zsync-vl.spec 1.2 KB

  1. %define ver 0.6.2
  2. %define rel 2
  3. Summary: client-side implementation of the rsync algorithm
  4. Summary(ja): rsync アルゴリズムのクライアントサイドの実装
  5. Name: zsync
  6. Version: %{ver}
  7. Release: %{rel}%{?_dist_release}
  8. License: Artistic License 2
  9. Group: Applications/Internet
  10. URL: http://zsync.moria.org.uk/
  11. Source0: http://zsync.moria.org.uk/download/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
  12. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
  13. %description
  14. zsync is a file transfer program. It allows you to download a file from a
  15. remote server, where you have a copy of an older version of the file on
  16. your computer already. zsync downloads only the new parts of the file.
  17. It uses the same algorithm as rsync.
  18. %prep
  19. %setup -q
  20. %build
  21. %configure
  22. make
  23. %install
  24. %__rm -rf %{buildroot}
  25. %makeinstall
  26. %__rm -f %{buildroot}%{_docdir}%{_name}/COPYING
  27. %__rm -f %{buildroot}%{_docdir}%{_name}/README
  28. %clean
  29. %__rm -rf %{buildroot}
  30. %files
  31. %defattr(-,root,root,-)
  33. %{_bindir}/zsync
  34. %{_bindir}/zsyncmake
  35. %{_mandir}/man1/zsync.1*
  36. %{_mandir}/man1/zsyncmake.1*
  37. %changelog
  38. * Sun Jul 17 2016 IWAI, Masaharu <iwaim.sub@gmail.com> 0.6.2-2
  39. - build with current toolchain
  40. * Sun May 1 2011 IWAI, Masaharu <iwai@alib.jp> 0.6.2-1
  41. - Initial build.