java-1.5.0-gcj-vl.spec 51 KB

  1. # python support for aot-compile
  2. %{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")}
  3. # convert an absolute path to a relative path. each symbolic link is
  4. # specified relative to the directory in which it is installed so that
  5. # it will resolve properly within chrooted installations.
  6. %define abs2rel %{_datadir}/java-utils/
  7. # resolve circular dependency between sinjdoc and java-1.5.0-gcj.
  8. # define to 1 if sinjdoc has not been built yet.
  9. %define bootstrap 0
  10. # the plugin subpackage is disabled because libgcj's security
  11. # infrastructure isn't ready to run untrusted applets.
  12. %define enable_plugin 0
  13. # the naming suffix for the gcc rpms we require (e.g., gcc4, libgcj4)
  14. %define gccsuffix %{nil}
  15. # the version-release string for the gcj rpms we require
  16. %define gccver 4.8.2-1
  17. # the version string for the java-gcj-compat release we require
  18. %define jgcver 1.0.79
  19. # hard-code libdir on 64-bit architectures to make the 64-bit JDK
  20. # simply be another alternative
  21. %ifarch ppc64 s390x x86_64 sparc64
  22. %define syslibdir %{_prefix}/lib64
  23. %define _libdir %{_prefix}/lib
  24. %else
  25. %define syslibdir %{_libdir}
  26. %endif
  27. # standard JPackage naming and versioning defines
  28. %define origin gcj%{gccsuffix}
  29. %define priority 1500
  30. %define javaver 1.5.0
  31. %define buildver 0
  32. %define name java-%{javaver}-%{origin}
  33. # standard JPackage directories and symbolic links
  34. # make 64-bit JDKs just another alternative on 64-bit architectures
  35. %define sdklnk java-%{javaver}-%{origin}
  36. %define jrelnk jre-%{javaver}-%{origin}
  37. %define sdkdir %{name}-%{version}
  38. %define jredir %{sdkdir}/jre
  39. %define sdkbindir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdklnk}/bin
  40. %define jrebindir %{_jvmdir}/%{jrelnk}/bin
  41. %define jvmjardir %{_jvmjardir}/%{name}-%{version}
  42. %if %{enable_plugin}
  43. %define plugindir %{_libdir}/mozilla/plugins
  44. %endif
  45. %define debug_package %{nil}
  46. Name: %{name}
  47. Summary: JPackage runtime compatibility layer for GCJ
  48. Version: %{javaver}.%{buildver}
  49. Release: 37%{?_dist_release}
  50. Group: Development/Languages
  51. # The LICENSE file has the classpath exception, but nothing in this package
  52. # seems to use or even need it.
  53. License: GPLv2+
  54. URL:
  55. Source0:{jgcver}.tar.gz
  56. Source1: javadoc-workaround.patch
  57. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  58. # required to calculate gcj binary's path to encode in
  59. # and rebuild-gcj-db
  60. BuildRequires: gcc%{gccsuffix}-java >= %{gccver}
  61. BuildRequires: libgcj%{gccsuffix}-src >= %{gccver}
  62. # required for cacerts generation
  63. %ifnarch %{ix86}
  64. BuildRequires: openssl
  65. %else
  66. # work around bug #500314
  67. BuildRequires: openssl-devel
  68. %endif
  69. BuildRequires: python-devel
  70. %if !%{bootstrap}
  71. # required for javadoc
  72. BuildRequires: java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel
  73. %endif
  74. BuildRequires: unzip
  75. # required for abs2rel
  76. BuildRequires: jpackage-utils >= 1.7.5-1vl6
  77. # required for tools and libgcj.jar
  78. Requires: libgcj%{gccsuffix} >= %{gccver}
  79. # required for directory structures
  80. Requires: jpackage-utils >= 1.7.5-1
  81. # required for symlink. also ensures that the proper
  82. # libgcj is installed on multilib systems.
  83. #Requires: %{syslibdir}/security/
  84. %if !%{bootstrap}
  85. # required for javadoc symlink
  86. Requires: sinjdoc
  87. %endif
  88. # post requires alternatives to install tool alternatives
  89. Requires(post): alternatives
  90. # rebuild-gcj-db requires gcj-dbtool, findutils
  91. Requires(post): libgcj%{gccsuffix}
  92. Requires(post): findutils
  93. # postun requires alternatives to uninstall tool alternatives
  94. Requires(postun): alternatives
  95. # rebuild-gcj-db requires gcj-dbtool, findutils
  96. Requires(postun): libgcj%{gccsuffix}
  97. Requires(postun): findutils
  98. # triggerin requires alternatives to install tool alternatives
  99. Requires: alternatives
  100. Requires: libgcj%{gccsuffix}
  101. # triggerin requires jpackage-utils for abs2rel
  102. Requires: jpackage-utils >= 1.7.5-1
  103. # standard JPackage base provides
  104. Provides: jre-%{javaver}-%{origin} = %{version}-%{release}
  105. Provides: jre-%{origin} = %{version}-%{release}
  106. Provides: jre-%{javaver} = %{version}-%{release}
  107. Provides: java-%{javaver} = %{version}-%{release}
  108. Provides: jre = %{javaver}
  109. Provides: java-%{origin} = %{version}-%{release}
  110. Provides: java = %{javaver}
  111. # libgcj provides, translated to JPackage provides
  112. Provides: jaas = %{version}-%{release}
  113. Provides: jce = %{version}-%{release}
  114. Provides: jdbc-stdext = %{version}-%{release}
  115. Provides: jdbc-stdext = 3.0
  116. Provides: jndi = %{version}-%{release}
  117. Provides: jndi-cos = %{version}-%{release}
  118. Provides: jndi-dns = %{version}-%{release}
  119. Provides: jndi-ldap = %{version}-%{release}
  120. Provides: jndi-rmi = %{version}-%{release}
  121. Provides: jsse = %{version}-%{release}
  122. Provides: java-sasl = %{version}-%{release}
  123. Provides: jaxp_parser_impl = 1.3
  124. # java-gcj-compat base provides
  125. Provides: java-gcj-compat = %{jgcver}
  126. Provides: java-1.4.2-gcj-compat >
  127. Obsoletes: java-1.4.2-gcj-compat <=
  128. Obsoletes: gnu-crypto <= 2.1.0-2jpp.1
  129. Obsoletes: gnu-crypto-sasl-jdk1.4 <= 2.1.0-2jpp.1
  130. Obsoletes: jessie <= 1.0.1-7
  131. %description
  132. This package installs directory structures, shell scripts and symbolic
  133. links to simulate a JPackage-compatible runtime environment with GCJ.
