firefox-vl.spec 47 KB

  1. # do not include minor version number in MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME
  2. %global ffmajor 40.0
  3. %global geckomajor 40.0
  4. %global ffminor 2
  5. %global ffversion %{ffmajor}%{?ffminor:.%{ffminor}}
  6. %define ffdir %{_libdir}/firefox
  7. %global langpackdir %{ffdir}/langpacks
  8. %define tarballdir mozilla-release
  9. %define firefox_app_id \{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384\}
  10. %define homepage
  11. %define build_vine7 0
  12. %define build_vine6 0
  13. # current firefox3 doesn't build on Vine Linux 4.x or older.
  14. %if "%{?_dist_release}" == "vl7"
  15. %define build_vine7 1
  16. %define build_vine6 1
  17. %endif
  18. %if "%{?_dist_release}" == "vl6"
  19. %define build_vine6 1
  20. %endif
  21. %define ffrelease 1%{?_dist_release}
  22. %define desktop_file_utils_version 0.6
  23. %define libjpeg_turbo_version 1.1.0
  24. #%define gecko_version %{geckomajor}%{?ffminor:.%{ffminor}}
  25. %define gecko_version %{geckomajor}
  26. ExclusiveArch: i386 i586 i686 x86_64 ia64 ppc
  27. # Separated plugins are supported on x86(64) only
  28. %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
  29. %define separated_plugins 1
  30. %else
  31. %define separated_plugins 0
  32. %endif
  33. Summary: Fx Browser
  34. Summary(ja): Fx ウェブブラウザ
  35. Name: firefox
  36. Version: %{ffversion}
  37. Release: %{ffrelease}
  38. URL:
  39. License: MPL/LGPL
  40. Group: Applications/Internet
  41. Source0: firefox-%{version}.source.tar.bz2
  42. Source230: mozconfig-firefox-vine6
  43. Source240: mozconfig-firefox-vine7
  44. Source11: firefox-vine-default-bookmarks.html
  45. Source12: firefox-vine-default-prefs.js
  46. Source21:
  47. Source22: firefox.png
  48. Source23: fx-about.png
  49. Source24: fx-about-wordmark.svg
  50. Source25: firefox.desktop
  51. Source26: firefox-safe-mode.desktop
  52. Source30: firefox.1
  53. Source50:
  54. Source100: find-external-requires
  55. # locale sources
  56. %define MOZ_BUILD_LOCALES "ja"
