ruby-vl.spec 60 KB

  1. %define rubyxver 1.8
  2. %define rubyyver 7
  3. %define rubypl 334
  4. %define rubyver %{rubyxver}.%{rubyyver}-p%{rubypl}
  5. %define rpmver %{rubyxver}.%{rubyyver}.%{rubypl}
  6. %define rpmrel 1%{?_dist_release}
  7. %define rubysrcdir %{rubyxver}.%{rubyyver}-p%{rubypl}
  8. %define emacsen_pkg 1
  9. %{?without_emacsen: %define emacsen_pkg 0}
  10. %if %{emacsen_pkg}
  11. %undefine without_emacsen
  12. %else
  13. %define without_emacsen 1
  14. %endif
  15. %define rbmode ruby-mode
  16. %define rbmode_el ruby-mode
  17. %define rb_lib %{_prefix}/lib/ruby/%{rubyxver}
  18. %ifarch ppc
  19. %define rb_arch powerpc-%{_target_os}
  20. %else
  21. %define rb_arch %{_target_cpu}-%{_target_os}
  22. %endif
  23. %define rb_prefix %{_prefix}
  24. %define rb_mandir %(echo %{_mandir} | sed -e 's!^%{_prefix}!${prefix}!')
  25. %define rb_locallib local/%{_lib}
  26. %define rb_site %{rb_locallib}/site_ruby
  27. %define rb_sitebase %{rb_prefix}/%{rb_site}
  28. %define rb_sitedir %{rb_sitebase}/%{rubyxver}
  29. %define rb_sitearch %{rb_sitedir}/%{rb_arch}
  30. Summary: An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
  31. Summary(ja): オブジェクト指向言語 Ruby インタプリタ
  32. Name: ruby
  33. Version: %{rpmver}
  34. Release: %{rpmrel}
  35. License: Ruby or GPLv2
  36. Group: Development/Languages
  37. Source0:{name}/%{name}-%{rubyver}.tar.bz2
  38. Source2:
  39. Source5: irb.1
  40. %if %{emacsen_pkg}
  41. Source6: %{rbmode_el}
  42. Source7: %{rbmode_el}
  43. Source8: %{rbmode_el}-init.el
  44. %endif
  45. Patch803: ruby-
  46. Patch808: ruby-
  47. Patch901: ruby-
  48. Patch903: ruby-
  49. Patch950: ruby-1.8.7-p72-multilib.patch
  50. Patch960: ruby-1.8.7-rubyprefix.patch
  51. # patches from debian package
  52. Patch1005: 090812_openssl_x509_warning.dpatch
  53. URL:
  54. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  55. BuildPreReq: sed autoconf bison unzip
  56. BuildRequires: readline-devel
  57. BuildRequires: ncurses-devel
  58. BuildRequires: db4-devel
  59. BuildRequires: gdbm-devel
  60. BuildRequires: glibc-devel
  61. BuildRequires: tcl tk
  62. BuildRequires: libX11-devel
  63. BuildRequires: openssl-devel
  64. BuildRequires: zlib-devel
  65. Requires: libruby = %{version}-%{release}
  66. Vendor: Project Vine
  67. Distribution: Vine Linux
  68. Packager: daisuke, akira
  69. %description
  70. Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy
  71. object-oriented programming. It has many features to process text files
  72. and to do system management tasks (as in Perl). It is simple,
  73. straight-forward, and extensible.
  74. %description -l ja
  75. Rubyはシンプルかつ強力なオブジェクト指向スクリプト言語です.Rubyは最初
  76. から純粋なオブジェクト指向言語として設計されていますから,オブジェクト
  77. 指向プログラミングを手軽に行う事が出来ます.もちろん通常の手続き型のプ
  78. ログラミングも可能です.
  79. Rubyはテキスト処理関係の能力などに優れ,Perlと同じくらい強力です.さら
  80. にシンプルな文法と,例外処理やイテレータなどの機構によって,より分かり
  81. やすいプログラミングが出来ます.
  82. %package -n libruby
  83. Summary: Libraries necessary to run Ruby.
  84. Summary(ja): Ruby の動作に必要なライブラリ群
  85. Group: System Environment/Libraries
  86. URL:
  87. Obsoletes: drb erb ruby-csv ruby-optparse ruby-rexml ruby-strscan rubyunit racc-runtime
  88. %description -n libruby
  89. This package includes the libruby, necessary to run Ruby.
  90. %description -n libruby -l ja
  91. このパッケージには Ruby を利用するために必要となるライブラリが含まれ
  92. ています.
  93. %package -n ruby-devel
  94. Summary: A Ruby development environment.
  95. Group: Development/Languages
  96. Requires: libruby = %{version}-%{release}
  97. URL:
  98. %description -n ruby-devel
  99. Header files and libraries for building a extension library for the
  100. Ruby or an application embedded Ruby.
  101. %description -n ruby-devel -l ja
  102. Rubyのための拡張ライブラリやRubyを組み込んだアプリケーションを作るため
  103. に必要となるへッダファイルやライブラリです.
  104. %package -n ruby-openssl
  105. Summary: OpenSSL interface for scripting language Ruby.
  106. Group: Development/Languages
  107. Requires: libruby = %{version}-%{release}
  108. URL:
  109. %description -n ruby-openssl
  110. OpenSSL interface for the object-oriented scripting language Ruby.
  111. %description -n ruby-openssl -l ja
  112. RubyにOpenSSLライブラリへのインタフェースを提供する拡張ライブラリです.
  113. %package -n ruby-tcltk
  114. Summary: Tcl/Tk interface for scripting language Ruby.
  115. Group: Development/Languages
  116. Requires: libruby = %{version}-%{release}
  117. URL:
  118. %description -n ruby-tcltk
  119. Tcl/Tk interface for the object-oriented scripting language Ruby.
  120. %description -n ruby-tcltk -l ja
  121. RubyにTcl/Tkライブラリへのインタフェースを提供する拡張ライブラリです.
  122. %package -n irb
  123. Summary: The Intaractive Ruby.
  124. Group: Development/Languages
  125. Requires: ruby = %{version}-%{release}
  126. URL:
  127. %description -n irb
  128. The irb is acronym for Interactive RuBy. It evaluates ruby expression
  129. from the terminal.
  130. %description -n irb -l ja
  131. irbとはInteractive RuByの略で,対話的にRubyの式を入力し,評価させるこ
  132. とが可能です.
  133. %package -n rdoc
  134. Summary: Generate documentation from ruby source files
  135. Group: Development/Languages
  136. Requires: ruby = %{version}-%{release}, irb = %{version}-%{release}
  137. URL:
  138. %description -n rdoc
  139. RDoc - Documentation from Ruby Source Files
  140. - Generates structured HTML and XML documentation from Ruby source and C
  141. extensions.
  142. - Automatically extracts class, module, method, and attribute definitions.
  143. These can be annonated using inline comments.
  144. - Analyzes method visibility.
  145. - Handles aliasing.
  146. - Uses non-intrusive and implicit markup in the comments. Readers
  147. of the original source needn't know that it is marked up at all.
  148. %description -n rdoc -l ja
  149. RDocはRubyのソースコードからドキュメントを生成するツールです.
  150. - RubyおよびC言語で書かれた拡張ライブラリのソースコードからHTML/XML形式の
  151. ドキュメントを生成できます.
  152. - クラス,モジュール,メソッド,アトリビュートを自動的に取り出します.それ
  153. らの説明はコメントの形で記述できます.
  154. - メソッドの可視性を判別できます.
  155. - エイリアスを適切に処理できます.
  156. %package -n ruby-docs
  157. Summary: Manuals and FAQs for scripting language Ruby.
  158. Summary(ja): Ruby のマニュアルと FAQ
  159. Group: Applications/Documentation
  160. URL:
  161. %description -n ruby-docs
  162. Manuals and FAQs for the object-oriented scripting language Ruby.
  163. %description -n ruby-docs -l ja
  164. オブジェクト指向スクリプト言語Rubyについてのマ二ュアルとFAQです.
  165. %if %{emacsen_pkg}
  166. %package -n %{rbmode_el}
  167. Summary: Emacs-lisp ruby-mode for the scripting language Ruby
  168. Group: Applications/Editors/Emacs
  169. PreReq: emacsen, emacsen-common >= 0.1
  170. URL:
  171. %description -n %{rbmode_el}
  172. Emacs-lisp ruby-mode for the object-oriented scripting language Ruby.
  173. %description -n %{rbmode_el} -l ja
  174. Emacs上でRubyスクリプトを書くのに便利なモードです.
  175. %endif
  176. %prep
  177. %setup -q -c
  178. mkdir %{name}-refm-ja
  179. cd %{name}-refm-ja
  180. tar xzf %{SOURCE2}
  181. cd ..
  182. cd %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}
  183. %patch803 -p1
  184. %patch808 -p1
  185. %patch901 -p1
  186. %patch903 -p1
  187. %ifarch x86_64 ppc64
  188. %patch950 -p1
  189. %endif
  190. %patch960 -p1
  191. %patch1005 -p1
  192. cd ../../..
  193. %build
  194. cd %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}
  195. autoconf
  196. CFLAGS="${CFLAGS:-%{optflags}}" ./configure \
  197. %ifarch i386 i486
  198. --enable-frame-address \
  199. %endif
  200. --prefix='%{rb_prefix}' \
  201. --mandir='%{rb_mandir}' \
  202. --sysconfdir='/etc' \
  203. --libdir='%{_libdir}' \
  204. --localstatedir='/var' \
  205. --with-sitedir='${prefix}/%{rb_site}' \
  206. --with-ruby-prefix='%{_prefix}/lib' \
  207. %ifarch x86_64 ppc64
  208. --with-search-path='%{_libdir}/ruby/%{rubyxver}' \
  209. %endif
  210. --with-default-kcode=none \
  211. --with-dbm-type=db \
  212. --with-bundled-sha1 \
  213. --with-bundled-md5 \
  214. --with-bundled-rmd160 \
  215. --enable-shared \
  216. --enable-pthread \
  217. --enable-ipv6 \
  218. --with-lookup-order-hack=INET \
  219. --target='%{rb_arch}'
  220. make %{?_smp_mflags}
  221. make test
  222. cd ..
