wxGTK3-vl.spec 7.3 KB

  1. %global srcname wxWidgets
  2. %global wxgtkname wxGTK3
  3. %global wxbasename wxBase3
  4. %global gtkver 3
  5. Summary: GTK port of the wxWidgets GUI library
  6. Name: %{wxgtkname}
  7. Version: 3.0.5
  8. Release: 1%{?_dist_release}
  9. Group: system
  10. Vendor: Project Vine
  11. Distribution: Vine Linux
  12. License: wxWidgets
  13. URL: http://www.wxwidgets.org/
  14. Source0: https://github.com/wxWidgets/wxWidgets/releases/download/v%{version}/wxWidgets-%{version}.tar.bz2
  15. Source10: wx-config
  16. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  17. BuildRequires: gtk%{gtkver}-devel
  18. #Note webkitgtk (GTK2) does not appear to be supported
  19. BuildRequires: webkitgtk4-devel
  20. BuildRequires: zlib-devel
  21. BuildRequires: libpng-devel
  22. BuildRequires: libjpeg-turbo-devel
  23. BuildRequires: libtiff-devel
  24. BuildRequires: expat-devel
  25. BuildRequires: SDL2-devel
  26. BuildRequires: libGLU-devel
  27. BuildRequires: libSM-devel
  28. BuildRequires: gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel
  29. BuildRequires: GConf2-devel
  30. BuildRequires: gettext
  31. BuildRequires: cppunit-devel
  32. BuildRequires: libmspack-devel
  33. Provides: %{srcname} = %{version}-%{release}
  34. Requires: %{wxbasename}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
  35. %description
  36. wxWidgets is the GTK port of the C++ cross-platform wxWidgets
  37. GUI library, offering classes for all common GUI controls as well as a
  38. comprehensive set of helper classes for most common application tasks,
  39. ranging from networking to HTML display and image manipulation.
  40. %package devel
  41. Summary: Development files for the wxGTK3 library
  42. Group: programming
  43. Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
  44. Requires: %{wxbasename} = %{version}-%{release}
  45. Requires: gtk%{gtkver}-devel
  46. Requires: libGLU-devel
  47. Provides: %{srcname}-devel = %{version}-%{release}
  48. %description devel
  49. This package include files needed to link with the wxGTK3 library.
  50. wxWidgets is the GTK port of the C++ cross-platform wxWidgets
  51. GUI library, offering classes for all common GUI controls as well as a
  52. comprehensive set of helper classes for most common application tasks,
  53. ranging from networking to HTML display and image manipulation.
  54. %package -n %{wxbasename}
  55. Summary: Non-GUI support classes from the wxWidgets library
  56. Group: system
  57. %description -n %{wxbasename}
  58. Every wxWidgets application must link against this library. It contains
  59. mandatory classes that any wxWidgets code depends on (like wxString) and
  60. portability classes that abstract differences between platforms. wxBase can
  61. be used to develop console mode applications -- it does not require any GUI
  62. libraries or the X Window System.
  63. #%package docs
  64. #Group: Development/Libraries
  65. #Summary: Documentation for the wxGTK3 library
  66. #Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  67. #Provides: %{srcname}-docs = %{version}-%{release}
  68. #BuildArch: noarch
  69. #%description docs
  70. #This package provides documentation for the %{srcname} library.
  71. %debug_package
  72. %prep
  73. %setup -q -n %{srcname}-%{version}
  74. # in case of gtk3
  75. %if %{gtkver} == 3
  76. sed -i -e 's|gtk2|gtk3|' %{SOURCE10}
  77. %endif
  78. # patch some installed files to avoid conflicts with 2.8.*
  79. sed -i -e 's|aclocal)|aclocal/wxwin3.m4)|' Makefile.in
  80. sed -i -e 's|wxstd.mo|wxstd3.mo|' Makefile.in
  81. sed -i -e 's|wxmsw.mo|wxmsw3.mo|' Makefile.in
  82. # rename docs directory
  83. #mv %{srcname}-%{version} html
  84. sed -i -e 's|/usr/lib\b|%{_libdir}|' wx-config.in configure
  85. # fix plugin dir for 64-bit
  86. sed -i -e 's|/lib|/%{_lib}|' src/unix/stdpaths.cpp
  87. %build
  88. # likely still dereferences type-punned pointers
  89. CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing"
  90. CXXFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing"
  91. # fix unused-direct-shlib-dependency error:
  92. export LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed"
  93. %configure \
  94. --with-gtk=%{gtkver} \
  95. --with-opengl \
  96. --with-sdl \
  97. --with-gnomeprint \
  98. --with-libmspack \
  99. --enable-intl \
  100. --enable-no_deps \
  101. --disable-rpath \
  102. --enable-ipv6 \
  103. --enable-utf8 \
  104. make %{?_smp_mflags}
  105. %install
