123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247 |
- Summary: Server for accessing CD-ROM books with NDTP
- Summary(ja): NDTP を用いた CD-ROM 書籍をアクセスするためのサーバ
- Name: ndtpd
- Version: 3.1.5
- Release: 4%{?_dist_release}
- License: GPLv2
- Group: System Environment/Daemons
- Source: ftp://ftp.sra.co.jp/pub/net/ndtp/ndtpd/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
- Source1: ndtpd
- URL: http://www.sra.co.jp/people/m-kasahr/ndtpd/
- BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
- Requires: eb >= 3.3, zlib
- BuildRequires: eb-devel
- BuildRequires: zlib-devel
- Requires(post): grep /sbin/install-info
- Requires(preun): grep /sbin/install-info /sbin/chkconfig
- Distribution: Vine Linux
- Vendor: Project Vine
- %define ndtpdconfdir %{_sysconfdir}/ndtpd
- %description
- NDTPD is a server for accessing CD-ROM books with NDTP (Network
- Dictionary Transfer Protocol) on TCP. You can replace dserver with
- NDTPD. NDTPD can run on UNIX derived systems. It supports to access
- CD-ROM books of EB, EBG, EBXA, EBXA-C, S-EBXA and EPWING formats.
- CD-ROM books of those formats are popular in Japan. Since CD-ROM
- books themseves are stands on the ISO 9660 format, you can mount the
- discs by the same way as other ISO 9660 discs.
- %description -l ja
- NDTPD は TCP 上の NDTP (Network Disctionary Transfer Protocol) という
- プロトコルを用いて、CD-ROM 書籍へのアクセスを行うサーバです。
- dserver は NDTPD に置き換えることが可能です。
- NDTPD は UNIX 系 OS のシステム上で動作させることができます。EB, EBG,
- EBXA, EBXA-C, S-EBXA および EPWING 形式の CD-ROM 書籍に対応しています。
- これらの形式の CD-ROM 書籍は、日本で一般的に使われています。CD-ROM 書籍
- 自体はISO 9660 形式になっていますので、他の ISO 9660 形式と同じ要領で
- マウントすることができます。
- %prep
- %setup -q
- %build
- ./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} \
- --sysconfdir=%{ndtpdconfdir} \
- --localstatedir=%{_localstatedir} \
- --infodir=%{_infodir} \
- --with-eb-conf=%{_sysconfdir}/eb.conf \
- --with-zlib
- make all check info
- %install
- rm -rf %{buildroot}
- make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
- mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/ndtpd/log
- install -m 755 -D %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_initdir}/ndtpd
- rm -f %{buildroot}%{_infodir}/dir
- cd %{buildroot}%{ndtpdconfdir}
- cat ndtpd.conf.sample | sed -e 's|/usr/var|%{_localstatedir}|g' > ndtpd~
- [ -s ndtpd~ ] && (rm -f ndtpd.conf.sample; mv ndtpd~ ndtpd.conf.sample)
- %clean
- rm -rf %{buildroot}
- %pre
- if [ `grep ndtpgrp %{_sysconfdir}/group | wc -l` = 0 ]; then
- %{_sbindir}/groupadd ndtpgrp
- fi
- if [ `grep ndtpuser %{_sysconfdir}/passwd | wc -l` = 0 ]; then
- %{_sbindir}/useradd -M -r -g ndtpgrp -d %{_localstatedir}/ndtpd \
- -s "" -c "ndtpd" ndtpuser || :
- fi
- %post
- if [ -x /sbin/install-info ]; then
- for i in $(ls %{_infodir}/ndtpd*); do
- /sbin/install-info --info-dir=%{_infodir} $i
- done
- fi
- if [ -x /bin/grep -a -f /etc/services ] ; then
- grep -q "^ndtp" /etc/services || \
- echo "ndtp 2010/tcp # added by ndtpd RPM" >> /etc/services
- fi
- if [ -x /bin/grep -a -f /etc/syslog.conf ] ; then
- grep -q "ndtpd" /etc/syslog.conf || \
- echo "local0.info %{_localstatedir}/ndtpd/log/ndtpd.log" >> /etc/syslog.conf
- fi
- kill -HUP `/sbin/pidof syslogd`
- if [ -x /bin/grep -a -f /etc/inetd.conf ] ; then
- grep -q "ndtp" /etc/inetd.conf || \
- echo "#ndtp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/ndtpd ndtpd --inetd" >> /etc/inetd.conf
- fi
- if [ -x /bin/grep -a -f /etc/hosts.allow ] ; then
- grep -q "ndtp" /etc/hosts.allow || \
- echo "ndtp: : allow" >> /etc/hosts.allow
- fi
- if [ -f %{_localstatedir}/ndtpd/ndtpd.pid -a -x %{_initdir}/ndtpd ]; then
- %{_initdir}/ndtpd restart
- fi
- %preun
- if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
- if [ -x /sbin/install-info ]; then
- for i in $(ls %{_infodir}/ndtpd*); do
- /sbin/install-info --delete --info-dir=%{_infodir} $i
- done
- fi
- [ -x /sbin/chkconfig -a -x %{_initdir}/ndtpd ] && \
- /sbin/chkconfig --del ndtpd
- ls %{_localstatedir}/ndtpd/log/* &> /dev/null && \
- rm -f %{_localstatedir}/ndtpd/log/*
