geany-plugins-vl.spec 28 KB

  1. %global geany_plug_docdir %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}-%{version}
  2. %global req_geany_ver 0.21
  3. Name: geany-plugins
  4. Version: 0.21
  5. Release: 1%{?_dist_release}
  6. Summary: Plugins for Geany
  7. Summary(ja): Geany のプラグイン集
  8. Group: Development/Tools
  9. License: GPLv3
  10. URL:
  11. Source0:{version}.tar.bz2
  12. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  13. BuildRequires: geany-devel >= %{req_geany_ver} gettext intltool pkgconfig libtool
  14. BuildRequires: lua-devel enchant-devel gtkspell-devel
  15. BuildRequires: libxml2-devel >= 2.6.27
  16. BuildRequires: ctpl-devel >= 0.2
  17. BuildRequires: gpgme-devel
  18. Requires: %{name}-addons %{name}-geanydoc %{name}-geanygdb %{name}-geanylatex
  19. Requires: %{name}-geanylipsum %{name}-geanylua %{name}-geanyprj %{name}-geanysendmail
  20. Requires: %{name}-geanyvc %{name}-shiftcolumn %{name}-spellcheck
  21. Requires: %{name}-codenav %{name}-treebrowser %{name}-geanyextrasel
  22. Requires: %{name}-geanyinsertnum %{name}-pretty-print %{name}-geanygendoc
  23. Requires: %{name}-updatechecker %{name}-webhelper
  24. Requires: %{name}-debugger %{name}-xmlsnippets %{name}-geanymacro %{name}-geanynumberedbookmarks
  25. Requires: %{name}-geanypg %{name}-gproject %{name}-tableconvert
  26. %description
  27. Plugins for Geany. Plugins included are:
  28. * Addons (Various small Addons)
  29. * Code navigation (Navigate through your source code easily)
  30. * Debugger (Enables debugging in Geany)
  31. * Geanydoc (Call specific documentation from within Geany)
  32. * Geanyextrasel (Additional features for selecting code)
  33. * GeanyGenDoc (Automatically generate documentation source code)
  34. * GeanyGDB (Integration with GDB)
  35. * Geanyinsertnum (Insert huge number ranges with small efforts)
  36. * GeanyLaTeX (Improved Support for LaTeX documents)
  37. * GeanyLipsum (Inserting blocks of Lorem Ipsum text)
  38. * Geanylua (Support for Scripting with Lua)
  39. * GeanyMacro (User defined Macros for Geany)
  40. * GeanyNumberedBookmarks (Provide users with 10 numbered Bookmarks)
  41. * GeanyPG (Encrypt, decrypt and verify signatures with GnuPG)
  42. * Geanyprj (Alternate project management for Geany)
  43. * GeanySendMail (Sending of documents from within Geany)
  44. * GeanyVC (Support for various Version Control Systems)
  45. * GProject (Extension of Geany's Project Management)
  46. * Pretty-Print (XML Pretty Printer)
  47. * Shiftcolumn (Moving blocks of text horizontally)
  48. * Spellcheck (Spell checking of documents or marked text)
  49. * Tableconvert (Helps on converting a tabulator separated selection into a table)
  50. * Treebrowser (Alternate file browser with tree view of folders)
  51. * Updatechecker (Automatically check for Geany updates)
  52. * Webhelper (Preview and Debug Web documents from within Geany using WebKit)
  53. * XMLSnippets (Extends XML/HTML tag autocompletion provided by Geany)