  106. %makeinstall
  107. # install our multilib-aware wrapper
  108. rm %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/wx-config
  109. rm %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/wxrc
  110. install -p -m 755 %{SOURCE10} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/wx-config-3.0
  111. # move bakefiles to avoid conflicts with 2.8.*
  112. mkdir %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/bakefile/presets/wx3
  113. mv %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/bakefile/presets/*.* %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/bakefile/presets/wx3
  114. %find_lang wxstd3
  115. %find_lang wxmsw3
  116. cat wxmsw3.lang >> wxstd3.lang
  117. %check
  118. pushd tests
  119. make %{?_smp_mflags} test
  120. popd
  121. %post -p /sbin/ldconfig
  122. %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
  123. %post -n %{wxbasename} -p /sbin/ldconfig
  124. %postun -n %{wxbasename} -p /sbin/ldconfig
  125. %files -f wxstd3.lang
  126. %license docs/gpl.txt docs/lgpl.txt docs/licence.txt docs/licendoc.txt docs/preamble.txt
  127. %doc docs/changes.txt docs/readme.txt
  128. %{_libdir}/libwx_gtk%{gtkver}u_adv-*.so.*
  129. %{_libdir}/libwx_gtk%{gtkver}u_aui-*.so.*
  130. %{_libdir}/libwx_gtk%{gtkver}u_core-*.so.*
  131. %{_libdir}/libwx_gtk%{gtkver}u_html-*.so.*
  132. %{_libdir}/libwx_gtk%{gtkver}u_gl-*.so.*
  133. %{_libdir}/libwx_gtk%{gtkver}u_media-*.so.*
  134. %{_libdir}/libwx_gtk%{gtkver}u_propgrid-*.so.*
  135. %{_libdir}/libwx_gtk%{gtkver}u_qa-*.so.*
  136. %{_libdir}/libwx_gtk%{gtkver}u_ribbon-*.so.*
  137. %{_libdir}/libwx_gtk%{gtkver}u_richtext-*.so.*
  138. %{_libdir}/libwx_gtk%{gtkver}u_stc-*.so.*
  139. %if %{gtkver} == 3
  140. %{_libdir}/libwx_gtk%{gtkver}u_webview-*.so.*
  141. %endif
  142. %{_libdir}/libwx_gtk%{gtkver}u_xrc-*.so.*
  143. %files devel
  144. %{_bindir}/wx-config*
  145. %{_bindir}/wxrc-3.0
  146. %{_includedir}/wx-3.0
  147. %{_libdir}/libwx_*.so
  148. %{_libdir}/wx
  149. %{_datadir}/aclocal/wxwin3.m4
  150. %{_datadir}/bakefile/presets/wx3/
  151. %files -n %{wxbasename}
  152. %doc docs/changes.txt docs/gpl.txt docs/lgpl.txt docs/licence.txt
  153. %doc docs/licendoc.txt docs/preamble.txt docs/readme.txt
  154. %{_libdir}/libwx_baseu-*.so.*
  155. %{_libdir}/libwx_baseu_net-*.so.*
  156. %{_libdir}/libwx_baseu_xml-*.so.*
  157. #%files docs
  158. #%doc html
  159. %changelog
  160. * Tue Sep 08 2020 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net> - 3.0.5-1
  161. - new upstream release.
  162. * Sun Oct 06 2019 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net> - 3.0.4-1
  163. - new upstream release.
  164. * Fri Jul 1 2016 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net> - 3.0.2-2
  165. - rebuilt with new toolchain.
  166. * Sat Nov 29 2014 Toshiharu Kudoh <toshi.kd2@gmail.com> - 3.0.2-1
  167. - new upstream release
  168. * Fri Sep 05 2014 Toshiharu Kudoh <kudoh@vinelinux.org> - 3.0.1-1
  169. - initial build for Vine Linux
  170. * Sat Jul 5 2014 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt@hotmail.com> - 3.0.1-1
  171. - Bump to 3.0.1 RH#1076617
  172. * Tue Mar 18 2014 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt@hotmail.com> - 3.0.0-6
  173. - Removed disable-catch_segvs, see RH#1076617
  174. * Mon Mar 17 2014 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt@hotmail.com> - 3.0.0-5
  175. - Renable combat28 - without it causes bugs RH#1076617 and a few others
  176. * Wed Feb 19 2014 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt@hotmail.com> - 3.0.0-4
  177. - Fixed GTK3 bug with wx-config
  178. - Fixed a unused-direct-shlib-dependency error
  179. * Mon Feb 17 2014 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt@hotmail.com> - 3.0.0-3
  180. - Added patch to avoid build fail on gtk 3.10+
  181. - Reverted patching to make devel package compatible with wxGTK-devel
  182. - Added combatibility for RHEL 6+
  183. - Changed all mention of GTK3 and GTK2 to GTK for consistency
  184. * Mon Feb 10 2014 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt@hotmail.com> - 3.0.0-2
  185. - Changed to build against gtk3
  186. - Add webkit to build requires
  187. - Removed patching to make devel package compatible with wxGTK-devel
  188. - Disable 2.8.* combatibility (redundant functionality)
  189. * Sat Jan 4 2014 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt@hotmail.com> - 3.0.0-1
  190. - Initial build of wxwidgets version 3, mostly based on wxGTK spec