\t2000/tcp\t\t\t# Sieve Mail Filter Daemon' >> %{_sysconfdir}/services echo -e 'sieve\t\t2000/udp\t\t\t# Sieve Mail Filter Daemon' >> %{_sysconfdir}/services fi if ! %{__grep} -q ^fud %{_sysconfdir}/services; then echo -e 'fud\t\t4201/udp\t\t\t# Cyrus IMAP FUD Daemon' >> %{_sysconfdir}/services fi # "ctl_deliver -E" is deprecated, now is "cyr_expire -E" if grep -q "ctl_deliver *-E" %{_sysconfdir}/cyrus.conf ; then %{__perl} -pi -e "s/ctl_deliver *-E/cyr_expire -E/" %{_sysconfdir}/cyrus.conf fi %preun if [ $1 = 0 ]; then /sbin/service %{name} stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || : /sbin/chkconfig --del %{name} %{__rm} -f %{_vardata}/socket/lmtp 2> /dev/null fi %postun if [ $1 = 0 ]; then /usr/sbin/userdel %{_cyrususer} 2> /dev/null || : if [ "$(%{__grep} ^%{_saslgroup}: %{_sysconfdir}/group | cut -d: -f4-)" = "" ]; then /usr/sbin/groupdel %{_saslgroup} 2> /dev/null || : fi else /sbin/service %{name} condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1 || : fi %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc COPYRIGHT README %doc doc/* %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/cyrus.conf %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/imapd.conf %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name} %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{name} %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/pop %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/imap %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/sieve %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/lmtp %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/csync %{_sysconfdir}/cron.daily/%{name} %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/%{name} #{_unitdir}/cyrus-imapd.service %dir %{_cyrexecdir} #{_cyrexecdir}/cyr_systemd_helper %{_cyrexecdir}/arbitron %{_cyrexecdir}/ %{_cyrexecdir}/chk_cyrus %{_cyrexecdir}/ %{_cyrexecdir}/cyr_df %{_cyrexecdir}/ctl_cyrusdb %{_cyrexecdir}/ctl_deliver %{_cyrexecdir}/ctl_mboxlist %{_cyrexecdir}/cvt_cyrusdb %{_cyrexecdir}/cyr_dbtool %{_cyrexecdir}/cyr_expire %{_cyrexecdir}/cyr_sequence %{_cyrexecdir}/cyr_synclog %{_cyrexecdir}/cyr_userseen %{_cyrexecdir}/cyrdump %{_cyrexecdir}/cyrus-master %{_cyrexecdir}/deliver %{_cyrexecdir}/dohash %{_cyrexecdir}/fud %{_cyrexecdir}/imapd %{_cyrexecdir}/ipurge %{_cyrexecdir}/lmtpd %{_cyrexecdir}/masssievec %{_cyrexecdir}/mbexamine %{_cyrexecdir}/mbpath %{_cyrexecdir}/migrate-metadata %{_cyrexecdir}/mkimap %{_cyrexecdir}/mknewsgroups %{_cyrexecdir}/ %{_cyrexecdir}/notifyd %{_cyrexecdir}/pop3d %{_cyrexecdir}/quota %{_cyrexecdir}/reconstruct %{_cyrexecdir}/rehash %{_cyrexecdir}/sievec %{_cyrexecdir}/sieved %{_cyrexecdir}/smmapd %{_cyrexecdir}/squatter %{_cyrexecdir}/timsieved %{_cyrexecdir}/tls_prune %{_cyrexecdir}/translatesieve %{_cyrexecdir}/undohash %{_cyrexecdir}/unexpunge %{_cyrexecdir}/upgradesieve %{_cyrexecdir}/cvt_cyrusdb_all %{_cyrexecdir}/idled %{_cyrexecdir}/sync_client %{_cyrexecdir}/sync_reset %{_cyrexecdir}/sync_server %{_cyrexecdir}/ptdump %{_cyrexecdir}/ptexpire %{_cyrexecdir}/ptloader %attr(0750,%{_cyrususer},%{_cyrusgroup}) %dir %{_var}/lib/imap %attr(0700,%{_cyrususer},%{_cyrusgroup}) %dir %{_var}/lib/imap/backup %attr(0700,%{_cyrususer},%{_cyrusgroup}) %dir %{_var}/lib/imap/db %attr(0700,%{_cyrususer},%{_cyrusgroup}) %dir %{_var}/lib/imap/log %attr(0700,%{_cyrususer},%{_cyrusgroup}) %dir %{_var}/lib/imap/meta %attr(0700,%{_cyrususer},%{_cyrusgroup}) %dir %{_var}/lib/imap/md5 %attr(0700,%{_cyrususer},%{_cyrusgroup}) %dir %{_var}/lib/imap/msg %attr(0700,%{_cyrususer},%{_cyrusgroup}) %{_var}/lib/imap/proc %attr(0700,%{_cyrususer},%{_cyrusgroup}) %{_var}/lib/imap/ptclient %attr(0700,%{_cyrususer},%{_cyrusgroup}) %dir %{_var}/lib/imap/quota %attr(0700,%{_cyrususer},%{_cyrusgroup}) %dir %{_var}/lib/imap/rpm %attr(0700,%{_cyrususer},%{_cyrusgroup}) %dir %{_var}/lib/imap/sieve %attr(0750,%{_cyrususer},%{_cyrusgroup}) %{_var}/lib/imap/socket %attr(0700,%{_cyrususer},%{_cyrusgroup}) %dir %{_var}/lib/imap/sync %attr(0700,%{_cyrususer},%{_cyrusgroup}) %dir %{_var}/lib/imap/user %attr(0700,%{_cyrususer},%{_cyrusgroup}) %dir %{_var}/spool/imap %dir %{_datadir}/%{name} %dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/rpm %{_datadir}/%{name}/rpm/* %{_mandir}/man5/* %{_mandir}/man8/* %dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/%{name} %attr(0640,root,%{_cyrusgroup}) %ghost %config(missingok,noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{ssl_pem_file} %files murder %defattr(-,root,root,-) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/mupdate %{_cyrexecdir}/lmtpproxyd %{_cyrexecdir}/mupdate %{_cyrexecdir}/proxyd %files nntp %defattr(-,root,root,-) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/nntp %{_cyrexecdir}/cyrfetchnews %{_cyrexecdir}/nntpd %files devel %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %doc COPYRIGHT %{_includedir}/cyrus %{_libdir}/lib*.a %{_mandir}/man3/imclient.3* %files -n perl-Cyrus #-f perl-Cyrus-%{version}-filelist %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{perl_vendorarch}/Cyrus %dir %{perl_vendorarch}/Cyrus/IMAP %{perl_vendorarch}/Cyrus/IMAP/ %{perl_vendorarch}/Cyrus/IMAP/ %{perl_vendorarch}/Cyrus/IMAP/ %{perl_vendorarch}/Cyrus/ %dir %{perl_vendorarch}/Cyrus/SIEVE %{perl_vendorarch}/Cyrus/SIEVE/ %dir %{perl_vendorarch}/auto %dir %{perl_vendorarch}/auto/Cyrus %dir %{perl_vendorarch}/auto/Cyrus/IMAP %{perl_vendorarch}/auto/Cyrus/IMAP/ %dir %{perl_vendorarch}/auto/Cyrus/SIEVE %dir %{perl_vendorarch}/auto/Cyrus/SIEVE/managesieve %{perl_vendorarch}/auto/Cyrus/SIEVE/managesieve/ %{_mandir}/man3/Cyrus::IMAP::Admin.3pm.gz %{_mandir}/man3/Cyrus::IMAP::Shell.3pm.gz %{_mandir}/man3/Cyrus::IMAP.3pm.gz %{_mandir}/man3/Cyrus::IMAP::IMSP.3pm.gz %{_mandir}/man3/Cyrus::SIEVE::managesieve.3pm.gz %doc perl/imap/README %doc perl/imap/Changes %doc perl/imap/examples %files utils %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc COPYRIGHT %{_bindir}/* %{_mandir}/man1/* %changelog * Wed Dec 24 2014 Ryoichi INAGAKI 2.4.17-1 - updated to 2.4.17 - spec revamped based on CentOS package (2.4.17-7.el7) - updated URL - updated Source100 and 101 * Sat Oct 13 2012 Satoshi IWAMOTO 2.2.13p1-12 - fix init script "LIB" dir ( - add Vendor/Distri Tags - add smp flags into make section * Thu Mar 22 2012 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji - 2.2.13p1-11 - update