  54. This package is meta package to install all geany-plugins.
  55. %description -l ja
  56. Geany のプラグインです。プラグインには以下のものが含まれています。
  57. * Addons (色々と小さなアドオン)
  58. * Code navigation (ソースコード間を簡単に移動)
  59. * Debugger (Geany でデバッグを有効化)
  60. * Geanydoc (geany から固有のドキュメントを呼び出す)
  61. * Geanyextrasel (コード選択のための追加機能)
  62. * GeanyGenDoc (ソースコードから自動的にドキュメントの元を生成)
  63. * GeanyGDB (GDB 統合環境を提供)
  64. * GeanyLaTex (LaTeX ドキュメントのサポートを改善)
  65. * GeanyLipsum (Lorem Ipsum テキストのブロックを挿入)
  66. * GeanySendMail (Geany からドキュメントの送信を許可)
  67. * GeanyVC (色々なバージョン管理システムのサポート)
  68. * GProject (Geany のプロジェクト管理拡張)
  69. * Geanyinsertnum (僅かな労力で膨大な範囲の番号を挿入)
  70. * Geanylua (lua スクリプトのサポートを提供)
  71. * GeanyMacro (Geany のユーザー定義マクロ)
  72. * GeanyNumberedBookmarks (ユーザーに 10 個の番号付ブックマークを提供)
  73. * GeanyPG (GnuPG で暗号化・復号化及び署名を検証する)
  74. * Geanyprj (geany の代替プロジェクト管理)
  75. * Shiftcolumn (テキストブロックを水平方向に移動)
  76. * Spellcheck (ドキュメントのスペルチェック)
  77. * Tableconvert (テーブルにタブで区切られた選択項目を変換する際役立つ)
  78. * Treebrowser (フォルダの内容をツリービューする代替ファイルブラウザ)
  79. * Pretty-Print (XML Pretty Printer)
  80. * Updatechecker (Geany の更新を自動的にチェック)
  81. * Webhelper (WebKit を使い Geany から Web ドキュメントのプレビューとデバッグを実行)
  82. * XMLSnippets (Geany により提供される拡張 XML/HTML タグの自動補完)
  83. このパッケージは、geany-plugins をすべてインストールするための
  84. メタパッケージです。
  85. %package common
  86. Summary: Common files used by all geany plugins
  87. Summary(ja): すべての Geany プラグインに用いられる共通ファイル
  88. Group: Development/Tools
  89. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  90. %description common
  91. This package contains some common files which are used by every Geany plugin,
  92. e.g. language translations.
  93. %description common -l ja
  94. このパッケージには、例えば翻訳ファイルなどの
  95. すべての Geany プラグイン で用いられる共通ファイルが含まれています。
  96. %package addons
  97. Summary: Miscellaneous Addons for Geany
  98. Summary(ja): Geany のその他のアドオン
  99. Group: Development/Tools
  100. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  101. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  102. Obsoletes: geany-plugin-addons
  103. %description addons
  104. This plugins consists of various small addons too small to justify their own
  105. plugin, but are useful to have. The following functionality is implemented:
  106. * Doclist: This addon places a new item in the toolbar and when clicked offers
  107. a menu listing all open files plus the 'Close All' and 'Close Other
  108. Documents' menu items. This can be useful to quickly access open files and
  109. switch to them.
  110. * OpenURI: Adds 'Open URI' and 'Copy URI' menu items to the editor menu when
  111. the word under the cursor looks like a URI. 'Open URI' uses the browser
  112. command configured in Geany to open it.
  113. * Tasks:The tasks plugin goes through a file being edited and picks out lines
  114. with "TODO" or "FIXME" in them. It collects the text after those words and
  115. puts them in a new "Tasks" tab in the message window. Clicking on a task in
  116. that tab takes you to the line in the file where the task was defined.
  117. * Systray: Adds a status icon to the notification area (systray) and provides
  118. a simple popup menu with some basic actions. It can also be used to quickly
  119. show and hide the Geany main window.
  120. %package codenav
  121. Summary: Navigate through your source code easily
  122. Summary(ja): ソースコード間を簡単に移動
  123. Group: Development/Tools
  124. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  125. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  126. %description codenav
  127. This plugin adds some facilities for navigating in the code.
  128. Actually, it will make it possible to:
  129. - switch between header and implementation
  130. - go to a file by typing its name
  131. %package debugger
  132. Summary: enables debugging in Geany
  133. Group: Development/Tools
  134. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  135. Requires: vte >= 0.24
  136. %description debugger
  137. Plugin enables debugging in Geany. Currently supports GDB only, but was
  138. developed with multiple debuggers support in mind, so the other backends
  139. support is planned as well.
