t1lib-vl.spec 7.9 KB

  1. Summary: PostScript Type 1 font rasterizer
  2. Name: t1lib
  3. Version: 5.1.2
  4. Release: 4%{?_dist_release}
  5. Epoch: 1
  6. Group: System Environment/Libraries
  7. License: LGPLv2+
  8. URL: ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/libs/graphics/t1lib-%{version}.lsm
  9. Source: ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/libs/graphics/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
  10. Patch1: %{name}-doc.patch.bz2
  11. Patch2: %{name}-config.patch.bz2
  12. Patch3: %{name}-5.1.2-segf.patch
  13. # security fixes
  14. Patch10: t1lib-5.1.2-CVE-2010-2642.patch
  15. Patch11: t1lib-5.1.2-CVE-2011-0764.patch
  16. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  17. BuildRequires: libICE-devel libX11-devel libXaw-devel libXpm-devel
  18. BuildRequires: texlive texlive-common
  19. Vendor: Project Vine
  20. Distribution: Vine Linux
  21. %description
  22. T1lib is a library for generating character and string-glyphs from
  23. Adobe Type 1 fonts under UNIX. T1lib uses most of the code of the X11
  24. rasterizer donated by IBM to the X11-project. But some disadvantages
  25. of the rasterizer being included in X11 have been eliminated.
  26. T1lib also includes a support for antialiasing.
  27. %package devel
  28. Summary: Header files for PostScript Type 1 font rasterizer
  29. Group: Development/Libraries
  30. Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
  31. Provides: %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}
  32. %description devel
  33. Header files required for compiling packages
  34. needing the t1lib.
  35. %package static-devel
  36. Summary: Static libraries for PostScript Type 1 font rasterizer
  37. Group: Development/Libraries
  38. Requires: %{name}-devel = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
  39. Provides: %{name}-static-devel = %{version}-%{release}
  40. %description static-devel
  41. Static libraries required for staticaly compiling packages needing the t1lib.
  42. %package progs
  43. Summary: Programs dor manipulating Type 1 font
  44. Group: Applications/Graphics
  45. License: GPLv2+
  46. Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
  47. Provides: %{name}-progs
  48. %description progs
  49. The t1lib-progs contains the programs "xglyph" and "type1afm"
  50. It also contains the "t1libconfig" script used to configure t1lib.
  51. %prep
  52. %setup -q
  53. %patch1 -p0
  54. %patch2 -p0
  55. %patch3 -p1 -b .segf
  56. %patch10 -p1 -b .CVE-2010-2642
  57. %patch11 -p1 -b .CVE-2011-0764
  58. iconv -f latin1 -t utf8 < Changes > Changes.utf8
  59. touch -r Changes Changes.utf8
  60. mv Changes.utf8 Changes
  61. %build
  62. %configure
  63. #export tagname=CC
  64. perl -pi -e 's,-DGLOBAL_CONFIG_DIR="\\"/usr/share/t1lib\\"",-DGLOBAL_CONFIG_DIR="\\"/etc/t1lib\\"",;' Makefile
  65. #(cd lib
  66. #perl -pi -e 's,$(DESTDIR)/usr/share/t1lib,$(DESTDIR)$(datedir)t1lib,;' Makefile
  67. #)
  68. make without_doc
  69. #LIBTOOL=/usr/bin/libtool
  70. touch -r lib/t1lib/t1lib.h.in lib/t1lib.h
  71. touch -r lib/t1lib/t1libx.h lib/t1libx.h
  72. ln README.t1lib-%{version} README
  73. (cd doc
  74. make clean
  75. make pdf)
  76. %install
  77. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  78. install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir} \
  79. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir} \
  80. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir} \
  81. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}
  82. make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT INSTALL='install -p'
  83. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libt1*.la
  84. chmod a+x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libt1*.so.*
  85. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/t1lib
  86. mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/t1lib/t1lib.config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/t1lib
  87. %post -p /sbin/ldconfig
  88. %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
  89. %clean
  90. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  91. %files -n %{name}
  92. %defattr(-,root,root)
  93. %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/t1lib/t1lib.config
  94. %doc Changes LGPL README.t1*
  95. %{_libdir}/libt1*.so.*
  96. %files -n %{name}-devel
  97. %defattr(-,root,root)
  98. %doc LGPL doc/t1lib_doc.pdf
  99. %{_includedir}/*
  100. %{_libdir}/*.so
  101. %files -n %{name}-static-devel
  102. %defattr(-,root,root)
  103. %doc LGPL
  104. %{_libdir}/*.a
  105. %files -n %{name}-progs
  106. %defattr(-,root,root)
  107. %doc LICENSE README.t1python
  108. %{_bindir}/*
  109. %changelog
  110. * Sun Aug 03 2014 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 5.1.2-4
  111. - rebuild with VineSeed environment
  112. * Mon Jan 16 2012 Satoshi IWAMOTO <satoshi.iwamoto@nifty.ne.jp> 5.1.2-3
  113. - add patch10 for fix CVE-2010-2642 (AFM font metrics parser)
