gnome-libs-vl.spec 13 KB

  1. # Note that this is NOT a relocatable package
  2. %define name gnome-libs
  3. %define ver 1.4.2
  4. %define rel 3%{?_dist_release}
  5. Summary: The libraries needed to run the GNOME GUI desktop environment.
  6. Summary(ja): GNOME GUI デスクトップ環境に必要なライブラリ集
  7. Name: %name
  8. Version: %ver
  9. Release: %rel
  10. License: LGPL
  11. Group: System Environment/Libraries
  12. Source:{name}/1.4/%{name}-%{ver}.tar.bz2
  13. Source2: gnome-libs-pofiles.tar.gz
  14. URL:
  15. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  16. BuildRequires: libutempter-devel
  17. BuildRequires: zlib-devel
  18. BuildRequires: db4-devel
  19. BuildRequires: imlib-devel
  20. BuildRequires: esound-devel
  21. BuildRequires: ORBit-devel
  22. BuildRequires: glib-devel
  23. BuildRequires: gtk+-devel >= 1.2.5
  24. BuildRequires: libpng-devel >= 1.2.5
  25. BuildRequires: libXt-devel
  26. BuildRequires: libXpm-devel
  27. BuildRequires: automake14
  28. BuildRequires: autoconf213
  29. Requires: gtk+ >= 1.2.5
  30. Requires: libpng >= 1.2.5
  31. Requires: gnome-audio
  32. #Requires: utempter
  33. Requires: ORBit
  34. Requires: imlib
  35. Obsoletes: gnome
  36. # Red Hat-specific patches are prefaced with RH, please.
  37. Patch5: gnome-libs-gtkrc.patch
  38. Patch25:
  39. # Enable setting canvas into a "bghack" mode with gtk_object_set_data
  40. Patch34: gnome-libs-1.2.13-bghack.patch
  41. Patch40: gnome-libs-
  42. Patch41: gnome-libs-
  43. Patch42: gnome-libs-
  44. Patch44: gnome-libs-
  45. Patch45: gnome-libs-
  46. Patch46: gnome-libs-
  47. Patch50: gnome-libs-1.2.13-config-dir-variable.patch
  48. Patch52: gnome-libs-
  49. Patch53: gnome-libs-
  50. # Fedora patches
  51. Patch80: gnome-libs-1.4.2-multilib.patch
  52. Patch81: gnome-libs-1.4.2-dateedit-fix1.patch
  53. # source/patch for vine
  54. Source100: gnome-libs-gtkrc.ja
  55. Patch100: gnome-libs-1.0.61-fontset.patch
  56. Patch101: gnome-libs-1.2.8-vine-font.patch
  57. Patch107: gnome-libs-1.2.4-zvt-fontsize.patch
  58. Patch108: gnome-libs-1.2.12-config.patch
  59. Patch109: gnome-libs-1.4.2-db48.patch
  60. Patch110: gnome-libs-1.4.2-noxalf.patch
  61. Patch111: gnome-libs-1.4.2-dentry.patch
  62. Patch112: gnome-libs-1.4.2-html_escape.patch
  63. Patch113: gnome-libs-1.4.2-vine-font.patch
  64. Patch120: gnome-libs-1.4.2-iconfont.patch
  65. # patch from kondara
  66. Patch200: gnome-libs-1.0.55-i18nfix.patch
  67. Packager: inagaki
  68. %description
  69. GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) is a user-friendly set of
  70. GUI applications and desktop tools to be used in conjunction with a
  71. window manager for the X Window System. The gnome-libs package
  72. includes libraries that are needed to run GNOME.