Patch52 (to link with db4-4.8.x) * Wed Jan 11 2012 Ryoichi INAGAKI 2.2.13p1-10 - added Patch104 for CVE-2011-3481 * Wed Oct 12 2011 Ryoichi INAGAKI 2.2.13p1-9 - added Patch101 for CVE-2011-3208 - added Patch102 for CVE-2011-1926 - added Patch103 for SA46093 - define %%{_cyrexecdir} to %%{_execdir}/lib/cyrus-imapd (for x86_64) * Tue Mar 22 2011 Ryoichi INAGAKI 2.2.13p1-8 - rebuild with krb5-libs-1.8.2 and openssl-1.0.0d * Sun Feb 06 2011 Yoji TOYODA 2.2.13p1-7 - rebuild with openssl-1.0.0c * Tue Sep 7 2010 IWAI, Masaharu 2.2.13p1-6 - fix libdir path in init script for x86_64 arch: - update sed oneliner in install section * Sat Apr 24 2010 Ryoichi INAGAKI 2.2.13p1-5 - use Requires(pre,post,postun,preun) instead of Prereq * Thu Nov 5 2009 Ryoichi INAGAKI 2.2.13p1-4 - added --disable-gssapi for vl4, vl5 * Sun Oct 11 2009 Ryoichi INAGAKI 2.2.13p1-3 - added Patch100 from Bugzilla * Sat Sep 26 2009 Ryoichi INAGAKI 2.2.13p1-2 - fixed for updated Source13 to convert db correctly at cyrus-imapd upgrade added PreReq: db4-utils, file * Fri Sep 18 2009 Ryoichi INAGAKI 2.2.13p1-1 - new upstream release, including security fix for CVE-2009-2632 - dropped Patch50 merged into upstream * Sun May 3 2009 Ryoichi INAGAKI 2.2.12-2 - run aclocal, autoconf on %%prep section * Sun Sep 21 2008 Ryoichi INAGAKI 2.2.12-1 - applied new versioning policy - spec in UTF-8 - rebuilt with perl-5.10.0 - added Patch52 for compiling with db4-4.6 - perl-Cyrus files were installed to vendor_perl dir * Mon Feb 4 2008 Shu KONNO 2.2.12-0vl3 - added cyrus-imapd-2.2.12-config.patch (for x86_64) * Sun Jun 3 2007 Ryoichi INAGAKI 2.2.12-0vl2 - rebuilt with new toolchain * Thu Sep 14 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI 2.2.12-0vl1 - update to upstream rpm packages. (some fixes are imported from RHEL) - drop OLD&NOTMAINTAINED vine package. * Sat Apr 23 2005 John Dennis - 2.2.12-3.RHEL4.1 - bring up to 2.2.12, includes security fix for CAN-2005-0546 Note: the upstream delta between is 2.2.10 (prior RHEL-4 version) and 2.2.12 is only the application of the security fixes in CAN-2005-0546. Thus the 2.2.10 --> 2.2.12 version change is not really a version change in the traditional sense, but rather is equivalent to backporting the CAN-2005-0546 fixes into 2.2.10. No other aspects of 2.2.10 RHEL-4 spec file have changed, patches and build options are identical. Since bringing the base tar file up to 2.2.12 from 2.2.10 is equivalent to backporting the fixes into 2.2.10 it would be disingenuous and mileading to call this version of the rpm 2.2.10 with backported fixes as might be the requirement for RHEL. * Wed Apr 20 2005 John Dennis - 2.2.10-2.RHEL4.1 - patch to allow building with gcc4 which is more strict * Wed Nov 24 2004 John Dennis 2.2.10-1.RHEL4.1 - update to Simon Matter's 2.2.10 RPM, fixes bug #139382, security advisories: CAN-2004-1011 CAN-2004-1012 CAN-2004-1013 CAN-2004-1015 * Tue Nov 24 2004 Simon Matter - updated to 2.2.10 * Tue Nov 23 2004 Simon Matter - updated to 2.2.9 * Fri Nov 19 2004 Simon Matter - changed scripts to use runuser instead of su if available * Thu Nov 18 2004 Simon Matter - changed requirement for file >= 3.35-1 from BuildPrereq to