  223. %install
  224. rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
  225. %if %{emacsen_pkg}
  226. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/%{rbmode}
  227. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_prefix}/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install
  228. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_prefix}/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove
  229. %endif
  230. #
  231. # installing documents and exapmles...
  232. #
  233. mkdir tmp-ruby-docs
  234. cd tmp-ruby-docs
  235. mkdir ruby libruby ruby-devel ruby-openssl ruby-tcltk ruby-docs irb
  236. # for ruby.rpm
  237. cd ruby
  238. %if !%{emacsen_pkg}
  239. (cd ../../%{name}-%{rubysrcdir} && tar cf - misc) | tar xvf -
  240. %endif
  241. (cd ../../%{name}-%{rubysrcdir} && tar cf - sample) | tar xvf -
  242. cd ..
  243. # for libruby.rpm
  244. cd libruby
  245. (cd ../../%{name}-%{rubysrcdir} && tar cf - lib/README*) | tar xvf -
  246. (cd ../../%{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/doc && tar cf - .) | tar xvf -
  247. (cd ../../%{name}-%{rubysrcdir} &&
  248. tar cf - `find ext \
  249. -mindepth 1 \
  250. \( -path '*/sample/*' -o -path '*/demo/*' \) -o \
  251. \( -name '*.rb' -not -path '*/lib/*' -not -name extconf.rb \) -o \
  252. \( -name 'README*' -o -name '*.txt*' -o -name 'MANUAL*' \)`) | tar xvf -
  253. rm -rf ext/openssl
  254. cd ..
  255. # for irb.rpm
  256. cd irb
  257. mv ../libruby/irb/* .
  258. rmdir ../libruby/irb
  259. cd ..
  260. # for ruby-devel.rpm
  261. cd ruby-devel
  262. cd ..
  263. # for ruby-openssl.rpm
  264. cd ruby-openssl
  265. mv ../ruby/sample/openssl sample
  266. cd ..
  267. # for ruby-tcltk.rpm
  268. cd ruby-tcltk
  269. mv ../libruby/ext/tk/MANUAL* .
  270. mv ../libruby/ext/tk/README.* .
  271. mv ../libruby/ext/tk/lib/README README.lib
  272. mv ../libruby/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib .
  273. mv ../libruby/ext/tk/sample .
  274. rmdir ../libruby/ext/tk/lib
  275. rmdir ../libruby/ext/tk
  276. cd ..
  277. # for ruby-docs.rpm
  278. cd ruby-docs
  279. mkdir refm-ja
  280. (cd ../../%{name}-refm-ja && tar cf - .) | (cd refm-ja && tar xvf -)
  281. cd ..
  282. # fixing `#!' paths
  283. for f in `find . -type f`
  284. do
  285. sed -e 's,^#![ ]*\([^ ]*\)/\(ruby\|with\|perl\|env\),#!/usr/bin/\2,' < $f > $f.n
  286. if ! cmp $f $f.n
  287. then
  288. mv -f $f.n $f
  289. else
  290. rm -f $f.n
  291. fi
  292. done
  293. # done
  294. cd ..
  295. #
  296. # installing files ...
  297. #
  298. cd %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}
  299. make DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} install install-doc
  300. make test
  301. cd ..
  302. # installing irb.1
  303. install %{SOURCE5} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/
  304. # installing ruby-mode
  305. %if %{emacsen_pkg}
  306. cd %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}
  307. cp misc/*.el %{SOURCE8} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/%{rbmode}
  308. cd ..
  309. %{?emacsen_pkg: %_installemacsenscript %{rbmode} %{SOURCE6}}
  310. %{?emacsen_pkg: %_removeemacsenscript %{rbmode} %{SOURCE7}}
  311. %endif
  312. # listing all files in ruby.files
  313. (find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir} \
  314. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir} \
  315. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir} \
  316. %ifarch x86_64 ppc64
  317. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib \
  318. %endif
  319. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir} \
  320. -type f -o -type l) |
  321. sort | uniq | sed -e "s,^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT,," \
  322. -e "s,\(/man/man./.*\)$,\1*," > ruby.files
  323. egrep '(\.[ah]|libruby\.so)$' ruby.files > ruby-devel.files
  324. sort ruby.files ruby-devel.files | uniq -u > tmp.files
  325. mv -f tmp.files ruby.files
  326. # for ruby-openssl.rpm
  327. cp /dev/null ruby-openssl.files
  328. for f in `cd %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/ext/openssl && find lib -type f -name '*.rb'`
  329. do
  330. grep "`echo $f | sed -e 's,^lib/,/%{rubyxver}/,'`$" ruby.files >> ruby-openssl.files
  331. done
  332. fgrep %{rb_arch}/ ruby.files >> ruby-openssl.files
  333. fgrep %{rb_lib}/net/https.rb ruby.files >> ruby-openssl.files
  334. fgrep %{rb_lib}/drb/ssl.rb ruby.files >> ruby-openssl.files
  335. fgrep %{rb_lib}/webrick/ssl.rb ruby.files >> ruby-openssl.files
  336. sort ruby.files ruby-openssl.files | uniq -u > tmp.files
  337. mv -f tmp.files ruby.files
  338. # for ruby-tcltk.rpm
  339. cp /dev/null ruby-tcltk.files
  340. for f in `cd %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/ext/tk && find lib -type f -name '*.rb'`
  341. do
  342. grep "`echo $f | sed -e 's,^lib/,/%{rubyxver}/,'`$" ruby.files >> ruby-tcltk.files
  343. done
  344. fgrep tkextlib/SUPPORT_STATUS ruby.files >> ruby-tcltk.files
  345. fgrep %{rb_arch}/ ruby.files >> ruby-tcltk.files
  346. fgrep %{rb_arch}/ ruby.files >> ruby-tcltk.files
  347. sort ruby.files ruby-tcltk.files | uniq -u > tmp.files
  348. mv -f tmp.files ruby.files
  349. # for rdoc.rpm
  350. cp /dev/null rdoc.files
  351. fgrep 'rdoc' ruby.files >> rdoc.files
  352. fgrep %{_bindir}/ri ruby.files >> rdoc.files
  353. ridatadir=`%{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/miniruby \
  354. -I %{name}-%{rubysrcdir} -I %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/lib \
  355. -r rdoc/ri/ri_paths.rb \
  356. -e 'puts RI::Paths::SYSDIR'`
  357. fgrep "${ridatadir}" ruby.files >> rdoc.files
  358. sort ruby.files rdoc.files | uniq -u > tmp.files
  359. mv -f tmp.files ruby.files
  360. # for irb.rpm
  361. cp /dev/null irb.files
  362. fgrep 'irb' ruby.files >> irb.files
  363. sort ruby.files irb.files | uniq -u > tmp.files
  364. mv -f tmp.files ruby.files
  365. # for libruby
  366. cp /dev/null libruby.files
  367. fgrep '%{_prefix}/lib' ruby.files | fgrep -v 'emacsen-common' | \
  368. sort | uniq -u >> libruby.files
  369. sort ruby.files libruby.files | uniq -u > tmp.files
  370. mv -f tmp.files ruby.files
  371. # for ruby-mode-el
  372. cp /dev/null %{rbmode_el}.files
  373. %if %{emacsen_pkg}
  374. fgrep '.el' ruby.files >> %{rbmode_el}.files
  375. fgrep 'emacsen-common' ruby.files >> %{rbmode_el}.files
  376. sort ruby.files %{rbmode_el}.files | uniq -u > tmp.files
  377. mv -f tmp.files ruby.files
  378. %endif
  379. strip ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir}/%{name}
  380. %clean
  381. rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
  382. rm -f *.files
  383. rm -rf tmp-ruby-docs
  384. %post -n libruby
  385. /sbin/ldconfig
  386. if [ -w %{rb_prefix}/%{rb_locallib} -a ! -e %{rb_sitedir} ]; then
  387. mkdir -p %{rb_sitedir} %{rb_sitearch}
  388. chown root:root %{rb_sitedir} %{rb_sitearch}
  389. chmod 775 %{rb_sitedir} %{rb_sitearch}
  390. fi
  391. %preun -n libruby
  392. if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then
  393. if [ -w %{rb_sitedir} -a -e %{rb_sitearch} ]; then
  394. rmdir %{rb_sitearch} 2>/dev/null || true
  395. fi
  396. if [ -w %{rb_prefix}/%{rb_locallib} -a -e %{rb_sitedir} ]; then
  397. rmdir %{rb_sitedir} 2>/dev/null || true
  398. fi
  399. fi
  400. %postun -n libruby
  401. /sbin/ldconfig
  402. %if %{emacsen_pkg}
  403. %post -n %{rbmode_el}
  404. if [ "$1" = 2 ]; then
  405. %{?emacsen_pkg: %_emacsenPackageRemove %{rbmode}}
  406. fi
  407. %{?emacsen_pkg: %_addemacsenlist %{rbmode}}
  408. %{?emacsen_pkg: %_emacsenPackageInstall %{rbmode}}
  409. %preun -n %{rbmode_el}
  410. if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then
  411. %{?emacsen_pkg: %_emacsenPackageRemove %{rbmode}}
  412. %{?emacsen_pkg: %_removeemacsenlist %{rbmode}}
  413. fi
  414. %endif
  415. %files -f ruby.files -n ruby
  416. %defattr(-, root, root)
  417. %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/README
  418. %lang(ja) %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/README.ja
  419. %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/COPYING
  420. %lang(ja) %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/COPYING.ja
  421. %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/ChangeLog
  422. %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/LEGAL
  423. %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/ToDo
  424. %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/doc/ChangeLog-1.8.0
  425. %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/doc/NEWS-1.8.0
  426. %doc tmp-ruby-docs/ruby/*
  427. %files -f ruby-devel.files -n ruby-devel
  428. %defattr(-, root, root)
  429. %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/README.EXT
  430. %lang(ja) %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/README.EXT.ja
  431. %files -f libruby.files -n libruby
  432. %defattr(-, root, root)
  433. %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/README
  434. %lang(ja) %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/README.ja
  435. %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/COPYING
  436. %lang(ja) %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/COPYING.ja
  437. %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/ChangeLog
  438. %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/LEGAL
  439. %doc tmp-ruby-docs/libruby/*
  440. %files -f ruby-openssl.files -n ruby-openssl
  441. %defattr(-, root, root)
  442. %doc tmp-ruby-docs/ruby-openssl/*
  443. %files -f ruby-tcltk.files -n ruby-tcltk
  444. %defattr(-, root, root)
  445. %doc tmp-ruby-docs/ruby-tcltk/*
  446. %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/SUPPORT_STATUS
  447. %files -f rdoc.files -n rdoc
  448. %defattr(-, root, root)
  449. %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/lib/rdoc/README
  450. %files -f irb.files -n irb
  451. %defattr(-, root, root)
  452. %doc tmp-ruby-docs/irb/*
  453. %files -n ruby-docs
  454. %defattr(-, root, root)
  455. %doc tmp-ruby-docs/ruby-docs/*
  456. %if %{emacsen_pkg}
  457. %files -f %{rbmode_el}.files -n %{rbmode_el}
  458. %defattr(-, root, root)
  459. %doc %{name}-%{rubysrcdir}/misc/README
  460. %endif
  461. %changelog
  462. * Mon Feb 28 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  463. - update to 1.8.7-p334
  464. * Tue Jan 18 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  465. - update to 1.8.7-p330
  466. - change License tag (Ruby or GPLv2)
  467. * Tue Feb 02 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  468. - update to 1.8.7-p249
  469. - rebuild with db4-4.8.0
  470. - drop unneccesary patches: 809, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004
  471. * Tue Sep 08 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  472. - move noarch ruby libraries to /usr/lib/ruby.