  73. %description -l ja
  74. GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) は、
  75. Xウィンドウ・システム用ウィンドウマネージャと結合して利用される、
  76. ユーザ・フレンドリなGUIアプリケーションとデスクトップ・ツールの
  77. セットです。gnome-libsパッケージはGNOMEの実行に必要なライブラリ
  78. 郡を含んでいます。
  79. %package devel
  80. Summary: Libraries and include files for developing GNOME applications.
  81. Summary(ja): GNOMEアプリケーション開発用のライブラリとインクルードファイル郡
  82. Group: Development/Libraries
  83. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  84. Requires: imlib-devel
  85. Requires: ORBit-devel
  86. Requires: esound-devel
  87. Requires: gtk+-devel
  88. Obsoletes: gnome-devel
  89. %description devel
  90. GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) is a user-friendly set of
  91. GUI applications and desktop tools to be used in conjunction with a
  92. window manager for the X Window System. The gnome-libs-devel package
  93. includes the libraries and include files that you will need to develop
  94. GNOME applications.
  95. You should install the gnome-libs-devel package if you would like to
  96. develop GNOME applications. You don't need to install gnome-libs-devel
  97. if you just want to use the GNOME desktop environment.
  98. %description -l ja
  99. GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) は、
  100. Xウィンドウ・システム用ウィンドウマネージャと結合して利用される、
  101. ユーザ・フレンドリなGUIアプリケーションとデスクトップ・ツールの
  102. セットです。gnome-libs-develパッケージはGNOMEアプリケーションの
  103. 開発に必要なライブラリ郡を含んでいます。
  104. GNOMEアプリケーションを開発したい場合、gnome-libs-develパッケージ
  105. をインストールする必要があります。単にGNOMEデスクトップ環境を利用
  106. するだけなら、gnome-libs-develパッケージは必要ありません。
  107. %prep
  108. %setup -q
  109. cp %{SOURCE100} libgnomeui/gtkrc.ja
  110. %patch5 -p1 -b .gtkrc
  111. %patch25 -p0 -b .iconedit
  112. %patch34 -p1 -b .bghack
  113. ## using a perl munge instead to avoid rerunning autoconf
  114. # %patch40 -p1 -b .png10
  115. # %patch41 -p1 -b .db1
  116. %patch42 -p1 -b .ac25
  117. %patch44 -p1 -b .alpha_size_t
  118. %patch45 -p1 -b .moz-remote-fix
  119. %patch46 -p1 -b .ghelp
  120. %patch50 -p1 -b .config-dir-variable
  121. %patch52 -p1 -b .htmlview
  122. %patch53 -p1 -b .remove-duplicate-definition
  123. %patch80 -p1 -b .multilib
  124. %patch81 -p1 -b .dateedit-fix1
  125. %patch100 -p1 -b .fontset
  126. #%patch101 -p1 -b .vine-font
  127. %patch107 -p1 -b .zvt-fontsize
  128. %patch108 -p1 -b .config
  129. %patch109 -p1 -b .db46
  130. %patch110 -p1 -b .noxalf
  131. %patch111 -p1 -b .dentry
  132. %patch112 -p1 -b .html_escape
  133. %patch113 -p1 -b .vine-font
  134. %patch120 -p0 -b .iconfont
  135. %patch200 -p1 -b .i18nfix
  136. # translations
  137. tar zxf %{SOURCE2}
  138. %build
  139. #libtoolize --copy --force
  140. ## the gtkrc patch changes a
  141. automake-1.4
  142. autoconf-2.13
  143. %configure --disable-static \
  144. --enable-prefer-db1 \
  145. --with-kde-datadir=/usr/share \
  146. --disable-gtk-doc
  147. make %{?_smp_mflags}
  148. %install
  149. [ -n "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -a "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != / ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  150. %makeinstall
  151. mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/gnome-doc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
  152. chmod a+x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/gnome-doc
  153. mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/mkstub $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
  154. chmod a+x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/mkstub
  155. %{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp
  156. mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/gnome-doc.el $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp
  157. %find_lang %{name}
  158. ## remove unused files
  159. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/doc/*