  134. %package devel
  135. Summary: JPackage development compatibility layer for GCJ
  136. Group: Development/Languages
  137. # FIXME: require libgcj-src for tools.jar symlink
  138. Requires: libgcj%{gccsuffix}-src >= %{gccver}
  139. # require base package
  140. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  141. # require eclipse-ecj for ecj binary
  142. Requires: ecj >= 3.2.1
  143. # require python for aot-compile
  144. Requires: python
  145. # require gcc-java for gjavah binary
  146. Requires: gcc%{gccsuffix}-java >= %{gccver}
  147. # post requires alternatives to install tool alternatives
  148. Requires(post): alternatives
  149. # post requires gcj to retrieve gcj header file locations
  150. Requires(post): gcc-java
  151. # postun requires alternatives to uninstall tool alternatives
  152. Requires(postun): alternatives
  153. # triggerin requires gij to retrieve gcc version
  154. Requires: libgcj%{gccsuffix}
  155. # triggerin requires gcj to retrieve gcj header file locations
  156. Requires: gcc-java
  157. # triggerin requires jpackage-utils for abs2rel
  158. Requires: jpackage-utils >= 1.7.5-1
  159. # standard JPackage devel provides
  160. Provides: java-sdk-%{javaver}-%{origin} = %{version}
  161. Provides: java-sdk-%{javaver} = %{version}
  162. Provides: java-sdk-%{origin} = %{version}
  163. Provides: java-sdk = %{javaver}
  164. Provides: java-%{javaver}-devel = %{version}
  165. Provides: java-devel-%{origin} = %{version}
  166. Provides: java-devel = %{javaver}
  167. # java-gcj-compat devel provides
  168. Provides: java-gcj-compat-devel = %{jgcver}
  169. Provides: java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-devel >
  170. Obsoletes: java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-devel <=
  171. %description devel
  172. This package installs directory structures, shell scripts and symbolic
  173. links to simulate a JPackage-compatible development environment with
  174. GCJ.
  175. %package src
  176. Summary: Source files for libgcj
  177. Summary: libgcj のソースファイル
  178. Group: Development/Libraries
  179. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  180. Requires: libgcj%{gccsuffix}-src >= %{gccver}
  181. Requires(post): libgcj%{gccsuffix}
  182. Requires: libgcj%{gccsuffix}
  183. # triggerin requires jpackage-utils for abs2rel
  184. Requires: jpackage-utils >= 1.7.5-1
  185. # java-gcj-compat src provides
  186. Provides: java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-src >
  187. Obsoletes: java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-src <=
  188. %description src
  189. This package installs a symbolic link that points to a
  190. specific version of the libgcj sources.
  191. %if !%{bootstrap}
  192. %package javadoc
  193. Summary: API documentation for libgcj
  194. Summary(ja): libgcj の API ドキュメント
  195. Group: Documentation
  196. # require base package
  197. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  198. # Post requires alternatives to install javadoc alternative.
  199. Requires(post): alternatives
  200. # Postun requires alternatives to uninstall javadoc alternative.
  201. Requires(postun): alternatives
  202. # standard JPackage javadoc provides
  203. Provides: java-javadoc = %{version}-%{release}
  204. Provides: java-%{javaver}-javadoc = %{version}-%{release}
  205. # java-gcj-compat javadoc provides
  206. Provides: java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-javadoc >
  207. Obsoletes: java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-javadoc <=
  208. Obsoletes: gnu-crypto-javadoc <= 2.1.0-2jpp.1
  209. %description javadoc
  210. This package installs Javadoc API documentation for libgcj.
  211. %endif
  212. %if %{enable_plugin}
  213. %package plugin
  214. Summary: Web browser plugin that handles applets
  215. Group: Applications/Internet
  216. # require base package
  217. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  218. # require libgcj for plugin shared object
  219. Requires: libgcj%{gccsuffix} >= %{gccver}
  220. # require Mozilla plugin directory
  221. Requires: %{plugindir}
  222. # post requires gij to retrieve gcc version
  223. Requires(post): %{_bindir}/gij%{gccsuffix}
  224. # post requires alternatives to install plugin alternative
  225. Requires(post): alternatives
  226. # post requires Mozilla plugin directory
  227. Requires(post): %{plugindir}
  228. # postun requires gij to retrieve gcc version
  229. Requires(postun): %{_bindir}/gij%{gccsuffix}
  230. # postun requires alternatives to uninstall plugin alternative
  231. Requires(postun): alternatives
  232. # triggerin requires gij to retrieve gcc version
  233. Requires(triggerin): %{_bindir}/gij%{gccsuffix}
  234. # triggerin requires alternatives to install plugin alternative
  235. Requires(triggerin): alternatives
  236. # standard JPackage plugin provides
  237. Provides: java-plugin = %{javaver}
  238. Provides: java-%{javaver}-plugin = %{version}
  239. # java-gcj-compat plugin provides
  240. Provides: java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-plugin >
  241. Obsoletes: java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-plugin <=
  242. %description plugin
  243. This package installs a symbolic link to gcjwebplugin, a Mozilla
  244. plugin for applets.
  245. %endif
  246. %prep
  247. %setup -q -n java-gcj-compat-%{jgcver}
  248. # fix cert.pem path
  249. #sed -i -e 's:/etc/pki/tls:/usr/share/ssl:g'
  250. %build
  251. # Print kernel version in logs.
  252. uname -a
  253. %configure \
  254. --disable-symlinks \
  255. --with-arch-directory=%{_arch} \
  256. --with-os-directory=linux \
  257. --with-security-directory=%{_sysconfdir}/java/security/security.d
  258. make
  259. # the python compiler encodes the source file's timestamp in the .pyc
  260. # and .pyo headers. since is generated by configure,
  261. # its timestamp will differ from build to build. this causes multilib
  262. # conflicts. we work around this by setting's timestamp
  263. # to equal's timestamp. (205216)
  264. touch
  265. %install
  266. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  267. make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install
  268. # extensions handling
  269. install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{jvmjardir}
  270. pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{jvmjardir}
  271. RELATIVE=$(%{abs2rel} %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib %{jvmjardir})
  272. for jarname in jaas jce jdbc-stdext jndi jndi-cos jndi-dns \
  273. jndi-ldap jndi-rmi jsse sasl
  274. do
  275. ln -s $RELATIVE/$jarname.jar $jarname-%{version}.jar
  276. done
  277. for jar in *-%{version}.jar
  278. do
  279. ln -sf ${jar} $(echo $jar | sed "s|-%{version}.jar|-%{javaver}.jar|g")
  280. ln -sf ${jar} $(echo $jar | sed "s|-%{version}.jar|.jar|g")
  281. done
  282. popd
  283. # security directory and provider list
  284. install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/security
  285. pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/security
  286. RELATIVE=$(%{abs2rel} %{syslibdir}/security \
  287. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/security)
  288. ln -sf $RELATIVE/
  289. popd
  290. # default security providers, provided by libgcj
  291. install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/java/security/security.d
  292. for provider in \
  293. \
  294. 1001-gnu.javax.crypto.jce.GnuCrypto \
  295. 1002-gnu.javax.crypto.jce.GnuSasl \
  296. \
  298. do
  299. cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/java/security/security.d/$provider << EOF
  300. # This file's contents are ignored. Its name, of the form
  301. # <priority>-<provider name>, is used by post and postun scripts to
  302. # rebuild the list of security providers in libgcj's
  303. # file.
