%define name mplayer-codecs %define version 20071007 %define release 7%{?_dist_release} Summary: Binary codecs used with MPlayer Summary(ja): MPlayer で使用するバイナリ Codec Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: %{release} %ifarch %{ix86} Source0: ftp://ftp2.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/essential-%{version}.tar.bz2 %endif %ifarch ppc Source0: ftp://ftp2.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/essential-ppc-%{version}.tar.bz2 %endif %ifarch x86_64 Source0: ftp://ftp2.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/essential-amd64-%{version}.tar.bz2 %endif License: GPL Group: Applications/Multimedia URL: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/ BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root %description Binary codec packages add support for codecs that are not yet implemented natively, like newer RealVideo variants and a lot of uncommon formats. Note that they are not necessary to play most common formats like DVDs, MPEG-1/2/4, etc. %description -l ja バイナリ Codec パッケージは、最新の RealVideo やその他の特殊なフォーマット のような mplayer 単体ではまだ対応していないフォーマットを再生できるように します。 ただし DVD や MPEG-1/2/4 のように一般的なフォーマットを再生する場合には、 このパッケージは必要ありません。 %prep %ifarch %{ix86} %setup -q -n essential-%{version} %endif %ifarch ppc %setup -q -n essential-ppc-%{version} %endif %ifarch x86_64 %setup -q -n essential-amd64-%{version} %endif %install %{__rm} -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} %{__install} -d -m 755 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libdir}/codecs %{__install} -m 644 * ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libdir}/codecs %clean %{__rm} -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} %files %defattr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/codecs %changelog * Mon Jan 19 2015 Munehiro Yamamoto 20071007-7 - change release to sync with self-build-mplayer-codecs * Sun Mar 20 2010 Munehiro Yamamoto 20071007-6 - change release to sync with self-build-mplayer-codecs * Sun Jun 07 2009 Munehiro Yamamoto 20071007-5 - change release to sync with self-build-mplayer-codecs * Sun Jun 07 2009 Munehiro Yamamoto 20071007-4 - change release to sync with self-build-mplayer-codecs * Tue May 26 2009 Munehiro Yamamoto 20071007-3 - change release to sync with self-build-mplayer-codecs * Sun Nov 02 2008 Munehiro Yamamoto 20071007-2 - spec in utf8 - fixed %%release for new versioning policy in mplayer-codecs.spec - dropped ttfontdir variable in mplayer-codecs.spec * Fri Jan 18 2008 Kazutaka HARADA 20071007-0vl1 - initial build for Vine Linux