  140. %package geanyextrasel
  141. Summary: Additional features for selecting code
  142. Summary(ja): コード選択のための追加機能
  143. Group: Development/Tools
  144. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  145. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  146. %description geanyextrasel
  147. Geanyextrasel provides some special features for selecting code, e.g. from
  148. opening brace to closed brace and so on. This plugin will be very useful for
  149. you if you're a programmer and working with much sourcecodes.
  150. %package geanygdb
  151. Summary: Debugger Plugin for Geany using GDB
  152. Summary(ja): GDB を使った Geany のデバッガプラグイン
  153. Group: Development/Tools
  154. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  155. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  156. Requires: gdb
  157. Obsoletes: geany-plugin-gdb
  158. %description geanygdb
  159. GeanyGDB plugin provides an integrated debugging environment for the
  160. GNU debugger (gdb).
  161. %description geanygdb -l ja
  162. GeanyGDB プラグインは GNU debugger (gdb) のための
  163. 統合的デバッグ環境を提供します。
  164. %package geanylatex
  165. Summary: to improve LaTeX support plugin for Geany
  166. Summary(ja): Geany のための LaTeX サポート改善プラグイン
  167. Group: Development/Tools
  168. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  169. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  170. Requires: texlive
  171. Obsoletes: geany-plugin-latex
  172. %description geanylatex
  173. This plugin improves LaTeX support in Geany. It provides several templates for
  174. new documents, help with adding labels and inserting special characters,
  175. and much more.
  176. %description geanylatex -l ja
  177. このプラグインは Geany で LaTeX のサポートを改善するプラグインです。
  178. 新しい文書のためのいくつかのテンプレート、
  179. ラベルの追加や特殊文字の挿入機能などを提供します。
  180. %package geanylipsum
  181. Summary: Lorem Ipsum generator for Inserting Placeholder Text
  182. Group: Development/Tools
  183. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  184. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  185. %description geanylipsum
  186. GeanyLipsum is a Lorem Ipsum generator for inserting placeholder text into a
  187. document.
  188. %package geanylua
  189. Summary: Support developing Lua Scripting for Geany
  190. Summary(ja): Geany で Lua スクリプト開発をサポート
  191. Group: Development/Tools
  192. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  193. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  194. Requires: lua
  195. %description geanylua
  196. This plugin provides extensive support for developing in the lua programming
  197. language.
  198. %description geanylua -l ja
  199. このプラグインは、lua プログラミング言語で開発するための
  200. 広範なサポートを提供します。
  201. %package geanymacro
  202. Summary: User defined Macros for Geany
  203. Group: Development/Tools
  204. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  205. %description geanymacro
  206. GeanyMacro is a plugin to provide user defined macros for Geany. It started
  207. out as part of the ConText feature parity plugin, which was split into
  208. individual plugins to better suit Geany's ethos of being as light as
  209. possible while allowing users to select which features they want to add to
  210. the core editor. The idea was taken from a Text Editor for Windows called
  211. ConText.
  212. This plugin alows you to record and use your own macros. Macros are
  213. sequences of actions that can then be repeated with a single key
  214. combination. So if you had dozens of lines where you wanted to delete the
  215. last 2 characters, you could simple start recording, press End, Backspace,
  216. Backspace, down line and then stop recording. Then simply trigger the macro
  217. and it would automaticaly edit the line and move to the next. You could then
  218. just repeatedly trigger the macro to do as many lines as you want.
  219. %package geanynumberedbookmarks
  220. Summary: Provide users 10 numbered Bookmarks
  221. Group: Development/Tools
  222. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  223. %description geanynumberedbookmarks
  224. GeanyNumberedBookmarks is a plugin to provide users with 10 numbered
  225. bookmarks (in addition to the usual bookmarks). It started out as part of
  226. the ConText feature parity plugin, which was split into individual plugins
  227. to better suit Geany's ethos of being as light as possible while allowing
  228. users to select which features they want to add to the core editor. The idea
  229. was taken from a Text Editor for Windows called ConText.
  230. Normally if you had more than one bookmark, you would have to cycle through
  231. them until you reached the one you wanted. With this plugin you can go
  232. straight to the bookmark that you want with a single key combination.