  114. CVE-2011-0433 is fixed on the this patch.
  115. - add patch11 for fix CVE-2011-0764 (AFM font metrics parser)
  116. CVE-2011-0764, CVE-2011-1552, 53, 54 are fixed by this patch
  117. - add Vendor/Distri Tags
  118. * Fri Jun 03 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 5.1.2-2
  119. - add BR: texlive-common
  120. * Sun May 15 2011 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com> 5.1.2-1
  121. - updated to 5.1.2
  122. - added Patch3 from Fedora
  123. * Mon Apr 25 2011 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com> 5.0.2-3
  124. - rebuild with current VineSeed
  125. - use BR: texlive instead of tetex
  126. * Sun Nov 09 2008 Shu KONNO <owa@bg.wakwak.com> 5.0.2-2vl5
  127. - rebuild with libXaw.so.7 (libXaw-1.0.5)
  128. - spec in utf-8
  129. * Sat Sep 20 2008 Shu KONNO <owa@bg.wakwak.com> 5.0.2-1vl5
  130. - applied new versioning policy
  131. - removed *.la
  132. - added BuildRequires: xorg-x11-devel libXpm-devel, instead of XFree86-devel xpm-devel
  133. * Sat Dec 24 2005 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com> 5.0.2-0vl2
  134. - fixed spec file to build current environment
  135. - added %{epoch} related t1libs
  136. * Sat Jun 19 2004 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com> 5.0.2-0vl1
  137. - updated to 5.0.2
  138. - changed Group:
  139. * Sun Mar 16 2003 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 5.0.0-0vl1
  140. - new upstream release 5.0.0
  141. * Fri May 31 2002 KOBAYASHI R. Taizo <tkoba@vinelinux.org> 1.3.1-5vl0
  142. - modified for Vine
  143. * Thu May 16 2002 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 1.3.1-5mdk
  144. - 9.0 lib policy: added %libname-static-devel
  145. * Wed Apr 17 2002 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 1.3.1-4mdk
  146. - use %%makeinstall_std
  147. - use %%buildroot
  148. - devel package provides %%version-%%release
  149. * Sat Feb 02 2002 Giuseppe Ghibメ<ghibo@mandrakesoft.com> 1.3.1-3mdk
  150. - fixed multiple "install -d" (problem with {).
  151. * Mon Jan 21 2002 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 1.3.1-2mdk
  152. - use the freshmeat url
  153. * Sun Jan 13 2002 Geoffrey Lee <snailtalk@mandrakesoft.com> 1.3.1-1mdk
  154. - 1.3.1.
  155. - Remove the URL. There doesn't seem to be one for it.
  156. * Sun Oct 28 2001 Geoffrey Lee <snailtalk@mandrakesoft.com> 1.3-1mdk
  157. - The all new-and-shiny t1lib 1.3.
  158. * Wed Aug 15 2001 Giuseppe Ghibメ<ghibo@mandrakesoft.com> 1.2-2mdk
  159. - removed .dvi.gz doc.
  160. - removed .ps docs and unneeded .eps files. All printable doc files
  161. now replaced with only one PDF doc file.
  162. * Tue Aug 07 2001 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 1.2-1mdk
  163. - version 1.2
  164. - s{Serial}{Epoch} & s{Copyright}{License}
  165. - updated url & source
  166. - added Patch{0,1,2}
  167. - fix buildrequires
  168. - remove big, fussy and redundand pdf/ps doc (ghibo sux) :
  169. size of devel rpm divided by more than 2 !
  170. * Wed May 23 2001 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 1.1.1-2mdk
  171. - more and more macros
  172. - s{Copyright}{License}
  173. * Sat May 05 2001 Giuseppe Ghibメ<ghibo@mandrakesoft.com> 1.1.1-1mdk
  174. - updated to release 1.1.1 (bugfixes).
  175. * Tue Mar 13 2001 Giuseppe Ghibメ<ghibo@mandrakesoft.com> 1.1.0-1mdk
  176. - updated to release 1.1.0.
  177. - gzip doc instead of bzip2.
  178. - removed docdir patch.
  179. * Wed Dec 27 2000 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 1.0.1-6mdk
  180. - added a obsoletes -devel tag.
  181. * Tue Dec 26 2000 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 1.0.1-5mdk
  182. - splitted into main deval and progs packages.
  183. - config file now in /etc as it should be
  184. - used bzip2 instead of gzip for doc
  185. - macros
  186. * Mon Aug 07 2000 Frederic Lepied <flepied@mandrakesoft.com> 1.0.1-4mdk
  187. - automatically added BuildRequires
  188. * Fri Jul 28 2000 Frederic Crozat <fcrozat@mandrakesoft.com> 1.0.1-3mdk
  189. - BM + macroszification
  190. * Tue May 16 2000 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com> 1.0.1-2mdk
  191. - Move .so from devel to package and add some links for alpha.
  192. * Sat Apr 01 2000 Giuseppe Ghibメ<ghibo@mandrakesoft.com> 1.0.1-1mdk
  193. - updated to version 1.0.1.
  194. - moved .so file to devel package.
  195. - exchanged package group between main and -devel packages.
  196. * Thu Mar 23 2000 Daouda Lo <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.9.2-3mdk
  197. - fix group.
  198. * Thu Jan 13 2000 Pixel <pixel@mandrakesoft.com>
  199. - libtoolize --force.
  200. * Sat Oct 30 1999 Giuseppe Ghibメ<ghibo@linux-mandrake.com>
  201. - updated to version 0.9.2.
  202. * Thu Aug 12 1999 Giuseppe Ghibメ<ghibo@linux-mandrake.com>
  203. - added PostScript documentation.
  204. - split into main and devel package.
  205. * Sun Aug 1 1999 Richard D. Jackson <richardj@1gig.net>
  206. - first release of t1lib-0.9.1