Requires, fixes RedHat's bug #124991 - added acceptinvalidfrom patch to fix RedHat's bug #137705 * Mon Oct 4 2004 Dan Walsh 2.2.6-2.FC3.6 - Change cyrus init scripts and cron job to use runuser instead of su * Fri Aug 6 2004 John Dennis 2.2.6-2.FC3.5 - remove obsoletes tag, fixes bugs #127448, #129274 * Wed Aug 4 2004 John Dennis - replace commas in release field with dots, bump build number * Tue Aug 03 2004 Simon Matter - fixed symlinks for x86_64, now uses the _libdir macro reported by John Dennis, fixes RedHat's bug #128964 - removed obsoletes tag, fixes RedHat's bugs #127448, #129274 * Mon Aug 2 2004 John Dennis 2.2.6-2,FC3,3 - fix bug #128964, lib symlinks wrong on x86_64 * Thu Jul 29 2004 Simon Matter - updated to 2.2.8 * Thu Jul 29 2004 Simon Matter - updated autocreate and autosieve patches - made authorization a compile time option - added sieve-bc_eval patch * Tue Jul 27 2004 Simon Matter - updated to 2.2.7 - modified autocreate patch or 2.2.7 - removed snmpargs patch which was needed for RedHat 6.2 * Tue Jul 13 2004 Simon Matter - added mboxlist / mboxname patches from CVS * Tue Jul 06 2004 Simon Matter - updated rmquota+deletemailbox patch * Sat Jul 3 2004 John Dennis - 2.2.6-2,FC3,1 - bring up to date with Simon Matter's latest upstream rpm 2.2.6-2 - comment out illegal tags Packager, Vendor, Distribution build for FC3 * Wed Jun 30 2004 Simon Matter - added quota patches from CVS * Fri Jun 25 2004 Simon Matter - updated autocreate patch * Fri Jun 18 2004 Simon Matter - updated to 2.2.6 * Fri Jun 11 2004 Simon Matter - updated autocreate and autosieve patches * Tue Jun 01 2004 Simon Matter - updated autocreate, autosieve and rmquota patches - fixed rmquota patch to build on gcc v3.3.x - added lmtp_sieve patch * Sat May 29 2004 Simon Matter - updated to 2.2.5 * Fri May 28 2004 Simon Matter - updated to 2.2.5 pre-release * Mon May 24 2004 Simon Matter - added hash patch to fix a sig11 problem - added noncritical typo patch * Fri May 21 2004 Simon Matter - include OutlookExpress seenstate patch - fixed allnumeric patch * Thu May 20 2004 Simon Matter - don't enable cyrus-imapd per default - rename fetchnews to cyrfetchnews to avoid namespace conflicts with leafnode - replace fetchnews with cyrfetchnews in man pages - replace master with cyrus-master in man pages * Tue May 18 2004 Simon Matter - updated to 2.2.4 * Fri Apr 30 2004 Simon Matter - Don't provides: imap * Wed Mar 17 2004 Simon Matter - fix init script * Thu Mar 04 2004 Simon Matter - strip binaries * Tue Mar 02 2004 Simon Matter - add more SELinux fixes * Wed Feb 25 2004 Simon Matter - add makedepend to path, thank you Andreas Piesk for reporting it * Mon Feb 23 2004 Dan Walsh - change su within init script to get input from /dev/null this prevents hang when running in SELinux - don't use -fpie as default, it breaks different distributions * Thu Feb 19 2004 Simon Matter - merged in most changes from Karsten Hopp's RedHat package - fixed permissions of files in contrib, thank you Edward Rudd for reporting it. - modified snmp patch to make it build on RedHat 6.2 again * Tue Feb 03 2004 Karsten Hopp - switch to Simon Matter's cyrus-imapd package, which has some major