  233. %package geanypg
  234. Summary: encrypt, decrypt and verify signatures with GnuPG
  235. Group: Development/Tools
  236. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  237. Requires: gpgme
  238. %description geanypg
  239. GeanyPG is a plugin for Geany that allows the user to encrypt, decrypt and
  240. verify signatures with GnuPG.
  241. %package geanysendmail
  242. Summary: Send E-Mails from within Geany
  243. Summary(ja): Geany 内から E-Mail を送信するプラグイン
  244. Group: Development/Tools
  245. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  246. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  247. %description geanysendmail
  248. GeanySendMail is a little plugin to send a document as attachment using the
  249. preferred mail client from inside Geany. It is similar to the envelope symbol
  250. of most office tools and requires a mail client that supports remote calls.
  251. %package geanyvc
  252. Summary: Version Control plugin for Geany
  253. Summary(ja): Geany のバージョン管理プラグイン
  254. Group: Development/Tools
  255. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  256. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  257. Obsoletes: geany-plugin-vc
  258. Provides: geanyvc = %{version}-%{release}
  259. %description geanyvc
  260. Geanyvc is a plugin that provides a uniform way of accessing different version
  261. control systems from within the Geany IDE. Currently, support for the following
  262. version control systems is provided:
  263. * Bazaar
  264. * Git
  265. * Mercurial
  266. * Subversion
  267. * SVK
  268. * CVS
  269. %description geanyvc -l ja
  270. Geanyvc は Geany IDE から異なるバージョン管理システムにアクセスする
  271. 均一的方法を提供するプラグインです。
  272. 現在、サポートするバージョン管理システムは以下の通りです。
  273. * Bazaar
  274. * Git
  275. * Mercurial
  276. * Subversion
  277. * SVK
  278. * CVS
  279. %package geanyinsertnum
  280. Summary: Insert huge number ranges with small efforts
  281. Summary(ja): 僅かな労力で膨大な範囲の番号を挿入
  282. Group: Development/Tools
  283. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  284. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  285. %description geanyinsertnum
  286. Geanyinsertnum replaces a (possibly zero-width) rectangular selection with
  287. integer numbers, using start/step/base etc. specified by the user. For
  288. practical reasons, the number of lines is limited to 500000.
  289. %package shiftcolumn
  290. Summary: Move Blocks of Text horizontally
  291. Summary(ja): テキストブロックを水平方向に移動
  292. Group: Development/Tools
  293. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  294. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  295. %description shiftcolumn
  296. Shiftcolumn allows you to move blocks of text horizontally in Geany.
  297. %description shiftcolumn -l ja
  298. Shiftcolumn は Geany 内でテキストブロックを水平方向に移動させることが
  299. できます。
  300. %package spellcheck
  301. Summary: Spellcheck Text in Geany using the Enchant Library
  302. Summary(ja): Enchant ライブラリを使い Geany でスペルチェック
  303. Group: Development/Tools
  304. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  305. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  306. Requires: enchant
  307. %description spellcheck
  308. Spellcheck checks the selected text (or the whole document) with the spellcheck
  309. library Enchant.
  310. %description spellcheck -l ja
  311. Spellcheck は、選択したテキスト(または文書全体)のスペルチェックを
  312. スペルチェックライブラリの Enchant で行います。
  313. %package geanydoc
  314. Summary: Call documentation from within Geany
  315. Summary(ja): Geany 内からドキュメントを呼び出す
  316. Group: Development/Tools
  317. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  318. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  319. %description geanydoc
  320. Geanydoc allows you to execute specific commands on the word under the cursor.
  321. This word is passed as an argument to the command. The output of the command
  322. can either be placed into a special buffer called "DOC" or can be used to
  323. execute an external program. Geanydoc is intended to be used for searching
  324. through API documentation.
  325. %package geanygendoc
  326. Summary: Automatically generate documentation source code
  327. Group: Development/Tools
  328. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  329. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  330. %description geanygendoc
  331. GeanyGenDoc is a plugin for Geany that aims to automatically generate
  332. documentation comment basis from the source code.
  333. You may also want to install the following packages which enable
  334. some extra features:
  335. - Docutils ( -- or another implementation of
  336. rst2html -- is needed to (re)generate the HTML manual.