  473. - add Patch960
  474. - add --with-ruby-prefix=%%{_prefix}/lib
  475. - add deprecated search path for 64bit arch.
  476. - --with-search-path=%%{_libdir}/ruby/%%{rubyxver}
  477. * Wed Aug 12 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  478. - import Patch100[12345] from debian package
  479. * Added debian/patches/090811_thread_and_select.dpatch:
  480. threads may hangup when called from two or more threads.
  481. * Added debian/patches/090812_finalizer_at_exit.dpatch:
  482. finalizers should be run at exit (Closes: #534241)
  483. * Added debian/patches/090812_class_clone_segv.dpatch:
  484. avoid segv when an object cloned. (Closes: #533329)
  485. * Added debian/patches/090812_eval_long_exp_segv.dpatch:
  486. fix segv when eval a long expression. (Closes: #510561)
  487. * Added debian/patches/090812_openssl_x509_warning.dpatch:
  488. suppress warning from OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory. (Closes: #489443)
  489. * Tue Jun 16 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  490. - new upstream release 1.8.7-p174
  491. - fix CVE-2009-1904
  493. * Mon Jun 01 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  494. - new upstream version 1.8.7-p160.
  495. - drop unneccesary patches: Patch807, Patch1010
  496. * Mon Sep 22 2008 NAKAMURA Kenta <>
  497. - updated Patch950: ruby-1.8.7-p72-multilib.patch
  498. * Thu Sep 11 2008 akira yamada <>
  499. - new upstream version 1.8.7-p72.
  500. - droped unnecessary patches: Patch802.
  501. * Thu Sep 11 2008 akira yamada <>
  502. - new upstream version 1.8.6-p287.
  503. - droped unnecessary patches: Patch805, Patch1000.
  504. - updated Patch808 for 1.8.6-p287.
  505. - added Patch809: rcov may crash because of backwards incompatibility.
  506. (backported r14826:15141 of trunk).
  507. - added Patch1010 to fix CVE-2008-3790.
  508. * Sat Sep 6 2008 Ryoichi INAGAKI <>
  509. - applied new versioning policy
  510. - spec in UTF-8
  511. - removed BuildRequires: XOrg-devel
  512. * Wed Oct 24 2007 akira yamada <>
  513. - added ruby-
  514. - fixed: Document#write undefined local variable or method `transitive'.
  515. * Tue Oct 23 2007 akira yamada <>
  516. - new upstream version
  517. - added ruby-
  518. - security fixes for CVE-2007-5162. It is backported r13657 from ruby_1_8
  519. branch.
  520. - added ruby-
  521. - ConditionVariable#wait may raise "not owner" exceptions.
  522. - added ruby-
  523. - Sync#try_lock always fails due to wrong variable name.
  524. * Thu May 17 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.8.6-0vl4
  525. - rebuild with new openssl
  526. * Thu May 10 2007 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.8.6-0vl3
  527. - rebuilt with new toolchain and db4-4.3.x
  528. * Sun Mar 25 2007 NAKAMURA Kenta <> 1.8.6-0vl2
  529. - modified emacsen-common path
  530. * Mon Mar 19 2007 akira yamada <> 1.8.6-0vl1
  531. - new upstream version 1.8.6.
  532. * Mon Dec 04 2006 Satoshi IWAMOTO <> 1.8.5-0vl1.1
  533. - add pacth1000 for fix cgi.rb issue (JVN#84798830)
  534. * Wed Nov 1 2006 akira yamada <> 1.8.5-0vl1
  535. - new upstream version 1.8.5.
  536. - added ruby-1.8.5-rexml_encoding.patch:
  537. - REXML should accept UTF-16. [ruby-list:42737]
  538. - added ruby-1.8.5-rdoc.patch:
  539. - Don't unescape HTML in HtmlFormatter. Submitted by Kent Sibilev <ksruby
  540. at>. [ruby-core:08392].
  541. - lib/rdoc/generators/ri_generator.rb: do not chdir twice.
  542. - added ruby-1.8.5-hash_memory_reak.patch:
  543. - hash.c (rb_hash_s_create): fixed memory leak, based on the patch by Kent
  544. Sibilev <ksruby at>. fixed: [ruby-talk:211233]
  545. - added ruby-1.8.5-top_cref.patch:
  546. - eval.c (ruby_init): rename top_cref to ruby_top_cref and export, along
  547. with ruby_cref, for use by the sandbox. [ruby-core:08762]
  548. - added ruby-1.8.5-tcltk.patch:
  549. - ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt.rb: double dashes (--) option doesn't work
  550. properly on some versions of BLT (wrong description on the manual of
  551. `blt::bgexec'?).
  552. - ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb: TkFont#current_configinfo() doesn't work on
  553. Tcl/Tk8.x.
  554. - ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: update RELEASE_DATE.
  555. - added ruby-1.8.5-acl.patch:
  556. - patterns which include '*' should not cause getaddress() call.
  557. [ruby-dev:29406]
  558. - added ruby-1.8.5-socket.patch:
  559. - ext/socket/extconf.rb: check arpa/inet.h for ntohs.
  560. - ext/socket/socket.c: include arpa/inet.h if available.
  561. - ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_connect): sockerrlen should be socklen_t.
  562. - added ruby-1.8.5-exec_vs_nullbyte.patch:
  563. - io.c (pipe_open): null character should be saved for command name.
  564. [ruby-dev:29421]
  565. - process.c (proc_spawn): ditto.
  566. - process.c (proc_spawn_n): ditto.
  567. - process.c (rb_f_system): ditto.
  568. - added ruby-1.8.5-mimedec.patch:
  569. - CGI#out should not decode base64 strings. [ruby-dev:29284]
  570. - Kconv::toeuc should decode base64 strings. (reverted to old behaviour for
  571. compatibility.) [ruby-dev:29505]
  572. - corrected regexp for EUC-JP (Kconv::RegexpEucjp). [ruby-dev:29344]
  573. - added ruby-1.8.5-strftime_nullbyte.patch:
  574. - Time#strftime should save null character. [ruby-dev:29422]
  575. - added ruby-1.8.5-dbm_extconf.patch:
  576. - ext/dbm/extconf.rb: create makefile according to the result of check for
  577. dbm header. fixed: [ruby-dev:29445]
  578. - ext/dbm/extconf.rb: allow multiple candidates for dbm-type.
  579. - added ruby-1.8.5-check_sticky_bit.patch:
  580. - file.c (path_check_0): check if sticky bit is set on parent directories
  581. for executable path. fixed: [ruby-dev:29415]
  582. - Fix documentation submitted by Rick Ohnemus. ruby-Bugs-5529.
  583. [ruby-core:08725]
  584. - added ruby-1.8.5-float_hash.patch:
  585. - improve hash collision of Float objects. [ruby-dev:29352]
  586. - added ruby-1.8.5-time_vardecl.patch:
  587. - time.c (time_to_s): variable declaration after an execution statement.
  588. - added ruby-1.8.5-bignum.patch:
  589. - numeric.c (fix_plus): addition in Fixnum will never overflow long. a
  590. patch from Ondrej Bilka <neleai at>. [ruby-core:08794]
  591. - numeric.c (fix_minus): ditto.
  592. - bignum.c (rb_big_pow): eagerly truncate resulting bignum.
  593. [ruby-core:08794]
  594. - added ruby-1.8.5-migration_macro.patch:
  595. - ruby.h (RSTRING_PTR): add migration macro.
  596. - ruby.h (RARRAY_PTR): ditto.