improvements over the old Red Hat package. - configdirectory moved from /var/imap to /var/lib/imap - sasl_pwcheck_method changed to saslauthd - needed to delete package/vendor tags for buildsystem. - added USEPIE variable for linking with -fpie flag - removed rpath from linker arguments - removed email header from README.HOWTO-recover-mailboxes - added lib64 patch - use CFLAGS from specfile in imtest subdir - disable -pie on ppc for now * Tue Feb 03 2004 Simon Matter - added tls_ca_file: to imapd.conf - updated autocreate patch which fixes a small sig11 problem * Thu Jan 29 2004 Simon Matter - convert sieve scripts to UTF-8 only if sievec failed before - add note to the readme about limiting loggin on busy servers - added build time option to chose the syslog facility * Wed Jan 28 2004 Simon Matter - sieve scripts are now converted to UTF-8 with cvt_cyrusdb_all * Tue Jan 27 2004 Simon Matter - fixed problems with masssievec - lots of small fixes in the init scripts * Fri Jan 23 2004 Simon Matter - updated auto db converting functionality - added auto masssievec functionality * Thu Jan 22 2004 Simon Matter - updated autocreate/autosievefolder patches * Fri Jan 16 2004 Simon Matter - updated to 2.2.3 * Wed Jan 14 2004 Simon Matter - number of mailbox list dumps can now be configured * Fri Jan 01 2004 Simon Matter - updated autosievefolder patch * Thu Dec 18 2003 Simon Matter - updated autocreate/autosievefolder/rmquota patches * Tue Oct 28 2003 Simon Matter - updated to 2.2.2-BETA * Tue Aug 05 2003 Simon Matter - add sendmail m4 macro, some people were looking for it - just one source for pam default configuration (they were all the same) - added /etc/pam.d/lmtp - added build support for RedHat Beta severn * Wed Jul 30 2003 Simon Matter - updated autocreate patch to 0.8.1 - removed creation of spool/config dirs, not needed anymore - added cyrus_sharedbackup to contrib * Fri Jul 18 2003 Simon Matter - modified for 2.2.1-BETA * Wed Jul 09 2003 Simon Matter - modified rpm_set_permissions script * Mon Jul 07 2003 Simon Matter - changed permissions on config and spool dirs - modified init script * Thu Jul 03 2003 Simon Matter - upgraded to 2.1.14 - removed now obsolete forcedowncase patch - use --with-extraident to add extra version information - updated munge8bit patch * Wed Jun 04 2003 Simon Matter - added RedHat 2.1ES support to the perlhack detection * Tue May 20 2003 Simon Matter - upgraded autocreate patch * Fri May 09 2003 Simon Matter - upgraded autocreate patch - modified init script * Mon May 05 2003 Simon Matter - upgraded to 2.1.13 - replaced commands with macros, cleaned up spec file * Fri May 02 2003 Simon Matter - added murder subpackage - changed exec path to /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd * Thu May 01 2003 Simon Matter - included modified munge8bit patch again * Tue Apr 29 2003 Simon Matter - added new 8bit header patch - upgraded IPv6 patch - upgraded autocreate patch to 0.7 * Mon Apr 28 2003 Simon Matter - added new autocreate patch * Mon Mar 31 2003 H-E Sandstrom - added munge8bit patch * Mon Mar 24 2003 Simon Matter - added createonpost fix patch * Thu Mar 20 2003 Simon Matter - added functionality