zziplib-vl.spec 5.9 KB

  1. Summary: Lightweight library to easily extract data from zip files
  2. Name: zziplib
  3. Version: 0.13.59
  4. Release: 1%{?_dist_release}
  5. License: LGPLv2+ or MPLv1.1
  6. Group: Applications/Archiving
  7. URL: http://zziplib.sourceforge.net/
  8. Source: http://dl.sf.net/zziplib/zziplib-%{version}.tar.bz2
  9. Patch0: zziplib-0.13.59-multilib.patch
  10. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
  11. BuildRequires: perl
  12. BuildRequires: python
  13. BuildRequires: zip
  14. BuildRequires: xmlto
  15. BuildRequires: zlib-devel
  16. BuildRequires: SDL-devel
  17. BuildRequires: pkgconfig
  18. #BuildRequires: autoconf
  19. #BuildRequires: automake
  20. %description
  21. The zziplib library is intentionally lightweight, it offers the ability to
  22. easily extract data from files archived in a single zip file. Applications
  23. can bundle files into a single zip archive and access them. The implementation
  24. is based only on the (free) subset of compression with the zlib algorithm
  25. which is actually used by the zip/unzip tools.
  26. %package utils
  27. Summary: Utilities for the zziplib library
  28. Group: Applications/Archiving
  29. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  30. %description utils
  31. The zziplib library is intentionally lightweight, it offers the ability to
  32. easily extract data from files archived in a single zip file. Applications
  33. can bundle files into a single zip archive and access them. The implementation
  34. is based only on the (free) subset of compression with the zlib algorithm
  35. which is actually used by the zip/unzip tools.
  36. This packages contains all the utilities that come with the zziplib library.
  37. %package devel
  38. Summary: Development files for the zziplib library
  39. Group: Development/Libraries
  40. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  41. Requires: pkgconfig
  42. Requires: zlib-devel
  43. Requires: SDL-devel
  44. %description devel
  45. The zziplib library is intentionally lightweight, it offers the ability to
  46. easily extract data from files archived in a single zip file. Applications
  47. can bundle files into a single zip archive and access them. The implementation
  48. is based only on the (free) subset of compression with the zlib algorithm
  49. which is actually used by the zip/unzip tools.
  50. This package contains files required to build applications that will use the
  51. zziplib library.
  52. %prep
  53. %setup -q
  54. %patch0 -p1
  55. # Save the common patched _config.h file to overwrite the generated one
  56. %{__cp} -a zzip/_config.h _config.h
  57. %build
  58. %configure \
  59. --disable-static \
  60. --enable-sdl \
  61. --enable-frame-pointer
  62. # Remove rpath on 64bit archs
  63. sed -i 's|^hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=.*|hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=""|g' */libtool
  64. sed -i 's|^runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH|runpath_var=DIE_RPATH_DIE|g' */libtool
  65. %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags}
  66. %install
  67. %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
  68. %{__make} install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
  69. # Overwrite the platform specific _config.h with our own modified common one
  70. %{__rm} -f %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/zzip/_config.h
  71. %{__install} -p -m 0644 _config.h %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/zzip/_config.h
  72. %clean
  73. %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
  74. %post -p /sbin/ldconfig
  75. %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
  76. %files
  77. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  78. %doc docs/COPYING* ChangeLog README TODO
  79. %{_libdir}/*.so.*
  80. %files utils
  81. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  82. %{_bindir}/*
  83. %files devel
  84. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  85. %doc docs/README.SDL docs/*.htm
  86. %{_includedir}/*
  87. %exclude %{_libdir}/*.la
  88. %{_libdir}/*.so
  89. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/*.pc
  90. %{_datadir}/aclocal/*.m4
  91. %{_mandir}/man3/*
  92. %changelog
  93. * Fri Apr 01 2011 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@vinelinux.org> - 0.13.59-1
  94. - initial build based on Fedora rawhide
  95. * Thu Dec 9 2010 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com> 0.13.59-2
  96. - Fix broken zzip/_config.h which causes apps using zziplib to fail to compile
  97. * Sat Dec 4 2010 Matthias Saou <http://freshrpms.net/> 0.13.59-1
  98. - Update to 0.13.59.
  99. - Remove no longer needed 'open' patch.
  100. - Rebase the multilib patch, still required.
  101. - Re-enable _smp_mflags, build works again with it apparently.
  102. * Mon Jul 27 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.13.49-8
  103. - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
  104. * Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.13.49-7
  105. - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
  106. * Mon Dec 22 2008 Matthias Saou <http://freshrpms.net/> 0.13.49-6
  107. - Patch _config.h to make it identical for 32bit and 64bit archs (#343521).
  108. * Tue Feb 19 2008 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@fedoraproject.org>
  109. - Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
  110. * Wed Aug 8 2007 Matthias Saou <http://freshrpms.net/> 0.13.49-4
  111. - Include patch to fix fd.open calls with recent glibc.
  112. - Disable _smp_mflags since the docs fail to build.
  113. * Fri Aug 3 2007 Matthias Saou <http://freshrpms.net/> 0.13.49-3
  114. - Update License field.
  115. * Tue Jun 19 2007 Matthias Saou <http://freshrpms.net/> 0.13.49-2
  116. - Disable static lib build instead of excluding it later.
  117. - Remove rpath on 64bit archs.
  118. - Switch to using DESTDIR install method.
  119. * Mon Mar 26 2007 Matthias Saou <http://freshrpms.net/> 0.13.49-1
  120. - Update to 0.13.49 to fix CVE-2007-1614 (rhbz #233700).
  121. - Include new man3 pages to the devel sub-package.
  122. * Mon Aug 28 2006 Matthias Saou <http://freshrpms.net/> 0.13.47-1
  123. - Update to 0.13.47.
  124. - FC6 rebuild.
  125. * Mon Jul 24 2006 Matthias Saou <http://freshrpms.net/> 0.13.45-3
  126. - Split off -utils sub-package (#199467). Could have been plain "zzip"?
  127. - Have sub-packages require exact release too.
  128. - Build require automake to make the aclocal-1.9 check happy.
  129. - Use --enable-frame-pointer otherwise -g gets removed from the CFLAGS.
  130. * Mon Mar 6 2006 Matthias Saou <http://freshrpms.net/> 0.13.45-2
  131. - FC5 rebuild.
  132. * Thu Feb 9 2006 Matthias Saou <http://freshrpms.net/> 0.13.45-1
  133. - Update to 0.13.45.
  134. - Exclude static library.
  135. * Sun May 22 2005 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> - 0.13.38-2
  136. - rebuild on all arches
  137. * Tue Apr 5 2005 Matthias Saou <http://freshrpms.net/> 0.13.38-1
  138. - Update to 0.13.38, fixes gcc4 compile issues (Adrian Reber).
  139. * Tue Nov 16 2004 Matthias Saou <http://freshrpms.net/> 0.13.36-2
  140. - Bump release to provide Extras upgrade path.
  141. * Tue Jun 8 2004 Matthias Saou <http://freshrpms.net/> 0.13.36-1
  142. - Initial RPM release.