  597. - added ruby-1.8.5-webrick_cookie.patch:
  598. - lib/webrick/cookie.rb (WEBrick::Cookie.parse_set_cookies): new method to
  599. parse multiple cookies per Set-Cookie header. Thanks to Aaron Patterson
  600. <aaron_patterson at>. [ruby-core:08802]
  601. - added ruby-1.8.5-suppress_warnings.patch:
  602. - mkconfig.rb, ext/extmk.rb, lib/mkmf.rb: suppress warnings with $VERBOSE.
  603. - ext/extmk.rb: Proc#call does not pass the block in 1.8.
  604. -, win32/Makefile.sub (MINIRUBY): append MINIRUBYOPT.
  605. - added ruby-1.8.5-pstore_binmode.patch:
  606. - lib/pstore.rb: open all in binary mode, and get rid of the quirk of
  607. msvcrt. fixed: [ruby-dev:29518]
  608. - added ruby-1.8.5-testunit_rescue.patch:
  609. - Rescue Exception in Test::Unit::TestCase#run. [ruby-core:08783]
  610. - added ruby-1.8.5-prevent_loading_twice.patch:
  611. - eval.c (rb_require_safe): prevent loading twice from extensions. fixed:
  612. [ruby-dev:29523]
  613. - added ruby-1.8.5-prohibit_intern_tainted_string.patch:
  614. - string.c (rb_str_intern): prohibit interning tainted string.
  615. - added ruby-1.8.5-ruby_mode.patch:
  616. - misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-partial): better here-doc support. a patch
  617. from Marshall T. Vandegrift <llasram at>. [ruby-core:08804]
  618. - added ruby-1.8.5-readme_ext.patch:
  619. - README.EXT: English adjustment. [ruby-core:08851] [ruby-core:08852]
  620. [ruby-core:08855]
  621. - added ruby-1.8.5-check_safe_level_for_str_intern.patch:
  622. - string.c (rb_str_intern): raise SecurityError only when $SAFE level is
  623. greater than zero. [ruby-core:08862]
  624. - parse.y (rb_interned_p): new function to check if a string is already
  625. interned.
  626. - object.c (str_to_id): use rb_str_intern().
  627. - added ruby-1.8.5-pty.patch:
  628. - ext/pty/pty.c (establishShell): parent pid is not used.
  629. - ext/pty/pty.c (freeDevice): not used.
  630. - ext/pty/pty.c (get_device_once): removed garbage right brace.
  631. - ext/pty/pty.c (establishShell): remove remaining unused line.
  632. - added ruby-1.8.5-imap_extraspace.patch:
  633. - net/imap can accept extra space in server responses. The patch from Tom
  634. Soderlund.
  635. - added ruby-1.8.5-rdoc_nameerror.patch:
  636. - rdoc/ri/ri_options.rb should require 'rdoc/ri/ri_paths'.
  637. - added ruby-1.8.5-gdbm_docs.patch and updated ruby-1.8.5-.document.patch:
  638. - added GDBM documents.
  639. - added ruby-1.8.5-etc_uid_t.patch:
  640. - etc.c should use uid_t instead of int. [ruby-core:08897]
  641. - added ruby-1.8.5-cgi_empty_content.patch:
  642. - invalid multipart data can make cgi.rb infinite loop and CPU consumption.
  643. (CVE-2006-5467)
  644. - added ruby-1.8.5-sandbox.patch:
  645. - added Thread#kill!. [ruby-core:08768]
  646. - added ruby-1.8.5-update_docs.patch:
  647. - small fixes and updates for rdocs.
  648. - added ruby-1.8.5-array.patch:
  649. - fixed a potential leaks caused by shift. [ruby-talk:216055]
  650. [ruby-core:08922] [ruby-list:42907]
  651. - added ruby-1.8.5-dir_checkdir.patch:
  652. - internal existence test for "/" fails anytime. [ruby-core:08913]
  653. - added ruby-1.8.5-mkmf.patch:
  654. - set default $LDFLAGS. [ruby-talk:216256]
  655. - check function pointer first and macro next. [ruby-core:08949]
  656. - fixed the bug of handling COMMON_MACROS.
  657. - added ruby-1.8.5-jcode.patch:
  658. - succ! in jcode.rb doesn't work on $KCODE == 'n'. [ruby-talk:216845]
  659. - added ruby-1.8.5-eval.patch:
  660. - check protected visibility based on real self, not ruby_frame->self.
  661. [ruby-talk:217822]
  662. - added ruby-1.8.5-include_module.patch:
  663. - remove unnecessary check. [ruby-talk:218402]
  664. - added ruby-1.8.5-bignum_shift.patch:
  665. - a bug in right shift of negative bignums. [ruby-core:09020]
  666. - added ruby-1.8.5-rexml_enc.patch:
  667. - spaces are allowed around equal sign. [ruby-core:09032]
  668. - added ruby-1.8.5-wrong_id_check.patch:
  669. - wrong id check. [ruby-core:09158]
  670. - typo fixed. [ruby-core:09168]
  671. - added ruby-1.8.5-rb_warning.patch:
  672. - some error message may contain format specifiers. [ruby-dev:29657]
  673. - added ruby-1.8.5-parse.y.patch.patch:
  674. - no need to re-create NODE_SELF() again. [ruby-core:09177]
  675. - use particular enums. [ruby-core:09221]
  676. - added ruby-1.8.5-signal.patch:
  677. - handle SIGTERM. [ruby-list:42895]
  678. - don't set SA_RESTART. a backport from the HEAD. [ruby-talk:220937]
  679. [ruby-talk:147220]
  680. - added ruby-1.8.5-string_tainted.patch:
  681. - should be infected with only original string, but not the shared string.
  682. [ruby-core:09152]
  683. - strnig.c (rb_str_new4): keep shared string untainted when orignal string
  684. is tainted. [ruby-dev:29672]
  685. - added ruby-1.8.5-configure_alloca.patch:
  686. - alloca is broken; use C_ALLOCA instead. [ruby-dev:29416]
  687. - added ruby-1.8.5-openssl.patch:
  688. - ossl_pkcs7_verify, ossl_spki_initialize: should clear error.
  689. - Use digest/md5 instead of obsolete md5.
  690. - added ruby-1.8.5-imap_nomodseq.patch:
  691. - net/imap chokes on NOMODSEQ response. [ruby-Bugs#6026]
  692. - added ruby-1.8.5-soap.patch:
  693. - huge memory usage with the Ebay API.
  694. <>
  695. - applied debian/patches/149_bignum_to_s.patch
  696. - should preserve leading zero information for negative %b and %x.
  697. [ruby-talk:221347]
  698. - applied debian/patches/150_time_dup.patch
  699. - duplicate the class of original time. [ruby-core:09357]
  700. - applied debian/patches/151_super.patch
  701. - fixed bug of zsuper with both of opt and rest. [ruby-list:42928]
  702. - applied debian/patches/152_dir_glob.patch
  703. - get rid of possible memory leak.
  704. * Tue Sep 12 2006 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 1.8.4-0vl5
  705. - changed ruby-mode Group to Appliations/Editors/Emacs <BTS:VineLinux:163>
  706. - changed ruby-doc Group to Appliations/Documentation <BTS:VineLinux:163>
  707. - changed libruby Group to System Environment/Libraries
  708. - rebuilt with openssl-0.9.7k
  709. * Sat Jul 29 2006 NAKAMURA Kenta <> 1.8.4-0vl4
  710. - x86_64 architecture support
  711. - added ruby-1.8.4-multilib.patch
  712. - added ruby-1.8.4-tcltk-multilib.patch
  713. - modified emacsen-common path
  714. * Fri Jul 14 2006 akira yamada <> 1.8.4-0vl3
  715. - added ruby-1.8.4-135.patch:
  716. - should check if chars are multibyte for regexp-i option.
  717. [ruby-dev:28598] [ruby-list:42096]
  718. - added ruby-1.8.4-136.patch:
  719. - jcode.rb breaks String#tr_s. [ruby-list:42090]
  720. - added ruby-1.8.4-137.patch:
  721. - Array#pack supports CRLF newlines. [ruby-dev:28601]
  722. - added ruby-1.8.4-138.patch:
  723. - should initialize variables first. [ruby-core:07785] [ruby-core:07810]
  724. - avoid accessing uninitialized array element. [ruby-core:07809]
  725. - added ruby-1.8.4-139.patch:
  726. - Numeric#div should use floor rather than Interger. [ruby-dev:28589]
  727. - the first element of Float#divmod should be an integer.
  728. [ruby-dev:28589]
  729. - added ruby-1.8.4-140.patch:
  730. - avoids memory leak of YAML. [ruby-core:7808]
  731. - added ruby-1.8.4-141.patch:
  732. - fixes out of bounds array access. [ruby-core:07823]
  733. - added ruby-1.8.4-142.patch:
  734. - use AF_INET6 for nameservers containing colons.
  735. - added ruby-1.8.4-143.patch:
  736. - should not modify untainted objects in safe levels higher than 3.
  737. - should not allow modifying literal regexps.
  738. - added ruby-1.8.4-144.patch:
  739. - should not close untainted dir stream in $SAVE >= 4.
  740. - should not call a vararg function rb_sys_warning() indirectly.
  741. [ruby-core:07886]
  742. - added ruby-1.8.4-145.patch:
  743. - should round for usec floating number. [ruby-core:07896]
  744. - added ruby-1.8.4-146.patch:
  745. - constant in Fixnum access with instance_eval dumps core.
  746. [ruby-dev:28327]
  747. - inspect for overriden method. [ruby-dev:28636]
  748. - set_trace_func dumps core. [ruby-dev:28632]
  749. - set_trace_func: binding has wrong self value for return events.
  750. [ruby-core:07928]
  751. - added ruby-1.8.4-147.patch:
  752. - fixed typo of openssl/ssl.rb.
