xbmc-vl.spec 6.8 KB

  1. Summary: XBMC is a free Media Center
  2. Summary(ja): XBMC メディアセンター
  3. Name: xbmc
  4. Version: 10.0
  5. Release: 3%{?_dist_release}
  6. Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
  7. Source1: %{name}.desktop
  8. #i18n
  9. #Source10: xbmc-9.11-langinfo.xml
  10. Source11: xbmc-10.0-strings.xml
  11. Source12: xbmc-10.0-Confluence-strings.xml
  12. #lircd patch
  13. #Patch0: xbmc-9.11-lircd.patch
  14. # change default locale and font
  15. Patch1: xbmc-10.0-default-locale.patch
  16. License: GPL
  17. Group: Applications/Multimedia
  18. URL: http://xbmc.org/
  19. Requires: lsb
  20. Requires: python-imaging
  21. Requires: pysqlite
  22. Requires: hicolor-icon-theme
  23. Requires(post): desktop-file-utils
  24. Requires(postun):desktop-file-utils
  25. BuildRequires: MySQL-devel
  26. BuildRequires: SDL_image-devel
  27. BuildRequires: SDL_mixer-devel
  28. BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel
  29. BuildRequires: avahi-devel
  30. BuildRequires: bzip2-devel
  31. BuildRequires: cmake
  32. BuildRequires: curl-devel
  33. BuildRequires: cvs
  34. BuildRequires: dbus-devel
  35. BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
  36. BuildRequires: enca-devel
  37. BuildRequires: flac-devel
  38. BuildRequires: fontconfig-devel
  39. BuildRequires: fribidi-devel
  40. BuildRequires: glew-devel
  41. BuildRequires: gperf
  42. BuildRequires: hal-devel
  43. BuildRequires: jasper-devel
  44. BuildRequires: libXinerama-devel
  45. BuildRequires: libXmu-devel
  46. BuildRequires: libXrandr-devel
  47. BuildRequires: libXtst-devel
  48. BuildRequires: libboost-devel
  49. BuildRequires: libcdio-devel
  50. BuildRequires: expat-devel
  51. BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel
  52. BuildRequires: libmicrohttpd-devel
  53. BuildRequires: libmms-devel
  54. BuildRequires: libmodplug-devel
  55. BuildRequires: libogg-devel
  56. BuildRequires: libpng-devel
  57. BuildRequires: libsamplerate-devel
  58. BuildRequires: libsmbclient-devel
  59. BuildRequires: libtiff-devel
  60. BuildRequires: libvorbis-devel
  61. BuildRequires: nasm
  62. BuildRequires: openssl-devel
  63. BuildRequires: lzo-devel
  64. BuildRequires: pcre-devel
  65. BuildRequires: pulseaudio-libs-devel
  66. BuildRequires: sqlite3-devel
  67. BuildRequires: unzip
  68. BuildRequires: wavpack-devel
  69. BuildRequires: zlib-devel
  70. BuildRequires: self-build-faac
  71. BuildRequires: self-build-faad2
  72. BuildRequires: self-build-libmad
  73. BuildRequires: self-build-libmpeg2
  74. BuildRequires: libvdpau-devel
  75. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  76. Packager: kazutaka
  77. %description
  78. XBMC is an award-winning free and open source (GPL) software media player
  79. and entertainment hub for digital media.
  80. Currently XBMC can be used to play almost all popular audio and video formats
  81. around. It was designed for network playback, so you can stream your multimedia
  82. from anywhere in the house or directly from the internet using practically any
  83. protocol available. Use your media as-is: XBMC can play CDs and DVDs directly
  84. from the disk or image file, almost all popular archive formats from your hard
  85. drive, and even files inside ZIP and RAR archives. It will even scan all of
  86. your media and automatically create a personalized library complete with box
  87. covers, descriptions, and fanart. There are playlist and slideshow functions,
  88. a weather forecast feature and many audio visualizations. Once installed,
  89. your computer will become a fully functional multimedia jukebox.