  57. Source1000: firefox-%{ffversion}-langpacks.tar.bz2
  58. Source1010: firefox-unofficial-branding-fx.tar.bz2
  59. #
  60. Source2000: firefox-searchplugins-6.0-ja.tar.bz2
  61. # build patches
  62. Patch0: firefox-26.0-install-dir.patch
  63. Patch1: firefox-build.patch
  64. # buildfix
  65. Patch3: firefox-12.0-gcc41-nosse2.patch
  66. #Patch4: firefox-26.0-gcc47.patch
  67. # to build on vine6
  68. #Patch5: firefox-34.0-gcc44.patch
  69. # bugfix
  70. #Patch14: firefox-5.0-asciidel.patch
  71. #
  72. Patch15: firefox-32.0-enable-addons.patch
  73. # patches from fedora
  74. Patch21: rhbz-911314.patch
  75. Patch22: rhbz-928353.patch
  76. # upstream patch
  77. #Patch100: mozilla-837563.patch
  78. Patch101: mozilla-938730.patch
  79. # customization patches
  80. ## Vine patch
  81. #Patch1000: firefox-19.0-disable-pdfjs.patch
  82. # vine customization patch
  83. Patch2000: firefox-34.0-vine.patch
  84. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
  85. BuildRequires: libpng-devel
  86. BuildRequires: zlib-devel, zip
  87. BuildRequires: libIDL-devel
  88. BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
  89. BuildRequires: gtk2-devel
  90. BuildRequires: gnome-vfs2-devel
  91. BuildRequires: libgnome-devel
  92. BuildRequires: pango-devel
  93. BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel
  94. BuildRequires: lcms-devel
  95. BuildRequires: libpng-devel
  96. %if %{build_vine7}
  97. BuildRequires: libjpeg-turbo-devel >= %{libjpeg_turbo_version}
  98. %endif
  99. BuildRequires: libnotify-devel
  100. BuildRequires: libXt-devel
  101. BuildRequires: libXrender-devel
  102. BuildRequires: libXScrnSaver-devel
  103. BuildRequires: startup-notification-devel
  104. BuildRequires: autoconf213
  105. BuildRequires: freetype2-devel
  106. BuildRequires: yasm
  107. BuildRequires: unzip
  108. BuildRequires: zip
  109. BuildRequires: bzip2-devel
  110. %if %{build_vine7}
  111. BuildRequires: python-devel
  112. BuildRequires: python
  113. %else
  114. BuildRequires: python27-devel >= 2.7.3
  115. BuildRequires: python27 >= 2.7.3
  116. %endif
  117. BuildRequires: curl-devel
  118. BuildRequires: wget
  119. #
  120. BuildRequires: gstreamer-devel
  121. BuildRequires: gstreamer-plugins-base-devel
  122. BuildRequires: pulseaudio-libs-devel
  123. Requires: desktop-file-utils >= %{desktop_file_utils_version}
  124. Obsoletes: phoenix, mozilla-firebird, MozillaFirebird
  125. Obsoletes: firefox3
  126. Conflicts: firefox-esr
  127. Provides: webclient
  128. %if %{build_vine7}
  129. Conflicts: xulrunner < 17.0.1
  130. %endif
  131. AutoProv: 0
  132. %define _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
  133. %define __find_requires %{SOURCE100}
  134. Vendor: Project Vine
  135. Distribution: Vine Linux
  136. Packager: daisuke
  137. %description
  138. Fx Browser is an open-source web browser based on mozilla technology.
  139. This is unofficial build of firefox browser.
  140. %description -l ja
  141. FX ウェブブラウザは Mozilla テクノロジーをベースとしたオープンソースの
  142. ウェブブラウザです。
  143. #---------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. %prep
  145. %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version} -c
  146. cd %{tarballdir}
  147. %patch0 -p1 -b .install-dir
  148. #%if "%{?_dist_release}" >= "vl7"
  149. #%patch4 -p1 -b .gcc47
  150. #%endif
  151. #%if "%{?_dist_release}" >= "vl6"
  152. #%patch5 -p1 -b .gcc44
  153. #%endif
  154. #%patch14 -p1 -b .asciidel
  155. %patch15 -p1 -b .enable-addons
  156. #%patch100 -p1 -b .837563
  157. #%patch101 -p1 -b .938730
  158. #
  159. #patch1000 -p1 -b .disable-pdfjs
  160. %patch2000 -p1 -b .vine
  161. %{__rm} -f .mozconfig
  162. %if %build_vine7
  163. %{__cp} %{SOURCE240} .mozconfig
  164. %else
  165. %{__cp} -f %{SOURCE230} .mozconfig
  166. %endif
  167. #%if %build_vine7
  168. #%ifarch %ix86
  169. #sed -i -e 's/enable-optimize/disable-optimize/g' .mozconfig
  170. #%endif
  171. #%endif
  172. sed -i -e 's/enable-optimize/disable-optimize/g' .mozconfig
  173. #echo "ac_add_options --with-libxul-sdk=`pkg-config --variable=sdkdir libxul`" >> .mozconfig
  174. echo "ac_add_options --with-default-mozilla-five-home=%{ffdir}" >> .mozconfig
  175. %if !%{?separated_plugins}
  176. echo "ac_add_options --disable-ipc" >> .mozconfig
  177. %endif
  178. # update searchplugins
  179. %{__tar} xjvf %{SOURCE2000} -C browser/locales/en-US/
  180. # setup unofficial branding logos
  181. %{__tar} xjvf %{SOURCE1010}
  182. %{__cp} %{SOURCE23} browser/branding/unofficial/content/about.png
  183. %{__cp} %{SOURCE24} browser/branding/unofficial/content/about-wordmark.svg
  184. %{__cp} browser/branding/unofficial/locales/en-US/brand.* browser/branding/nightly/locales/en-US/
  185. #---------------------------------------------------------------------
  186. %build
  187. cd %{tarballdir}
  188. autoconf-2.13
  189. MOZ_OPT_FLAGS=$(echo "$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" | \
  190. %{__sed} -e 's/-Wall//')
  192. export CFLAGS=$MOZ_OPT_FLAGS
  194. export MOZILLA_OFFICIAL=1
  195. export BUILD_OFFICIAL=1
  196. export MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME="Fx Browser"
  197. export PREFIX='%{_prefix}'
  198. export LIBDIR='%{_libdir}'
  199. MOZ_SMP_FLAGS=-j1
  200. # On x86 architectures, Mozilla can build up to 4 jobs at once in parallel,
  201. # however builds tend to fail on other arches when building in parallel.
  202. %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
  203. [ -z "$RPM_BUILD_NCPUS" ] && \
  204. RPM_BUILD_NCPUS="`/usr/bin/getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`"
  205. [ "$RPM_BUILD_NCPUS" -ge 2 ] && MOZ_SMP_FLAGS=-j2
  206. [ "$RPM_BUILD_NCPUS" -ge 4 ] && MOZ_SMP_FLAGS=-j4
  207. %endif
  208. sed -i 's/\(MOZ_PKG_FATAL_WARNINGS =\).*/\1 0/' \
  209. browser/installer/ &&
  210. #
  211. mkdir -p js/src/.deps
  212. find security/nss/lib -name "*.def" | while read i
  213. do
  214. mv $i $i.orig
  215. grep -v ';-' $i.orig | \
  216. sed -e 's,;+,,' -e 's; DATA ;;' -e 's,;;,,' -e 's,;.*,;,' > $i
  217. done
  218. export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,%{ffdir}"
  219. %__make -f build MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="$MOZ_SMP_FLAGS"
  220. #---------------------------------------------------------------------
  221. %install
  222. cd %{tarballdir}
  223. %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  224. # set up our prefs and add it to the package manifest file, so it gets pulled in
  225. # to omni.jar which gets created during make install
  226. %global MOZ_PREF_DIR browser/defaults/preferences
  227. %{__cat} %{SOURCE12} | \
  228. sed -e 's,FIREFOX_RPM_VR,%{version}-%{release},g' > objdir/dist/bin/%{MOZ_PREF_DIR}/all-vine.js
  229. # This sed call "replaces" firefox.js with all-vine.js, newline, and itself (&)
  230. # having the net effect of prepending all-vine.js above firefox.js
  231. %{__sed} -i -e\
  232. 's|@BINPATH@/browser/@PREF_DIR@/firefox.js|@BINPATH@/browser/@PREF_DIR@/all-vine.js\n&|' \
  233. browser/installer/
  234. # set up our default bookmarks
  235. %{__install} -p -D -m 664 %{SOURCE11} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{ffdir}/browser/defaults/profile/US/bookmarks.html
  236. %{__install} -p -D -m 664 %{SOURCE11} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{ffdir}/browser/defaults/profile/bookmarks.html
  237. %{__cp} -p %{SOURCE11} objdir/dist/bin/browser/defaults/profile/bookmarks.html
  238. # Make sure locale works for langpacks
  239. %{__cat} > objdir/dist/bin/%{MOZ_PREF_DIR}/firefox-l10n.js << EOF
  240. pref("general.useragent.locale", "chrome://global/locale/");
  241. EOF
  242. export MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME="Fx Browser"
  243. %{__make} -C objdir install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  244. %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_libdir},%{_bindir},%{_datadir}/applications}
  245. if [ "%{version}" != "%{ffmajor}" ]; then
  246. if [ -d "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/firefox-%{version}" ]; then
  247. %{__mv} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/firefox-%{version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{ffdir}
  248. fi
  249. fi
  250. # install icons
  251. %{__install} -p -D %{SOURCE22} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/pixmaps/firefox.png
  252. for desktopfiles in %{SOURCE25} %{SOURCE26}
  253. do
  254. desktop-file-install --vendor vine \
  255. --dir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications \
  256. --add-category Application \
  257. --add-category Network \
  258. $desktopfiles
  259. done
  260. # set up the firefox start script
  261. %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/firefox
  262. XULRUNNER_DIR=`pkg-config --variable=libdir libxul | %{__sed} -e "s,%{_libdir},,g"`
  263. %{__cat} %{SOURCE21} | %{__sed} -e "s,XULRUNNER_DIRECTORY,$XULRUNNER_DIR,g" > \
  264. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/firefox
  265. %{__chmod} 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/firefox
  266. %{__cat} %{SOURCE50} | sed -e 's,FFDIR,%{ffdir},g' -e 's,LIBDIR,%{_libdir},g' > \
  267. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{ffdir}/firefox-xremote-client
  268. # Remove binary stub from xulrunner
  269. #%{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{ffdir}/firefox
  270. #%{__chmod} 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{ffdir}/firefox-xremote-client
  271. %{__install} -p -D -m 664 %{SOURCE30} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/firefox.1
  272. %{__rm} -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{ffdir}/firefox-config
  273. cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{ffdir}/chrome
  274. find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -name "*" -type d -exec %{__rm} -rf {} \;
  275. cd -
  276. echo > ../%{name}.lang
  277. # Extract langpacks, make any mods needed, repack the langpack, and install it.
