texlive-collection-bibtexextra-vl.spec 26 KB

  1. ## -*- coding: utf-8-unix -*-
  2. ## NOTE: This spec file is generated by tlpdb2rpmspec 2014-1:
  3. ## tlpdb2rpmspec collection-bibtexextra
  4. %global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
  5. %global __find_provides %{nil}
  6. %global __find_requires %{nil}
  7. Summary: TeX Live: BibTeX additional styles
  8. Summary(ja): TeX Live: BibTeX additional styles
  9. Name: texlive-collection-bibtexextra
  10. Version: 2014
  11. Release: 1%{?_dist_release}
  12. License: LPPL, LPPL 1.3, Knuth, GPL+, Artistic, Freely redistributable without restriction, Public Domain, LPPL 1.2
  13. Group: Applications/Publishing
  14. URL:http://www.tug.org/texlive/
  15. Source0: aichej.tar.xz
  16. Source1: ajl.tar.xz
  17. Source2: amsrefs.doc.tar.xz
  18. Source3: amsrefs.source.tar.xz
  19. Source4: amsrefs.tar.xz
  20. Source5: apacite.doc.tar.xz
  21. Source6: apacite.source.tar.xz
  22. Source7: apacite.tar.xz
  23. Source8: apalike2.tar.xz
  24. Source9: beebe.tar.xz
  25. Source10: besjournals.doc.tar.xz
  26. Source11: besjournals.tar.xz
  27. Source12: bibarts.doc.tar.xz
  28. Source13: bibarts.source.tar.xz
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  34. Source19: bibexport.source.tar.xz
  35. Source20: bibexport.tar.xz
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  41. Source26: biblatex-apa.tar.xz
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  51. Source36: biblatex-dw.tar.xz
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  73. Source58: biblatex-nejm.tar.xz
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  82. Source67: biblatex-science.tar.xz
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  86. Source71: biblatex-swiss-legal.tar.xz
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  88. Source73: biblatex-trad.tar.xz
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  90. Source75: biblatex-true-citepages-omit.tar.xz
  91. Source76: biblist.doc.tar.xz
  92. Source77: biblist.tar.xz
  93. Source78: bibtopic.doc.tar.xz
  94. Source79: bibtopic.source.tar.xz
  95. Source80: bibtopic.tar.xz
  96. Source81: bibtopicprefix.doc.tar.xz
  97. Source82: bibtopicprefix.source.tar.xz
  98. Source83: bibtopicprefix.tar.xz
  99. Source84: bibunits.doc.tar.xz
  100. Source85: bibunits.source.tar.xz
  101. Source86: bibunits.tar.xz
  102. Source87: breakcites.doc.tar.xz
  103. Source88: breakcites.tar.xz
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  105. Source90: cell.tar.xz
  106. Source91: chbibref.doc.tar.xz
  107. Source92: chbibref.tar.xz
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  109. Source94: chicago-annote.doc.tar.xz
  110. Source95: chicago-annote.tar.xz
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  112. Source97: chembst.source.tar.xz
  113. Source98: chembst.tar.xz
  114. Source99: chscite.doc.tar.xz
  115. Source100: chscite.source.tar.xz
  116. Source101: chscite.tar.xz
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  118. Source103: collref.source.tar.xz
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  123. Source108: custom-bib.tar.xz
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  128. Source113: dk-bib.tar.xz
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  131. Source116: doipubmed.tar.xz
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  136. Source121: figbib.tar.xz
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  139. Source124: footbib.tar.xz
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  141. Source126: francais-bst.tar.xz
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  143. Source128: geschichtsfrkl.source.tar.xz
  144. Source129: geschichtsfrkl.tar.xz
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  146. Source131: harvard.source.tar.xz
  147. Source132: harvard.tar.xz
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  149. Source134: harvmac.tar.xz
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  171. Source156: margbib.tar.xz
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  173. Source158: multibib.source.tar.xz
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  181. Source166: notes2bib.source.tar.xz
  182. Source167: notes2bib.tar.xz
  183. Source168: oscola.doc.tar.xz
  184. Source169: oscola.tar.xz
  185. Source170: perception.doc.tar.xz
  186. Source171: perception.tar.xz
  187. Source172: pnas2009.tar.xz
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  189. Source174: rsc.source.tar.xz
  190. Source175: rsc.tar.xz
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  194. Source179: sort-by-letters.tar.xz
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  196. Source181: splitbib.source.tar.xz
  197. Source182: splitbib.tar.xz
  198. Source183: uni-wtal-ger.doc.tar.xz
  199. Source184: uni-wtal-ger.tar.xz
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  201. Source186: uni-wtal-lin.tar.xz
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  204. Source189: urlbst.tar.xz
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  206. Source191: usebib.source.tar.xz
  207. Source192: usebib.tar.xz
  208. Source193: vak.doc.tar.xz
  209. Source194: vak.tar.xz
  210. Source195: xcite.doc.tar.xz
  211. Source196: xcite.source.tar.xz
  212. Source197: xcite.tar.xz
  213. Requires: texlive = %{version}
  214. Requires: texlive-collection-latex = %{version}
  215. Requires(post): texlive = %{version}
  216. Requires(postun): texlive = %{version}
  217. BuildArch: noarch
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  219. Vendor: Project Vine
  220. Distribution: Vine Linux
  221. Packager: munepi
  222. %description
  223. The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system for a
  224. variety of Unix, Macintosh, Windows and other platforms. It
  225. encompasses programs for editing, typesetting, previewing and printing
  226. of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection
  227. of TeX macros and font libraries.