  304. EOF
  305. done
  306. # cacerts
  307. %{__perl}
  308. install -m 644 cacerts $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/security
  309. # versionless symbolic links
  310. pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}
  311. ln -s %{jredir} %{jrelnk}
  312. ln -s %{sdkdir} %{sdklnk}
  313. popd
  314. pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmjardir}
  315. ln -s %{sdkdir} %{jrelnk}
  316. ln -s %{sdkdir} %{sdklnk}
  317. popd
  318. # classmap database directory
  319. install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{syslibdir}/gcj
  320. %if !%{bootstrap}
  321. # build and install API documentation
  322. install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}
  323. #pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}
  324. # ln -s %{name} java
  325. #popd
  326. mkdir docsbuild
  327. pushd docsbuild
  328. GIJ_VERSION=$(gij%{gccsuffix} --version | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 \
  329. | awk '{ print $5 }')
  330. echo ==== CHECK ZIP ====
  331. unzip -tq /usr/share/java/src-$ || :
  332. echo ==== END CHECK ZIP ====
  333. if unzip -tq /usr/share/java/src-$
  334. then
  335. fastjar xvf /usr/share/java/src-$
  336. rm -rf gnu
  337. patch -p0 < %{SOURCE1}
  338. find ./ -name \*.java | xargs -n 1 dirname | sort | uniq \
  339. | sed -e "s/\.\///" | sed -e "s/\//\./" \
  340. | sed -e "s/\//\./" | sed -e "s/\//\./" \
  341. | sed -e "s/\//\./" | sed -e "s/\//\./" \
  342. | xargs javadoc -quiet \
  343. -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name} \
  344. -encoding UTF-8 -breakiterator \
  345. -linksource -splitindex -doctitle "GNU libgcj $GIJ_VERSION" \
  346. -windowtitle "GNU libgcj $GIJ_VERSION Documentation"
  347. else
  348. # Work around
  349. touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}/package-list
  350. fi
  351. popd
  352. %endif
  353. # amd64 compatibility link
  354. %ifarch x86_64
  355. pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib
  356. ln -s %{_arch} amd64
  357. popd
  358. %endif
  359. # install operating system include directory
  360. install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/include/linux
  361. # install directories
  362. install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch}/client
  363. install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch}/server
  364. # install tools.jar directory
  365. install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/lib
  366. touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/include/jawt.h
  367. touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/include/jni.h
  368. touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/include/linux/jawt_md.h
  369. touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/include/linux/jni_md.h
  370. touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/lib/tools.jar
  371. touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch}/
  372. touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch}/client/
  373. touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch}/server/
  374. touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/rt.jar
  375. touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/
  376. pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/jre/lib
  377. for jarname in jaas jce jdbc-stdext jndi jndi-cos jndi-dns \
  378. jndi-ldap jndi-rmi jsse sasl
  379. do
  380. ln -s rt.jar $jarname.jar
  381. done
  382. popd
  383. # overwrite javac with our own version (rhbz# 460761)
  384. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/bin/javac
  385. echo "export PATH=%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/bin:\${PATH}" > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/bin/javac
  386. echo "%{_bindir}/ecj \"\$@\"" >> $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/bin/javac
  387. %clean
  388. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  389. %post
  390. /sbin/update-alternatives \
  391. --install %{_bindir}/java java %{jrebindir}/java %{priority} \
  392. --slave %{_jvmdir}/jre jre %{_jvmdir}/%{jrelnk} \
  393. --slave %{_jvmjardir}/jre jre_exports %{_jvmjardir}/%{jrelnk} \
  394. --slave %{_bindir}/keytool keytool %{jrebindir}/keytool \
  395. --slave %{_bindir}/rmiregistry rmiregistry %{jrebindir}/rmiregistry
  396. /sbin/update-alternatives \
  397. --install %{_jvmdir}/jre-%{origin} \
  398. jre_%{origin} %{_jvmdir}/%{jrelnk} %{priority} \
  399. --slave %{_jvmjardir}/jre-%{origin} \
  400. jre_%{origin}_exports %{_jvmjardir}/%{jrelnk}
  401. /sbin/update-alternatives \
  402. --install %{_jvmdir}/jre-%{javaver} \
  403. jre_%{javaver} %{_jvmdir}/%{jrelnk} %{priority} \
  404. --slave %{_jvmjardir}/jre-%{javaver} \
  405. jre_%{javaver}_exports %{_jvmjardir}/%{jrelnk}
  406. GIJ_VERSION=$(gij%{gccsuffix} --version | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 \
  407. | awk '{ print $5 }')
  408. # jaxp_parser_impl
  409. /sbin/update-alternatives --install %{_javadir}/jaxp_parser_impl.jar \
  410. jaxp_parser_impl %{_javadir}/libgcj-$GIJ_VERSION.jar 20
  411. # fix broken symlink if it's there
  412. if [ ! -f %{_bindir}/java ] ; then
  413. /sbin/update-alternatives --auto java
  414. /sbin/update-alternatives --auto jre_%{origin}
  415. /sbin/update-alternatives --auto jre_%{javaver}
  416. fi
  417. if [ ! -f %{_javadir}/jaxp_parser_impl.jar ] ; then
  418. /sbin/update-alternatives --auto jaxp_parser_impl
  419. fi
  420. {
  421. GIJ_VERSION=$(gij%{gccsuffix} --version | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 \
  422. | awk '{ print $5 }')
  423. # Rebuild the list of security providers in
  424. # This used to be a standalone script, rebuild-security-providers,
  425. # provided by the Fedora version of jpackage-utils. Now it is
  426. # inlined here and removed from Fedora's jpackage-utils for
  427. # compatibility with's jpackage-utils. See:
  428. #
  429. suffix=security/$GIJ_VERSION
  430. secfiles="/usr/lib/$suffix /usr/lib64/$suffix"
  431. for secfile in $secfiles
  432. do
  433. # check if this file exists
  434. [ -f "$secfile" ] || continue
  435. sed -i '/^security\.provider\./d' "$secfile"
  436. count=0
  437. for provider in $(ls /etc/java/security/security.d)
  438. do
  439. count=$((count + 1))
  440. echo "security.provider.${count}=${provider#*-}" >> "$secfile"
  441. done
  442. done
  443. } || :
  444. if [ -x %{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db ]; then
  445. %{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db
  446. fi
  447. %triggerin -- libgcj%{gccsuffix} >= %{gccver}
  448. {
  449. GIJ_VERSION=$(gij%{gccsuffix} --version | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 \
  450. | awk '{ print $5 }')
  451. # jaxp_parser_impl
