Summary: Google C++ testing framework Summary(ja): Google C++ テスティングフレームワーク Name: gtest Version: 1.14.0 Release: 1%{?_dist_release} Vendor: Project Vine Distribution: Vine Linux License: BSD-3-Clause and Apache-2.0 Group: programming URL: Source0:{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-rpm-macros %description Google's framework for writing C++ tests on a variety of platforms (GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Windows CE, and Symbian). Based on the xUnit architecture. Supports automatic test discovery, a rich set of assertions, user-defined assertions, death tests, fatal and non-fatal failures, various options for running the tests, and XML test report generation. %package devel Summary: Development files for %{name} Summary(ja): %{name} の開発ファイル Group: programming Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description devel This package contains development files for %{name}. %package -n gmock Summary: Google C++ Mocking Framework Group: programming Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description -n gmock Inspired by jMock, EasyMock, and Hamcrest, and designed with C++s specifics in mind, Google C++ Mocking Framework (or Google Mock for short) is a library for writing and using C++ mock classes. Google Mock: o lets you create mock classes trivially using simple macros, o supports a rich set of matchers and actions, o handles unordered, partially ordered, or completely ordered expectations, o is extensible by users, and o works on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Windows Mobile, minGW, and Symbian. %package -n gmock-devel Summary: Development files for gmock Group: programming Requires: gmock = %{version}-%{release} %description -n gmock-devel This package contains development files for gmock. %prep %autosetup -p1 -n googletest-%{version} # Set the version correctly sed -e "s/set(GOOGLETEST_VERSION .*)/set(GOOGLETEST_VERSION %{version})/" -i CMakeLists.txt %build %cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON \ -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%{__python3} \ -Dgtest_build_tests=ON %cmake_build %install %cmake_install %check %ctest %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %license LICENSE %{_libdir}/{version} %{_libdir}/{version} %files devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc CONTRIBUTORS %doc docs/ %doc samples %{_includedir}/gtest/ %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/cmake/GTest/ %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/gtest.pc %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/gtest_main.pc %files -n gmock %license LICENSE %{_libdir}/{version} %{_libdir}/{version} %files -n gmock-devel %doc CONTRIBUTORS %doc docs/ %{_includedir}/gmock/ %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/gmock.pc %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/gmock_main.pc %changelog * Tue Apr 09 2024 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO - 1.14.0-1 - new upstream release. * Wed Sep 11 2019 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO - 1.8.1-1 - new upstream release. - dropped Patch0. - imported patches from rawhide. * Sat Jul 2 2016 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO - 1.7.0-2 - rebuilt with new toolchain. * Tue Jul 01 2014 Toshiharu Kudoh - 1.7.0-1 - new upstream release * Sun Apr 29 2012 Toshiharu Kudoh - 1.6.0-1 - new upstream release - changed source archive type to xz - added Patch0 from Mandriva * Wed Sep 29 2010 Toshiharu Kudoh - 1.5.0-2 - rebuilt with rpm-4.8.1 for pkg-config * Sun May 23 2010 Toshiharu Kudoh - 1.5.0-1 - initial build for VineSeed * Sat Nov 14 2009 Debarshi Ray - 1.4.0-1 - Version bump to 1.4.0. * New feature: the event listener API. * New feature: test shuffling. * New feature: the XML report format is closer to junitreport and can be parsed by Hudson now. * New feature: elapsed time for the tests is printed by default. * New feature: comes with a TR1 tuple implementation such that Boost is no longer needed for Combine(). * New feature: EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED macro and friends. * New feature: the Xcode project can now produce static gtest libraries in addition to a framework. * Compatibility fixes for gcc and minGW. * Bug fixes and implementation clean-ups. * Fri Jul 24 2009 Release Engineering - 1.3.0-2.20090601svn257 - Autorebuild for * Mon Jun 01 2009 Tom "spot" Callaway - 1.3.0-1 - Version bump to 1.3.0. * New feature: ability to use Google Test assertions in other testing frameworks. * New feature: ability to run disabled test via --gtest_also_run_disabled_tests. * New feature: the --help flag for printing the usage. * New feature: access to Google Test flag values in user code. * New feature: a script that packs Google Test into one .h and one .cc file for easy deployment. * New feature: support for distributing test functions to multiple machines (requires support from the test runner). * Bug fixes and implementation clean-ups. * Tue Feb 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.0-2 - Rebuilt for * Sat Jul 05 2008 Debarshi Ray - 1.0.0-1 - Initial build.