checkinstall-vl.spec 6.7 KB

  1. Summary: CheckInstall installations tracker
  2. Summary(ja): パッケージ作成、インストール援助ツール CheckInstall
  3. Name: checkinstall
  4. Version: 1.6.2
  5. Release: 6%{?_dist_release}
  6. License: GPL
  7. Group: Applications/Administration
  8. URL:
  9. Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
  10. Source1: checkinstall-vine-64x64.svg
  11. Source2: checkinstall-vine-info
  12. Patch0: %{name}-%{version}-vine.patch
  13. Patch2: checkinstall-1.6.1-rpm-version-check.patch
  14. Patch3: checkinstall-fix-glibc-detection.patch
  15. Patch4: checkinstall-rpm-set-buildroot.patch
  16. Patch5: 21build-glibc-2.10.diff
  17. Patch6: fixdir-vine.patch
  18. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  19. BuildRequires: gettext-devel
  20. #Requires: rpm-build gettext-devel
  21. Requires: build-essential
  22. %description
  23. CheckInstall keeps track of all the files created or
  24. modified by your installation script ("make install"
  25. "make install_modules", "setup", etc), builds a
  26. standard binary package and installs it in your
  27. system giving you the ability to uninstall it with your
  28. distribution's standard package management utilities.
  29. '
  30. %description -l ja
  31. CheckInstallは tar ball で配布されているソフトウェアを
  32. ディストリビューションのパッケージ管理システムに則った
  33. パッケージ形式に作成、インストールするユーティリティです。
  34. オリジナルでは deb、tgz パッケージも作成可能ですが、
  35. このパッケージでは Vine Linux に合わせてデフォルトで
  36. rpm パッケージを作成するようにしてあります。
  37. %prep
  38. %setup -q #-n %name-%version
  39. %patch0 -p1
  40. %patch2 -p0
  41. %patch3 -p1
  42. %patch4 -p1
  43. ln -s installwatch installwatch-0.7.0beta5
  44. %patch5 -p1
  45. %patch6 -p1
  46. %build
  47. make
  48. %install
  49. rm -rf %buildroot
  50. install -D -m 755 checkinstall %buildroot/%{_bindir}/checkinstall
  51. install -D -m 755 makepak %buildroot/%{_sbindir}/makepak
  52. install -m 755 installwatch/installwatch %buildroot/%{_bindir}
  53. install -D -m 755 installwatch/ %buildroot/%{_libdir}/checkinstall/
  54. install -m 755 checkinstallrc-dist %buildroot/%{_libdir}/checkinstall/checkinstallrc
  55. install -D -m 644 locale/ %buildroot%_libdir/checkinstall/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/
  56. perl -pi -e "s!#PREFIX#!%_prefix!" %buildroot%_bindir/installwatch
  57. perl -pi -e "s!/lib/!/%_lib/!" %buildroot%_bindir/*
  58. install -D -m 755 %{_sourcedir}/checkinstall-vine-info %buildroot/%{_bindir}/checkinstall-vine-info
  59. # icons
  60. %__mkdir_p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/pixmaps
  61. %__cp -a %{_sourcedir}/checkinstall-vine-64x64.svg %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/pixmaps
  62. # desktop menu entry
  63. %__mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications
  64. %__cat > %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop <<EOF
  65. [Desktop Entry]
  66. Name=Checkinstall Information
  67. Name[ja]=Checkinstall について
  68. Comment=about Checkinstall
  69. Comment[ja]=Checkinstall の説明ダイアログ
  70. Exec=/usr/bin/checkinstall-vine-info
  71. Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/checkinstall-vine-64x64.svg
  72. Terminal=false
  73. MultipleArgs=false
  74. Type=Application
  75. Categories=Application;Development;
  76. EOF
  77. %files
  78. %defattr(-,root,root,755)
  80. %{_bindir}/installwatch
  81. %{_bindir}/checkinstall
  82. %{_bindir}/checkinstall-vine-info