  452. /sbin/update-alternatives --install %{_javadir}/jaxp_parser_impl.jar \
  453. jaxp_parser_impl \
  454. %{_javadir}/libgcj-$GIJ_VERSION.jar 20
  455. # rt.jar
  456. RELATIVE=$(%{abs2rel} %{_javadir} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/jre/lib)
  457. ln -sf \
  458. $RELATIVE/libgcj-$GIJ_VERSION.jar \
  459. %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/jre/lib/rt.jar
  460. #
  461. RELATIVE=$(%{abs2rel} %{syslibdir}/gcj-$GIJ_VERSION \
  462. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch})
  463. ln -sf $RELATIVE/ \
  464. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch}/
  465. #
  466. RELATIVE=$(%{abs2rel} %{syslibdir}/gcj-$GIJ_VERSION \
  467. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch}/client)
  468. ln -sf $RELATIVE/ \
  469. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch}/client/
  470. RELATIVE=$(%{abs2rel} %{syslibdir}/gcj-$GIJ_VERSION \
  471. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch}/server)
  472. ln -sf $RELATIVE/ \
  473. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch}/server/
  474. } || :
  475. %postun
  476. if ! [ -e "%{jrebindir}/java" ]; then
  477. GIJ_VERSION=$(gij%{gccsuffix} --version | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 \
  478. | awk '{ print $5 }')
  479. /sbin/update-alternatives --remove java %{jrebindir}/java
  480. /sbin/update-alternatives --remove jre_%{origin} %{_jvmdir}/%{jrelnk}
  481. /sbin/update-alternatives --remove jre_%{javaver} %{_jvmdir}/%{jrelnk}
  482. /sbin/update-alternatives --remove jaxp_parser_impl \
  483. %{_javadir}/libgcj-$GIJ_VERSION.jar
  484. /sbin/update-alternatives --auto java
  485. /sbin/update-alternatives --auto jre_%{origin}
  486. /sbin/update-alternatives --auto jre_%{javaver}
  487. /sbin/update-alternatives --auto jaxp_parser_impl
  488. fi
  489. {
  490. GIJ_VERSION=$(gij%{gccsuffix} --version | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 \
  491. | awk '{ print $5 }')
  492. # Rebuild the list of security providers in
  493. suffix=security/
  494. secfiles="/usr/lib/$suffix /usr/lib64/$suffix"
  495. for secfile in $secfiles
  496. do
  497. # check if this file exists
  498. [ -f "$secfile" ] || continue
  499. sed -i '/^security\.provider\./d' "$secfile"
  500. count=0
  501. for provider in $(ls /etc/java/security/security.d)
  502. do
  503. count=$((count + 1))
  504. echo "security.provider.${count}=${provider#*-}" >> "$secfile"
  505. done
  506. done
  507. } || :
  508. if [ -x %{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db ]; then
  509. %{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db
  510. fi
  511. %post devel
  512. /sbin/update-alternatives \
  513. --install %{_bindir}/javac javac %{sdkbindir}/javac %{priority} \
  514. --slave %{_jvmdir}/java java_sdk %{_jvmdir}/%{sdklnk} \
  515. --slave %{_jvmjardir}/java java_sdk_exports %{_jvmjardir}/%{sdklnk} \
  516. --slave %{_bindir}/javadoc javadoc %{sdkbindir}/javadoc \
  517. --slave %{_bindir}/javah javah %{sdkbindir}/javah \
  518. --slave %{_bindir}/jar jar %{sdkbindir}/jar \
  519. --slave %{_bindir}/jarsigner jarsigner %{sdkbindir}/jarsigner \
  520. --slave %{_bindir}/appletviewer appletviewer %{sdkbindir}/appletviewer \
  521. --slave %{_bindir}/rmic rmic %{sdkbindir}/rmic
  522. /sbin/update-alternatives \
  523. --install %{_jvmdir}/java-%{origin} \
  524. java_sdk_%{origin} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdklnk} %{priority} \
  525. --slave %{_jvmjardir}/java-%{origin} \
  526. java_sdk_%{origin}_exports %{_jvmjardir}/%{sdklnk}
  527. /sbin/update-alternatives \
  528. --install %{_jvmdir}/java-%{javaver} \
  529. java_sdk_%{javaver} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdklnk} %{priority} \
  530. --slave %{_jvmjardir}/java-%{javaver} \
  531. java_sdk_%{javaver}_exports %{_jvmjardir}/%{sdklnk}
  532. # fix broken symlink if it's there
  533. if [ ! -f %{_bindir}/javac ] ; then
  534. /sbin/update-alternatives --auto javac
  535. /sbin/update-alternatives --auto java_sdk_%{origin}
  536. /sbin/update-alternatives --auto java_sdk_%{javaver}
  537. fi
  538. # gcc-java requires libgcj-devel which provides jni.h
  539. %triggerin devel -- gcc%{gccsuffix}-java >= %{gccver}
  540. {
  541. GIJ_VERSION=$(gij%{gccsuffix} --version | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 \
  542. | awk '{ print $5 }')
  543. # tools.jar
  544. RELATIVE=$(%{abs2rel} %{_javadir} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/lib)
  545. ln -sf \
  546. $RELATIVE/libgcj-tools-$GIJ_VERSION.jar \
  547. %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/lib/tools.jar
  548. # create symbolic links to headers in gcj's versioned directory
  549. for headername in jawt jni
  550. do
  551. DIRECTORY=$(dirname $(gcj%{gccsuffix} \
  552. -print-file-name=include/$headername.h))
  553. RELATIVE=$(%{abs2rel} $DIRECTORY %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/include)
  554. ln -sf $RELATIVE/$headername.h \
  555. %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/include/$headername.h
  556. done
  557. for headername in jawt_md jni_md
  558. do
  559. DIRECTORY=$(dirname $(gcj%{gccsuffix} \
  560. -print-file-name=include/$headername.h))
  561. RELATIVE=$(%{abs2rel} $DIRECTORY %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/include/linux)
  562. ln -sf $RELATIVE/$headername.h \
  563. %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/include/linux/$headername.h
  564. done
  565. } || :
  566. %postun devel
  567. if ! [ -e "%{sdkbindir}/javac" ]; then
  568. /sbin/update-alternatives --remove javac %{sdkbindir}/javac
  569. /sbin/update-alternatives --remove java_sdk_%{origin} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdklnk}
  570. /sbin/update-alternatives --remove java_sdk_%{javaver} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdklnk}
  571. # /sbin/update-alternatives --auto javac
  572. # /sbin/update-alternatives --auto java_sdk_%{origin}
  573. # /sbin/update-alternatives --auto java_sdk_%{javaver}
  574. fi
  575. %triggerin src -- libgcj%{gccsuffix}-src >= %{gccver}
  576. {
  577. GIJ_VERSION=$(gij%{gccsuffix} --version | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 \
  578. | awk '{ print $5 }')
  579. RELATIVE=$(%{abs2rel} %{_javadir} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir})
  580. ln -sf \
  581. $RELATIVE/src-$ \
  582. %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/
  583. } || :
  584. %if %{enable_plugin}
  585. %triggerin plugin -- libgcj%{gccsuffix} >= %{gccver}
  586. {
  587. GIJ_VERSION=$(gij%{gccsuffix} --version | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 \
  588. | awk '{ print $5 }')
  589. /sbin/update-alternatives --install %{plugindir}/ \
  590. %{syslibdir}/gcj-$GIJ_VERSION/ \
  591. %{priority}
  592. } || :
  593. %postun plugin
