rpm-vl.spec 39 KB

  1. %bcond_with systemd
  2. %bcond_without check
  3. # new vine linux release number
  4. %define _dist_release vl%(cat /etc/vine-release | cut -f3 -d" " | cut -f1 -d.)
  5. # rc
  6. #define _prever -rc1
  7. %define with_python_subpackage 1%{nil}
  8. %define with_python_version 3.8%{nil}
  9. %define with_apidocs 1%{nil}
  10. # build against xz?
  11. %bcond_without xz
  12. # build with plugins?
  13. %bcond_with plugins
  14. # build with libarchive? (needed for rpm2archive)
  15. %bcond_without libarchive
  16. # build with zstd support?
  17. %bcond_without zstd
  18. # build with ndb backend?
  19. %bcond_without ndb
  20. # build with sqlite support?
  21. %bcond_without sqlite
  22. # build with bdb support?
  23. %bcond_without bdb
  24. # build with internal Berkeley DB?
  25. %bcond_with int_bdb
  26. # build with bdb_ro support?
  27. %bcond_without bdb_ro
  28. %define bdbver 5.3.28
  29. # XXX legacy requires './' payload prefix to be omitted from rpm packages.
  30. %define _noPayloadPrefix 1
  31. %define __prefix %{?_prefix}%{!?_prefix:/usr}
  32. %{?!_lib: %define _lib lib}
  33. %define build_compat32 %{?_with_compat32:1}%{!?_with_compat32:0}
  34. %define __bindir %{__prefix}/bin
  35. %define __includedir %{__prefix}/include
  36. %define __libdir %{__prefix}/%{_lib}
  37. %define __share %{__prefix}/share
  38. %define __mandir %{__share}/man
  39. %define rpmhome %{_prefix}/lib/rpm
  40. Summary: The RPM package management system.
  41. Summary(ja): RPM パッケージ管理システム
  42. Name: rpm
  43. Version:
  44. %define rpm_version %{version}
  45. Release: 1%{_dist_release}%{?with_systemd:.systemd}
  46. Group: admin-tools
  47. Vendor: Project Vine
  48. Distribution: Vine Linux
  49. License: GPL
  50. %global srcver %{rpm_version}%{?snapver:-%{snapver}}
  51. %global srcdir %{?snapver:testing}%{!?snapver:rpm-%(echo %{rpm_version} | cut -d'.' -f1-2).x}
  52. # ex. http://ftp.rpm.org/releases/rpm-4.16.x/rpm-4.16.1.tar.bz2
  53. Source: http://ftp.rpm.org/releases/%{srcdir}/rpm-%{srcver}.tar.bz2
  54. %if %{with int_bdb}
  55. Source1: db-%{bdbver}.tar.gz
  56. %endif
  57. Source10: rpmdb-rebuild.service
  58. # vine sources
  59. Source110: GROUPS_for_vine.txt
  60. Source120: GROUPS-DESC_for_vine.txt
  61. Source130: COMPAT32_for_vine
  62. # Patches already in upstream
  63. # Patches from fedora
  64. # Temporary band-aid for rpm2cpio whining on payload size mismatch (#1142949)
  65. Patch5: rpm-4.12.0-rpm2cpio-hack.patch
  66. # https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm/pull/473
  67. Patch6: 0001-find-debuginfo.sh-decompress-DWARF-compressed-ELF-se.patch
  68. Patch7: 0001-Issue-deprecation-warning-when-creating-BDB-database.patch
  69. # These are not yet upstream
  70. Patch906: rpm-4.7.1-geode-i686.patch
  71. # Probably to be upstreamed in slightly different form
  72. Patch907: rpm-4.15.x-ldflags.patch
  73. # Not yet (all) upstream, debugedit DWARF5
  74. # https://code.wildebeest.org/git/user/mjw/rpm/log/?h=gcc-dwarf5-