  228. The distribution includes extensive general documentation about TeX,
  229. as well as the documentation for the included software packages.
  230. This package is a collection of BibTeX additional styles:
  231. Additional BibTeX styles and bibliography data(bases), notably
  232. including BibLaTeX.
  233. This package contains the following CTAN packages:
  234. aichej: Bibliography style file for the AIChE Journal.
  235. ajl: BibTeX style for AJL.
  236. amsrefs: A LaTeX-based replacement for BibTeX.
  237. apacite: Citation style following the rules of the APA.
  238. apalike2: Bibliography style that approaches APA requirements.
  239. beebe:
  240. besjournals:
  241. bibarts: "Arts"-style bibliographical information.
  242. biber: A BibTeX replacement for users of biblatex.
  243. bibexport: Extract a BibTeX file based on a .aux file.
  244. bibhtml: BibTeX support for HTML files.
  245. biblatex: Bibliographies in LaTeX using BibTeX for sorting only.
  246. biblatex-apa: Biblatex citation and reference style for APA.
  247. biblatex-bwl: Biblatex citations for FU Berlin.
  248. biblatex-caspervector: A simple citation style for Chinese users.
  249. biblatex-chem: A set of biblatex implementations of chemistry-related bibliography styles.
  250. biblatex-chicago: Chicago style files for biblatex.
  251. biblatex-dw: Humanities styles for biblatex.
  252. biblatex-fiwi: Biblatex styles for use in German humanities.
  253. biblatex-gost: Biblatex support for GOST standard bibliographies.
  254. biblatex-historian: A Biblatex style.
  255. biblatex-ieee: Ieee style files for biblatex.
  256. biblatex-juradiss: Biblatex stylefiles for German law thesis.
  257. biblatex-luh-ipw: Biblatex styles for social sciences.
  258. biblatex-manuscripts-philology: Manage classical manuscripts with biblatex.
  259. biblatex-mla: MLA style files for biblatex.
  260. biblatex-musuos: A biblatex style for citations in musuos.cls.
  261. biblatex-nature: Biblatex support for Nature.
  262. biblatex-nejm: Biblatex style for the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).
  263. biblatex-philosophy: Styles for using biblatex for work in philosophy.
  264. biblatex-phys: A biblatex implementation of the AIP and APS bibliography style.
  265. biblatex-publist: BibLaTeX bibliography support for publication lists.
  266. biblatex-science: Biblatex implementation of the Science bibliography style.
  267. biblatex-source-division: References by "division" in classical sources.
  268. biblatex-swiss-legal: Bibliography and citation styles following Swiss legal practice.
  269. biblatex-trad: "Traditional" BibTeX styles with BibLaTeX.
  270. biblatex-true-citepages-omit: Correction of some limitation of the citepages=omit option of biblatex styles
  271. biblist: Print a BibTeX database.
  272. bibtopic: Include multiple bibliographies in a document.
  273. bibtopicprefix: Prefix references to bibliographies produced by bibtopic.
  274. bibunits: Multiple bibliographies in one document.
  275. breakcites: Ensure that multiple citations may break at line end.