  594. if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
  595. GIJ_VERSION=$(gij%{gccsuffix} --version | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 \
  596. | awk '{ print $5 }')
  597. /sbin/update-alternatives --remove \
  598. %{syslibdir}/gcj-$GIJ_VERSION/
  599. fi
  600. %endif
  601. %files
  602. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  604. %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}
  605. %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}
  606. %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/bin
  607. %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib
  608. %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch}
  609. %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch}/client
  610. %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch}/server
  611. %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/security
  612. %dir %{jvmjardir}
  613. %dir %{syslibdir}/gcj
  614. %{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db
  615. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/bin/java
  616. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/bin/keytool
  617. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/bin/rmiregistry
  618. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/security/cacerts
  619. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/security/
  620. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/jaas.jar
  621. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/jce.jar
  622. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/jdbc-stdext.jar
  623. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/jndi-cos.jar
  624. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/jndi-dns.jar
  625. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/jndi-ldap.jar
  626. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/jndi-rmi.jar
  627. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/jndi.jar
  628. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/jsse.jar
  629. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/sasl.jar
  630. %ifarch x86_64
  631. %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/amd64
  632. %endif
  633. %{_jvmdir}/%{jrelnk}
  634. %{jvmjardir}/jaas.jar
  635. %{jvmjardir}/jaas-%{javaver}.jar
  636. %{jvmjardir}/jaas-%{version}.jar
  637. %{jvmjardir}/jce.jar
  638. %{jvmjardir}/jce-%{javaver}.jar
  639. %{jvmjardir}/jce-%{version}.jar
  640. %{jvmjardir}/jdbc-stdext.jar
  641. %{jvmjardir}/jdbc-stdext-%{javaver}.jar
  642. %{jvmjardir}/jdbc-stdext-%{version}.jar
  643. %{jvmjardir}/jndi.jar
  644. %{jvmjardir}/jndi-%{javaver}.jar
  645. %{jvmjardir}/jndi-%{version}.jar
  646. %{jvmjardir}/jndi-cos.jar
  647. %{jvmjardir}/jndi-cos-%{javaver}.jar
  648. %{jvmjardir}/jndi-cos-%{version}.jar
  649. %{jvmjardir}/jndi-dns.jar
  650. %{jvmjardir}/jndi-dns-%{javaver}.jar
  651. %{jvmjardir}/jndi-dns-%{version}.jar
  652. %{jvmjardir}/jndi-ldap.jar
  653. %{jvmjardir}/jndi-ldap-%{javaver}.jar
  654. %{jvmjardir}/jndi-ldap-%{version}.jar
  655. %{jvmjardir}/jndi-rmi.jar
  656. %{jvmjardir}/jndi-rmi-%{javaver}.jar
  657. %{jvmjardir}/jndi-rmi-%{version}.jar
  658. %{jvmjardir}/jsse.jar
  659. %{jvmjardir}/jsse-%{javaver}.jar
  660. %{jvmjardir}/jsse-%{version}.jar
  661. %{jvmjardir}/sasl.jar
  662. %{jvmjardir}/sasl-%{javaver}.jar
  663. %{jvmjardir}/sasl-%{version}.jar
  664. %{_jvmjardir}/%{jrelnk}
  665. %ghost %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/jre/lib/rt.jar
  666. %ghost %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch}/
  667. %ghost %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch}/client/
  668. %ghost %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir}/lib/%{_arch}/server/
  669. # These must not be marked %config(noreplace). Their file names are
  670. # used in post and postun. Their contents are ignored, so replacing
  671. # them doesn't matter. .rpmnew files are harmful since they're
  672. # interpreted by post and postun as classnames ending in rpmnew.
  673. %{_sysconfdir}/java/security/security.d/
  674. %{_sysconfdir}/java/security/security.d/1001-gnu.javax.crypto.jce.GnuCrypto
  675. %{_sysconfdir}/java/security/security.d/1002-gnu.javax.crypto.jce.GnuSasl
  676. %{_sysconfdir}/java/security/security.d/
  677. %{_sysconfdir}/java/security/security.d/
  678. %files devel
  679. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  680. %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/bin
  681. %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/include
  682. %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/include/linux
  683. %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/lib
  684. %{_bindir}/aot-compile
  685. %{_bindir}/aot-compile-rpm
  686. %{python_sitelib}/*
  687. %{python_sitelib}/*
  688. %{python_sitelib}/java_gcj_compat-%{jgcver}-py?.?.egg-info
  689. %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/bin/appletviewer
  690. %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/bin/jar
  691. %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/bin/jarsigner
  692. %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/bin/java
  693. %attr(755, root, root) %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/bin/javac
  694. %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/bin/javadoc
  695. %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/bin/javah
  696. %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/bin/keytool
  697. %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/bin/rmic
  698. %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/bin/rmiregistry
  699. %{_jvmdir}/%{sdklnk}
  700. %{_jvmjardir}/%{sdklnk}
  701. %ghost %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/include/jawt.h
  702. %ghost %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/include/jni.h
  703. %ghost %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/include/linux/jawt_md.h
  704. %ghost %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/include/linux/jni_md.h
  705. %ghost %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/lib/tools.jar
  706. %files src
  707. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  708. %ghost %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/
  709. %if !%{bootstrap}
  710. %files javadoc
  711. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  712. %doc %{_javadocdir}/%{name}
  713. # A JPackage that "provides" this directory will, in its %post script,
  714. # remove the existing directory and install a new symbolic link to its
  715. # versioned directory. For Fedora we want clear file ownership so we
  716. # make java-1.5.0-gcj-javadoc own this file. Installing the
  717. # corresponding JPackage over java-1.5.0-gcj-javadoc will work but
  718. # will invalidate this file.