- if [ -x /bin/grep -a -f /etc/syslog.conf ] ; then
- if grep -q "ndtpd" /etc/syslog.conf ; then
- grep -v "ndtpd" /etc/syslog.conf > /etc/syslog.new && \
- mv -f /etc/syslog.new /etc/syslog.conf
- kill -HUP `/sbin/pidof syslogd`
- fi
- fi
- if [ -x /bin/grep -a -f /etc/inetd.conf ] ; then
- if grep -q "^ndtp" /etc/inetd.conf ; then
- grep -v "ndtp" /etc/inetd.conf > /etc/inetd.new && \
- mv -f /etc/inetd.new /etc/inetd.conf
- kill -HUP `/sbin/pidof inetd`
- fi
- fi
- if [ -x /bin/grep -a -f /etc/hosts.allow ] ; then
- if grep -q "ndtp" /etc/hosts.allow ; then
- grep -v "ndtp" /etc/hosts.allow > /etc/hosts.allow.new && \
- mv -f /etc/hosts.allow.new /etc/hosts.allow
- fi
- fi
- if [ -f %{_localstatedir}/ndtpd/ndtpd.pid -a -x %{_initdir}/ndtpd ]; then
- %{_initdir}/ndtpd stop
- fi
- rm -f %{_localstatedir}/ndtpd/*.lock
- fi
- :
- %postun
- if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
- if [ `grep ndtpuser %{_sysconfdir}/passwd | wc -l` = 1 ]; then
- %{_sbindir}/userdel ndtpuser
- fi
- if [ `grep ndtpgrp %{_sysconfdir}/group | wc -l` = 1 ]; then
- %{_sbindir}/groupdel ndtpgrp
- fi
- fi
- %files
- %defattr(-,root,root)
- %config %{ndtpdconfdir}/ndtpd.conf.sample
- %{_infodir}/ndtpd-ja.info*
- %{_infodir}/ndtpd.info*
- %{_libexecdir}/ndtpstat
- %{_sbindir}/ndtpcheck
- %{_sbindir}/ndtpcontrol
- %{_sbindir}/ndtpd
- %{_sbindir}/ndtpdaily
- %{_sbindir}/ndtpupgrade
- %{_initdir}/ndtpd
- %attr(-,ndtpuser,ndtpgrp) %{_localstatedir}/ndtpd
- %changelog
- * Sun Jan 2 2011 IWAI, Masaharu <iwai@alib.jp> 3.1.5-4
- - build with eb 4.4.3
- * Wed Jul 22 2009 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com> 3.1.5-3
- - rebuilt with eb-4.4.1
- * Fri Oct 10 2008 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com> 3.1.5-2vl5
- - fixed release
- * Wed Oct 08 2008 Shu KONNO <owa@bg.wakwak.com> 3.1.5-1vl5
- - applied new versioning policy, spec in utf-8
- * Thu Dec 13 2007 IWAI, Masaharu <iwai@alib.jp> 3.1.5-0vl2
- - rebuild with eb-4.3
- * Sun Oct 3 2004 Kunio Murasawa <murasawa@fa2.so-net.ne.jp> 3.1.5-0vl1
- - new upstream release
- - changed Copyright to License
- - removed define _sysconfdir, _initdir, _localstatdir
- - fixed Requires: eb >= 3.3
- - fixed Group: System Environment/Daemons
- - added configure --infodir
- - removed rm info-[1-2]* in install section
- * Tue Sep 24 2002 Masaki Shinomiya <shino@pos.to> 3.1.3-0vl3
- - merge Vine-2.5 Plus's Spec file by Kyoichiro Suda <sudakyo@fat.coara.or.jp>
- - services, inetd.conf, syslog.conf, ndtpd.conf.sample, post, preun
- * Sat Jul 6 2002 IWAI Masaharu <iwai@alib.jp> 3.1.3-0vl2
- - update to 3.1.3 for VineSeed Plus
- - merged 3.1.3-0vl1 for Vine-2.5 Plus's Spec file
- - added startup script %%{SOURCE1}
- - fixed Distribution and Vendor tags
- - 3.1.3-0vl1 Changelog
- * Tue Jun 11 2002 Satoshi Tanaka <tnim@mint.freemail.ne.jp>
- - Update version 3.1.3 for the Vine Linux 2.x
- * Tue Mar 12 2002 Satoshi Tanaka <tnim@mint.freemail.ne.jp>
- - Update version 3.1.1 for the Vine Linux 2.1.5
- * Thu Nov 15 2001 Tomoya TAKA <taka@vinelinux.org> 3.0.2-0vl1
- - update to 3.0.2
- - add Requires: eb, zlib and BuildPrereq: zlib-devel
- - fix spec files, use rpm macros
- * Fri Jul 6 2001 UECHI Yasumasa <uh@u.dhis.portside.net>
- -3.0.1-0vl1
- - version up to 3.0.1
- - add user ndtpuser, group ndtpgrp
- * Sat Jun 23 2001 Tomoya TAKA <tomoya@olive.plala.or.jp>
- - 3.0-0vl2
- - add PreReq: /sbin/install-info, handle info pages in %%post and %%preun
- * Fri Jun 22 2001 UECHI Yasumasa <uh@u.dhis.portside.net>
- - 3.0-0vl1
- - version up to 3.0
- - remove EB library from this pkg
- * Wed Jun 14 2000 Masaki Kawamura <kawamura@ic.sci.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp>
- - add Provides: eb == 2.3.7, eb-devel == 2.3.7
- * Wed Apr 26 2000 Masaki Kawamura <kawamura@ic.sci.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp>
- - Update version 2.3.7 for the Vine Linux 2.0
- * Wed Dec 9 1998 ZUKERAN, shin <shin@ryukyu.ad.jp>
- - fix -version-info parameter with pje.patch.
- - fix ndtpd.init