perl-Image-Size-vl.spec 2.5 KB

  1. %define module Image-Size
  2. %define name perl-%{module}
  3. %define version 3.1.1
  4. %define release 2%{_dist_release}
  5. Name: %{name}
  6. Version: %{version}
  7. Release: %{release}
  8. Summary: Read the dimensions of an image in several popular formats
  9. License: Artistic and GPL
  10. Group: Development/Libraries
  11. URL:{module}
  12. Source:{module}-%{version}.tar.gz
  13. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  14. BuildRequires: perl(Compress::Zlib)
  15. BuildRequires: perl(Module::Build)
  16. BuildRequires: perl-Test-Pod
  17. BuildRequires: perl-Test-Pod-Coverage
  18. BuildArch: noarch
  19. Vendor: Project Vine
  20. Distribution: Vine Linux
  21. %description
  22. Image::Size is a library based on the image-sizing code in the wwwimagesize
  23. script, a tool that analyzes HTML files and adds HEIGHT and WIDTH tags to
  24. IMG directives.
  25. %prep
  26. %setup -q -n %{module}-%{version}
  27. %build
  28. %{__perl} Build.PL installdirs=vendor
  29. ./Build CFLAGS="%{optflags}"
  30. %check
  31. ./Build test
  32. %clean
  33. rm -rf %{buildroot}
  34. %install
  35. rm -rf %{buildroot}
  36. ./Build install destdir=%{buildroot}
  37. # rm -f %{buildroot}%{perl_archlib}/perllocal.pod
  38. # rm -rf %{buildroot}%{perl_vendorarch}
  39. %files
  40. %defattr(-,root,root)
  41. %{_bindir}/*
  42. %{_mandir}/*/*
  43. %{perl_vendorlib}/Image
  44. %{perl_vendorlib}/auto/Image
  45. %changelog
  46. * Sun Feb 15 2009 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> - 3.1.1-2
  47. - added BuildRequires: perl-Test-Pod, perl-Test-Pod-Coverage
  48. - changed Group to Development/Libraries
  49. * Mon May 05 2008 Satoshi IWAMOTO <> - 3.1.1-1
  50. - rebuild with perl 5.10
  51. - new versioning policy
  52. * Sun Mar 02 2008 Satoshi IWAMOTO <> 3.1.1-0vl1
  53. - built for release
  54. * Sun Mar 02 2008 Satoshi IWAMOTO <> 3.1.1-0vl0.1
  55. - test package for VineSeed
  56. - new upstream release
  57. - add Vendor/Distribution tag
  58. * Thu Jul 05 2007 Guillaume Rousse <> 3.01-1mdv2008.0
  59. + Revision: 48726
  60. - switch to Module::Build
  61. + Olivier Thauvin <>
  62. - buildrequires
  63. - 3.01
  64. * Mon Jul 17 2006 Christiaan Welvaart <> 1:3.0-2
  65. - add BuildRequires: perl-Compress-Zlib
  66. * Fri Jun 16 2006 Guillaume Rousse <> 1:3.0-1mdv2007.0
  67. - new version
  68. - rpmbuildupdate aware
  69. - spec cleanup
  70. - better summary
  71. * Tue Jan 18 2005 Abel Cheung <> 2.992-3mdk
  72. - rebuild
  73. * Tue Aug 12 2003 Per リyvind Karlsen <> 2.992-2mdk
  74. - rebuild for new perl
  75. - use %%makeinstall_std macro
  76. * Mon Jul 21 2003 Fran輟is Pons <> 2.992-1mdk
  77. - 2.992.