  719. #doc %{_javadocdir}/java
  720. %endif
  721. %if %{enable_plugin}
  722. %files plugin
  723. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  724. %endif
  725. %changelog
  726. * Fri Nov 14 2014 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> -
  727. - rebuilt on current VineSeed
  728. * Sun Sep 19 2010 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> -
  729. - updated %%post, %%postun section to run update-alternatives --auto
  730. - updated handling
  731. * Fri Aug 13 2010 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> -
  732. - Initial build for Vine Linux
  733. * Wed Jul 21 2010 David Malcolm <> -
  734. - Rebuilt for
  735. * Tue Jun 08 2010 Deepak Bhole <> -
  736. - Make javac a wrapper that sets PATH before calling ecj (rhbz# 460761)
  737. * Tue May 4 2010 Michel Salim <> -
  738. - no longer require perl; Lua abs2rel script now in jpackage-utils
  739. * Tue Mar 30 2010 Stepan Kasal <> -
  740. - require perl(File::Spec) for the triggerin
  741. * Fri Jan 22 2010 Andrew Overholt <> -
  742. - Version jaxp_parser_impl Provides to be 1.3 and not this package's version.
  743. * Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> -
  744. - Rebuilt for
  745. * Tue May 12 2009 Stepan Kasal <>
  746. - another attempt to rebuild, adding a workaround for #500314
  747. * Fri Apr 03 2009 Karsten Hopp <>
  748. - update workaround patch to fix rebuild problems
  749. * Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> -
  750. - Rebuilt for
  751. * Wed Dec 17 2008 Lillian Angel <> -
  752. - Updated jgcver to 1.0.79.
  753. - Updated release.
  754. * Sat Nov 29 2008 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <> -
  755. - Fix locations for Python 2.6
  756. * Sat Nov 29 2008 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <> -
  757. - Rebuild for Python 2.6
  758. * Tue Aug 5 2008 Tom "spot" Callaway <> -
  759. - fix license tag
  760. * Thu Apr 3 2008 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  761. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.78.
  762. - Resolves: rhbz#283831
  763. * Thu Apr 3 2008 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  764. - Re-add python egg-info file.
  765. * Thu Apr 3 2008 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  766. - Require java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel for javadoc instead of sinjdoc.
  767. * Wed Apr 2 2008 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  768. - Commit patch to add proper triggerin requires from Orion Poplawski
  769. <>.
  770. - Resolves: rhbz#436838
  771. * Mon Feb 18 2008 Fedora Release Engineering <> -
  772. - Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
  773. * Mon Jan 21 2008 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  774. - Include python egg-info file.
  775. - Work around rhbz#404981
  776. - Inline rebuild-security-providers.
  777. - Resolves: rhbz#260161
  778. * Tue Nov 27 2007 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  779. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.77.
  780. * Wed Oct 17 2007 Tom "spot" Callaway <> -
  781. - fix aot-compile-rpm to not run inside the buildroot
  782. * Tue Oct 16 2007 Dennis Gilmore <> -
  783. - add sparc64 to the list of 64 bit archs
  784. * Tue May 15 2007 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  785. - Require findutils for post and postun.
  786. - Resolves: rhbz#240159
  787. * Mon Apr 16 2007 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  788. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.76.
  789. - Related: rhbz#200836
  790. * Tue Apr 10 2007 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  791. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.75.
  792. - Point URL field at java-gcj-compat home page.
  793. - Require openssl for build.
  794. - Generate and include cacerts.
  795. - Resolves: rhbz#200836 rhbz#233239
  796. * Tue Apr 3 2007 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  797. - Obsolete gnu-crypto, gnu-crypto-sasl-jdk1.4 and jessie in base
  798. package.
  799. - Obsolete gnu-crypto-javadoc in javadoc subpackage.
  800. * Mon Mar 26 2007 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  801. - Disable bootstrap mode.
  802. * Mon Mar 26 2007 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  803. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.74.
  804. * Mon Mar 26 2007 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  805. - Re-add gcj-java build requirement.
  806. * Mon Mar 26 2007 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  807. - Make -devel subpackage require libgcj-src.
  808. * Sat Mar 24 2007 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  809. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.73.
  810. - Remove java-1.4.2-gcj-compat compatibility symlinks.
  811. - Install tools.jar symlink to libgcj-tools.jar.
  812. - Remove gcc-java and eclipse-ecj build requirements.
  813. - Remove workaround for ppc64 file system corruption.
  814. - Remove workaround for gjdoc/libgcj rounding error.
  815. * Mon Mar 19 2007 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  816. - Set bootstrap to 0.
  817. - Remove bootstrap hacks.
  818. * Mon Mar 19 2007 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  819. - Remove broken multilib support.
  820. - Set bootstrap to 1.
  821. - Add JAVA_HOME bootstrap hack.
  822. - Add java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-devel bootstrap hack.
  823. - Add bootstrap ecj script.
  824. - Remove JAVA_HOME and java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-devel bootstrap hacks.
  825. - Another bootstrap attempt.
  826. * Fri Mar 16 2007 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  827. - Remove config(noreplace) markings on security.d files.
  828. - Make java-1.4.2-gcj-compat* provides strictly-greater-than
  830. - Remove gjdoc build requirement.
  831. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.72.
  832. * Fri Mar 16 2007 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  833. - Require sinjdoc.
  834. * Thu Mar 15 2007 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  835. - Set bootstrap to 0 to build javadoc sub-package, now that sinjdoc
  836. has been built.
  837. - Add temporary gjdoc build requirement.
  838. * Thu Mar 15 2007 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> -
  839. - Set bootstrap to 1 since sinjdoc is not yet available to build
  840. javadocs.
  841. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.70.
  842. - Port java-1.4.2-gcj-compat to java-1.5.0-gcj.
  843. * Thu Dec 7 2006 Jeremy Katz <> - 0:
  844. - rebuild for python 2.5
  845. * Tue Oct 10 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <>
  846. - Require gij binary explicitly. (208913)
  847. * Wed Sep 13 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  848. - Require gcj-dbtool for post and postun. (205103)
  849. * Thu Sep 7 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  850. - Move Double.html manipulation within ppc64 filesystem check.
  851. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.68 to eliminate rebuild-gcj-db multilib
  852. conflict.
  853. - Work around gjdoc/libgcj rounding error in Double.html.
