123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500 |
- %define ruby /usr/bin/ruby
- %define rbindir %(%{ruby} -r rbconfig -e 'print RbConfig::CONFIG["bindir"]')
- %define rlibdir %(%{ruby} -r rbconfig -e 'print RbConfig::CONFIG["rubylibdir"]')
- %define rarchdir %(%{ruby} -r rbconfig -e 'print RbConfig::CONFIG["archdir"]')
- Summary: language bindings for GNOME2 and GNOME3 for use with Ruby
- Summary(ja): Ruby から GNOME2 及び GNOME3 を使う為のライブラリ
- Name: ruby-gnome2
- Version: 2.2.0
- Release: 2%{?_dist_release}
- Group: Development/Libraries
- License: GPL
- URL: http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/
- Source0: http://sourceforge.net/projects/%{name}/files/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}/%{name}-all-%{version}.tar.gz
- Requires: ruby-gtk2 = %{version}-%{release}
- Requires: ruby-gtk3 = %{version}-%{release}
- BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
- BuildRequires: ruby-devel
- BuildRequires: ruby-pkg-config
- BuildRequires: rcairo-devel >= 1.8.0
- BuildRequires: glib2-devel
- BuildRequires: pango-devel
- BuildRequires: atk-devel
- BuildRequires: gtk2-devel
- BuildRequires: gtk3-devel >= 3.4.2
- BuildRequires: gobject-introspection-devel >= 1.32.1
- BuildRequires: gtksourceview2-devel >= 2.0.0
- BuildRequires: gtksourceview3-devel >= 3.4.2
- BuildRequires: librsvg2-devel >= 2.8.0
- BuildRequires: goocanvas-devel >= 0.8.0
- BuildRequires: gstreamer1-devel
- BuildRequires: gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel
- BuildRequires: vte-devel >= 0.12.1
- BuildRequires: vte3-devel >= 0.32.2
- BuildRequires: poppler-devel >= 0.14.2
- BuildRequires: sed
- Obsoletes: ruby-gtkglext < 2.0.0
- Obsoletes: ruby-gtkmozembed < 2.0.0
- Obsoletes: ruby-glade2 < 2.0.0
- %description
- This is a set of bindings for the GNOME-2.x and GNOME-3.x libraries to
- use from Ruby 2.0.x.
- %package -n ruby-gtk2
- Summary: language bindings for GTK+2 for use with Ruby
- Summary(ja): Ruby から GTK+2 を使う為のライブラリ
- Group: Development/Libraries
- Requires: ruby
- Requires: rcairo >= 1.12.0
- %description -n ruby-gtk2
- This package is a ruby bindings for gtk2.
- This package contains follow bindings.
- * Ruby/GLib2: Ruby binding of GLib-2.x.
- * Ruby/GIO2: Ruby binding of gio-2.0.x.
- * Ruby/ATK: Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x or later.
- * Ruby/Pango: Ruby binding of pango-1.x.
- * Ruby/GdkPixbuf2: Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x.
- * Ruby/GTK2: Ruby binding of GTK+-2.0.x.
- * Ruby/GObjectIntrospection: Ruby binding of GObject Introspect.
- * Ruby/CairoGObject: Ruby binding of cairo-gobject.
- %package -n ruby-gtk3
- Summary: language bindings for GTK+2 for use with Ruby
- Summary(ja): Ruby から GTK+2 を使う為のライブラリ
- Group: Development/Libraries
- Requires: ruby
- Requires: ruby-gtk2
- %description -n ruby-gtk3
- This package is a ruby bindings for gtk3.
- This package contains follow bindings.
- * Ruby/GDK3: Ruby binding of GDK 3.
- * Ruby/GTK3: Ruby binding of GTK 3.
- %package -n %{name}-devel
- Summary: The header files for the ruby-gnome2.
- Summary(ja): ruby-gnome2 用のヘッダーファイル群
- Group: Development/Libraries
- Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
- %description -n %{name}-devel
- %{name}-devel provides the header files for the %{name}.