  278. %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{langpackdir}
  279. %{__tar} xf %{SOURCE1000}
  280. for langpack in `ls firefox-langpacks/*.xpi`; do
  281. language=`basename $langpack .xpi`
  282. extensionID=langpack-$
  283. %{__mkdir_p} $extensionID
  284. unzip $langpack -d $extensionID
  285. find $extensionID -type f | xargs chmod 644
  286. sed -i -e "s|browser.startup.homepage.*$|browser.startup.homepage=%{homepage}|g;" \
  287. $extensionID/browser/chrome/$language/locale/branding/
  288. sed -i \
  289. -e "s|Mozilla Firefox|Fx ウェブブラウザ|g" \
  290. -e "s|Firefox|Fx ウェブブラウザ|g" \
  291. -e "s|Mozilla|Project Vine|g" \
  292. -e 's|\(.*trademarkInfo.part1.*"\).*">|\1Vine Linux および Vine Linux ロゴは Project Vine および有限会社ヴァインカーブの日本およびその他の国における商標です。">|g' \
  293. $extensionID/browser/chrome/$language/locale/branding/brand.*
  294. cd $extensionID
  295. zip -r9mX ../${extensionID}.xpi *
  296. cd -
  297. %{__install} -m 644 ${extensionID}.xpi $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{langpackdir}
  298. language=`echo $language | sed -e 's/-/_/g'`
  299. echo "%%lang($language) %{langpackdir}/${extensionID}.xpi" >> ../%{name}.lang
  300. done
  301. %{__rm} -rf firefox-langpacks
  302. # Keep compatibility with the old preference location
  303. %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{ffdir}/defaults/preferences
  304. %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{ffdir}/browser/defaults
  305. ln -s %{ffdir}/defaults/preferences $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{ffdir}/browser/defaults/pref
  306. # System extensions
  307. %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/mozilla/extensions/%{firefox_app_id}
  308. %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/mozilla/extensions/%{firefox_app_id}
  309. # Copy over the LICENSE
  310. %{__install} -p -c -m 644 LICENSE $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{ffdir}
  311. # another bug fixed by looking at the debian package
  312. %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{ffdir}/chrome/icons/default/
  313. for i in default16.png default32.png default48.png
  314. do
  315. %{__cp} -f browser/branding/unofficial/$i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{ffdir}/browser/chrome/icons/default/
  316. done
  317. for i in default16.png default32.png default48.png background.png \
  318. mozicon128.png document.ico firefox.ico
  319. do
  320. %{__cp} -f browser/branding/unofficial/$i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{ffdir}/browser/icons/
  321. done
  322. # own mozilla plugin dir (#135050)
  323. %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/mozilla/plugins
  324. # cleanup unpackaged files
  325. %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/*
  326. %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{name}-devel-*
  327. %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/idl
  328. #---------------------------------------------------------------------
  329. %clean
  330. %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  331. #---------------------------------------------------------------------
  332. %post
  333. update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications >& /dev/null ||:
  334. %postun
  335. update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications>& /dev/null ||:
  336. umask 022
  337. %preun
  338. # is it a final removal?
  339. if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
  340. %{__rm} -rf %{ffdir}/components
  341. %{__rm} -rf %{ffdir}/extensions
  342. %{__rm} -rf %{ffdir}/plugins
  343. %{__rm} -rf %{langpackdir}
  344. fi
  345. %files
  346. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  347. %{_bindir}/firefox
  348. %{_mandir}/man1/*
  349. %{_datadir}/applications/vine-%{name}.desktop
  350. %{_datadir}/applications/vine-%{name}-safe-mode.desktop
  351. %{_datadir}/pixmaps/firefox.png
  352. %{ffdir}
  353. %{_libdir}/mozilla
  354. #---------------------------------------------------------------------
  355. %changelog
  356. * Mon Aug 17 2015 Yoji TOYODA <> 40.0.2-1
  357. - update to 40.0.2
  358. - add BuildRequires: gstreamer-plugins-base-devel
  359. - remove BuildRequires: gstreamer-plugins-devel
  360. - update startup script (SOURCE21)
  361. * Sun Apr 12 2015 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 37.0.1-1
  362. - update to 37.0.1
  363. * Sat Apr 4 2015 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 37.0-1
  364. - update to 37.0
  365. * Sun Mar 29 2015 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 36.0.4-1
  366. - update to 36.0.4
  367. * Wed Mar 11 2015 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 36.0.1-1
  368. - update to 36.0.1
  369. * Tue Mar 03 2015 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 36.0-1
  370. - update to 36.0
  371. * Mon Feb 02 2015 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 35.0.1-1
  372. - update to 35.0.1
  373. * Sun Jan 18 2015 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 35.0-1
  374. - update to 35.0
  375. * Wed Dec 03 2014 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 34.0.5-1
  376. - update to 34.0.5
  377. * Tue Nov 11 2014 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 33.1-1
  378. - update to 33.1
  379. * Mon Nov 10 2014 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 33.0.3-1
  380. - update to 33.0.3
  381. * Tue Oct 14 2014 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 33.0-1
  382. - update to 33.0
  383. * Wed Oct 01 2014 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 32.0.3-2
  384. - update firefox-vine-default-prefs.js
  385. - remove intl.accept_languages
  386. * Thu Sep 25 2014 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 32.0.3-1
  387. - update to 32.0.3
  388. * Sun Sep 07 2014 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 32.0-2
  389. - update mozconfig
  390. - sync vine6/7 config
  391. - build with internal jpeg on vine6
  392. - disable optimize on i686
  393. * Thu Sep 04 2014 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 32.0-1
  394. - update to 32.0
  395. * Wed Jul 23 2014 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 31.0-1
  396. - update to 31.0
  397. * Wed Jun 11 2014 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 30.0-1
  398. - update to 30.0
  399. * Thu May 15 2014 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 29.0.1-1
  400. - update to 29.0.1
  401. * Wed Apr 30 2014 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 29.0-1
  402. - update to 29.0
  403. * Thu Mar 20 2014 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 28.0-1
  404. - update to 28.0
  405. * Sun Feb 16 2014 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 27.0.1-1
  406. - update to 27.0.1
  407. * Mon Feb 10 2014 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 27.0-1
  408. - update to 27.0
  409. - enable gstreamer/pulseaudio on Vine Linux 6
  410. * Fri Dec 13 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 26.0-2
  411. - add patch100,101 from upstream
  412. * Wed Dec 11 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 26.0-1
  413. - update to 26.0
  414. * Sun Nov 17 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 25.0.1-1
  415. - update to 25.0.1
  416. * Tue Oct 29 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 25.0-1
  417. - update to 25.0
  418. * Wed Oct 23 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 24.0-3
  419. - set media.gstreamer.enabled true by default.
