xblastTNT-vl.spec 2.9 KB

  1. %define name xblastTNT
  2. %define version 2.7.38
  3. %define cversion 2.6.1
  4. %define release 1%{?_dist_release}
  5. Name: %{name}
  6. Version: %{version}
  7. Release: %{release}
  8. Summary: A multi-player arcade game for X11w
  9. Summary(ja): X 用のマルチプレーヤで楽しむゲームです.
  10. Source: xblast-tnt-unix.tar.gz
  11. Source1: ftp://ftp.x.org/contrib/games/multiplayer/xblast-%{cversion}.sound.tar.gz
  12. Source2: image.tar.gz
  13. Source3: level.tar.gz
  14. Icon: xblast.gif
  15. Group: Applications/Games
  16. License: GPL2
  17. URL: http://www.ndh.net/home/m.vogel/download.html
  18. Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
  19. BuildRequires: XOrg-devel
  20. Vendor: Project Vine
  21. Distribution: Vine Linux
  22. %description
  23. XBlast is a multi-player arcade game for X11R5/R6. The game can be played
  24. with at least two players and up to four players. It was inspired by
  25. the video/computer game Bomberman(Dynablaster), which was to my
  26. knowledge first programmed for NEC's PC Engine/Turbo Grafx. Other
  27. (commercial) versions of the original game exist for IBM-PC, Atari ST,
  28. Amiga, NES, GameBoy and Super NES.
  29. %description -l ja
  30. XBlast は X 上でみんなで楽しむゲームです.プレーヤ数は2人から4人まで
  31. 選べます.もともとはビデオ/コンピュータゲームのボンバーマンに刺激され
  32. て作られたものです.
  33. XBlast-TNTは、XBlast の開発中のバージョンです。まだ動作が不安定な可能
  34. 性もあります。
  35. %prep
  36. %setup -q -a 1 -n XBlast-TNT
  37. mv XBlast-2.6-sound/image .
  38. mv XBlast-2.6-sound/level .
  39. mv XBlast-2.6-sound/xblast.man .
  40. tar xzvf %{SOURCE2}
  41. tar xzvf %{SOURCE3}
  42. %build
  43. xmkmf -a
  44. make Makefiles
  45. make
  46. %install
  47. make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  48. (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/X11R6/bin/
  49. mv xblast xblastTNT
  50. )
  51. # add applnk
  52. %define applnkdir /etc/X11/applnk/Games
  53. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{applnkdir}
  54. cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{applnkdir}/%{name}.desktop <<EOF
  55. [Desktop Entry]
  56. Name=xblastTNT
  57. Type=Application
  58. Comment=A multi-player arcade game for X11
  59. Comment[ja]=X 用のマルチプレーヤで楽しむゲームです.
  60. Exec=xblastTNT
  61. Terminal=false
  62. EOF
  63. %clean
  64. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  65. %files
  66. %defattr(644,root,root,755)
  67. %doc COPYING
  68. %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/*
  69. %config(missingok) %{applnkdir}/%{name}.desktop
  70. %changelog
  71. * Tue Oct 14 2008 Shu KONNO <owa@bg.wakwak.com> TNT-2.7.38-1vl5
  72. - applied new versioning policy, spec in utf-8
  73. - modified directory about X11
  74. * Sun Oct 1 2006 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com> TNT-2.7.38-0vl3
  75. - rebuilt for Vine Linux 4.0
  76. - changed Group to Applications/Games
  77. * Mon Mar 25 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> TNT-2.7.38-0vl2
  78. - fixed build problem
  79. * Sat Feb 2 2002 Jun Nishii <jun@vinelinux.org>
  80. - TNT-2.7.38-0vl1
  81. * Tue Sep 26 2000 Jun Nishii <jun@vinelinux.org>
  82. - TNT-0.20000926-0vl1
  83. * Thu Sep 21 2000 Jun Nishii <jun@vinelinux.org>
  84. - 2.6.1-1vl1
  85. - tiny modification of spec file
  86. - added applnk
  87. - fix group
  88. * Thu Nov 18 1999 Jun NISHII <jun@vinelinux.org>
  89. - 2.6.1-1
  90. - build for Vine Linux 2.0