  753. - added ruby-1.8.4-148.patch:
  754. - fixed memory leak and alignment bug of the dl library. [ruby-dev:28665]
  755. - added ruby-1.8.4-149.patch:
  756. - new method: IO#read_nonblock, IO#write_nonblock,
  757. Socket#connect_nonblock, Socket#accept_nonblock and
  758. Socket#recvfrom_nonblock. [ruby-core:7917]
  759. - use rb_read_pending instead of rb_io_read_pending. [ruby-dev:28663]
  760. - new method: IPSocket#recvfrom_nonblock, TCPServer#accept_nonblock,
  761. UNIXServer#accept_nonblock.
  762. - reject non-AF_UNIX sockaddr. [ruby-dev:28691]
  763. - added ruby-1.8.4-mkconfig.rb.patch:
  764. - mkconfig.rb should remove "|#_!!_#|" and unquote commas generated by
  765. autoconf > 2.59 (CVS).
  766. * Wed May 10 2006 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.8.4-0vl2
  767. - dirty fix to rb_arch macro for ppc
  768. (_target_cpu should be powerpc, but rpm macro will translate to ppc anyhow)
  769. this fix will be removed after rpm-4.4 macro issue is cleared up.
  770. * Sun Apr 23 2006 akira yamada <> 1.8.4-0vl1
  771. - new upstream version 1.8.4.
  772. - updated ruby-refm-rdp.
  773. - applied following bug-fix-patches.
  774. - added ruby-1.8.4-100.patch:
  775. - fixed a bug in constant reference during instance_eval for some type of
  776. objects. [yarv-dev:707]
  777. - added ruby-1.8.4-101.patch:
  778. - allow dynamic symbols (:"...") to undef and alias. [ruby-dev:28105]
  779. - added ruby-1.8.4-102.patch:
  780. - (openssl) treat wildcard character in commonName. [ruby-dev:28121]
  781. - (openssl) should use "rb_str_new(0, 0)" to make empty string.
  782. - added ruby-1.8.4-103.patch:
  783. - callcc or thread may leak memory [ruby-Bugs:1364] [ruby-dev:28154]
  784. [ruby-dev:28172]
  785. - mark objects refered from aborting threads. [ruby-dev:28190]
  786. - added ruby-1.8.4-104.patch:
  787. - avoid a GC problem with RUBY_ALWAYS_GC= ./ruby -e ''.
  788. - declare rb_gc_abort_threads.
  789. - added ruby-1.8.4-105.patch:
  790. - should not recycle scope object used in a thread. [ruby-dev:28177]
  791. - added ruby-1.8.4-106.patch (urgency medium):
  792. - get rid of segfault on syntax error. [ruby-core:07070]
  793. - added ruby-1.8.4-107.patch:
  794. - fixed typo in webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb: fixed typo.
  795. [ruby-core:7075]
  796. - added ruby-1.8.4-108.patch (urgency medium):
  797. - YAML loading of quoted Symbols broken. [ruby-Bugs:2535]
  798. - YAML could not load Bignum in ruby 1.8.3/1.8.4. [ruby-core:6115]
  799. - YAML could not dump Subclass of Numeric properly. [ruby-core:7047]
  800. - should be able to load "!ruby/object:Bignum" syntax 1.8.3 dumped.
  801. [ruby-core:6159]
  802. - workaround for SEGV. ex: YAML.load("!map:B {}"). [ruby-core:7217]
  803. - fixed a typo in yaml.rb. [ruby-talk:165285] [ruby-core:6995]
  804. - YAML should output complex key mark even if map's key is empty seq/map.
  805. [ruby-core:7129]
  806. - added ruby-1.8.4-109.patch:
  807. - fixed possibility of memmory corruption.
  808. - added ruby-1.8.4-111.patch:
  809. - don't clobber %l7 of SPARC if enable-shared.
  810. - workaround for FreeBSD/i386 getcontext/setcontext bug. [ruby-dev:28263]
  811. - added ruby-1.8.4-112.patch:
  812. - FileUtils#mv should remove file after copying. [ruby-dev:28223]
  813. - added ruby-1.8.4-113.patch:
  814. - avoids compile error (use system routine if provided).
  815. [ruby-core:07195]
  816. - added ruby-1.8.4-114.patch:
  817. - need not to protect $SAFE value. [ruby-core:07177]
  818. - added ruby-1.8.4-115.patch:
  819. - (2**32).to_s(2) fails with exception where sizeof(int) == 4 <
  820. sizeof(long). [ruby-core:7300] [ruby-Bugs:3438]
  821. - added ruby-1.8.4-116.patch:
  822. - PStore#fetch should return default value if name is not found.
  823. [ruby-core:7304]
  824. - added ruby-1.8.4-117.patch:
  825. - defined RSTRUCT_LEN and RSTRUCT_PTR for source level compatibility with
  826. ruby 1.9.
  827. - alias RbConfig for Config for compatibility with ruby 1.9.
  828. - added ruby-1.8.4-118.patch:
  829. - should not access ruby objects in finalizer of Zlib. [ruby-dev:28286]
  830. - added ruby-1.8.4-119.patch:
  831. - no need to push ruby_class. [ruby-dev:28176] [ruby-dev:28580]
  832. - check if ruby_cbase is nil (during instance_eval for objects cannot have
  833. singleton classes, e.g. fixnums and symbols). [ruby-dev:28178]
  834. [ruby-dev:28580] [ruby-dev:28582]
  835. - argument update propagation. [ruby-dev:28044]
  836. - avoid unnecessary extra argument. [ruby-core:07366] [ruby-dev:28583]
  837. [ruby-dev:28583]
  838. - added ruby-1.8.4-120.patch:
  839. - support non 32bit time_t environments.
  840. - added ruby-1.8.4-121.patch:
  841. - zsuper (with define_method) dumps core. [ruby-dev:28181]
  842. - added ruby-1.8.4-122.patch:
  843. - should no singleton classes for true, false, and nil. [ruby-dev:28186]
  844. - added ruby-1.8.4-124.patch:
  845. - sleep should always sleep for specified amount of time.
  846. [ruby-talk:180067]
  847. - added ruby-1.8.4-125.patch:
  848. - unpack("l") did not work where sizeof(long) != 4. [ruby-talk:180024]
  849. - fixed integer overflow on template "w" of pack. [ruby-talk:180126]
  850. - added ruby-1.8.4-126.patch:
  851. - removed unnecessary MY_FILE_NAME constant. [ruby-core:07376]
  852. - added ruby-1.8.4-127.patch:
  853. - odd break behavior. [ruby-talk:180420]
  854. - added ruby-1.8.4-128.patch:
  855. - unexpected syntax error. [ruby-talk:180648]
  856. - added ruby-1.8.4-129.patch:
  857. - fixed that irb can't parse /\^/. [ruby-dev:28404] [ruby-Bugs:3302]
  858. - rdoc could not handle /\^/. [ruby-talk:181631] [ruby-dev:28404]
  859. - added ruby-1.8.4-130.patch:
  860. - symbols overlap ordinary objects. [ruby-core:07414]
  861. - heap_slots may overflow.
  862. - align VALUE with sizeof(RVALUE) globally. [ruby-talk:178364]
  863. [ruby-core:7305]
  864. - added ruby-1.8.4-131.patch:
  865. - should not re-schedule output from KILLED thread.
  866. - added ruby-1.8.4-133.patch:
  867. - reports aliased method names in a generated backtrace. [ruby-dev:28471]
  868. - insecure calling should be checked for non NODE_SCOPE method invocations
  869. too.
  870. - should preserve the current safe level as well as method definition.
  871. - added ruby-1.8.4-134.patch:
  872. - (bignum) second operand may be too big even if it's a Fixnum.
  873. [ruby-talk:187984]
  874. - libruby1.8-dbg: applied a patch from Matthew Palmer to provide detached
  875. symbols.
  876. * Wed Nov 9 2005 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 1.8.1-0vl22
  877. - added BuildRequires: zlib-devel
  878. * Sat Jul 2 2005 KANEKO Seiji <> 1.8.1-0vl21
  879. - rebuild for VineSeed
  880. - rename BuildRequires: XFree86-devel to XOrg-devel
  881. * Thu Jun 23 2005 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl20.1
  882. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-xmlrpc-util.rb.patch:
  883. - fixed arbitrary command execution on XMLRPC server.
  884. (CAN-2005-1992) [ruby-core:5237]
  885. * Wed Nov 03 2004 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.8.1-0vl20
  886. - increased release number to avoid discrepancy against 3.0/errata package
  887. * Wed Nov 03 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl19
  888. - updated and enabled ruby-1.8.2pre2-cvs-update-104.patch.
  889. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-io-open.patch:
  890. - (important) additional changes for "open dumps core again^2."
  891. [ruby-dev:24656]
  892. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-array-uniq.patch:
  893. - Array#uniq should not freeze elements. [ruby-dev:24695]
  894. * Wed Nov 03 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl18
  895. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-cvs-update-104.patch:
  896. - (important) Enumerable#grep dumps core. [ruby-dev:24671]
  897. - (important) open dumps core again^2. [ruby-dev:24656]
  898. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-ostruct-revert.patch and removed
  899. ruby-1.8.2pre2-ostruct-marshal.patch:
  900. - reverted lib/ostruct.rb.
  901. * Sun Oct 31 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl17
  902. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-cvs-updates-103.patch:
  903. - (important) temporarily frozen string causes core dump. [ruby-dev:24552]
  904. - removed ruby-1.8.2pre2-cgi.rb-macie.patch,
  905. ruby-1.8.2pre2-ostruct-marshal.patch,
  906. ruby-1.8.2pre2-zlib-flush_next_in.patch and
  907. ruby-1.8.2pre2-ruby_finalize_1-segv.patch: they ware included into the
  908. above patch.