  420. * Fri Oct 18 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 24.0-2
  421. - enable gstreamer and pulseaudio on Vine7
  422. * Tue Sep 17 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 24.0-1
  423. - update to 24.0
  424. - update searchplugins
  425. - add BR: gstreamer-devel, gstreamer-plugins-devel
  426. * Wed Aug 07 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 23.0-2
  427. - fix vine customize patch
  428. - update unofficial logos
  429. * Tue Aug 06 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 23.0-1
  430. - update to 23.0
  431. * Thu Jun 27 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 22.0-1
  432. - update to 22.0
  433. * Mon May 20 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 21.0-2
  434. - disable helth reporting by default.
  435. - fix to install Vine's default settings
  436. * Sun May 19 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 21.0-1
  437. - update to 21.0
  438. - enable pdfjs
  439. - build with python27 on Vine6
  440. * Thu Apr 18 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 20.0.1-2
  441. - remove patch22
  442. * Mon Apr 15 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 20.0.1-1
  443. - update to 20.0.1
  444. - build with internal nss/nspr
  445. * Fri Mar 29 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 19.0.2-3
  446. - add BR: curl-devel
  447. * Sun Mar 24 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 19.0.2-2
  448. - add Patch16 to fix mozbz#239254 (fixed in upstream)
  449. * Fri Mar 08 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 19.0.2-1
  450. - update to 19.0.2
  451. - disable shared-js on Vine Linux 6
  452. * Wed Feb 20 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 19.0-1
  453. - update to 19.0
  454. - add Patch1000 to disable pdf.js feature for now.
  455. - pdf.js is not ready to use for CJK.
  456. * Sat Jan 19 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 18.0.1-1
  457. - update to 18.0.1
  458. * Wed Jan 09 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 18.0-1
  459. - update to 18.0
  460. * Wed Nov 21 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 17.0-1
  461. - update to 17.0
  462. * Sun Oct 28 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 16.0.2-1
  463. - update to 16.0.2
  464. * Fri Oct 12 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 16.0.1-1
  465. - update to 16.0.1
  466. * Tue Oct 09 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 16.0-1
  467. - update to 16.0
  468. * Tue Oct 09 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 15.0.1-3
  469. - dont use separated plugins on Vine6
  470. - use --enable-optimize instead of --enable-optimize="\$RPM_OPT_FLAGS"
  471. * Mon Oct 08 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 15.0.1-2
  472. - add workaround to build with internal nss library
  473. * Sat Oct 06 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 15.0.1-1
  474. - update to 15.0.1
  475. - add BR: python-devel
  476. - build with external nss/nspr on Vine7
  477. * Tue Jul 17 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 14.0.1-2
  478. - update search plugins
  479. * Tue Jul 17 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 14.0.1-1
  480. - update to 14.0.1
  481. - build with internal nss/nspr
  482. * Sat Jun 16 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 13.0.1-1
  483. - update to 13.0.1
  484. * Wed Jun 06 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 13.0-1
  485. - update to 13.0
  486. * Sun May 20 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 12.0-3
  487. - add patch2 to fix build failure with gcc-4.1 (vine5)
  488. * Mon May 07 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 12.0-2
  489. - use internal nspr on Vine Linux 6
  490. - add patch2 to fix build failure with gcc-4.4
  491. * Wed Apr 25 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 12.0-1
  492. - update to 12.0
  493. - add patch1 to fix build failure with system cairo
  494. * Fri Feb 17 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 10.0.2-1
  495. - update to 10.0.2
  496. * Mon Feb 13 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 10.0.1-1
  497. - update to 10.0.1
  498. * Wed Feb 01 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 10.0-1
  499. - update to 10.0
  500. - use internal libvpx
  501. * Thu Jan 26 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 9.0.1-4
  502. - add AutoProv: no
  503. * Thu Dec 29 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 9.0.1-3
  504. - update mozconfig-firefox-vine5,6,7
  505. - fix spec to build in parallel
  506. * Thu Dec 22 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 9.0.1-2
  507. - update mozconfig
  508. - build with internal nss on Vine6
  509. * Thu Dec 22 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 9.0.1-1
  510. - update to 9.0.1
  511. * Wed Dec 21 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 9.0-1
  512. - update to 9.0
  513. - build with nss-3.13.1
  514. * Tue Nov 22 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 8.0.1-1
  515. - update to 8.0.1
  516. * Fri Nov 18 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 8.0-1
  517. - update to 8.0
  518. - remove version number from MOZ_DIST_BIN
  519. - /usr/lib*/firefox-8.0 -> /usr/lib*/firefox
  520. * Fri Sep 30 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 7.0.1-1
  521. - update to 7.0.1
  522. * Wed Sep 28 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 7.0-1
  523. - update to 7.0
  524. * Tue Sep 06 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 6.0.2-1
  525. - update to 6.0.2
  526. * Wed Aug 17 2011 Yoji TOYODA <> 6.0-2
  527. - rebuild with libnotify-0.7
  528. * Sun Aug 14 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 6.0-1
  529. - update to 6.0
  530. * Tue Jul 12 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 5.0.1-1
  531. - update to 5.0.1
  532. * Thu Jul 07 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 5.0-1
  533. - update to 5.0
  534. - do not build with external xulrunner
  535. - remove BR: gecko-devel, R: gecko-libs
  536. - add BR: alsa-lib-devel, lcms-devel, libvpx-devel, libpng-devel,
  537. sqlite3-devel, zip
  538. * Mon May 23 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 4.0.1-1
  539. - update to 4.0.1
  540. - remove MimeType from firefox-safe-mode.desktop
  541. - add BR: yasm, unzip
  542. * Thu Mar 31 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 4.0-2
  543. - add "--disable-ipc" on non-x86 architecture
  544. - update parallel build option
  545. - mozilla can build up to 4 jobs in parallel on x86
  546. - disable C++ exceptions since mozilla code is not exception-safe
  547. * Wed Mar 30 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 4.0-1
  548. - update to 4.0
  549. - BR: libjpeg-turbo-devel >= 1.1.0
  550. - BR: nspr-devel >= 4.8.7
  551. - BR: nss-devel >= 3.12.9
  552. - BR: cairo-devel >= 1.10.2-2
  553. - use langpacks.xpi instead of l10n source
  554. - update firefox startup script
  555. * Thu Mar 10 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.6.15-1
  556. - update to 3.6.15
  557. * Wed Mar 02 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.6.14-1
  558. - update to 3.6.14
  559. * Sat Jan 08 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.6.13-1
  560. - update to 3.6.13
  561. * Thu Oct 21 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.6.11-1
  562. - update to 3.6.11
  563. * Tue Sep 14 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.6.9-1
  564. - update to 3.6.9
  565. * Mon Jul 26 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.6.8-1
  566. - update to 3.6.8
  567. * Wed Jul 21 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.6.7-1
  568. - update to 3.6.7
  569. * Wed Jun 23 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.6.4-1
  570. - update to 3.6.4
  571. * Sat Apr 03 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.6.3-1
  572. - update to 3.6.3
  573. * Fri Apr 02 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.6.2-1
  574. - update to 3.6.2
  575. * Thu Jan 21 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.6-2
  576. - remove version number from browsername.