  75. Patch911: 0001-NFC-debugedit-Protect-macro-arguments-by-parentheses.patch
  76. Patch912: 0002-NFC-debugedit-Move-code-from-edit_dwarf2-to-edit_inf.patch
  77. Patch913: 0003-debugedit-Fix-missing-relocation-of-.debug_types-sec.patch
  78. Patch914: 0004-NFC-debugedit-Move-code-to-separate-functions.patch
  79. Patch915: 0005-debugedit-Implement-DWARF-5-unit-header-and-new-form.patch
  80. Patch916: 0006-debugedit-Handle-DWARF-5-debug_line-and-debug_line_s.patch
  81. # Patches for Vine Linux
  82. Patch10000: 0001-rpm-
  83. Patch10001: 0002-rpm-
  84. Patch10002: 0003-rpm-
  85. Patch10003: 0004-rpm-4.4.3-no-terminate_build.patch.patch
  86. Patch10004: 0005-rpm-
  87. Patch10005: 0006-rpm-
  88. Patch10006: 0007-rpm-
  89. Patch10007: 0008-rpm-4.8.0-default-buildarch.patch.patch
  90. Patch10008: 0009-rpm-4.4.2-add-default-srcdefattr.patch.patch
  91. Patch10009: 0010-rpm-4.10.0-brp-strip-static-archive-find-a-only.patc.patch
  92. Patch10010: 0011-rpm-
  93. Patch10011: 0012-rpm-
  94. Patch11000: rpm-
  95. Patch12000: add-log.patch
  96. Conflicts: patch < 2.5
  97. Requires(post): coreutils, shadow-utils
  98. Requires(postun): coreutils, shadow-utils
  99. Requires: popt >=
  100. Requires: openssl >= 1.1.1
  101. Requires: rpm-libs = %{version}
  102. %if %{without int_bdb}
  103. Requires: libdb-utils
  104. %endif
  105. Requires: vine-rpm-macros
  106. Obsoletes: rpm-perl < %{version}
  107. BuildRequires: gawk
  108. BuildRequires: elfutils-devel
  109. BuildRequires: elfutils-libelf-devel
  110. BuildRequires: readline-devel zlib-devel
  111. BuildRequires: openssl-devel
  112. BuildRequires: popt-devel
  113. BuildRequires: file-devel
  114. BuildRequires: gettext-devel
  115. BuildRequires: ncurses-devel
  116. BuildRequires: bzip2-devel >= 0.9.0c-2
  117. BuildRequires: lua-devel
  118. BuildRequires: libcap-devel
  119. BuildRequires: libacl-devel
  120. BuildRequires: xz-devel
  121. BuildRequires: libarchive-devel
  122. BuildRequires: libzstd-devel
  123. BuildRequires: sqlite3-devel
  124. #BuildRequires: libselinux-devel
  125. BuildRequires: dbus-devel
  126. BuildRequires: audit-libs-devel
  127. %if %{without int_bdb}
  128. BuildRequires: libdb-devel >= 5.3.28
  129. %endif
  130. %if %{with_python_subpackage}
  131. BuildRequires: python3-devel
  132. BuildRequires: python3-rpm-macros
  133. %endif
  134. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
  135. %description
  136. The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven
  137. package management system capable of installing, uninstalling,
  138. verifying, querying, and updating software packages. Each software
  139. package consists of an archive of files along with information about
  140. the package like its version, a description, etc.
  141. %description -l ja
  142. RPM パッケージマネージャ (RPM) は,ソフトウェアパッケージを
  143. インストール/アンインストール/チェック/問い合わせ/アップデート
  144. する機能を持った高機能パッケージマネージングシステムです.
  145. 各パッケージには,ファイルのアーカイブに加え,名前,バージョン,
  146. 説明などのパッケージ情報が含まれています.