  909. * Sat Oct 30 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl16
  910. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-eval.c-memory-leak.patch:
  911. - (important) another memory leak in ruby_1_8. [ruby-core:03619]
  912. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-io-path.patch:
  913. - (important) IO#path may cause segv. [ruby-talk:118234]
  914. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-enum-sort_by.patch:
  915. - (important) Enumerable#sort_by dumps core again^4. [ruby-dev:24642]
  916. * Thu Oct 29 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl15
  917. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-cvs-updates-100.patch:
  918. - minor bug fix.
  919. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-cvs-updates-101.patch:
  920. - (important) "IO.allocate.reopen('/nothing')" on irb causes SEGV.
  921. [ruby-core:03288]
  922. - YAML fails to load/dump non-printable characters. [ruby-core:03280]
  923. [ruby-core:03286]
  924. - Bug#265429: mysteriously hangs [ruby-dev:24072]
  925. [ruby-dev:24075]
  926. - Pathological slowdown in 1.8 [ruby-core:02662]
  927. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-cvs-updates-102.patch:
  928. - (important) fixed some segmentation fault bugs listed in
  929. - <URL:>.
  930. - raise dumps core. [ruby-dev:24519]
  931. - unpack("p") dumps core. [ruby-dev:24594]
  932. - Enumerable#sort_by dumps core again. [ruby-dev:24386]
  933. - Enumerable#sort_by dumps core again(2). [ruby-dev:24399]
  934. - A class of return value of Array#*. [ruby-dev:24526]
  935. - Zlib::Deflate#deflate causes core dump. [ruby-dev:24530]
  936. - PStore#transaction may raise Errno::ENOENT. [ruby-dev:24561]
  937. - String#include? ?\x80. [ruby-dev:24558]
  938. - httpresponse.rb: ensure to close @body.
  939. - (important) fixed memory leak. [ruby-core:03549]
  940. - Zlib::GzipReader#ungetc does not work correctly.
  941. - (important) core dump with binding, eval, instance_eval and class
  942. variable. [ruby-dev:24120]
  943. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-cgi.rb-macie.patch:
  944. - cgi.rb: workaround for Mac IE. [ruby-list:40136]
  945. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-ostruct-marshal.patch:
  946. - ostruct.rb: OpenStruct can't be dumped. [ruby-dev:24625]
  947. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-zlib-flush_next_in.patch:
  948. - (important) Zlib::Deflate#flush_next_in causes core dump.
  949. [ruby-dev:24621]
  950. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-ruby_finalize_1-segv.patch:
  951. - (important) raising zlib dumps core again. [ruby-dev:24627]
  952. - removed ruby-1.8.2pre2-cgi-session-filename.patch and
  953. ruby-1.8.2pre2-cgi.rb-infinity-loop.patch: they ware included into the
  954. above patch.
  955. * Thu Oct 29 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl14
  956. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-cgi-session-filename.patch:
  957. - (important) CGI::Session::FilesStore and CGI::Session::PStore should not
  958. use a session id as a filename.
  959. - added ruby-1.8.2pre2-cgi.rb-infinity-loop.patch:
  960. - (security) cgi.rb: avoids infinity loop.
  961. * Wed Oct 13 2004 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.8.1-0vl13
  962. - rebuilt with db4-4.2.25
  963. * Fri Jul 30 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl12
  964. - new upstream source, ruby-1.8.2-preview2.
  965. - removed patches which is included into upstream:
  966. ruby-1.8.2pr1-sleep.patch, ruby-1.8.2pr1-version.h.patch,
  967. ruby-1.8.2pr1-yaml-rubytypes.rb.patch, ruby-1.8.2pr1-ruby-mode.patch,
  968. ruby-1.8.2pr1-yaml-load-exception.patch,
  969. ruby-1.8.2pr1-config.guess-revert.patch, ruby-1.8.2pr1-callcc.patch,
  970. ruby-1.8.2pr1-net-imap.patch, ruby-1.8.2pr1-uri-ldap.patch,
  971. ruby-1.8.2pr1-use-NULL.patch, ruby-1.8.2pr1-cgi-session.patch and
  972. ruby-1.8.2pr1-run-final.patch.
  973. - renamed to ruby-1.8.2pre2-delegate.rb.patch from
  974. ruby-1.8.2pr1-delegate.rb.patch.
  975. * Wed Jul 28 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl11
  976. - enabled Patch811(ruby-1.8.2pr1-cgi-session.patch).
  977. - added a patch:
  978. - ruby-1.8.2pr1-run-final.patch: ObjectSpace.define_finalizer may cause
  979. Segmentation falult. [ruby-dev:23957]
  980. * Wed Jul 21 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl10
  981. - new upstream source, ruby-1.8.2-preview1.
  982. - removed patches which included into upstream:
  983. ruby-1.8.1-{100..108}-cvs-updates.patch,
  984. ruby-1.8.1-ia64-stack-limit-hack.patch,
  985. ruby-1.8.1-zlib_64bit_gzfile_get32.patch,
  986. ruby-1.8.1-rdoc-parse.rb.patch.
  987. - updated patches:
  988. - ruby-1.8.1-sleep.patch -> ruby-1.8.2pr1-sleep.patch
  989. - ruby-1.8.1-yaml-rubytypes.rb.patch -> ruby-1.8.2pr1-yaml-rubytypes.rb.patch
  990. - ruby-1.8.1-ruby-mode.patch -> ruby-1.8.2pr1-ruby-mode.patch
  991. - ruby-1.8.1-delegate.rb.patch -> ruby-1.8.2pr1-delegate.rb.patch
  992. - ruby-1.8.1-config.guess-revert.patch -> ruby-1.8.2pr1-config.guess-revert.patch
  993. - ruby-1.8.1-ri-pager.patch -> ruby-1.8-ri-pager.patch
  994. - added patches:
  995. - ruby-1.8.2pr1-version.h.patch: added some constans.
  996. - ruby-1.8.2pr1-yaml-load-exception.patch: YAML.load
  997. couldn't load Exception objects. [ruby-talk:104405]
  998. - ruby-1.8.2pr1-callcc.patch: callcc method may cause unknown data type
  999. bug. [ruby-talk:106657]
  1000. - ruby-1.8.2pr1-net-imap.patch: wait command continuation requests before
  1001. sending octet data of literals.
  1002. - ruby-1.8.2pr1-uri-ldap.patch: method hierarchical? in uri/ldap.rb should
  1003. be in URI::LDAP.
  1004. - ruby-1.8.2pr1-use-NULL.patch: use NULL instead of 0.
  1005. - ruby-1.8.2pr1-cgi-session.patch: sets the permission of the session data
  1006. file to 0600. [ruby-dev:23952]
  1007. * Wed Jun 23 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl9
  1008. - added ruby-1.8.1-rdoc-parse.rb.patch:
  1009. - [ruby-talk:104190] %r{...} is a regular expression but RDoc prints it
  1010. as %{...}.
  1011. - added ruby-1.8.1-config.guess-revert.patch:
  1012. - [ruby-dev:23753] revert to original config.guess
  1013. <URL:>.
  1014. * Tue Jun 22 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl8
  1015. - added ruby-1.8.1-yaml-rubytypes.rb.patch:
  1016. - backported from CVS HEAD.
  1017. * Tue Jun 22 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl7
  1018. - added ruby-1.8.1-106-cvs-updates.patch:
  1019. - [ruby-dev:23550], Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0)
  1020. dumps core.
  1021. - [ruby-core:02793] ruby -e 'a[*b]+=c' dups core.
  1022. - [ruby-dev:23487] core dump by delete_if on 1.8
  1023. - options for Net::Telnet::login can take regexps for login prompt
  1024. and/or password prompt.
  1025. - added ruby-1.8.1-107-cvs-updates.patch:
  1026. - upgraded to stable-snapshot (2004-06-05).
  1027. - added debian/patches/108_cvs_updates.patch:
  1028. - [ruby-dev:22631] should not dump singleton class.
  1029. - limit safe level.
  1030. - [ruby-dev:23713] allow changing $SAFE.
  1031. - added ruby-1.8.1-820_zlib_64bit_gzfile_get32.patch:
  1032. - the value in gzfile_get32 can accidentally be sign extended on 64 bit
  1033. systems. Thanks to Matthew Mueller. (see Debian Bug#255442)
  1034. - removed ruby-1.8.1-time.c.patch, ruby-1.8.1-find.rb.patch,
  1035. ruby-1.8.1-telnet.rb.patch, ruby-1.8.1-yaml.patch,
  1036. ruby-1.8.1-proc_eq.patch, ruby-1.8.1-misc-escape.patch and
  1037. ruby-1.8.1-parse.y-reverse.patch. they ware included into the above
  1038. patch.
  1039. - updated SOURCE2. [VineSeed:09109]
  1040. - removed unusable "Prefix:".
  1041. * Fri Feb 06 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl6
  1042. - configure with --with-bundled-{sha1,md5,rmd160}. it free libruby1.8 from
  1043. libssl.
  1044. - added ruby-1.8.1-105-cvs-updates.patch:
  1045. - "undef" for methods does not work. [ruby-list:39058]
  1046. - blocks in "#{}" makes syntax error. [ruby-list:39061]
  1047. - Net::IMAP accepts 8-bit characters in quoted strings for Novell
  1048. GroupWise Internet Agent.
  1049. - Socket#recvfrom makes an invalid argument error in non-blocking mode.
  1050. [ruby-talk:89962]
  1051. - util.c (mblen): fix overrun. (DJGPP ONLY) [ruby-dev:22672]
  1052. - delegate.rb should use Kernel::raise for Thread. [ruby-dev:22681]
  1053. [ruby-dev:22684]
  1054. - delegate.rb should not delegate singleton_method_added.
  1055. [ruby-dev:22685]
  1056. - added ruby-1.8.1-find.rb.patch:
  1057. - Find.find raises SecurityError in $SAFE>=1. [ruby-dev:22641]
  1058. - Find.find("xyz") will yield "xyz" even if no such file exists.