  854. * Thu Sep 7 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  855. - Give a consistent timestamp. (205216)
  856. * Wed Sep 6 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  857. - Bump release number.
  858. * Thu Aug 31 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  859. - Comment out and obsolete plugin subpackage. (204728)
  860. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.65.
  861. * Wed Aug 30 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  862. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.64.
  863. * Tue Aug 29 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  864. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.63.
  865. * Wed Aug 23 2006 Fernando Nasser <> - 0:
  866. - Remove duplicate macro definitions
  867. - Rebuild
  868. * Mon Aug 14 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  869. - Add libgcj-devel to devel and src post and postun
  870. requirements. (202007)
  871. - Require libgcj in plugin package. (202268)
  872. * Fri Aug 4 2006 Gary Benson <>
  873. - Move aot-compile and its libraries to the devel subpackage.
  874. * Tue Aug 1 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  875. - Require gcc-java for devel and src post and postun. (199942)
  876. - Require libgcj for plugin post and postun. (199942)
  877. * Mon Jul 31 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  878. - Add new built-in security providers.
  879. * Mon Jul 24 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  880. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.61.
  881. * Sun Jul 23 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  882. - Link jsse.jar to libgcj.jar.
  883. * Sat Jul 22 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  884. - Remove gjdoc workaround.
  885. * Sat Jul 22 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  886. - Remove hack-libgcj requirement.
  887. - Work around gjdoc failure by not building javadocs.
  888. * Fri Jul 21 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  889. - Require hack-libgcj for build. (dist-fc6-java)
  890. * Fri Jul 21 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  891. - Add plugin subpackage.
  892. - Install and symlinks.
  893. - Install appletviewer, jarsigner and keytool symlinks.
  894. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.60.
  895. * Fri Jul 21 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  896. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.59.
  897. - Use standard BuildRoot tag.
  898. - Remove gnu-crypto and jessie requires.
  899. - Remove static compile method patch.
  900. * Mon Jul 17 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  901. - Remove BouncyCastle.
  902. * Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating <> - 0:
  903. - rebuild
  904. * Tue Jun 20 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  905. - Make method static.
  906. * Mon Jun 19 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  907. - Provide jdbc-stdext.
  908. * Wed Jun 14 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  909. - Require zip.
  910. * Mon Jun 12 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  911. - Remove bootstrap logic.
  912. - Fix ppc64 file system corruption workaround.
  913. - Make call gij.
  914. - Require eclipse-ecj to build.
  915. * Fri Mar 3 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  916. - Make javadoc post scriplet pass unconditionally.
  917. - Force symlinks in javadoc post scriptlet.
  918. * Wed Mar 1 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  919. - Add chkconfig as a prerequisite.
  920. * Wed Mar 1 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  921. - Natively compile BouncyCastle.
  922. - Move bcprov in the build section so that it is found by bootstrap
  923. architectures in the install section.
  924. - Only include BC library directory on non-boostrap architectures.
  925. * Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating <> - 0:
  926. - bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)
  927. * Fri Feb 10 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  928. - Install compatibility amd64 symlink.
  929. * Wed Feb 8 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  930. - Install javadocs in versioned directory.
  931. * Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating <> - 0:
  932. - rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes
  933. * Mon Feb 6 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  934. - Test before extracting its contents.
  935. * Mon Feb 6 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  936. - Use fastjar to extract libgcj sources instead of unzip.
  937. * Mon Feb 6 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  938. - Require gjdoc and libgcj-src packages for build.
  939. - Build API documentation.
  940. - Add -javadoc package.
  941. * Thu Feb 2 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  942. - Adjust Jessie and GNU Crypto version requirements.
  943. - Uncomment ifnarch ia64 sections.
  944. * Thu Feb 2 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  945. - Obsolete gnu-crypto-sasl-jdk1.4 and gnu-crypto-jce-jdk1.4 regardless of versions.
  946. * Thu Feb 2 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  947. - Remove all ifnarch ia64 sections.
  948. * Thu Feb 2 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  949. - Don't call aot-compile-rpm on bootstrap architectures.
  950. * Thu Feb 2 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  951. - Obsolete gnu-crypto-sasl-jdk1.4 and gnu-crypto-jce-jdk1.4.
  952. - Provide java-sasl and jce.
  953. * Thu Feb 2 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  954. - Remove conditional BuildRequires, which isn't supported by beehive.
  955. * Thu Feb 2 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  956. - Fix ecj script location when building BouncyCastle in bootstrap mode.
  957. - Do not BuildRequires eclipse-ecj in bootstrap mode.
  958. - Build BouncyCastle with bootstrap ecj script in bootstrap mode.
  959. * Fri Jan 27 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  960. - Import BouncyCastle 1.3.1.
  961. - Re-enable BouncyCastle provider.
  962. * Wed Jan 25 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  963. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.52.
  964. * Mon Jan 16 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  965. - Remove aot-compile-rpm and rebuild-gcj-db when building a custom RPM.
  966. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.51.
  967. * Mon Jan 9 2006 Archit Shah <> - 0:
  968. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.50.
  969. * Fri Jan 6 2006 Archit Shah <> - 0:
  970. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.48.
  971. * Wed Jan 4 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  972. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.47.
  973. * Wed Jan 4 2006 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  974. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.46.
  975. * Wed Dec 21 2005 Jesse Keating <> - 0:
  976. - rebuilt again w/ another new gcc
  977. * Fri Dec 09 2005 Jesse Keating <>
  978. - rebuilt
  979. * Wed Nov 30 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  980. - Bump release number.
  981. * Wed Nov 16 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  982. - Call rebuild-security-providers conditionally on its existence.
  983. * Tue Nov 15 2005 Archit Shah <> 0:
  984. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.45.
  985. * Mon Nov 14 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  986. - Bump release number.
  987. * Mon Nov 14 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  988. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.44.
  989. - Make aot-compile-rpm and rebuild-gcj-db real scripts, not
  990. alternatives symlinks.
  991. - Put rebuild-gcj-db in base package.
  992. * Wed Sep 21 2005 Gary Benson <> - 0:
  993. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.43.
  994. * Tue Sep 20 2005 Gary Benson <> - 0:
  995. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.42.
  996. * Tue Sep 6 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  997. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.41.
  998. * Tue Sep 6 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  999. - Don't include security provider file in custom builds.
  1000. - Don't mark security provider file as config(noreplace).
  1001. * Wed Aug 31 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  1002. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.40.
  1003. - Point jaxp_parser_impl at proper libgcj-<version>.jar for custom
  1004. builds.
  1005. * Wed Aug 31 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  1006. - Don't autogenerate dependencies in custom builds.
  1007. * Tue Aug 30 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  1008. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.39.