  337. %package geanyprj
  338. Summary: Provides an alternate project management tool for Geany
  339. Summary(ja): Geany で代替プロジェクト管理ツールを提供
  340. Group: Development/Tools
  341. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  342. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  343. %description geanyprj
  344. Geanyprj provides an alternate project management approach to Geany's built-in
  345. project facility. The idea is to be less a "session manager" as the built-in
  346. project management does: It allows/requires you to manually open and close
  347. project and allows you to store project files in different locations from
  348. project sources.
  349. Geanyprj takes a different approach:
  350. It never saves session information, so that project files can be stored in
  351. version control without constant noise from changes of opened files or cursor
  352. position. You also will never have to open/close projects manually. If a
  353. *.geanyprj file is found somewhere up in path it will be opened automatically.
  354. %package treebrowser
  355. Summary: Alternate file browser plugin providing a tree view of directories.
  356. Summary(ja): ディレクトリのツリービューを提供する代替ファイルブラウザプラグイン
  357. Group: Development/Tools
  358. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  359. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  360. %description treebrowser
  361. The tree browser plugin for Geany provides an alternate way to browse through
  362. your files. It displays files and directories in a tree view and has more
  363. features than the file browser plugin delivered with Geany itself.
  364. %package pretty-print
  365. Summary: XML pretty printing plugin for Geany
  366. Group: Development/Tools
  367. Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver}
  368. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  369. Requires: libxml2 >= 2.6.27
  370. %description pretty-print
  371. Plugin for Geany to easily beautify XML code.
  372. %package gproject
  373. Summary: Extension of Geany's project management
  374. Group: Development/Tools
  375. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  376. %description gproject
  377. GProject is an extension of Geany's project management displaying a tree of
  378. files belonging to the project in the sidebar. In addition, it enables quick
  379. swapping between header and source files, searching project files by name
  380. and more. The plugin was created with big projects in mind so everything
  381. works fast enough even with projects consisting of hundreds of thousands of
  382. files.
  383. %package tableconvert
  384. Summary: Helps on converting a tabulator separated selection into a table
  385. Group: Development/Tools
  386. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  387. %description tableconvert
  388. Tableconvert is a plugin which helps on converting a tabulator separated
  389. selection into a table.
  390. %package updatechecker
  391. Summary: Automatically check for Geany updates
  392. Summary(ja): Geany の更新を自動的にチェック
  393. Group: Development/Tools
  394. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  395. BuildRequires: libsoup-devel
  396. %description updatechecker
  397. UpdateChecker is a plugin for Geany, which is able to check whether there is
  398. a more recent version of Geany available.
  399. %package webhelper
  400. Summary: Preview and Debug Web documents from within Geany using WebKit
  401. Summary(ja): WebKit を使い Geany から Web ドキュメントのプレビューとデバッグを実行
  402. Group: Development/Tools
  403. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  404. BuildRequires: WebKit-gtk-devel >= 1.1.18
  405. %description webhelper
  406. WebHelper is a plugin for Geany that provides some web development
  407. facilities, such as a web page preview and some debugging tools (web
  408. inspector).
  409. Prominent features:
  410. * A basic web view, allowing to display any web page (using WebKit)
  411. * Possible automatic reloading of the web view upon document saving
  412. * A web inspector/debugging tool for the web view's content (including a
  413. JavaScript console, a viewer and editor of processed HTML and CSS, a network
  414. usage analysis tool and many more, thanks to WebKit).
  415. %package xmlsnippets
  416. Summary: Extends XML/HTML tag autocompletion provided by Geany
  417. Group: Development/Tools
  418. Requires: geany-plugins-common = %{version}-%{release}
  419. %description xmlsnippets
  420. This plugin extends XML/HTML tag autocompletion provided by Geany. It
  421. automatically inserts a matching snippet after you type an opening tag.