- %package -n ruby-goocanvas
- Summary: Ruby binding of GooCanvas
- Group: Development/Libraries
- Requires: ruby-gtk2 = %{version}-%{release}
- %description -n ruby-goocanvas
- Ruby/GooCanvas is a Ruby binding for GooCanvas
- %package -n ruby-gstreamer
- Summary: Ruby binding of GStreamer
- Group: Development/Libraries
- Requires: ruby-gtk3 = %{version}-%{release}
- %description -n ruby-gstreamer
- Ruby/GStreamer is a Ruby binding for GStreamer
- %package -n ruby-gtksourceview2
- Summary: Ruby binding of gtksourceview-2.x
- Summary(ja): Ruby の gtksourceview-2.x バインディング
- Group: Development/Libraries
- Requires: ruby-gtk2 = %{version}-%{release}
- %description -n ruby-gtksourceview2
- Ruby/GtkSourceView2 is a Ruby binding of gtksourceview-2.x.
- %package -n ruby-gtksourceview3
- Summary: Ruby binding of gtksourceview-3.x
- Summary(ja): Ruby の gtksourceview-3.x バインディング
- Group: Development/Libraries
- Requires: ruby-gtk3 = %{version}-%{release}
- %description -n ruby-gtksourceview3
- Ruby/GtkSourceView3 is a Ruby binding of gtksourceview-3.x.
- %package -n ruby-poppler
- Summary: bindings for poppler for use with Ruby
- Summary(ja): Ruby から poppler を使う為のライブラリ
- Group: Development/Libraries
- License: LGPL
- Requires: ruby-gtk2 = %{version}-%{release}
- %description -n ruby-poppler
- Ruby/Poppler is a Ruby binding of poppler-glib.
- %package -n ruby-vte
- Summary: bindings for vte for use with Ruby
- Summary(ja): Ruby から vte を使う為のライブラリ
- Group: Development/Libraries
- License: LGPL
- Requires: ruby-gtk2 = %{version}-%{release}
- %description -n ruby-vte
- Ruby/VTE is a Ruby binding of VTE.
- %package -n ruby-vte3
- Summary: bindings for vte3 for use with Ruby
- Summary(ja): Ruby から vte3 を使う為のライブラリ
- Group: Development/Libraries
- License: LGPL
- Requires: ruby-gtk3 = %{version}-%{release}
- %description -n ruby-vte3
- Ruby/VTE3 is a Ruby binding of VTE3.
- %package -n ruby-rsvg2
- Summary: Ruby binding of librsvg2
- Summary(ja): Ruby の rsvg-2.x バインディング
- Group: Development/Libraries
- Requires: ruby-gtk2 = %{version}-%{release}
- %description -n ruby-rsvg2
- Ruby/RSVG is a Ruby binding of librsvg2.
- %prep
- %setup -q -n %{name}-all-%{version}
- for file in `find . -regex '.*/sample/.*\.rb'`
- do
- sed -e 's/^#! *\/usr\/local\/bin\/ruby/#!\/usr\/bin\/env ruby/' < $file > $file.mod
- mv $file.mod $file
- done
- %build
- %{ruby} extconf.rb --with-opt-include=%{rarchdir}
- make
- %install
- rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
- sitearchdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{rarchdir} \
- sitelibdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{rlibdir} install
- %clean
- rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
- %files
- %defattr(-,root,root)
- %{rlibdir}/gnome2/
- %{rlibdir}/gnome2-raketask.rb
- %{rlibdir}/mkmf-gnome2.rb
- %files -n %{name}-devel
- %defattr(-,root,root)
- %{rarchdir}/*.h
- %files -n ruby-gtk2
- %defattr(-,root,root)
- %doc glib2/COPYING.LIB glib2/README glib2/sample
- %doc gdk_pixbuf2/COPYING.LIB gdk_pixbuf2/README gdk_pixbuf2/sample
- %doc gio2/COPYING.LIB gio2/README gio2/sample
- %doc gobject-introspection/COPYING.LIB
- %doc gobject-introspection/README gobject-introspection/sample
- %doc gtk2/COPYING.LIB gtk2/README gtk2/sample
- %doc pango/COPYING.LIB pango/README pango/sample