  276. cell: Bibliography style for Cell.
  277. chbibref: Change the Bibliography/References title.
  278. chicago: A "Chicago" bibliography style.
  279. chicago-annote: Chicago-based annotated BibTeX style.
  280. chembst: A collection of BibTeX files for chemistry journals.
  281. chscite: Bibliography style for Chalmers University of Technology.
  282. collref: Collect blocks of references into a single reference.
  283. compactbib: Multiple thebibliography environments.
  284. custom-bib: Customised BibTeX styles.
  285. din1505: Bibliography styles for German texts.
  286. dk-bib: Danish variants of standard BibTeX styles.
  287. doipubmed: Special commands for use in bibliographies.
  288. economic: BibTeX support for submitting to Economics journals.
  289. fbs: BibTeX style for Frontiers in Bioscience.
  290. figbib: Organize figure databases with BibTeX.
  291. footbib: Bibliographic references as footnotes.
  292. francais-bst: Bibliographies conforming to French typographic standards.
  293. geschichtsfrkl: BibLaTeX style for historians.
  294. harvard: Harvard citation package for use with LaTeX 2e.
  295. harvmac: Macros for scientific articles.
  296. historische-zeitschrift: Biblatex style for the journal 'Historische Zeitschrift'
  297. ijqc: BibTeX style file for the Intl. J. Quantum Chem.
  298. inlinebib: Citations in footnotes.
  299. iopart-num: Numeric citation style for IOP journals.
  300. jneurosci: BibTeX style for the Journal of Neuroscience.
  301. jurabib: Extended BibTeX citation support for the humanities and legal texts.
  302. ksfh_nat: BibTeX style for KSFH Munich.
  303. listbib: Lists contents of BibTeX files.
  304. logreq: Support for automation of the LaTeX workflow.
  305. margbib: Display bibitem tags in the margins.
  306. multibib: Multiple bibliographies within one document.
  307. multibibliography: Multiple versions of a bibliography, with different sort orders.
  308. munich: An alternative authordate bibliography style.
  309. notes2bib: Integrating notes into the bibliography.
  310. oscola: BibLaTeX style for the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities.
  311. perception: BibTeX style for the journal Perception.
  312. pnas2009: Bibtex style for PNAS.
  313. rsc: BibTeX style for use with RSC journals.
  314. showtags: Print the tags of bibliography entries.
  315. sort-by-letters: Bibliography styles for alphabetic sorting.
  316. splitbib: Split and reorder your bibliography.
  317. uni-wtal-ger: Citation style for literary studies at the University of Wuppertal.
  318. uni-wtal-lin: Citation style for linguistic studies at the University of Wuppertal.
  319. urlbst: Web support for BibTeX.
  320. usebib: A simple bibliography processor.
  321. vak: BibTeX style for Russian Theses, books, etc.
  322. xcite: Use citation keys from a different document.
  323. %description -l ja
  324. TeX Live ソフトウェアディストリビューションは、
  325. さまざまな Unix, Macintosh, Windows、および
  326. 他のプラットホームに対して完全な TeX システムを提供します。
  327. 多くの異なった言語を含む TeX ドキュメントの
  328. 編集、組版、閲覧、印刷するためのプログラム、
  329. そして、TeX マクロやフォントライブラリの大きなコレクションを
  330. 同梱しています。
  331. このディストリビューションは
  332. 同梱しているソフトウェアパッケージのためのドキュメントばかりでなく、
  333. TeX に関するたくさんの一般的なドキュメントを含んでいます。
  334. このパッケージは以下のようなパッケージ集です。
  335. BibTeX additional styles:
  336. Additional BibTeX styles and bibliography data(bases), notably
  337. including BibLaTeX.
  338. このパッケージは以下の CTAN パッケージを含んでいます:
  339. aichej: Bibliography style file for the AIChE Journal.
  340. ajl: BibTeX style for AJL.
  341. amsrefs: A LaTeX-based replacement for BibTeX.
  342. apacite: Citation style following the rules of the APA.
  343. apalike2: Bibliography style that approaches APA requirements.
  344. beebe:
  345. besjournals:
  346. bibarts: "Arts"-style bibliographical information.
  347. biber: A BibTeX replacement for users of biblatex.
  348. bibexport: Extract a BibTeX file based on a .aux file.
  349. bibhtml: BibTeX support for HTML files.