  1059. [ruby-core:02319]
  1060. - added ruby-1.8.1-telnet.rb.patch:
  1061. - net/telnet.rb accepts "Login" prompt.
  1062. - added ruby-1.8.1-yaml.patch:
  1063. - syck library does not dump tv_usec correctly. [ruby-core:02305]
  1064. - syck cannot dump a Range of strings. [ruby-core:02306]
  1065. - added ruby-1.8.1-ruby-mode.patch:
  1066. - font-lock could not treat %"..." correctry. [ruby-dev:22705]
  1067. - added ruby-1.8.1-proc_eq.patch:
  1068. - Proc with empty body may not be equal. [ruby-dev:22590]
  1069. [ruby-dev:22594][ruby-dev:22602]
  1070. - added ruby-1.8.1-misc-escape.patch:
  1071. - Here-document in lib/rexml/encodings/ISO-8859-1.rb requires quotation,
  1072. as in US-ASCII.rb. [ruby-talk:88650]
  1073. - avoid warnings in rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb.
  1074. * Thu Jan 22 2004 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.8.1-0vl5
  1075. - changed the arguments when generating RI (in the %%install section)
  1076. against "ppc vs powerpc" issue (thanks Akira Yamada-san for helping)
  1077. * Wed Jan 21 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl4
  1078. - added ruby-1.8.1-104-cvs-updates.patch:
  1079. - removed O_NONBLOCK for a socket used by DRb.
  1080. - Net::IMAP accepts an NIL-envelope.
  1081. * Tue Jan 20 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl3
  1082. - added ruby-1.8.1-103-cvs-updates.patch:
  1083. - io.c: initializer of lineno should be "INT2FIX(0)".
  1084. - disabled optimization on ia64. (-O1/2 makes ruby unusable.)
  1085. - added ruby-1.8.1-ia64-stack-limit-hack.patch:
  1086. - disable IA64_MAGIC_STACK_LIMIT trick when optimization is disabled.
  1087. [ruby-dev:22650]
  1088. * Mon Jan 19 2004 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl2
  1089. - added ruby-1.8.1-101-cvs-updates.patch:
  1090. - should raise EOFError. [ruby-core:2078]
  1091. - don't increment lineno when gzfile_read_all returns "". [ruby-core:2078]
  1092. - ARGF.readline should raise EOFError at EOF. [ruby-dev:22458]
  1093. - both of and should concatenate input files when
  1094. length argument is nil. [ruby-dev:22450]
  1095. - ARGF.lineno should return 0 even if ARGF have not been read.
  1096. [ruby-dev:22460]
  1097. - ARGF.each_byte should return self. [ruby-dev:22465]
  1098. - ARGF.eof? should not have any side effect. [ruby-dev:22469]
  1099. - should not abort when module_function is called for undefined method.
  1100. [ruby-dev:22498]
  1101. - makes an error when it gets EOF. [ruby-bugs-ja:PR#585]
  1102. - synchronized with date2 library version 3.5. it includes fixes for
  1103. [ruby-talk:90063].
  1104. - added ruby-1.8.1-102-cvs-updates.patch:
  1105. - documents of methods of IO is missing.
  1106. - added ruby-1.8.1-sleep.patch:
  1107. - sleep is broken with --enable-pthread. [ruby-core:2133]
  1108. [ruby-core:2137]
  1109. - added ruby-1.8.1-time.c.patch:
  1110. - Time#usec should not return neither a negative number nor a number which
  1111. is larger than 1000000. [ruby-dev:22614], [ruby-dev:22617]
  1112. - added ruby-1.8.1-ri-pager.patch:
  1113. - changed pager search order: ENV['PAGER'], pager, ...
  1114. - put datafiles of ri into rdoc package.
  1115. * Sat Dec 27 2003 akira yamada <> 1.8.1-0vl1
  1116. - new upstream version.
  1117. - applied bugfix patch. ruby-1.8.1-100-cvs-updates.patch:
  1118. - Kernel::require searches actual file name once when no extension
  1119. specified.
  1120. - fixes Ruby/Tk crash bug. (but does not fix block bug.) [ruby-talk:88830]
  1121. - Array#pack checks sign for "i" and "I". [ruby-dev:22427]
  1122. - IO::readlines should return lines when record-separater is nil.
  1123. [ruby-core:02077][ruby-core:02078]
  1124. - accepts "nil" for argument. [ruby-dev:22433]
  1125. - updated ruby-refm-rdp-1.6.8-ja-html.tar.gz.
  1126. - added ruby-mode-init.el.
  1127. - updated and
  1128. * Mon Dec 08 2003 akira yamada <> 1.8.0-0vl5
  1129. - updated ruby-1.8.1pr3-cvs-updates.patch.
  1130. * Sat Dec 06 2003 akira yamada <> 1.8.0-0vl3
  1131. - updated to Ruby 1.8.1-preview3.
  1132. - applied patches from the CVS.
  1133. * Thu Oct 16 2003 akira yamada <> 1.8.0-0vl2
  1134. - libruby obsoletes drb, erb, ruby-csv, ruby-optparse, ruby-rexml,
  1135. ruby-strscan, rubyunit and racc-runtime.
  1136. * Mon Oct 06 2003 akira yamada <> 1.8.0-0vl1
  1137. - new upstream version.
  1138. - applied patches from the CVS.
  1139. - new sub-package: ruby-openssl.
  1140. * Mon Mar 31 2003 KOBAYASHI R. Taizo <> 1.6.8-0vl2
  1141. - rebuild with tcltk-8.4.2
  1142. * Tue Jan 21 2003 akira yamada <> 1.6.8-0vl1
  1143. - new upstream version.
  1144. - applied a patch:
  1145. - [ruby-dev:18702] [PATCH] .rb/.so with same feature name
  1146. - build with db4-devel. ( is linked with
  1147. * Tue Mar 19 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.7-0vl5
  1148. - applied bug fix patch:
  1149. - ruby-dev#16462: preserve reference for GC, but link should be cut.
  1150. (ruby-dev#16411: block local var.)
  1151. - RUBY_RELEASE_DATE "2002-03-19"
  1152. (ruby-1.6.7-103.patch)
  1153. * Sun Mar 17 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.7-0vl4
  1154. - applied bug fix patch:
  1155. - ruby-dev#16274: patch for 'wm state' (tk.rb)
  1156. - PR#206ja: SEGV handle EXIT
  1157. - updated NEWS
  1158. - RUBY_RELEASE_DATE "2002-03-14"
  1159. (ruby-1.6.7-100.patch)
  1160. - ruby-list#34313: singleton should not be Marshal.dump'ed
  1161. - ruby-dev#16411: block local var
  1162. - RUBY_RELEASE_DATE "2001-03-15"
  1163. (ruby-1.6.7-101.patch)
  1164. - handling multibyte chars is partially broken.
  1165. - RUBY_RELEASE_DATE "2002-03-18"
  1166. (ruby-1.6.7-102.patch)
  1167. - removed ruby-1.6.7-500-marshal-proc.patch and
  1168. ruby-1.6.7-501-class-var.patch. they are included (or rewrited) into the
  1169. above patch.
  1170. - updated refm. (
  1171. - prefixed %%lang(ja) to %%doc for Japanese documents.
  1172. * Fri Mar 08 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.7-0vl3
  1173. - applied patch501.
  1174. * Fri Mar 08 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.7-0vl2
  1175. - updated refm. (
  1176. * Sun Mar 03 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.7-0vl1
  1177. - new upstream version.
  1178. - uri library is included.
  1179. - time.rb is new.
  1180. - some bugs are fixed.
  1181. - added
  1182. - applied bug fix patch:
  1183. - ruby-dev#16178: Marshal::dump shuld call Proc#call.
  1184. (ruby-1.6.7-500-marshal-proc.patch)
  1185. - ruby-talk#35157: class vars broken in 1.6.7
  1186. (ruby-1.6.7-501-class-var.patch)
  1187. - removed: ruby-1.6.6-10[12].patch, ruby-1.6.6-502-net_pop.patch.
  1188. * Mon Feb 04 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.6-0vl5
  1189. - applied bug fix patch:
  1190. - ruby-dev#15684: reject prefix followed by spaces only.
  1191. - PR#183: SEGV on remove_class_variable
  1192. (ruby-1.6.6-101.patch)
  1193. - PR#184: Net::APOP.auth_only is not usable
  1194. (ruby-1.6.6-502-net_pop.patch)
  1195. - removed ruby-1.6.6-502-net_pop.patch. it is included by
  1196. 101_ruby-1.6.6.patch.
  1197. - site_ruby moved to under /usr/local/lib.
  1198. - added db1-devel to BuildRequires.
  1199. * Wed Jan 09 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.6-0vl4
  1200. - added a bug fix patch: ruby-1.6.6-501-ruby-mode.patch
  1201. - ruby-talk#30479: ruby-mode.el disables font-lock coloring
  1202. * Tue Jan 08 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.6-0vl3
  1203. - added a bug fix patch: ruby-1.6.6-100.patch
  1204. - ruby-talk#30203: Ruby 1.6.6 bug and fix
  1205. - ruby-list#33047: regex bug
  1206. - PR#230: problem with -d in 1.6.6
  1207. - removed patches: ruby-900-XXX-strtod.patch ruby-503-weakref.rb.patch.
  1208. included into ruby-1.6.6-100.patch.
  1209. * Fri Jan 04 2002 akira yamada <> 1.6.6-0vl2
  1210. - added a patch:
  1211. - ruby-1.6.6-901-sparc.patch: PR#225: sparc linux needs different
  1213. - renamed to ruby-mode from ruby-mode-el.
  1214. * Wed Dec 26 2001 akira yamada <> 1.6.6-0vl1
  1215. - new upstream version.