- %{rlibdir}/atk.rb
- %{rlibdir}/cairo-gobject.rb
- %{rlibdir}/gdk_pixbuf2.rb
- %{rlibdir}/glib2.rb
- %{rlibdir}/glib2/
- %{rlibdir}/gio2.rb
- %{rlibdir}/gio2/
- %{rlibdir}/glib-mkenums.rb
- %{rlibdir}/gobject-introspection/
- %{rlibdir}/gobject-introspection.rb
- %{rlibdir}/gtk2/
- %{rlibdir}/gtk2.rb
- %{rlibdir}/pango.rb
- %{rarchdir}/atk.so
- %{rarchdir}/cairo_gobject.so
- %{rarchdir}/gdk_pixbuf2.so
- %{rarchdir}/glib2.so
- %{rarchdir}/gio2.so
- %{rarchdir}/gobject_introspection.so
- %{rarchdir}/gtk2.so
- %{rarchdir}/pango.so
- %files -n ruby-gtk3
- %defattr(-,root,root)
- %doc gdk3/COPYING.LIB gdk3/README
- %doc gtk3/COPYING.LIB gtk3/README gtk3/sample
- %{rlibdir}/gdk3/
- %{rlibdir}/gdk3.rb
- %{rlibdir}/gtk3/
- %{rlibdir}/gtk3.rb
- %{rarchdir}/gdk3.so
- %{rarchdir}/gtk3.so
- %files -n ruby-goocanvas
- %defattr(-,root,root,-)
- %doc goocanvas/README
- %{rlibdir}/goo/
- %{rlibdir}/goocanvas.rb
- %{rarchdir}/goocanvas.so
- %files -n ruby-gstreamer
- %defattr(-,root,root,-)
- %doc gstreamer/COPYING.LIB gstreamer/sample
- %{rlibdir}/gst/
- %{rlibdir}/gst.rb
- %{rarchdir}/gstreamer.so
- %files -n ruby-gtksourceview2
- %defattr(-,root,root,-)
- %doc gtksourceview2/COPYING.LIB gtksourceview2/README gtksourceview2/sample
- %{rlibdir}/gtksourceview2.rb
- %{rarchdir}/gtksourceview2.so
- %files -n ruby-gtksourceview3
- %defattr(-,root,root,-)
- %doc gtksourceview3/COPYING.LIB gtksourceview3/README gtksourceview3/sample
- %{rlibdir}/gtksourceview3.rb
- %{rlibdir}/gtksourceview3/
- %{rarchdir}/gtksourceview3.so
- %files -n ruby-poppler
- %defattr(-,root,root)
- %doc poppler/COPYING.LIB poppler/README poppler/sample
- %{rlibdir}/poppler.rb
- %{rarchdir}/poppler.so
- %files -n ruby-vte
- %defattr(-,root,root)
- %doc vte/COPYING.LIB vte/README vte/sample
- %{rlibdir}/vte.rb
- %{rlibdir}/vte/
- %{rarchdir}/vte.so
- %files -n ruby-vte3
- %defattr(-,root,root)
- %doc vte3/COPYING.LIB vte3/README vte3/sample
- %{rlibdir}/vte3.rb
- %{rlibdir}/vte3/
- %{rarchdir}/vte3.so
- %files -n ruby-rsvg2
- %defattr(-,root,root)
- %doc rsvg2/COPYING.LIB rsvg2/README rsvg2/sample
- %{rlibdir}/rsvg2.rb
- %{rarchdir}/rsvg2.so
- %changelog
- * Sat May 03 2014 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 2.2.0-2
- - rebuild with poppler-0.24.5
- * Sun Mar 30 2014 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 2.2.0-1
- - new upstream release
- * Sat Dec 07 2013 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 2.0.2-3
- - rebuild with ruby-
- * Sat Oct 26 2013 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 2.0.2-2
- - rebuild with poppler-0.24.2
- * Sat Sep 21 2013 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 2.0.2-1
- - new upstream release
- - fix BR
- - remove old patches
- - remove ruby-gtkglext, ruby-gtkmozembed, ruby-glade2 subpackages
- - add ruby-gtk3, ruby-gtksourceview3, ruby-vte3, ruby-rsvg2 subpackages
- * Sat Mar 12 2011 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com> 0.19.3-3
- - rebuilt with poppler-0.16.3
- - added Patch15
- - added BuildRequires: goocanvas-devel
- * Wed Oct 06 2010 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 0.19.3-2
- - rebuild with poppler-0.14.2
- - add BuildRequires: ruby
- - change BuildRequires: gnome-panel-devel instead of gnome-panel