  350. biblatex: Bibliographies in LaTeX using BibTeX for sorting only.
  351. biblatex-apa: Biblatex citation and reference style for APA.
  352. biblatex-bwl: Biblatex citations for FU Berlin.
  353. biblatex-caspervector: A simple citation style for Chinese users.
  354. biblatex-chem: A set of biblatex implementations of chemistry-related bibliography styles.
  355. biblatex-chicago: Chicago style files for biblatex.
  356. biblatex-dw: Humanities styles for biblatex.
  357. biblatex-fiwi: Biblatex styles for use in German humanities.
  358. biblatex-gost: Biblatex support for GOST standard bibliographies.
  359. biblatex-historian: A Biblatex style.
  360. biblatex-ieee: Ieee style files for biblatex.
  361. biblatex-juradiss: Biblatex stylefiles for German law thesis.
  362. biblatex-luh-ipw: Biblatex styles for social sciences.
  363. biblatex-manuscripts-philology: Manage classical manuscripts with biblatex.
  364. biblatex-mla: MLA style files for biblatex.
  365. biblatex-musuos: A biblatex style for citations in musuos.cls.
  366. biblatex-nature: Biblatex support for Nature.
  367. biblatex-nejm: Biblatex style for the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).
  368. biblatex-philosophy: Styles for using biblatex for work in philosophy.
  369. biblatex-phys: A biblatex implementation of the AIP and APS bibliography style.
  370. biblatex-publist: BibLaTeX bibliography support for publication lists.
  371. biblatex-science: Biblatex implementation of the Science bibliography style.
  372. biblatex-source-division: References by "division" in classical sources.
  373. biblatex-swiss-legal: Bibliography and citation styles following Swiss legal practice.
  374. biblatex-trad: "Traditional" BibTeX styles with BibLaTeX.
  375. biblatex-true-citepages-omit: Correction of some limitation of the citepages=omit option of biblatex styles
  376. biblist: Print a BibTeX database.
  377. bibtopic: Include multiple bibliographies in a document.
  378. bibtopicprefix: Prefix references to bibliographies produced by bibtopic.
  379. bibunits: Multiple bibliographies in one document.
  380. breakcites: Ensure that multiple citations may break at line end.
  381. cell: Bibliography style for Cell.
  382. chbibref: Change the Bibliography/References title.
  383. chicago: A "Chicago" bibliography style.
  384. chicago-annote: Chicago-based annotated BibTeX style.
  385. chembst: A collection of BibTeX files for chemistry journals.
  386. chscite: Bibliography style for Chalmers University of Technology.
  387. collref: Collect blocks of references into a single reference.
  388. compactbib: Multiple thebibliography environments.
  389. custom-bib: Customised BibTeX styles.
  390. din1505: Bibliography styles for German texts.
  391. dk-bib: Danish variants of standard BibTeX styles.
  392. doipubmed: Special commands for use in bibliographies.
  393. economic: BibTeX support for submitting to Economics journals.
  394. fbs: BibTeX style for Frontiers in Bioscience.
  395. figbib: Organize figure databases with BibTeX.
  396. footbib: Bibliographic references as footnotes.
  397. francais-bst: Bibliographies conforming to French typographic standards.
  398. geschichtsfrkl: BibLaTeX style for historians.
  399. harvard: Harvard citation package for use with LaTeX 2e.
  400. harvmac: Macros for scientific articles.
  401. historische-zeitschrift: Biblatex style for the journal 'Historische Zeitschrift'
  402. ijqc: BibTeX style file for the Intl. J. Quantum Chem.
  403. inlinebib: Citations in footnotes.
  404. iopart-num: Numeric citation style for IOP journals.
  405. jneurosci: BibTeX style for the Journal of Neuroscience.
  406. jurabib: Extended BibTeX citation support for the humanities and legal texts.
  407. ksfh_nat: BibTeX style for KSFH Munich.
  408. listbib: Lists contents of BibTeX files.
  409. logreq: Support for automation of the LaTeX workflow.
  410. margbib: Display bibitem tags in the margins.
  411. multibib: Multiple bibliographies within one document.
  412. multibibliography: Multiple versions of a bibliography, with different sort orders.
  413. munich: An alternative authordate bibliography style.
  414. notes2bib: Integrating notes into the bibliography.
  415. oscola: BibLaTeX style for the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities.
  416. perception: BibTeX style for the journal Perception.