  160. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/lib*.la
  161. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/*
  162. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/gtk-doc/*
  163. %clean
  164. [ -n "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -a "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != / ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  165. %post -p /sbin/ldconfig
  166. %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
  167. %files -f %{name}.lang
  168. %defattr(-, root, root)
  170. %{_bindir}/dns-helper
  171. %{_bindir}/gconfigger
  172. %{_bindir}/gnome-bug
  173. %{_bindir}/gnome-dump-metadata
  174. %{_bindir}/gnome-gen-mimedb
  175. %{_bindir}/gnome-moz-remote
  176. %{_bindir}/gnome-name-service
  177. %{_bindir}/gnome_segv
  178. %{_bindir}/goad-browser
  179. %{_bindir}/loadshlib
  180. %{_bindir}/new-object
  181. %attr(2755, root, utmp) %{_sbindir}/gnome-pty-helper
  182. %{_libdir}/lib*.so.*
  183. %{_datadir}/idl/*
  184. %{_datadir}/pixmaps/*
  185. %{_datadir}/mime-info/gnome.mime
  186. %{_datadir}/type-convert/*
  187. %{_mandir}/man1/*
  188. %{_mandir}/man5/*
  189. %config %{_sysconfdir}/*
  190. %files devel
  191. %defattr(-, root, root)
  192. %doc devel-docs
  193. %{_bindir}/gnome-config
  194. %{_bindir}/libart-config
  195. %{_bindir}/gnome-doc
  196. %{_bindir}/mkstub
  197. %{_libdir}/lib*.so
  198. #{_libdir}/*.a
  199. #{_libdir}/*.la
  200. %{_libdir}/*.sh
  201. %{_libdir}/gnome-libs
  202. %{_includedir}/*
  203. %{_datadir}/aclocal/*
  204. %{_datadir}/gnome
  205. %{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/*
  206. %changelog
  207. * Fri Feb 12 2010 NAKAMURA Kenta <> 1.4.2-3
  208. - rebuilt with db4-4.8
  209. - updated Patch109: gnome-libs-1.4.2-db48.patch
  210. * Sat May 2 2009 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 1.4.2-2
  211. - updated Patch109 for using db-4.6.21
  212. - BuildRequires: libutempter-devel instead of utempter
  213. - removed lib*.a
  214. * Sat Jul 26 2008 Shu KONNO <> 1.4.2-1vl5
  215. - removed lib*.la
  216. - removed unused files
  217. - applied new versioning policy and spec in utf-8
  218. * Sat Jun 16 2007 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 1.4.2-0vl8
  219. - rebuilt for fixing
  220. * Sun May 20 2007 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 1.4.2-0vl7
  221. - rebuilt with new toolchains/environment
  222. - updated Patch109 for using db-4.3.29
  223. - added patches from Fedora
  224. * Fri Mar 9 2007 Paul Howarth <> 1:1.4.2-5
  225. - Fix GnomeDateEdit time format regression (#230186)
  226. * Tue Feb 13 2007 Paul Howarth <> 1:1.4.2-4
  227. - Fix multilib conflict in /etc/mime-magic.dat (#228361)
  228. * Tue Feb 28 2006 Shu KONNO <> 1.4.2-0vl6
  229. - dropt libtoolize
  230. - rebuilt for x86_64 architecture
  231. * Mon Oct 11 2004 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.4.2-0vl5
  232. - rebuilt with db4-4.2.25
  233. - --disable-gtk-doc
  234. * Tue Dec 23 2003 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 1.4.2-0vl4
  235. - rebuilt with new toolchains
  236. - added Patch120 from Vine Linux 2.6r3 release
  237. - s/Copyright/License/
  238. * Wed Jan 15 2003 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.4.2-0vl3
  239. - rebuilt against libpng >= 1.2.5
  240. * Wed Jan 15 2003 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <> 1.4.2-0vl2
  241. - rebuilt against db4 (disabled Patch41, added Patch109)
  242. * Fri Oct 25 2002 Ryoichi INAGAKI <> 1.4.2-0vl1
  243. - new upstream release.
  244. - cleaned patch files (several was merged source)
  245. - noxalf.pactch was renewal (Patch110)
  246. - vine-font.patch was renewal (Patch113)
  247. * Tue Dec 18 2001 Akira TAGOH <>
  248. - New upstream release.
  249. - Merged several RH patches.