  577. - rebuild with xulrunner-1.9.2-3
  578. * Thu Jan 21 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.6-1
  579. - update to 3.6
  580. * Sat Jan 09 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.5.7-2
  581. - update desktop files
  582. * Fri Jan 08 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.5.7-1
  583. - new upstream release
  584. - move to unofficial build from community build.
  585. - change about dialog.
  586. * Sat Nov 21 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.5.5-1
  587. - new upstream release
  588. * Sat Aug 08 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.5.2-3
  589. - rebuild again with xulrunner-
  590. * Fri Aug 07 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.5.2-2
  591. - rebuild with xulrunner-
  592. * Wed Aug 05 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.5.2-1
  593. - new upstream release
  594. * Fri Jul 24 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.5.1-2
  595. - remove MimeType entry from firefox-safe-mode.desktop (<BTS:0735>)
  596. - add default{32,48}.png to %%{ffdir}/chrome/icons/default (<BTS:0733>)
  597. * Sun Jul 19 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.5.1-1
  598. - new upstream release
  599. - add BR: libXt-devel, startup-notification-devel
  600. * Wed Jul 01 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.5-3
  601. - enable-system-cairo
  602. * Tue Jun 30 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.5-2
  603. - add Patch3010 to fix releasenotes urls
  604. * Tue Jun 30 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.5-1
  605. - update to firefox 3.5 release
  606. * Tue Jun 30 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.5-0.1.rc3
  607. - update to firefox-3.5rc3
  608. * Fri Jun 12 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.11-1
  609. - new upstream release
  610. * Wed May 06 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.10-4
  611. - rebuild to fix broken package..
  612. * Tue May 05 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.10-3
  613. - add Obsoletes: firefox3
  614. * Tue Apr 28 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.10-2
  615. - new upstream release
  616. * Sun Apr 26 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.9-2
  617. - build with gecko-libs (xulrunner)
  618. - update firefox startup script (/usr/bin/firefox)
  619. * Wed Apr 22 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.9-1
  620. - new upstream release
  621. - build with nspr-4.7.4, nss-3.12.3
  622. - set FLASH_FORCE_PULSEAUDIO if PA server is running.
  623. * Sat Mar 28 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.8-1
  624. - new upstream release
  625. - update default bookmarks
  626. * Thu Mar 05 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.7-1
  627. - new upstream release
  628. * Mon Feb 16 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.6-2
  629. - modify mozconfig
  630. - remove --enable-xft
  631. - remove --enable-system-cairo, add --disable-system-cairo
  632. * Wed Feb 04 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.6-1
  633. - new upstream release
  634. * Sat Dec 20 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.5-1
  635. - new upstream release
  636. * Sat Nov 22 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.4-1
  637. - new upstream release
  638. * Thu Oct 02 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.3-2
  639. - add Patch30 to remove EULA
  640. * Sat Sep 27 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.3-1
  641. - new upstream release
  642. * Thu Sep 25 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.2-2
  643. - disable dbus.
  644. * Thu Sep 25 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.2-1
  645. - new upstream release
  646. * Thu Jul 17 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0.1-1
  647. - new upstream release
  648. * Wed Jul 02 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0-2
  649. - rebuild with nss-3.12, nspr-4.7.1
  650. - use unofficial branding
  651. - change brand*Name to "Firefox Community Edition - Gran Paradiso"
  652. * Sun Jun 22 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 3.0-1
  653. - new upstream release
  654. * Sat Apr 19 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  655. - new upstream release
  656. * Wed Mar 26 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  657. - new upstream release
  658. * Tue Feb 19 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  659. - new upstream release
  660. * Sat Dec 01 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  661. - new upstream release
  662. * Tue Nov 27 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  663. - new upstream release
  664. * Fri Oct 19 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  665. - new upstream release
  666. * Fri Oct 19 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  667. - new upstream release
  668. - build with nspr-4.6.7
  669. - update default bookmarks
  670. * Tue Jul 31 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  671. - new upstream release
  672. * Thu Jul 19 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  673. - new upstream release
  674. * Tue Jun 12 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  675. - fix pkgconfig file for x86_64 [VineSeed-x86_64:00333]
  676. - require ns{pr,s}-devel instead of ns{pr,s} for firefox-devel
  677. * Sat Jun 02 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  678. - fix exclude condition of firefox-{nss,nspr}.pc (<BTS:532>)
  679. * Thu May 31 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  680. - update to firefox-
  681. - remove Patch1020 which is merged in upstream
  682. * Sun May 20 2007 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <>
  683. - added Patch1020 for workaround gcc visibility hidden bugs
  684. * Sat May 19 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  685. - add build options to build with external nss/nspr libraries
  686. ac_add_options --with-system-nspr
  687. ac_add_options --with-system-nss
  688. - remove firefox-{nspr,nss}.pc from %%files devel
  689. * Fri May 11 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  690. - rebuild with new environment/toolchain
  691. - update ja locale
  692. * Wed Mar 21 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  693. - new upstream release
  694. * Sat Feb 24 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  695. - new upstream release
  696. * Sat Jan 27 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  697. - remove typeaheadfind and venkman extention.