  417. pnas2009: Bibtex style for PNAS.
  418. rsc: BibTeX style for use with RSC journals.
  419. showtags: Print the tags of bibliography entries.
  420. sort-by-letters: Bibliography styles for alphabetic sorting.
  421. splitbib: Split and reorder your bibliography.
  422. uni-wtal-ger: Citation style for literary studies at the University of Wuppertal.
  423. uni-wtal-lin: Citation style for linguistic studies at the University of Wuppertal.
  424. urlbst: Web support for BibTeX.
  425. usebib: A simple bibliography processor.
  426. vak: BibTeX style for Russian Theses, books, etc.
  427. xcite: Use citation keys from a different document.
  428. %package doc
  429. Summary: TeX Live: Documentation files of %{name}
  430. Group: Applications/Publishing
  431. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  432. %description doc
  433. This package contains documentation files of %{name}.
  434. %prep
  435. %setup -c -n %{name}-%{version}
  436. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE1}
  437. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE2}
  438. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE3}
  439. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE4}
  440. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE5}
  441. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE6}
  442. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE7}
  443. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE8}
  444. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE9}
  445. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE10}
  446. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE11}
  447. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE12}
  448. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE13}
  449. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE14}
  450. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE15}
  451. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE16}
  452. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE17}
  453. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE18}
  454. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE19}
  455. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE20}
  456. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE21}
  457. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE22}
  458. %__tar -xvf %{SOURCE23}
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  633. %build
  634. %install
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  650. ## NOTE: We provides texmf.cnf and updmap{-hdr,}.cfg from texlive
  651. ## remove unpacked files
  652. x=(
  653. # scripts/texlive/tlmgr.pl
  654. # scripts/texlive/updmap.pl
  655. # scripts/fontools/autoinst
  656. # scripts/glossaries/makeglossaries
  657. # scripts/m-tx/m-tx.lua
  658. # scripts/musixtex/musixtex.lua
  659. # scripts/pmx/pmx2pdf.lua
  660. # scripts/latexmk/latexmk.pl
  661. # scripts/jfontmaps/kanji-config-updmap.pl
  662. # scripts/jfontmaps/kanji-fontmap-creator.pl
  663. # scripts/latexpand/latexpand
  664. # scripts/epstopdf/epstopdf.pl
  665. # scripts/convbkmk/convbkmk.rb
  666. # scripts/jfontmaps/kanji-config-updmap-sys.sh
  667. # scripts/luaotfload/luaotfload-tool.lua
  668. # texconfig/tcfmgr
  669. # texconfig/tcfmgr.map
  670. # web2c/fmtutil.cnf
  671. # web2c/mktex.opt
  672. # web2c/mktexdir
  673. # web2c/mktexdir.opt
  674. # web2c/mktexnam
  675. # web2c/mktexnam.opt
  676. # web2c/mktexupd
  677. # web2c/texmf.cnf
  678. # web2c/updmap.cfg
  679. # web2c/updmap-hdr.cfg
  680. # doc/chktex/ChkTeX.pdf
  681. install-tl
  682. )
  683. if [ -d %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist} ]; then
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  685. %__rm -f ${x[@]} ||:
  686. popd
  687. fi
  688. ## Files list
  689. find %{buildroot} -type f -or -type l | \
  690. %__sed -e "s|%{buildroot}||g" > filelist.full
  691. find %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist} -type d | \
  692. %__sed -e "s|^%{buildroot}|%dir |" \
  693. -e "s|$|/|" >> filelist.full
  694. ## subpackages
  695. grep "/texmf-dist/doc/" filelist.full > filelist.doc
  696. cat filelist.doc filelist.full | sort | uniq -u > filelist.tmp
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  700. %post
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  702. %_tl_touch_run mtxrun
  703. exit 0
  704. %postun
  705. if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then
  706. %_tl_touch_run texhash
  707. fi
  708. exit 0
  709. %posttrans
  710. %{_tl_exec_texhash}
  711. %{_tl_exec_mtxrun}
  712. %{_tl_exec_updmap}
  713. %{_tl_exec_fmtutil}
  714. exit 0
  715. %files -f filelist.full
  716. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  717. %files -f filelist.doc doc
  718. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  719. %changelog
  720. * Sun May 25 2014 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@vinelinux.org> 2014-1
  721. - TLNET 20140524