Brak opisu

yasumichi c0ca8e405b Import spec file. 12 lat temu
9 66a9678b5e import VineSeed package specs 14 lat temu
A 66a9678b5e import VineSeed package specs 14 lat temu
C 8e59a0338c X.Org, compiz, GNOME3, etc... 12 lat temu
D b87785cdbc removed Django: duplicated python-django 13 lat temu
E f2b70633e0 NEW: ETL, synfig, synfigstudio 12 lat temu
F 9a7f52972c updated FD-vl.spec 13 lat temu
G e71dd4a5a3 GNOME-3.2.0 12 lat temu
H 66a9678b5e import VineSeed package specs 14 lat temu
I e13dedf4fd gtk3: new upstream release, ImageMagick: add BR 13 lat temu
J 1b340d83dc JF-20110119-1 13 lat temu
L 70cb9c48f1 13 lat temu
M a5668ce518 GNOME-3.1.5 12 lat temu
N a5668ce518 GNOME-3.1.5 12 lat temu
O 65a8d019a3 updated OpenType-mikachan-vl.spec 13 lat temu
P 4a8eb678fa PackageKit-vl.spec をインポート 12 lat temu
R 058a4f92e0 update: R 12 lat temu
S 75e456f6b8 Vine Linux 6 向けに更新 13 lat temu
T 12cfac7947 %define fontname junicode 12 lat temu
V 1c02caa305 * VirtualBox: updated to 4.1.4 12 lat temu
W e71dd4a5a3 GNOME-3.2.0 12 lat temu
X 66a9678b5e import VineSeed package specs 14 lat temu
Z e702c86900 Zope2 新規プロダクト 13 lat temu
a e71dd4a5a3 GNOME-3.2.0 12 lat temu
b e71dd4a5a3 GNOME-3.2.0 12 lat temu
c f2b70633e0 NEW: ETL, synfig, synfigstudio 12 lat temu
d e71dd4a5a3 GNOME-3.2.0 12 lat temu
e 5f5c2d9540 import emerillon-vl.spec 12 lat temu
f e71dd4a5a3 GNOME-3.2.0 12 lat temu
g f2b70633e0 NEW: ETL, synfig, synfigstudio 12 lat temu
h 39554844c3 %{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")} 12 lat temu
i fdd43cd74e updated emacs24-vl.spec and ibus-el-vl.spec: supported emacs-24.0.90 (emacs-24.1 pretest) 12 lat temu
j 48f4caaca7 mc: new upstream release 12 lat temu
k f1be540dbf %{!?python_sitearch: %global python_sitearch %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(1)")} 12 lat temu
l f7e508cfdb ldns 1.6.10-1 12 lat temu
lib f2b70633e0 NEW: ETL, synfig, synfigstudio 12 lat temu
m 48f4caaca7 mc: new upstream release 12 lat temu
n 958285fcf5 updated nspluginwrapper and install-assist-flash-plugin: supported native linux x86_64 flash-plugin 12 lat temu
nonfree 958285fcf5 updated nspluginwrapper and install-assist-flash-plugin: supported native linux x86_64 flash-plugin 12 lat temu
o 48f4caaca7 mc: new upstream release 12 lat temu
p c0ca8e405b Import spec file. 12 lat temu
q 10ca9614dd update: gthumb, qt, qt4 12 lat temu
r 0f335e20d8 %{!?python_sitelib: %global python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")} 12 lat temu
s f2b70633e0 NEW: ETL, synfig, synfigstudio 12 lat temu
t f2b70633e0 NEW: ETL, synfig, synfigstudio 12 lat temu
u 44f424da3d unbound 1.4.12-1 12 lat temu
v 061224ce70 0.2 に更新 12 lat temu
w 69fbac1a75 wesnoth 1.8.6-2 12 lat temu
x 188bf01c50 fixed language 12 lat temu
y e71dd4a5a3 GNOME-3.2.0 12 lat temu
z e71dd4a5a3 GNOME-3.2.0 12 lat temu