  422. %prep
  423. %setup -q
  424. %build
  425. %configure --docdir=%{geany_plug_docdir}
  426. make %{?_smp_mflags}
  427. %install
  428. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  429. make install -p DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  430. # Remove static library *.la files
  431. find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name '*.la' -exec rm -f '{}' \;
  432. # Remove zero-length files
  433. find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -empty -delete
  434. %find_lang %{name}
  435. %clean
  436. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  437. %files
  438. %files common -f %{name}.lang
  439. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  440. %dir %{_libdir}/%{name}/
  441. %dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/
  442. %files addons
  443. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  444. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/addons
  445. %{_libdir}/geany/
  446. %files codenav
  447. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  448. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/codenav
  449. %{_libdir}/geany/
  450. %files debugger
  451. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  452. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/debugger
  453. %{_datadir}/%{name}/debugger/
  454. %{_libdir}/geany/
  455. %files geanydoc
  456. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  457. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/geanydoc/
  458. %{_libdir}/geany/
  459. %files geanyextrasel
  460. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  461. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/geanyextrasel/
  462. %{_libdir}/geany/
  463. %files geanygdb
  464. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  465. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/geanygdb/
  466. %{_libdir}/geany/
  467. %{_libexecdir}/geany-plugins/geanygdb/ttyhelper
  468. %files geanygendoc
  469. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  470. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/geanygendoc/
  471. %{_libdir}/geany/
  472. %{_datadir}/%{name}/geanygendoc/
  473. %files geanyinsertnum
  474. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  475. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/geanyinsertnum/
  476. %{_libdir}/geany/
  477. %files geanylatex
  478. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  479. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/geanylatex/
  480. %{_libdir}/geany/
  481. %files geanylipsum
  482. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  483. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/geanylipsum/
  484. %{_libdir}/geany/
  485. %files geanylua
  486. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  487. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/geanylua/
  488. %{_libdir}/geany/
  489. %{_datadir}/%{name}/geanylua/
  490. %{_libdir}/%{name}/geanylua/
  491. %files geanymacro
  492. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  493. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/geanymacro/
  494. %{_libdir}/geany/
  495. %files geanynumberedbookmarks
  496. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  497. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/geanynumberedbookmarks/
  498. %{_libdir}/geany/
  499. %files geanypg
  500. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  501. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/geanypg/
  502. %{_libdir}/geany/
  503. %files geanyprj
  504. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  505. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/geanyprj/
  506. %{_libdir}/geany/
  507. %files geanysendmail
  508. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  509. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/geanysendmail/
  510. %{_libdir}/geany/
  511. %files gproject
  512. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  513. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/gproject/
  514. %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/gproject-*.png
  515. %{_libdir}/geany/
  516. %files geanyvc
  517. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  518. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/geanyvc/
  519. %{_libdir}/geany/
  520. %files pretty-print
  521. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  522. %{_libdir}/geany/
  523. %files shiftcolumn
  524. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  525. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/shiftcolumn/
  526. %{_libdir}/geany/
  527. %files spellcheck
  528. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  529. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/spellcheck/
  530. %{_libdir}/geany/