  147. %package libs
  148. Summary: Libraries for manipulating RPM packages.
  149. Summary(ja): RPMパッケージを操作するライブラリ
  150. Group: system
  151. %description libs
  152. This package contains the RPM shared libraries.
  153. %description libs -l ja
  154. このパッケージには RPM の共有ライブラリが含まれています。
  155. %package devel
  156. Summary: Development files for manipulating RPM packages.
  157. Summary(ja): RPM ライブラリ用の開発ファイル
  158. Group: programming
  159. Requires: rpm = %{rpm_version}-%{release}
  160. Requires: %{name}-libs%{_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
  161. Requires: popt-devel%{_isa}
  162. %description devel
  163. This package contains the RPM C library and header files. These
  164. development files will simplify the process of writing programs that
  165. manipulate RPM packages and databases. These files are intended to
  166. simplify the process of creating graphical package managers or any
  167. other tools that need an intimate knowledge of RPM packages in order
  168. to function.
  169. This package should be installed if you want to develop programs that
  170. will manipulate RPM packages and databases.
  171. %description devel -l ja
  172. このパッケージには,RPMパッケージやデータベースを操作するための
  173. C ライブラリとヘッダが含まれています.これにより,RPMパッケージを
  174. 操作するツールを作成できます.
  175. %package build
  176. Summary: Scripts and executable programs used to build packages.
  177. Group: programming
  178. Provides: rpmbuild(VendorConfig) = 4.1-1
  179. Requires: rpm = %{rpm_version}-%{release}
  180. Requires: elfutils, binutils
  181. Requires: findutils, sed, grep, gawk, diffutils, file, patch >= 2.5
  182. Requires: zip, gzip, bzip2, cpio, tar, xz
  183. Requires: vine-rpm-build-macros
  184. %description build
  185. The rpm-build package contains the scripts and executable programs
  186. that are used to build packages using the RPM Package Manager.
  187. %description build -l ja
  188. このパッケージには,RPMを使ったパッケージを構築(ビルド)するのに必要な
  189. スクリプトおよびプログラムが収録されています.
  190. %if %{with_python_subpackage}
  191. %package -n python3-rpm
  192. Summary: Python bindings for apps which will manipulate RPM packages.
  193. Group: programming
  194. Requires: rpm = %{rpm_version}-%{release}
  195. Requires: %{name}-libs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
  196. Requires: python3
  197. Obsoletes: rpm-python < 4.16
  198. %description -n python3-rpm
  199. The rpm-python package contains a module that permits applications
  200. written in the Python programming language to use the interface
  201. supplied by RPM Package Manager libraries.
  202. This package should be installed if you want to develop Python
  203. programs that will manipulate RPM packages and databases.
  204. %description -n python3-rpm -l ja
  205. rpm-python パッケージには,RPM パッケージマネージャのライブラリに
  206. アクセスする為の Python モジュールが収録されています.
  207. %endif
  208. %package apidocs
  209. Summary: API documentation for RPM libraries
  210. Summary(ja): RPM ライブラリの API ドキュメント
  211. Group: documentation
  212. BuildArch: noarch
  213. %description apidocs
  214. This package contains API documentation for developing applications
  215. that will manipulate RPM packages and databases.
  216. %debug_package
  217. %prep
  218. %autosetup -n rpm-%{srcver} %{?with_int_bdb:-a 1} -p1
  219. cp %{SOURCE110} %{SOURCE120} .
