owa aec28a808e fixed libffi.pc 14 éve
libfame 66a9678b5e import VineSeed package specs 14 éve
libffi aec28a808e fixed libffi.pc 14 éve
libflashsupport 82552a78ef update: libflashsupport, libmediainfo, libzen, nspluginswrapper, xlockmore 14 éve
libfli 66a9678b5e import VineSeed package specs 14 éve
libfontenc 74ba4e1994 update Xorg libraries and xserver, and rebuild driver 14 éve
libfprint 9a472c14bd update: ImageMagick, calibre, dvdauthor, inkscape, koffice, pstoedit, xine-lib, self-build-xine-lib-extras 14 éve
libfreebob 8b7733346f rebuild with rpm-4.8.1 14 éve