  1009. - Remove symlinks.
  1010. - Symlink to jni_md.h.
  1011. * Tue Aug 30 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  1012. - Install ecj when building a custom java-1.4.2-gcj-compat.
  1013. - Fix removal of jaxp_parser_impl.jar alternative.
  1014. * Mon Aug 29 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> - 0:
  1015. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.37.
  1016. - Remove aot-compile and find-and-aot-compile.
  1017. - Make aot-compile-rpm and rebuild-gcj-db alternatives symlinks.
  1018. - Mark security file config(noreplace).
  1019. * Thu Jul 28 2005 Gary Benson <> 0:
  1020. - Upgrade bootstrap ecj to pick up classpath parser fix.
  1021. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.36.
  1022. * Fri Jul 22 2005 Gary Benson <> 0:
  1023. - Remove jta compatibility stuff.
  1024. * Thu Jul 21 2005 Gary Benson <> 0:
  1025. - Remove servletapi and jspapi now that tomcat5 is built.
  1026. * Wed Jul 20 2005 Gary Benson <> 0:
  1027. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.35.
  1028. * Tue Jul 19 2005 Gary Benson <> 0:
  1029. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.34.
  1030. - Provide servletapi and jspapi for bootstrapping.
  1031. * Thu Jul 14 2005 Gary Benson <> 0:
  1032. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.33.
  1033. * Wed Jul 13 2005 Gary Benson <> 0:
  1034. - Add virtual dependencies to indicate our upstream version.
  1035. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.32.
  1036. * Fri Jul 8 2005 Gary Benson <> 0:
  1037. - Replace the binary ecj with a script to work around #162748.
  1038. * Thu Jul 7 2005 Gary Benson <> 0:
  1039. - Bootstrap onto ia64, ppc64, s390 and s390x.
  1040. - Add python dependency for aot-compile-rpm.
  1041. * Thu Jul 7 2005 Gary Benson <> 0:
  1042. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.31.
  1043. - Move the aot-compile scripts to the devel subpackage.
  1044. * Mon Jun 6 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1045. - Add jaxp_parser_impl.jar alternative. (#158751)
  1046. - Separate post and postun requires lines.
  1047. - Use gij, not gcj to compute version strings in post and triggerin sections.
  1048. * Thu May 26 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1049. - Add jaxp_parser_impl.jar alternative. (#158751)
  1050. * Thu May 26 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1051. - Separate post and postun requires lines
  1052. * Thu May 26 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1053. - Re-remove bouncy castle provider.
  1054. * Thu May 26 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1055. - Re-add bouncy castle provider. (#146782)
  1056. * Wed May 25 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1057. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.30.
  1058. * Wed May 25 2005 Gary Benson <> 0:
  1059. - Update tools.jar with the ecj's new jarfile name (#158734).
  1060. * Fri May 20 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1061. - Update symlink to reflect's new name.
  1062. * Thu May 19 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1063. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.29.
  1064. * Wed May 18 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1065. - Move gcc-java requirement from base to -devel.
  1066. * Wed May 18 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1067. - Comment out bouncy castle stuff.
  1068. * Tue May 17 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1069. - Require jpackage-utils for post and postun.
  1070. - Run rebuild-security-providers with full path.
  1071. * Tue May 17 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1072. - Require eclipse-ecj for build.
  1073. - Include Bouncy Castle provider.
  1074. - Exclusive arch ix86, x86_64 and ppc.
  1075. * Wed May 11 2005 Andrew Overholt <>
  1076. - Add machinery to allow for use with non-system gcc installations.
  1077. * Fri Apr 15 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1078. - Require gnu-crypto.
  1079. * Fri Apr 15 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1080. - Provide jaxp_parser_impl.
  1081. * Wed Apr 13 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1082. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.28.
  1083. * Mon Apr 4 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1084. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.27.
  1085. - Bump gccver to 4.0.0-0.39.
  1086. - Make -devel take ownership of symlinks as well as regular files.
  1087. * Wed Mar 30 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1088. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.23.
  1089. - Always look for in /usr/lib. (151561)
  1090. - Provide jsse. (151662)
  1091. * Thu Mar 17 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1092. - Uncomment rebuild-security-providers.
  1093. - Require jessie >= 1.0.0-3.
  1094. * Tue Mar 15 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1095. - Don't re-run rebuild-security-providers.
  1096. * Tue Mar 15 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1097. - Add jaas and jta provides.
  1098. * Tue Mar 8 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1099. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.22.
  1100. - Symlink jaas.jar, jdbc-stdext.jar, jndi.jar and jta.jar to
  1101. libgcj.jar.
  1102. * Sat Mar 5 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1103. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.21.
  1104. * Sat Mar 5 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1105. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.20.
  1106. - Depend on jessie.
  1107. - Install jsse.jar.
  1108. - Install security directory.
  1109. - Symlink to
  1110. * Sat Mar 5 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1111. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.19.
  1112. * Thu Mar 3 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1113. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.18.
  1114. * Thu Mar 3 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1115. - Update descriptions.
  1116. * Wed Mar 2 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1117. - Bump release number.
  1118. * Wed Mar 2 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1119. - Make java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-devel obsolete java-1.4.2-gcj4-compat-devel.
  1120. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.17.
  1121. - Specify --with-arch-directory and --with-os-directory options on
  1122. configure line.
  1123. * Tue Mar 1 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1124. - Make arch-specific.
  1125. * Tue Mar 1 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1126. - Merge java-1.4.2-gcj4-compat into java-1.4.2-gcj-compat.
  1127. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.15.
  1128. - Add AWT Native Interface symlinks.
  1129. - Remove build requires on eclipse-ecj.
  1130. * Thu Feb 17 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1131. - Add -src sub-package.
  1132. * Wed Feb 9 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1133. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.14.
  1134. * Tue Feb 8 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1135. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.13.
  1136. * Mon Feb 7 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1137. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.12.
  1138. * Wed Feb 2 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1139. - Add Red Hat release number.
  1140. * Tue Feb 1 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1141. - Remove gjdoc version requirement.
  1142. - Change java-gcj-compat version number.
  1143. * Tue Feb 1 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1144. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.11.
  1145. - Require gjdoc.
  1146. * Tue Feb 1 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1147. - Add jni.h symlink.
  1148. - Install rt.jar as an unmanaged symlink.
  1149. - Conflict and obsolete old java-gcj-compat rpms.
  1150. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.9.
  1151. * Mon Jan 24 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1152. - Import java-gcj-compat 1.0.8.
  1153. * Thu Jan 13 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1154. - Make jvmjardir use cname, not name.
  1155. * Wed Jan 12 2005 Thomas Fitzsimmons <> 0:
  1156. - Initial build.