  83. %{_sbindir}/makepak
  84. %dir %{_libdir}/checkinstall/
  85. %{_libdir}/checkinstall/checkinstallrc
  86. %{_libdir}/checkinstall/
  87. %lang(ja) %{_libdir}/checkinstall/locale/ja
  88. %dir %{_libdir}/checkinstall/locale/
  89. %{_datadir}/pixmaps/checkinstall-vine-64x64.svg
  90. %{_datadir}/applications/checkinstall.desktop
  91. %changelog
  92. * Sun Oct 6 2013 TANAKA hiroaki <> 1.6.2-6
  93. - change Requires to build-essential
  94. * Sat Jun 30 2013 TANAKA hiroaki <> 1.6.2-5
  95. - fix some typo in spec
  96. - fix obsoleted URL in checkinstall-vine-info
  97. - update checkinstall-fix-glibc-detection.patch
  98. * Sun Oct 10 2010 TANAKA hiroaki <> 1.6.2-4
  99. - rebuild on rpm-4.8.1
  100. - change spec file name
  101. * Wed Mar 3 2010 TANAKA hiroaki <> 1.6.2-3
  102. - debug wrong icon-name
  103. * Tue Mar 2 2010 TANAKA hiroaki <> 1.6.2-2
  104. - add gnome application entry
  105. - add unofficial icon svg
  106. * Tue Feb 27 2010 TANAKA hiroaki <> 1.6.2-1
  107. - new source version 1.6.2
  108. - drop old patches all
  109. - add patch2,3,4,5 from mandriva pkg
  110. * Mon Jul 6 2009 Satoshi IWAMOTO <> 1.6.1-4vl5
  111. - add patch1 to fix x86_64 env. (/usr/lib -> /usr/lib64)
  112. - renumber patch1 -> patch2
  113. - change BR: gettext -> gettext-devel
  114. * Thu Oct 23 2008 Shu KONNO <> 1.6.1-3vl5
  115. - added checkinstall-1.6.1-readlink.patch
  116. * Sun Oct 12 2008 Tanaka hiroaki<>
  117. - convert spec.file to utf-8 without BOM format
  118. * Mon Sep 22 2008 Tanaka hiroaki<>
  119. - update spec file to follow Vine Linux guide line
  120. * Mon Nov 6 2006 Tanaka hiroaki<> 1.6.1
  121. - update the patch
  122. * Fri Dec 10 2005 Tanaka hiroaki<> 1.6.0-1.1
  123. - fix bug
  124. * Thu Aug 25 2005 Tanaka hiroaki<> 1.6.0-1.
  125. - new version
  126. * Sat Feb 12 2005 Tanaka hiroaki<> 1.6.0-beta4.1.
  127. - require rpm-build
  128. - update the patch 0
  129. * Mon May 3 2004 Gz Waschk <> 1.6.0-0.beta3.1mdk
  130. - rediff patch
  131. - new version
  132. * Thu Aug 28 2003 Gz Waschk <> 1.6.0-0.beta2.1mdk
  133. - fix installation
  134. - rediff the patch
  135. - 1.6.0beta2
  136. * Mon Jul 28 2003 Gz Waschk <> 1.5.3-5mdk
  137. - own %{_libdir}/checkinstall/
  138. * Fri Jul 25 2003 Gz Waschk <> 1.5.3-4mdk
  139. - move makepak to %_sbindir as configured in checkinstall
  140. * Fri Jul 25 2003 Gz Waschk <> 1.5.3-3mdk
  141. - move the preload library to %{_libdir}/checkinstall/
  142. - merge all patches into one
  143. * Fri Jul 25 2003 Gz Waschk <> 1.5.3-2mdk
  144. - remove library package, no soname
  145. - can't be noarch, there's a shared library
  146. - patch2: docdir is /usr/share/doc, default release is 1mdk
  147. * Wed Sep 11 2002 Lenny Cartier <> 1.5.3-1mdk
  148. - 1.5.3
  149. - url
  150. * Mon Jun 17 2002 Lenny Cartier <> 1.5.2-1mdk
  151. - 1.5.2
  152. * Wed Apr 10 2002 Lenny Cartier <> 1.5.1-3mdk
  153. - patch1: fixes PREFIX in installwatch ( we don't use make install in %%install )
  154. * Sat Jan 12 2002 Lenny Cartier <> 1.5.1-2mdk
  155. - %name-paths.patch : fix paths in scripts ( thx Rainer Koschnick )
  156. * Fri Jan 11 2002 Lenny Cartier <> 1.5.1-1mdk
  157. - apply changes from Jorg Pitts <> (thx! )
  158. - new release 1.5.1
  159. - split package and make rpmlint happier
  160. * Thu Apr 12 2001 Gregory Letoquart <> 1.4.1-1mdk
  161. - First package