  698. * Fri Jan 26 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  699. - add build options for FireBug (<BTS:wishes:9>)
  700. --enable-jsd, --enable-extention=default,typeaheadfind,venkman
  701. * Thu Dec 21 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  702. - update to firefox-
  703. * Mon Nov 27 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 2.0-0vl6
  704. - add Patch10 to fix Bug358798
  705. - fix idl install path (<BTS:401>)
  706. * Sat Oct 28 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 2.0-0vl4
  707. - update vine default settings
  708. - use Firefox for UA string instead of BonEcho
  709. - add vendor/vendorSub to UA string
  710. - disable spell check by default
  711. - enable smooth scroll by default
  712. * Tue Oct 24 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 2.0-0vl2
  713. - update to firefox-2.0 final
  714. * Mon Oct 23 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 2.0-0vl0.rc3
  715. - update to firefox-2.0rc3
  716. - drop unneeded patches.
  717. * Mon Oct 02 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  718. - change Summary, desktopfiles
  719. - use Firefox Community Edition, instead of Firefox.
  720. * Fri Sep 15 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  721. - new upstream release
  722. * Thu Aug 17 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  723. - new upstream release
  724. - -safe-mode option (VinePlus:03026)
  725. - add Patch1010
  726. - add -safe-mode option in Usage(--help).
  727. - add firefox-safe-mode.desktop
  728. * Wed Jul 26 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  729. - new upstream release
  730. - update default bookmarks
  731. * Tue Jun 06 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  732. - copy nss headers
  733. * Fri Jun 02 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  734. - new upstream release
  735. * Wed May 03 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  736. - new upstream release
  737. * Fri Apr 14 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  738. - use firefox-1.5 for MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME instead of firefox-
  739. - applications using gtkmozembed of firefox become unaffected to
  740. firefox's minor version changes.
  741. * Fri Apr 14 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  742. - new upstream release
  743. * Wed Apr 12 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  744. - clean up spec file ( remove unneeded %%ghost file ... )
  745. * Wed Apr 12 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  746. - fix missing default theme in theme changer
  747. * Thu Mar 23 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  748. - add upstream patches (100,101,102)
  749. - update default bookmarks
  750. - build en-US locale
  751. - disable pango rendering by default
  752. (workaround fix slow rendering in some page)
  753. * Thu Feb 02 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <>
  754. - new upstream release
  755. * Thu Jan 19 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.5-0vl4
  756. - fix libnssckbi broken symlink problem (BUG:8)
  757. * Thu Dec 29 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.5-0vl3
  758. - add devel subpackage for gtkembedmoz
  759. * Thu Dec 29 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.5-0vl2
  760. - re-enable ja locale
  761. - fix crash bug with COMPOSITE enabled X server
  762. - add patch to /usr/bin/firefox
  763. * Wed Nov 30 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.5-0vl1
  764. - new upstream release
  765. * Sat Sep 24 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.7-0vl2
  766. - update to firefox-1.0.7
  767. * Tue Sep 20 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.6-0vl10
  768. - modified mozconfig to use RPM_OPT_FLAGS
  769. * Mon Sep 19 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.6-0vl8
  770. - add Patch110 to fix crash with gtk-2.7 (fixed in upstream)
  771. * Thu Aug 04 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.6-0vl6
  772. - rebuild with pango-1.9.1
  773. - add pango-cairo patch
  774. * Sat Jul 23 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.6-0vl4
  775. - update Patch25 to enable extension update feature
  776. (disabled in preferences by default)
  777. * Wed Jul 20 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.6-0vl2
  778. - new upstream release
  779. * Thu Jul 14 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.5-0vl2
  780. - new upstream release
  781. * Sat May 14 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.4-0vl6
  782. - add more pango rendering patch from FC-devel.
  783. - add IM candidate window position patch.
  784. * Fri May 13 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.4-0vl4
  785. - fix wrong condition branching in spec file.
  786. * Fri May 13 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.4-0vl2
  787. - new upstream release
  788. - drop obsolete patch{103,104}
  789. * Sat Apr 16 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.3-0vl1
  790. - new upstream release
  791. * Mon Mar 28 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.2-0vl1
  792. - new upstream release
  793. * Tue Mar 15 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.1-0vl6
  794. - clean up spec file
  795. - drop own pixmap file (use included one)
  796. - fix up file permissions
  797. * Tue Mar 15 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.1-0vl4
  798. - remove "new-window" option from openurl in /usr/bin/firefox
  799. * Tue Mar 15 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.1-0vl2
  800. - readd patch31,32 for pango rendering fix.
  801. * Mon Mar 14 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.1-0vl0
  802. - rebuild for Vine Linux 3.1 (VinePlus)
  803. * Mon Mar 07 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0.1-0vl1
  804. - new upstream release
  805. - merge some patches from fedora
  806. - include ja-JP langpack only.
  807. - add Japanese translation for mozilla-firefox.desktop
  808. - disable gnomeui, gnomestripe patch
  809. - disable mozilla official branding.
  810. * Mon Jan 24 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.0-0vl1
  811. - initial build for Vine Linux
  812. - based on fedora package, add Vine patch from Mozilla package.
  813. * Tue Dec 28 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0-8
  814. - Add upstream langpacks
  815. * Sat Dec 25 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0-7
  816. - Make sure we get a URL passed in to firefox (#138861)
  817. - Mark some generated files as ghost (#136015)
  818. * Wed Dec 15 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0-6
  819. - Don't have downloads "disappear" when downloading to desktop (#139015)
  820. - Add RPM version to the useragent
  821. - BuildRequires pango-devel
  822. * Sat Dec 11 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0-5
  823. - Fix spacing in textareas when using pango for rendering
  824. - Enable pango rendering by default.
  825. - Enable smooth scrolling by default
  826. * Fri Dec 3 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0-4
  827. - Add StartupWMClass patch from Damian Christey (#135830)
  828. - Use system colors by default (#137810)
  829. - Re-add s390(x)
  830. * Sat Nov 20 2004 Christopher Blizzard <> 0:1.0-3
  831. - Add patch that uses pango for selection.
  832. * Fri Nov 12 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0-2
  833. - Fix livemarks icon issue. (#138989)
  834. * Mon Nov 8 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0-1
  835. - Firefox 1.0
  836. * Thu Nov 4 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.99-1.0RC1.3
  837. - Add support for GNOME stock icons. (bmo #233461)
  838. * Sat Oct 30 2004 Warren Togami <> 0:0.99-1.0RC1.2
  839. - #136330 BR freetype-devel with conditions
  840. - #135050 firefox should own mozilla plugin dir
  841. * Sat Oct 30 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.99-1.0RC1.1
  842. - Update to firefox-rc1
  843. - Add patch for s390(x)
  844. * Tue Oct 26 2004 Christopher Aillon <>
  845. - Fix LD_LIBRARY_PATH at startup (Steve Knodle)
  846. * Fri Oct 22 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.21
  847. - Prevent inlining of stack direction detection (#135255)
  848. * Tue Oct 19 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.20
  849. - More file chooser fixes:
  850. Pop up a confirmation dialog before overwriting files (#134648)
  851. Allow saving as complete once again
  852. - Fix for upstream 263263.