  250. * Wed Mar 21 2001 Akira TAGOH <> 1.2.13-0vl1
  251. - New upstream release.
  252. - Use rpmmacros.
  253. * Sat Dec 9 2000 Jun Nishii <>
  254. - 1.2.8-0vl1
  255. * Mon Oct 16 2000 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.2.4-0vl3
  256. - zvt default font size changed
  257. * Mon Oct 16 2000 Daisuke SUZUKI <> 1.2.4-0vl2
  258. - XmHTML default font size changed
  259. * Wed Jul 19 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa <>
  260. - updated to 1.2.4
  261. - added dialog_default patch to focus a specfied button for keybord.
  262. * Fri Jun 21 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa <>
  263. - updated to 1.2.3
  264. * Mon Jun 19 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa <>
  265. - added vine's gtkrc.ja.
  266. * Fri Jun 2 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa <>
  267. - updated to 1.2.1
  268. * Wed May 31 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa <>
  269. - modified zvt_mb pach to fix threshold value of MB_CUR_MAX for glibc 2.1.3.
  270. * Mon May 29 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa <>
  271. - updated 1.2.0
  272. * Tue May 16 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa <>
  273. - updated 1.0.61
  274. * Mon May 8 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa <>
  275. - updated 1.0.60
  276. - removed some RH patch (RH-snd*) merged.
  277. - add japo_fix patch to fix a bug that make popt to segfault.
  278. * Wed Mar 29 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa <>
  279. - updated 1.0.57
  280. - remake SPEC from RH6.2 for vine
  281. * Mon Feb 21 2000 Preston Brown <>
  282. - keyboard mapping follows debian policy, xterm
  283. * Tue Feb 15 2000 Owen Taylor <>
  284. - Add checks to make sure gnome-terminal survives if the
  285. bg pixmap vanishes.
  286. * Fri Feb 11 2000 Owen Taylor <>
  287. - Install gtkrc files in /etc/gnome
  288. * Fri Feb 11 2000 Owen Taylor <>
  289. - Remove broken alpha timeval fix, fix bug in
  290. that was misdetecting ut_tv field of utmpx
  291. * Thu Feb 10 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <>
  292. - Fix up escape sequences in zvt (Bug #9143)
  293. * Fri Feb 04 2000 Elliot Lee <>
  294. - Accept true/yes/non-zero as TRUE for gnome-config boolean values.
  295. * Wed Feb 03 2000 Havoc Pennington <>
  296. - set ECHOK for terminal widget, bug 8823
  297. * Wed Feb 02 2000 Havoc Pennington <>
  298. - include man pages in the file list, also bug 8017
  299. * Wed Feb 02 2000 Havoc Pennington <>
  300. - Fix an alpha warning bugzilla #8017
  301. * Tue Feb 01 2000 Elliot Lee <>
  302. - Update to 1.0.55
  303. * Tue Aug 31 1999 Elliot Lee <>
  304. - Update to 1.0.15
  305. * Mon Aug 30 1999 Elliot Lee <>
  306. - Merge in various minor things from RHL
  307. * Mon Jun 14 1999 Gregory McLean <>
  308. - Added the -q option to the setup stage, quiet please!
  309. * Tue Mar 2 1999 Gregory McLean <>
  310. - Added some hackage in for the brain dead libtool on the alpha
  311. - Cleaned up the spec file abit to be more consistant.
  312. * Wed Feb 17 1999 Elliot Lee <>
  313. - Add debugging disabling flags to $CFLAGS
  314. * Fri Nov 20 1998 Pablo Saratxaga <>
  315. - use --localstatedir=/var/lib in config state (score files for games
  316. for exemple will go there).
  317. - added several more files to %files section, in particular language
  318. files and corba IDLs
  319. * Wed Sep 23 1998 Michael Fulbright <>
  320. - Updated to version 0.30
  321. * Mon Apr 13 1998 Marc Ewing <>
  322. - Added %{prefix}/lib/gnome-libs
  323. * Fri Mar 13 1998 Marc Ewing <>
  324. - Integrate into gnome-libs source tree