- - fix %files (add pkgconfig files)
- * Fri Mar 19 2010 IWAI, Masaharu <iwai@alib.jp> 0.19.3-1
- - new upstream release
- - drop gtkmozembed.patch (Patch15): upstream fixed
- - add BuildRequires:
- - gtksourceview-devel >= 1.0.1
- - gstreamer-plugins-base-devel
- - mesa-libGLU-devel
- - libXmu-devel
- * Tue Jun 30 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 0.19.0-1
- - new upstream release
- - build with xulrunner-1.9.1
- * Sun Dec 14 2008 Kazutaka HARADA <kazutaka@dc4.so-net.ne.jp> 0.18.1-2
- - rebuild with poppler-0.10.2
- * Sat Nov 15 2008 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com> 0.18.1-1vl5
- - new upstream release
- - changed Group to Development/Libraries
- * Tue Oct 14 2008 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com> 0.18.0-1vl5
- - applied new versioning policy
- - spec in UTF-8
- - new upstream release
- - added Patch14 from Fedora for building with xulrunner
- * Fri Dec 28 2007 Alex Lancaster <alexlan@fedoraproject.org> 0.16.0-21
- - Add xulrunner patch from bugzilla #402591
- - Rebuild against gecko-lib 1.9 (xulrunner)
- - dropped Patch20-23
- - new ruby-gstreaner, ruby-gtksourceview2 subpackage
- * Fri Aug 31 2007 Shu KONNO <owa@bg.wakwak.com> 0.16.0-0vl3
- - add Patch20: ruby-gnome2-all-0.16.0-rbglib_unicode.patch
- - add Patch21: ruby-gnome2-all-0.16.0-rbglib_maincontext.patch
- - add Patch22: ruby-gnome2-all-0.16.0-rbgobj_boxed.patch
- - add Patch23: ruby-gnome2-all-0.16.0-rbgtktreeiter.patch
- - set iffox is true if x86_64
- * Sun Jun 25 2006 KANEKO Seiji <giraffe@m2.pbc.ne.jp> 0.16.0-0vl2
- - upstream release
- - add BuildRequires: poppler-devel, vte-devel
- - add new packages: ruby-poppler, ruby-vte
- - add Obsoletes: ruby-libgda (no longer supported)
- - drop Patch10
- - add Requires: mozilla to ruby-gtkmozembed
- * Tue May 16 2006 KANEKO Seiji <giraffe@m2.pbc.ne.jp> 0.14.1-0vl5
- - rebuild with Ruby-1.8.4
- * Sat Apr 1 2006 KANEKO Seiji <giraffe@m2.pbc.ne.jp> 0.14.1-0vl4
- - rebuild with GNOME-2.14
- - change BuildRequires: from gstreamer-devel to gstreamer08-devel
- - change BuildRequires: from firefox-devel to mozilla-devel
- (Patch 10 is kept in package)
- * Sat Feb 25 2006 KANEKO Seiji <giraffe@m2.pbc.ne.jp> 0.14.1-0vl3
- - add Requires: ruby-gtk2 to ruby-gtkmozembed
- - add Requires: ruby-gnome2 to ruby-libglade2
- * Tue Feb 21 2006 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 0.14.1-0vl2
- - added Patch10 (use firefox-devel instead of mozilla-devel)
- * Sat Feb 18 2006 KANEKO Seiji <giraffe@m2.pbc.ne.jp> 0.14.1-0vl1
- - upstream release
- - temporally remove ruby-libgda
- (libgda binding is not available with libgda-1.9.100-0vl1)
- * Sun Oct 30 2005 KANEKO Seiji <giraffe@m2.pbc.ne.jp> 0.14.0-0vl2
- - fix typo in Summary: of ruby-gtk2
- - add Requires: rcairo for ruby-gtk2
- - add BuildRequires: rcairo-devel to support rcairo
- * Sun Oct 23 2005 KANEKO Seiji <giraffe@m2.pbc.ne.jp> 0.14.0-0vl1
- - upstream release
- - add BuildRequires: mozilla-devel to build ruby-gtkmozembed
- * Sun Sep 4 2005 KANEKO Seiji <giraffe@m2.pbc.ne.jp> 0.13.0-0vl1
- - upstream release
- - change BuildRequires: kernel-headers to glibc-kernheaders
- * Mon May 9 2005 KANEKO Seiji <giraffe@m2.pbc.ne.jp> 0.12.0-0vl2
- - add gtkglext and libgda modules as independent VineSeedPlus package