  220. %if %{with int_bdb}
  221. ln -s db-%{bdbver} db
  222. %endif
  223. sed -i -e "/_db_backend/ s/ bdb/ sqlite/g" macros.in
  224. %build
  225. autoreconf -f -i
  226. #sed -i -e 's|^mkinstalldirs =.*|mkinstalldirs = ../mkinstalldirs|g' po/Makefile*
  227. # Hardening hack taken from macro %%configure defined in redhat-rpm-config
  228. for i in $(find . -name ltmain.sh) ; do
  229. %{__sed} -i.backup -e 's~compiler_flags=$~compiler_flags="%{?_hardened_ldflags}"~' $i
  230. done;
  231. %if %{with_python_subpackage}
  232. WITH_PYTHON="--enable-python"
  233. %else
  234. WITH_PYTHON="--disable-python"
  235. %endif
  236. ./configure \
  237. --prefix=%{__prefix} \
  238. --sysconfdir=/etc \
  239. --localstatedir=/var \
  240. --sharedstatedir=/var/lib \
  241. --libdir=%{_libdir} \
  242. --build=%{_target_platform} \
  243. --host=%{_target_platform} \
  244. --with-vendor=vine \
  245. --enable-bdb=yes \
  246. %{!?with_int_bdb: --with-external-db} \
  247. %{!?with_plugins: --disable-plugins} \
  248. --with-lua \
  249. --without-selinux \
  250. --with-cap \
  251. --with-acl \
  252. %{?with_ndb: --enable-ndb} \
  253. %{?with_libimaevm: --with-imaevm} \
  254. %{?with_zstd: --enable-zstd} \
  255. %{?with_sqlite: --enable-sqlite} \
  256. %{?with_bdb_ro: --enable-bdb-ro} \
  257. $WITH_PYTHON \
  258. --with-crypto=openssl \
  259. --without-javaglue \
  260. --without-perl
  261. make %{?_smp_mflags}
  262. make -C po ja.gmo
  263. pushd python
  264. %py3_build
  265. popd
  266. %install
  267. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  268. make DESTDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" install
  269. # We need to build with --enable-python for the self-test suite, but we
  270. # actually package the bindings built with setup.py (#531543#c26)
  271. pushd python
  272. %py3_install
  273. popd
  274. %if %{with systemd}
  275. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_unitdir}
  276. install -m 644 %{SOURCE10} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_unitdir}
  277. %if %{with bdb}
  278. mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_tmpfilesdir}
  279. echo "r /var/lib/rpm/__db.*" > ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_tmpfilesdir}/rpm.conf
  280. %endif
  281. %endif
  282. # Save list of packages through cron
  283. mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/cron.daily
  284. install -m 755 scripts/rpm.daily ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/cron.daily/rpm
  285. mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/logrotate.d
  286. install -m 644 scripts/rpm.log ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/logrotate.d/rpm
  287. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rpm
  288. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{rpmhome}/macros.d
  289. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{rpmhome}/vine
  290. mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/rpm
  291. # init an empty database for %ghost'ing for all supported backends
  292. for be in %{?with_ndb:ndb} %{?with_sqlite:sqlite} %{?with_bdb:bdb}; do
  293. ./rpmdb --define "_db_backend ${be}" --dbpath=${PWD}/${be} --initdb
  294. cp -va ${be}/. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/rpm/
  295. done
  296. %find_lang rpm
  297. find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name "*.la"|xargs rm -f
  298. # These live in perl-generators and python-rpm-generators now
  299. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{rpmhome}/{perldeps.pl,perl.*,pythond*}
  300. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_fileattrsdir}/{perl*,python*}
  301. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/tmp
  302. # init an empty database for %ghost'ing for all supported backends
  303. for be in %{?with_ndb:ndb} %{?with_sqlite:sqlite} %{?with_bdb:bdb}; do
  304. ./rpmdb --define "_db_backend ${be}" --dbpath=${PWD}/${be} --initdb
  305. cp -va ${be}/. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/rpm/
  306. done
  307. # move command to /bin/
  308. mkdir -p %{buildroot}/bin
  309. mv -f %{buildroot}%{__bindir}/rpm %{buildroot}/bin/rpm
  310. ln -sf ../../bin/rpm %{buildroot}%{__bindir}/rpm
  311. # set i386 for _arch in i?86-linux/macros
  312. %ifarch x86_64
