123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141 |
- %define ver 0.2.4
- %define rel 1
- %define srcname marisa
- %define enable_python 1
- Summary: Matching Algorithm with Recursively Implemented StorAge
- Name: marisa-trie
- Version: %{ver}
- Release: %{rel}%{_dist_release}
- License: BSD
- Group: System Environment/Libraries
- URL: http://code.google.com/p/marisa-trie/
- Source0: http://marisa-trie.googlecode.com/files/%{srcname}-%{version}.tar.gz
- BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
- %if %{enable_python}
- BuildRequires: swig
- BuildRequires: python-devel
- BuildRequires: marisa-trie-devel
- %endif
- Vendor: Project Vine
- Distribution: Vine Linux
- Packager: iwaim
- %description
- *Matching Algorithm with Recursively Implemented !StorAge (MARISA)* is a static
- and space-efficient trie data structure. And *libmarisa* is a C++ library to p
- rovide an implementation of MARISA. Also, the package of *libmarisa* contains a
- set of command line tools for building and operating a MARISA-based dictionary
- .
- A MARISA-based dictionary supports not only lookup but also reverse lookup, com
- mon prefix search and predictive search.
- * Lookup is to check whether or not a given string exists in a dictionary.
- * Reverse lookup is to restore a key from its ID.
- * Common prefix search is to find keys from prefixes of a given string.
- * Predictive search is to find keys starting with a given string.
- The biggest advantage of *libmarisa* is that its dictionary size is considerabl
- y more compact than others. See below for the dictionary size of other implemen
- tations.
- %package devel
- Summary: Header files and libraries for developing apps which will use marisa-trie
- Group: Development/Libraries
- Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
- %description devel
- The marisa-trie-devel package contains the header files and libraries.
- %if %{enable_python}
- %package python
- Summary: marisa-trie Python binding
- Group: Development/Libraries
- Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
- %description python
- marisa-trie Python binding
- %endif
- %prep
- %setup -q -n %{srcname}-%{version}
- %build
- %configure --enable-shared
- %__make
- %if %{enable_python}
- pushd bindings
- make swig-python
- pushd python
- python setup.py build
- popd
- popd
- %endif
- %install
- %__rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
- %makeinstall
- %if %{enable_python}
- pushd bindings/python
- python setup.py install --root $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
- popd
- %endif
- # remove files
- %__rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.{la,a}
- %clean
- %__rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
- %files
- %defattr(-,root,root,-)
- %{_bindir}/marisa-benchmark
- %{_bindir}/marisa-build
- %{_bindir}/marisa-common-prefix-search
- %{_bindir}/marisa-dump
- %{_bindir}/marisa-lookup
- %{_bindir}/marisa-predictive-search
- %{_bindir}/marisa-reverse-lookup
- %{_libdir}/libmarisa.so.*
- %files devel
- %defattr(-,root,root,-)
- %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/marisa.pc
- %dir %{_includedir}/marisa
- %{_includedir}/marisa.h
- %{_includedir}/marisa/*.h
- %{_libdir}/libmarisa.so
- %if %{enable_python}
- %files python
- %defattr(-,root,root,-)
- %{python_sitearch}/_marisa.so
- %{python_sitearch}/marisa-*.egg-info
- %{python_sitearch}/marisa.py
- %{python_sitearch}/marisa.pyc
- %endif
- %changelog
- * Tue Jun 18 2013 IWAI, Masaharu <iwaim.sub@gmail.com> 0.2.4-1
- - update to 0.2.4
- * Sat Mar 16 2013 IWAI, Masaharu <iwai@alib.jp> 0.2.2-1
- - update to 0.2.2
- * Fri Feb 8 2013 IWAI, Masaharu <iwai@alib.jp> 0.2.1-2
- - create python sub package
- * Mon Jan 28 2013 IWAI, Masaharu <iwai@alib.jp> 0.2.1-1
- - initial build for Vine Linux