  1216. * Sun Nov 18 2001 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.6.5-0vl3
  1217. - rebuilt with new tcl/tk packages
  1218. - added patches: ruby-900-XXX-strtod.patch ruby-503-weakref.rb.patch
  1219. * Wed Oct 10 2001 akira yamada <> 1.6.5-0vl2
  1220. - applied bug fix patch from upstrem cvs repository.
  1221. - ruby-dev#14810, ruby-dev#14813 (ruby-1.6.5-100.patch)
  1222. - applied bug fix patch:
  1223. - ruby-list#31570 for net/pop.rb (ruby-1.6.5-501-net-pop.rb.patch)
  1224. - %%{_mandir} hack.
  1225. - emacsen_pkg hack. (very dirty for %%_foo() in %%if-%%endif. but it is
  1226. wrong of spec-specification... sigh.)
  1227. * Wed Sep 19 2001 akira yamada <> 1.6.5-0vl1
  1228. - new upstream version.
  1229. - add XFree86-devel to BuildRequires. (tk.h requires X11/Xlib.h.)
  1230. * Mon Sep 03 2001 akira yamada <> 1.6.4-0vl8
  1231. - removed files related on emacsen-common from libruby.
  1232. - updated upstream URLs.
  1233. * Tue Aug 07 2001 akira yamada <>
  1234. - 1.6.4-0vl7
  1235. - added ruby-1.6.4-108.patch.
  1236. - fixed: causes segv to mod_ruby.
  1237. - do not recurse if method_missing is undefined.
  1238. - m68k work around.
  1239. * Fri Aug 03 2001 akira yamada <>
  1240. - 1.6.4-0vl5
  1241. - new sub-package ruby-mode-el. it provides ruby-mode for emacsen.
  1242. * Thu Aug 01 2001 akira yamada <>
  1243. - 1.6.4-0vl4
  1244. - added ruby-1.6.4-10[67].patch.
  1245. - remove ruby-1.6.4-501.patch. (fixed on upstream.)
  1246. - marshal verbose warning bug.
  1247. - ruby-1.6-2001.07.31.
  1248. - packages except libruby and irb requires libruby = %%{version}-%%{release}.
  1249. - irb requires ruby = %%{version}-%%{release}.
  1250. * Thu Jul 26 2001 akira yamada <>
  1251. - 1.6.4-0vl3
  1252. - added ruby-1.6.4-10[345].patch and ruby-1.6.4-501.patch.
  1253. - tilde expansion problem and PR#158.
  1254. - some documents moved to libruby.rpm from ruby.rpm.
  1255. - stopped using %%configure macros, because it breaks
  1256. Config::CONFIG["libdir"] variable: %%configure sets
  1257. it to "/usr/lib" but it should be
  1258. "$(exec_prefix)/lib" for some packages which uses
  1259. ruby.
  1260. * Tue Jul 17 2001 akira yamada <>
  1261. - 1.6.4-0vl2
  1262. - added ruby-1.6.4-10[12].patch.
  1263. - fixed a bug around order of "$:".
  1264. - updated config.{guess,sub}.
  1265. - eval.c bug.
  1266. - marshal version 4.6.
  1267. * Mon Jun 04 2001 akira yamada <>
  1268. - 1.6.4-0vl1
  1269. - upgrade to nwe upstream version 1.6.4.
  1270. * Mon Apr 02 2001 akira yamada <>
  1271. - applied patch:
  1272. - fixed method cache bug. etc. (Patch103, Patch104)
  1273. * Tue Mar 27 2001 akira yamada <>
  1274. - applied patch:
  1275. - fixed marshal for bignum bug.
  1276. - fixed scope of constant variables bug.
  1277. * Tue Mar 20 2001 akira yamada <>
  1278. - upgraded to new upstream version 1.6.3.
  1279. * Fri Feb 09 2001 akira yamada <>
  1280. - fixed bad group for libruby.
  1281. - Applied patch: upgraded to cvs version (2001-02-08):
  1282. fixed minor bugs.
  1283. * Thu Jan 18 2001 akira yamada <>
  1284. - Applied patch: upgraded to cvs version (2001-01-15):
  1285. fixed minor bugs(e.g. ruby makes extention librares too large...).
  1286. * Wed Jan 10 2001 akira yamada <>
  1287. - Applied patch: upgraded to cvs version (2001-01-09):
  1288. fixed minor bugs.
  1289. * Sat Dec 30 2000 akira yamada <>
  1290. - Applied bug fix patch.
  1291. * Mon Dec 25 2000 akira yamada <>
  1292. - Updated to new upstream version 1.6.2.
  1293. * Fri Dec 22 2000 akira yamada <>
  1294. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000122019.patch, added ruby_cvs.2000122215.patch
  1295. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version, 1.6.2-preview4).
  1296. * Wed Dec 20 2000 akira yamada <>
  1297. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000121413.patch, added ruby_cvs.2000122019.patch
  1298. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1299. - new package: libruby
  1300. * Thu Dec 14 2000 akira yamada <>
  1301. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000101901.patch, added ruby_cvs.2000121413.patch
  1302. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1303. - Removed ruby-dev.11262.patch, ruby-dev.11265.patch,
  1304. and ruby-dev.11268.patch (included into above patch).
  1305. * Sun Nov 12 2000 MACHINO, Satoshi <> 1.6.1-0vl9
  1306. - build on gcc-2.95.3
  1307. * Thu Oct 19 2000 akira yamada <>
  1308. - Added ruby-dev.11268.patch.
  1309. * Thu Oct 19 2000 akira yamada <>
  1310. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000101117.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000101901.patch
  1311. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1312. - Added ruby-dev.11262.patch.
  1313. - Added ruby-dev.11265.patch.
  1314. * Wed Oct 11 2000 akira yamada <>
  1315. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000100313.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000101117.patch
  1316. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1317. * Mon Oct 09 2000 akira yamada <>
  1318. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000100313.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000100313.patch
  1319. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1320. * Tue Oct 03 2000 akira yamada <>
  1321. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000100218.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000100313.patch
  1322. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1323. * Mon Oct 02 2000 akira yamada <>
  1324. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000092718.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000100218.patch
  1325. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1326. * Thu Sep 27 2000 akira yamada <>
  1327. - Updated to upstream version 1.6.1.
  1328. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000082901.patch and added ruby_cvs.2000092718.patch
  1329. (upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1330. * Tue Aug 29 2000 akira yamada <>
  1331. - Updated to version 1.4.6.
  1332. - removed ruby-dev.10123.patch(included into ruby-1.4.6).
  1333. - Added ruby_cvs.2000082901.patch(upgraded ruby to latest cvs version).
  1334. * Tue Jun 27 2000 akira yamada <>
  1335. - Updated manuals to version 1.4.5.
  1336. * Sun Jun 25 2000 akira yamada <>
  1337. - Added ruby-dev.10123.patch.
  1338. * Sat Jun 24 2000 akira yamada <>
  1339. - Updated to version 1.4.5.
  1340. - Removed ruby_cvs.2000062401.patch(included into ruby-1.4.5).
  1341. * Thu Jun 22 2000 akira yamada <>
  1342. - Updated to version 1.4.4(06/22/2000 CVS).
  1343. - Removed ruby-dev.10054.patch(included into ruby_cvs.patch).
  1344. * Thu Jun 22 2000 akira yamada <>
  1345. - Renamed to ruby_cvs20000620.patch from ruby_cvs.patch.
  1346. * Tue Jun 20 2000 akira yamada <>
  1347. - Updated to version 1.4.4(06/20/2000 CVS).
  1348. - Removed ruby-list.23190.patch(included into ruby_cvs.patch).
  1349. - Added ruby-dev.10054.patch.
  1350. * Tue Jun 15 2000 akira yamada <>
  1351. - Updated to version 1.4.4(06/12/2000 CVS).
  1352. - Added manuals and FAQs.
  1353. - Split into ruby, ruby-devel, ruby-tcltk, ruby-docs, irb.
  1354. * Tue Jun 13 2000 Mitsuo Hamada <>
  1355. - Updated to version 1.4.4
  1356. * Wed Dec 08 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <>
  1357. - Updated to version 1.4.3
  1358. * Mon Sep 20 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <>
  1359. - Updated to version 1.4.2 (Sep 18)
  1360. * Fri Sep 17 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <>
  1361. - Updated to version 1.4.2
  1362. * Tue Aug 17 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <>
  1363. - Updated to version 1.4.0
  1364. * Fri Jul 23 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <>
  1365. - 2nd release
  1366. - Updated to version 1.2.6(15 Jul 1999)
  1367. - striped %{prefix}/bin/ruby
  1368. * Mon Jun 28 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <>
  1369. - Updated to version 1.2.6(21 Jun 1999)
  1370. * Wed Apr 14 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <>
  1371. - Updated to version 1.2.5
  1372. * Fri Apr 09 1999 Atsushi Yamagata <>
  1373. - Updated to version 1.2.4
  1374. * Fri Dec 25 1998 Toru Hoshina <>
  1375. - Version up to 1.2 stable.
  1376. * Fri Nov 27 1998 Toru Hoshina <>
  1377. - Version up to 1.1c9.
  1378. * Thu Nov 19 1998 Toru Hoshina <>
  1379. - Version up to 1.1c8, however it appear short life :-P
  1380. * Fri Nov 13 1998 Toru Hoshina <>
  1381. - Version up.
  1382. * Mon Sep 22 1998 Toru Hoshina <>
  1383. - To make a
  1384. * Mon Sep 21 1998 Toru Hoshina <>
  1385. - Modified SPEC in order to install libruby.a so that it should be used by
  1386. another ruby entention.
  1387. - 2nd release.
  1388. * Mon Mar 9 1998 Shoichi OZAWA <>
  1389. - Added a powerPC arch part. Thanks, MURATA Nobuhiro <>