  853. * Tue Oct 19 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.18
  854. - Fix for upstream 262689.
  855. * Mon Oct 18 2004 Christopher Blizzard < 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.16
  856. - Update pango patch to one that defaults to off
  857. * Mon Oct 18 2004 Christopher Blizzard <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.15
  858. - Fix problem where default apps aren't showing up in the download
  859. dialog (#136261)
  860. - Fix default height being larger than the available area, cherry picked
  861. from upstream
  862. * Mon Oct 18 2004 Christopher Blizzard <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.13
  863. - Actually turn on pango in the mozconfig
  864. * Sat Oct 16 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.12
  865. - Disable the default application checks. (#133713)
  866. - Disable the software update feature. (#136017)
  867. * Wed Oct 13 2004 Christopher Blizzard <>
  868. - Use pango for rendering
  869. * Tue Oct 12 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.10
  870. - Fix for 64 bit crash at startup (b.m.o #256603)
  871. * Fri Oct 8 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.9
  872. - Fix compile issues (#134914)
  873. - Add patch to fix button focus issues (#133507)
  874. - Add patches to fix tab focus stealing issue (b.m.o #124750)
  875. * Fri Oct 1 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.8
  876. - Update to 0.10.1
  877. - Fix tab switching keybindings (#133504)
  878. * Fri Oct 1 2004 Bill Nottingham <> 0:0.10.0-1.0PR1.7
  879. - filter out library Provides: and internal Requires:
  880. * Thu Sep 30 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.0-1.0PR1.6
  881. - Prereq desktop-file-utils >= 0.9
  882. * Thu Sep 30 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.0-1.0PR1.5
  883. - Add clipboard access prevention patch.
  884. * Wed Sep 29 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.0-1.0PR1.4
  885. - Add the xul mime type to the .desktop file
  886. * Tue Sep 28 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.0-1.0PR1.3
  887. - Backport the GTK+ file chooser.
  888. - Update desktop database after uninstall.
  889. * Mon Sep 27 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.0-1.0PR1.2
  890. - Change the vendor to mozilla not fedora
  891. - Build with --disable-strip so debuginfo packages work (#133738)
  892. - Add pkgconfig patch (bmo #261090)
  893. * Fri Sep 24 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.0-1.0PR1.1
  894. - Add a BR for desktop-file-utils
  895. - Update default configuration options to use the firefox mozconfig (#132916)
  896. - Use Red Hat bookmarks (#133262)
  897. - Update default homepage (#132721)
  898. - Fix JS math on AMD64 (#133226)
  899. - Build with MOZILLA_OFICIAL (#132917)
  900. * Tue Sep 14 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.0-1.0PR1.0
  901. - Update to 1.0PR1
  902. - Update man page references to say Firefox instead of Firebird
  903. - Remove gcc34 and extensions patch; they are now upstream
  904. - Update desktop database
  905. - Minor tweaks to the .desktop file
  906. * Fri Sep 03 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.9.3-8
  907. - Fixup .desktop entry Name, GenericName, and Comment (#131602)
  908. - Add MimeType desktop entry (patch from
  909. - Build with --disable-xprint
  910. * Tue Aug 31 2004 Warren Togami <> 0:0.9.3-7
  911. - rawhide import
  912. - #1765 NetBSD's freetype 2.1.8 compat patch
  913. * Sun Aug 29 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.3-0.fdr.6
  914. - and mng support is disabled again as it seams that there is
  915. no real mng support in the code
  916. * Sat Aug 28 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.3-0.fdr.5
  917. - remove ldconfig from scriptlets (bug #1846 comment #40)
  918. - reenabled mng support (bug #1971)
  919. - removed --enable-strip to let rpm to the stripping (bug #1971)
  920. - honor system settings in (bug #1971)
  921. - setting umask 022 in scriptlets (bug #1962)
  922. * Sat Aug 07 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.3-0.fdr.4
  923. - copy the icon to the right place(TM)
  924. * Fri Aug 06 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.3-0.fdr.3
  925. - readded the xpm removed in 0:0.9.2-0.fdr.5
  926. * Thu Aug 05 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.3-0.fdr.2
  927. - added mozilla-1.7-psfonts.patch from rawhide mozilla
  928. * Thu Aug 05 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.3-0.fdr.1
  929. - updated to 0.9.3
  930. - removed following from .mozconfig:
  931. ac_add_options --with-system-mng
  932. ac_add_options --enable-xprint
  933. ac_add_options --disable-dtd-debug
  934. ac_add_options --disable-freetype2
  935. ac_add_options --enable-strip-libs
  936. ac_add_options --enable-reorder
  937. ac_add_options --enable-mathml
  938. ac_add_options --without-system-nspr
  939. * Tue Aug 03 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.2-0.fdr.5
  940. - applied parts of the patch from Matthias Saou (bug #1846)
  941. - delete empty directories in %%{ffdir}/chrome
  942. - more cosmetic changes to the spec file
  943. * Wed Jul 14 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.2-0.fdr.4
  944. - mozilla-default-plugin-less-annoying.patch readded
  945. * Tue Jul 13 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.2-0.fdr.3
  946. - added krb5-devel as build requirement
  947. * Tue Jul 13 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.2-0.fdr.2
  948. - added patch from (bug #247846)
  949. - removed Xvfb hack
  950. * Fri Jul 09 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.2-0.fdr.1
  951. - updated to 0.9.2
  952. * Mon Jul 05 2004 Warren Togami <> 0:0.9.1-0.fdr.3
  953. - mharris suggestion for backwards compatibilty with Xvfb hack
  954. * Tue Jun 29 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.1-0.fdr.2
  955. - added massive hack from the debian package to create the
  956. extension directory
  957. * Tue Jun 29 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.1-0.fdr.1
  958. - updated to 0.9.1
  959. * Thu Jun 17 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9-0.fdr.4
  960. - remove extensions patch
  961. - add post hack to create extensions
  962. - enable negotiateauth extension
  963. - copy icon to browser/app/default.xpm
  964. - --enable-official-branding
  965. * Thu Jun 17 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9-0.fdr.3
  966. - extensions patch
  967. * Wed Jun 16 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9-0.fdr.2
  968. - added gnome-vfs2-devel as BuildRequires
  969. - added gcc-3.4 patch