- * Fri May 6 2005 KANEKO Seiji <giraffe@m2.pbc.ne.jp> 0.12.0-0vl1
- - catch up to upstream release
- - replace Patch10 with eqivalent C-shell script
- - replace BuildRequires
- - add new modules to ruby-gnome2
- - remove gtkglext modules (currently in VineSeedPlus)
- * Fri Nov 12 2004 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 0.9.1-0vl3
- - rebuilt with newest gnome in VineSeed
- * Sun Sep 26 2004 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 0.9.1-0vl2
- - remove ruby-libglade2's ruby-gnome2 dependency
- - temporarily removed libgda module (libgda is in VineSeedPlus)
- * Fri Mar 26 2004 Seiya Nishizawa <seiya@kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp> 0.9.1-0vl1
- - updated to newest upstream release
- - add ruby-gnome2-0.9.1-vine.patch for remove /usr/local/bin/ruby
- - add atk to ruby-gtk2 and libgda and gtkglext to ruby-gnome2
- - remove sentence for Imlib from description
- * Sun Dec 07 2003 Seiya Nishizawa <seiya@kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp> 0.8.1-0vl1
- - updated to newest upstream releas
- - added to kernel-headers and libgnomeui-devel in BuildPrereq
- - new subpackage ruby-gnome2-devel for header files
- * Fri Oct 10 2003 Satoshi MACHINO <machino@vinelinux.org> 0.7.0-0vl2
- - added to gstreamer-devel in BuildPrereq
- * Thu Oct 09 2003 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 0.7.0-0vl1
- - updated to newest upstream release
- * Mon May 26 2003 Kazuhisa TAKEI <takei@vinelinux.org> 0.4.0-0vl6
- - add html_stream_close
- * Sun May 25 2003 Kazuhisa TAKEI <takei@vinelinux.org> 0.4.0-0vl5
- - fixed lack of HtmlStrem's free.
- * Sun May 25 2003 Kazuhisa TAKEI <takei@vinelinux.org> 0.4.0-0vl4
- - add html_stream_write.
- * Sun May 25 2003 Kazuhisa TAKEI <takei@vinelinux.org> 0.4.0-0vl3
- - add libgtkhtml2
- * Mon May 12 2003 kazuhisa TAKEI <takei@vinelinux.org> 0.4.0vl2
- - rebuild for new gtk2,gnome2
- * Fri Apr 11 2003 Kazuhisa TAKEI <takei@linux.or.jp> 0.4.0-0vl1
- - new upstream version
- * Wed Jan 1 2003 Kazuhisa TAKEI <takei@linux.or.jp> 0.2-0vl1
- - initial package for ruby-gnome2 based on ruby-gnme package.
- * Sat Sep 14 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 0.30-0vl1
- - updated to new upstream release
- - ruby-libgrade requires ruby-gnome
- * Fri Aug 02 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 0.29-0vl2
- - increased release number to avoid confusion between VinePlus and VineSeedPlus
- - put ruby-classbrowser-{%{gtk},gnome} to %%{_bindir}
- * Mon Jul 01 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 0.29-0vl1
- - updated to 0.29 upstream release
- - Patch0 removed
- - added forgottten %%clean section
- * Mon Jun 03 2002 Satoshi MACHINO <machino@vinelinux.org> 0.28-0vl1
- - updated ruby-gnome-0.28
- - dropped ruby-gnome-itemfactory.patch
- -- merged upstream
- - added ruby-gnome-0.28-extconf.patch
- -- To install gnome.rb
- * Wed May 08 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 0.27-0vl1
- - tons of changes since 0.27-0vl0 :)
- - now ruby-gtk and ruby-libglade are separated subpackages
- - files installed to rlibdir, NOT sitedir
- - added Obsoletes: gnome-ruby < %%{version}
- * Fri Apr 12 2002 Seiya Nishizawa <seiya@kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- - First package.