to patch the IPv6 patch on the fly if autoconf > 2.13, we can now use newer autoconf again. * Tue Mar 18 2003 Paul Bender - fixed spec file so that autoconf 2.13 will always be used, since the IPv6 patch requires autoconf <= 2.13 * Fri Mar 14 2003 Simon Matter - fixed problems with new file package * Thu Mar 13 2003 Simon Matter - added kerberos include for RedHat Beta phoebe 2 - added Henrique's forcedowncase patch * Mon Mar 03 2003 Simon Matter - corrected imapd.conf * Sat Mar 01 2003 Simon Matter - added note about lmtp socket in sendmail - added flock patches * Fri Feb 07 2003 Simon Matter - added build time option for fulldirhash * Wed Feb 05 2003 Simon Matter - added IPV6 patch to source rpm - fixed build on RedHat 6.2 * Tue Feb 04 2003 Simon Matter - update to 2.1.12 - added logrotate entry for /var/log/auth.log - modified init script to use builtin daemon mode * Fri Jan 10 2003 Simon Matter - small change in mboxlist backup script * Fri Jan 10 2003 Simon Matter - fixed a cosmetic bug in cvt_cyrusdb_all - added cron.daily job to backup mailboxes.db * Mon Jan 06 2003 Simon Matter - add more entries to /etc/services * Wed Jan 01 2003 Simon Matter - include snmpargs patch for build on RedHat 6.2 - added build support for RedHat 6.2 * Mon Dec 30 2002 Simon Matter - removed autoconf hack, not needed anymore - enabled build on RedHat Beta Phoebe - added services entry for lmtp - cleanup spec file * Thu Dec 26 2002 Simon Matter - removed BuildPrereq for e2fsprogs-devel * Thu Dec 12 2002 Simon Matter - modified RedHat release detection - added BuildPrereq for file * Thu Dec 05 2002 Simon Matter - upgraded to cyrus-imapd 2.1.11 - upgrade IPV6 patch to 20021205 * Thu Nov 28 2002 Simon Matter - Fixed some default attributes * Thu Nov 28 2002 Troels Arvin - Explicitly changed files-section to - use defattr for simple (root-owned 0644) files - explictly set root as user/group owner where the user/group ownership was previously indicated as "-"; this allows building valid packages without having to being root when building * Mon Nov 25 2002 Simon Matter - changed default build option for IDLED to off - included some useful info in README.* * Thu Nov 21 2002 Simon Matter - added build time option for IDLED, thank you Roland Pope * Tue Nov 19 2002 Simon Matter - fixed spec to really use fdatasync patch - added createonpost patch * Thu Nov 14 2002 Simon Matter - upgraded to cyrus-imapd 2.1.10 - build without IPv6 support by default * Tue Nov 12 2002 Simon Matter - fixed db detection in .spec * Mon Oct 21 2002 Simon Matter - updated cvt_cyrusdb_all script * Fri Oct 18 2002 Simon Matter - added fdatasync patch * Thu Oct 03 2002 Simon Matter - add RPM version 4.1 compatibility, which means remove installed but not packaged files * Wed Sep 18 2002 Simon Matter - added auto db converting functionality - changed default for MBOXLIST_DB and SEEN_DB to skiplist * Mon Sep 16 2002 Simon Matter - remove creation of cyrus user at build time - added scripts from * Mon Sep 02 2002 Simon Matter - upgraded to cyrus-imapd 2.1.9 * Fri Aug 30 2002 Simon Matter - included extra ident string * Thu Aug 29 2002 Simon Matter - modified path in deliver-wrapper, thank