  970. * Wed Jun 16 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9-0.fdr.1
  971. - updated to 0.9
  972. - dropped x86_64 patches
  973. - dropped xremote patches
  974. * Wed May 26 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.8-0.fdr.13
  975. - remove unused files: mozilla-config
  976. * Sun May 23 2004 David Hill <djh[at]> 0:0.8-0.fdr.12
  977. - update mozconfig (fixes bug #1443)
  978. - installation directory includes version number
  979. * Mon May 10 2004 Justin M. Forbes <> 0:0.8-0.fdr.11
  980. - merge x86_64 release 10 with release 10 bump release to 11
  981. * Mon Apr 19 2004 Justin M. Forbes <> 0:0.8-0.fdr.10
  982. - rebuild for FC2
  983. - change Source71 to properly replace Source7 for maintainability
  984. * Sun Apr 18 2004 Warren Togami <> 0:0.8-0.fdr.10
  985. - 3rd xremote patch
  986. - test -Os rather than -O2
  987. * Sun Apr 18 2004 Gene Czarcinski <>
  988. - more x86_64 fixes
  989. - fix firefix-xremote-client for x86_64 (similar to what is done for
  991. * Sat Apr 03 2004 Warren Togami <> 0:0.8-0.fdr.9
  992. - xremote patch for thunderbird integration #1113
  993. - back out ugly hack from /usr/bin/firefox
  994. - correct default bookmarks
  995. * Wed Feb 25 2004 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.8-0.fdr.7
  996. - readded the new firefox icons
  997. * Sat Feb 21 2004 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.8-0.fdr.6
  998. - removed new firefox icons
  999. * Wed Feb 18 2004 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.8-0.fdr.5
  1000. - nothing
  1001. * Thu Feb 12 2004 Gene Czarcinski <>
  1002. - update for x86_64 ... usr mozilla-1.6 patches
  1003. - change "firefox-i*" to "firefox-*" in above stuff
  1004. * Tue Feb 10 2004 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.8-0.fdr.4
  1005. - another icon changed
  1006. * Tue Feb 10 2004 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.8-0.fdr.3
  1007. - startup script modified
  1008. * Mon Feb 09 2004 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.8-0.fdr.2
  1009. - new firefox icon
  1010. - more s/firebird/firefox/
  1011. * Mon Feb 09 2004 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.8-0.fdr.1
  1012. - new version: 0.8
  1013. - new name: firefox
  1014. * Sun Oct 19 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.7-0.fdr.2
  1015. - s/0.6.1/0.7/
  1016. - changed user-app-dir back to .phoenix as .mozilla-firebird
  1017. is not working as expected
  1018. - manpage now also available as MozillaFirebird.1
  1019. * Thu Oct 16 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.7-0.fdr.1
  1020. - updated to 0.7
  1021. - provides webclient
  1022. - run regxpcom and regchrome after installation and removal
  1023. - added a man page from the debian package
  1024. - changed user-app-dir from .phoenix to .mozilla-firebird
  1025. * Tue Jul 29 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.6.1-0.fdr.2
  1026. - now with mozilla-default-plugin-less-annoying.patch; see bug #586
  1027. * Tue Jul 29 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.6.1-0.fdr.1
  1028. - updated to 0.6.1
  1029. - changed buildrequires for XFree86-devel from 0:4.3.0 to 0:4.2.1
  1030. it should now also build on RH80
  1031. * Sun Jul 13 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.5.rh90
  1032. - enabled the type ahead extension: bug #484
  1033. * Sun Jul 13 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.4.rh90
  1034. - renamed it again back to MozillaFirbird
  1035. - added libmng-devel to BuildRequires
  1036. - startup homepage is now
  1037. - improved the startup script to use the unix remote protocol
  1038. to open a new window
  1039. * Mon May 19 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.3.rh90
  1040. - new icon from
  1041. - now using gtk2 as toolkit
  1042. - renamed again back to mozilla-firebird (I like it better)
  1043. - Provides: MozillaFirebird for compatibility with previous releases
  1044. - changed default bookmarks.html to contain links to
  1045. * Mon May 19 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.2.rh90
  1046. - renamed package to MozillaFirebird and all files with the old name
  1047. - enabled mng, mathml, xinerama support
  1048. - now honouring RPM_OPT_FLAGS
  1049. * Mon May 19 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.1.rh90
  1050. - updated to 0.6
  1051. * Thu May 01 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.0.1.cvs20030501.rh90
  1052. - Updated to CVS.
  1053. - Renamed to mozilla-firebird.
  1054. * Sat Apr 05 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.0.3.cvs20030409.rh90
  1055. - Updated to CVS.
  1056. - Removed hard-coded library path.
  1057. * Sat Apr 05 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.0.3.cvs20030402.rh90
  1058. - Changed Prereq to Requires.
  1059. - Changed BuildRequires to gtk+-devel (instead of file).
  1060. - Recompressed source with bzip2.
  1061. - Removed post.
  1062. * Wed Apr 02 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.0.2.cvs20030402.rh90
  1063. - Added desktop-file-utils to BuildRequires.
  1064. - Changed category to X-Fedora-Extra.
  1065. - Updated to CVS.
  1066. * Sun Mar 30 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.0.2.cvs20030328.rh90
  1067. - Added Epoch:0.
  1068. - Added to the BuildRequires
  1069. * Fri Mar 28 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0.6-0.fdr.0.1.cvs20030328.rh90
  1070. - Updated to latest CVS.
  1071. - Moved phoenix startup script into its own file
  1072. * Wed Mar 26 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0.6-0.fdr.0.1.cvs20030326.rh90
  1073. - Updated to latest CVS.
  1074. - Changed release to 9 vs 8.1.
  1075. - Added cvs script.
  1076. - added encoding to desktop file.
  1077. * Sun Mar 23 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0.6-0.fdr.0.1.cvs20030323.rh81
  1078. - Updated to latest CVS.
  1079. - added release specification XFree86-devel Build Requirement.
  1080. - changed chmod to %attr
  1081. * Fri Mar 21 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0.6-0.fdr.0.1.cvs20030317.rh81
  1082. - Fixed naming scheme.
  1083. - Fixed .desktop file.
  1084. * Mon Mar 17 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0.6-cvs20030317.1
  1085. - Updated to CVS.
  1086. * Fri Mar 14 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0.6-cvs20030313.2
  1087. - General Tweaking.
  1088. * Thu Mar 13 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0.6-cvs20030313.1
  1089. - Updated CVS.
  1090. - Modified mozconfig.
  1091. * Sun Mar 09 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0.6-cvs20030309.1
  1092. - Initial RPM release.