  90. %description -l ja
  91. XBMC はいくつもの賞を受賞したフリーでオープンソース (GPL) な、
  92. デジタルメディア向けのメディアプレイヤー/メディアセンターです。
  93. XBMC は一般的な形式のビデオやオーディオファイルであれば、その殆ど
  94. を再生できます。またネットワークを介した再生にも対応しており、
  95. ホームLAN やインターネットを経由したストリーミングも利用できます。
  96. また、XBMC は CD や DVD を直接再生できるだけでなく、ハードディスク
  97. 上のディスクイメージや一般的なアーカイブ、ZIP や RAR アーカイブ等で
  98. あってもそのまま利用できます。
  99. XBMC は PC 上のメディアファイルをスキャンして、自動的にライブラリ
  100. を構築し、カバーアートや説明、ファンアート等を付加してくれます。
  101. その他にも、プレイリストやスライドショー、天気予報、オーディオの
  102. ビジュアライゼーション機能等を備えています。
  103. XBMC をインストールすれば、あなたの PC は多機能なマルチメディア
  104. ジュークボックスに生まれ変わります。
  105. %prep
  106. %setup -q
  107. %patch1 -p1 -b .default-locale
  108. #setup language files
  109. #%{__cp} -f %{SOURCE10} language/Japanese/langinfo.xml
  110. %{__cp} -f %{SOURCE11} language/Japanese/strings.xml
  111. %{__mkdir} addons/skin.confluence/language/Japanese
  112. %{__cp} -f %{SOURCE12} addons/skin.confluence/language/Japanese/strings.xml
  113. %build
  114. %ifarch x86_64
  115. LIBS="-L/usr/lib64/mysql $LIBS"
  116. %else
  117. LIBS="-L/usr/lib/mysql $LIBS"
  118. %endif
  119. export LIBS
  120. ./bootstrap
  121. %configure --disable-debug \
  122. --disable-ccache \
  123. --enable-pulse \
  124. --enable-dvdcss \
  125. --enable-vdpau \
  126. --enable-mid \
  127. --with-lirc-device=%{_localstatedir}/run/lirc/lircd \
  128. --docdir=%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}
  129. %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags}
  130. %install
  131. %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  132. %{__make} install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  133. #install man pages
  134. %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1
  135. %{__cp} docs/manpages/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1
  136. gzip -9nf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1/*
  137. # Install desktop file
  138. desktop-file-install --dir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications %{SOURCE1}
  139. %post
  140. update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications>& /dev/null ||:
  141. touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor
  142. if [ -x /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache ]; then
  143. /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache -q %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor ||:
  144. fi
  145. %postun
  146. update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications>& /dev/null ||:
  147. touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor
  148. if [ -x /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache ]; then
  149. /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache -q %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor ||:
  150. fi
  151. %clean
  152. %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  153. %files
  154. %defattr(-,root,root)
  155. %doc %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}
  156. %{_bindir}/%{name}
  157. %{_bindir}/%{name}-standalone
  158. %{_datadir}/%{name}
  159. %{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop
  160. %{_datadir}/xsessions/XBMC.desktop
  161. %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/%{name}.png
  162. %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/%{name}.png
  163. %{_libdir}/%{name}
  164. %{_mandir}/man1/*
  165. %changelog
  166. * Fri Feb 04 2011 Kazutaka HARADA <kazutaka@vinelinux.org> 10.0-3
  167. - delete build_vine5 macro: libvdpau is now available on 5.2
  168. * Thu Jan 27 2011 Kazutaka HARADA <kazutaka@vinelinux.org> 10.0-2
  169. - add --disable-ccache option (<BTS:VineLinux:1100>)
  170. - update Patch1 to change default timezone
  171. * Tue Jan 18 2011 Kazutaka HARADA <kazutaka@vinelinux.org> 10.0-1
  172. - new upstream release
  173. - drop patch0: use configure option to specity lirc device)
  174. - drop Source10: included in upstream
  175. - update Source11 & 12: japanese translation
  176. - add Souce1: xbmc.desktop with japanese description
  177. * Sat Jan 02 2010 Kazutaka HARADA <kazutaka@vinelinux.org> 9.11-1
  178. - initial build for Vine Linux
  179. - add patch0: change lircd socket location
  180. - add Source10-12: japanese translation & langinfo