you Richard L. Phipps - added RedHat 2.1AS support to the perlhack detection - added build time option to force syncronous updates on ext3 * Wed Aug 28 2002 Simon Matter - added updated IPv6 patch from Hajimu UMEMOTO * Wed Aug 28 2002 Simon Matter - upgraded to cyrus-imapd 2.1.8 * Thu Aug 22 2002 Simon Matter - included IPv6 patch from Hajimu UMEMOTO * Wed Aug 21 2002 Simon Matter - upgraded to cyrus-imapd 2.1.7 because of wrong version info * Wed Aug 21 2002 Simon Matter - upgraded to cyrus-imapd 2.1.6 * Mon Aug 19 2002 Simon Matter - change db version detection, thank you Chris for reporting * Tue Aug 13 2002 Simon Matter - fixed autoconf detection * Mon Aug 12 2002 Simon Matter - included support for different autoconf versions - modified the perl build and install process - made some .spec changes to build on RedHat 7.x and limbo * Fri Aug 09 2002 Simon Matter - included sieve matching patch * Thu Jun 27 2002 Simon Matter - fixed %post script where %F was expanded to file.file * Wed Jun 26 2002 Simon Matter - fixed missing man page * Tue Jun 25 2002 Simon Matter - upgraded to cyrus-imapd 2.1.5 * Mon Jun 24 2002 Simon Matter - added compile time parameters to configure the package based on the idea from Luca Olivetti - make deliver-wrapper a compile time option * Fri May 02 2002 Simon Matter - upgraded to cyrus-imapd 2.1.4 * Mon Apr 22 2002 Simon Matter - small initscript fix * Fri Mar 08 2002 Simon Matter - upgraded to cyrus-imapd 2.1.3 - removed some stuff that was cleaned up in the sources - added compile time options for db backends * Wed Mar 06 2002 Simon Matter - removed requires perl-File-Temp for utils package, it's in the RedHat perl RPM now * Fri Feb 22 2002 Simon Matter - removed deliverdb/db * Wed Feb 20 2002 Simon Matter - upgraded to cyrus-imapd 2.1.2 * Mon Feb 11 2002 Simon Matter - changed sasl_mech_list: PLAIN in /etc/imapd.conf - added sieve to /etc/pam.d * Fri Feb 08 2002 Simon Matter - added requires perl-File-Temp for utils package * Wed Feb 06 2002 Simon Matter - added some %dir flags - removed /usr/lib/sasl/Cyrus.conf - added conf templates - build time option for usage of saslauth group * Tue Feb 05 2002 Simon Matter - upgraded to cyrus-imapd 2.1.1 - dependency of cyrus-sasl >= 2.1.0-1 * Sun Feb 03 2002 Simon Matter - saslauth group is only deleted on uninstall if there is no other member in this group * Sat Feb 02 2002 Simon Matter - changed start/stop level in init file * Tue Jan 29 2002 Simon Matter - dependency of cyrus-sasl >= 1.5.24-22 - dotstuffing patch for sendmail calls made by sieve for outgoing mails - patch for ability to force ipurge to traverse personal folders * Mon Jan 28 2002 Simon Matter - minor spec file changes * Sat Jan 19 2002 Simon Matter - changed default auth to pam - remove several %dir from %files sections - change from /usr/lib/cyrus -> /usr/libexec/cyrus - rename source files to something like cyrus... - added rehash tool - changed to hashed spool * Fri Jan 18 2002 Simon Matter - fixed init script - fixed %post section in spec * Thu Jan 17 2002 Simon Matter - ready for first build * Wed Jan 09 2002 Simon Matter - initial package, with help from other packages out there