  531. %files tableconvert
  532. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  533. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/tableconvert/
  534. %{_libdir}/geany/
  535. %files treebrowser
  536. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  537. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/treebrowser/
  538. %{_libdir}/geany/
  539. %files updatechecker
  540. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  541. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/updatechecker/
  542. %{_libdir}/geany/
  543. %files webhelper
  544. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  545. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/webhelper/
  546. %{_libdir}/geany/
  547. %files xmlsnippets
  548. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  549. %doc %{geany_plug_docdir}/xmlsnippets/
  550. %{_libdir}/geany/
  551. %changelog
  552. * Sat Oct 29 2011 Toshiharu Kudoh <> 0.21-1
  553. - new upstream release
  554. - added new plugins
  555. - Debugger, Devhelp, GeanyPG, GeanyMacro, GeanyNumberedBookmarks, Tableconvert, XMLSnippets
  556. - added BuildRequires: gpgme-devel
  557. * Sun Jan 23 2011 Toshiharu Kudoh <> 0.20-1
  558. - new upstream release
  559. - added geany-plugins-updatechecker and geany-plugins-webhelper
  560. * Sun Aug 8 2010 Toshiharu Kudoh <> 0.19-3
  561. - added geany-plugins-geanygendoc
  562. - added BuildRequires: ctpl-devel >= 0.2
  563. - changed geany-plugins-latex Requires: tetex to Requires: texlive
  564. - removed zero-length documentation files
  565. * Sun Jul 18 2010 Toshiharu Kudoh <> 0.19-2
  566. - correct license to GPLv3+
  567. - added BuildRequires: libxml2-devel >= 2.6.27
  568. - added Requires: geany-plugins-codenav, geany-plugins-treebrowser,
  569. geany-plugins-geanyextrasel, geany-plugins-geanyinsertnum, geany-plugins-pretty-print
  570. * Mon Jun 14 2010 Toshiharu Kudoh <> 0.19-1
  571. - new upstream release
  572. * Sat Mar 13 2010 Toshiharu Kudoh <> 0.18-3
  573. - fixed Requires geany-plugins
  574. - applied new naming policy to spec
  575. * Thu Jan 21 2010 Toshiharu Kudoh <> 0.18-2
  576. - fixed Obsoletes geany-plugin-addons, geany-plugin-gdb, geany-plugin-latex, geany-plugin-vc
  577. (see [BTS:VineLinux:0894])
  578. - proved Summary(ja)
  579. * Wed Nov 18 2009 Toshiharu Kudoh <> 0.18-1
  580. - initial build for Vine Linux (instead of now provided some geany-plugins)
  581. * Sat Oct 31 2009 Dominic Hopf <> 0.18-1
  582. - update to new upstream release
  583. * Sat Aug 16 2009 Dominic Hopf <> 0.17.1-6
  584. - build against and require geany 0.18
  585. * Mon Aug 10 2009 Ville Skyttä <> - 0.17.1-5
  586. - Use bzipped upstream tarball.
  587. * Sat Jul 25 2009 Dominic Hopf <> 0.17.1-4
  588. - write BuildRequires at the beginning of this file
  589. * Wed Jul 22 2009 Dominic Hopf <> 0.17.1-3
  590. - remove Requires: geany from the main package
  591. - change Group to Development/Tools
  592. - add release to the geanyvc Provides
  593. - entirely remove %%files stanza for the main package
  594. * Wed Jul 22 2009 Dominic Hopf <> 0.17.1-2
  595. - fix the required geany version also in the subpackages
  596. - remove the requires to sub-packages to avoid building the metapackage since
  597. all geany plugins also can be installed by something like
  598. 'yum install geany-plugins-*'
  599. - fix the requires of geany-plugins-common to include the release
  600. * Wed Jul 22 2009 Dominic Hopf <> 0.17.1-1
  601. - bump upstream version to 0.17.1
  602. - fix required geany version to be 0.16 at the present
  603. * Sat Jul 18 2009 Dominic Hopf <> 0.17-5
  604. - add Requires for metapackage
  605. - rename subpackages back to geany-plugins-* instead of geany-plugin-*
  606. * Fri Jul 17 2009 Dominic Hopf <> 0.17-4
  607. - readd the geany_plug_docdir global to fix the versioned directory issue for
  608. documentation files
  609. - replace geany-plugins with %%{name} to be more consistent with macro usage
  610. - remove zero-length documentation files
  611. - fix the changelog
  612. - remove static *.la-files
  613. - split up packages
  614. * Wed Jul 15 2009 Dominic Hopf <> 0.17-3
  615. - add %%{_datadir}/geany-plugins/geanylua/ to %%files-section
  616. * Wed Jul 15 2009 Dominic Hopf <> 0.17-2
  617. - fix %%files-section again, thanks to Jonathan for the hint.
  618. * Tue Jul 14 2009 Dominic Hopf <> 0.17-1
  619. - update URL to
  620. * Tue Jul 14 2009 Jonathan G. Underwood <> - 0.17-0.2
  621. - Add Obsoletes for geanyvc
  622. - Add more BuildRequires and Requires
  623. * Tue Jul 14 2009 Jonathan G. Underwood <> - 0.17-0.1
  624. - Update to 0.17 (first upstream release of tarball)
  625. - Fix handling of docs
  626. - Spec file cleanups
  627. * Mon Jun 22 2009 Pingou <> 0.1-1
  628. - First RPM for Fedora