  313. for macro in $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{__prefix}/lib/rpm/platform/i[3456]86-linux/macros \
  314. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{__prefix}/lib/rpm/platform/pentium?-linux/macros \
  315. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{__prefix}/lib/rpm/platform/athlon-linux/macros \
  316. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{__prefix}/lib/rpm/platform/geode-linux/macros
  317. do
  318. cp $macro $macro.orig
  319. sed -e 's/^%%_arch.*/%%_arch\t\t\ti686/g' $macro.orig > $macro
  320. rm -f $macro.orig
  321. done
  322. %endif
  323. # set compat32 enabling macros
  324. %ifarch i386 i586 i686 athlon
  325. for macro in $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{__prefix}/lib/rpm/platform/i[3456]86-linux/macros \
  326. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{__prefix}/lib/rpm/platform/pentium?-linux/macros \
  327. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{__prefix}/lib/rpm/platform/athlon-linux/macros \
  328. $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{__prefix}/lib/rpm/platform/geode-linux/macros
  329. do
  330. cat %{SOURCE130} >> $macro
  331. done
  332. %endif
  333. # Get rid of unpackaged files
  334. %if 0
  335. { cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  336. # obsoleted files (macros for metainfo are provided by vine-rpm-macros)
  337. rm -f ./usr/lib/rpm/appdata.prov
  338. rm -f ./usr/lib/rpm/fileattrs/appdata.attr
  339. }
  340. %endif
  341. %if %{with check}
  342. %check
  343. make check TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j%{_smp_build_ncpus} || (cat tests/rpmtests.log; exit 1)
  344. # rpm >= 4.16.0 testsuite leaves a read-only tree behind, clean it up
  345. make clean
  346. %endif
  347. %clean
  348. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
  349. %posttrans
  350. # XXX this is klunky and ugly, rpm itself should handle this
  351. dbstat=/usr/lib/rpm/rpmdb_stat
  352. if [ -x "$dbstat" ]; then
  353. if "$dbstat" -e -h /var/lib/rpm 2>&1 | grep -q "doesn't match environment"; then
  354. rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db.*
  355. fi
  356. fi
  357. %if %{with systemd}
  358. if [ -f /var/lib/rpm/Packages ]; then
  359. touch /var/lib/rpm/.rebuilddb
  360. fi
  361. %endif
  362. exit 0
  363. %if %{with systemd}
  364. # Handle rpmdb rebuild service on erasure of old to avoid ordering issues
  365. # https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2382
  366. %triggerun -- rpm < 4.16
  367. if [ -x /bin/systemctl ]; then
  368. systemctl --no-reload preset rpmdb-rebuild ||:
  369. fi
  370. %endif
  371. %pre
  372. if [ -f /var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm ]; then
  373. echo "
  374. You have (unsupported)
  375. /var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm db1 format installed package headers
  376. Please install rpm-4.0.4 first, and do
  377. rpm --rebuilddb
  378. to convert your database from db1 to db3 format.
  379. "
  380. exit 1
  381. fi
  382. /usr/sbin/groupadd -g 37 rpm > /dev/null 2>&1
  383. /usr/sbin/useradd -r -d /var/lib/rpm -u 37 -g 37 rpm -s /sbin/nologin > /dev/null 2>&1
  384. exit 0
  385. %post
  386. # Establish correct rpmdb (db5) ownership.
  387. /bin/chown rpm.rpm /var/lib/rpm/[A-Z]* >/dev/null 2>&1 ||:
  388. exit 0
  389. %postun
  390. if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
  391. /usr/sbin/userdel rpm
  392. /usr/sbin/groupdel rpm
  393. fi
  394. exit 0
  395. %define rpmattr %attr(0755, rpm, rpm)
  396. %define rpmdbattr %attr(0644, rpm, rpm) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %ghost %config(missingok,noreplace)
  397. %files -f rpm.lang
  398. %defattr(-,root,root)
  399. %license COPYING
  400. %doc CREDITS doc/manual/[a-z]*
  401. %doc GROUPS*_for_vine.txt
  402. %if %{with systemd}
  403. %{_unitdir}/rpmdb-rebuild.service
  404. %if %{with bdb}
  405. %{_tmpfilesdir}/rpm.conf
  406. %endif
  407. %endif
  408. %config(noreplace,missingok) /etc/cron.daily/rpm
  409. %config(noreplace,missingok) /etc/logrotate.d/rpm
  410. %dir /etc/rpm
  411. #config(noreplace,missingok) /etc/rpm/macros.*
  412. %rpmdbattr %dir /var/lib/rpm
  413. %rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/*
  414. %rpmdbattr /var/lib/rpm/.*.lock
  415. %dir %{rpmhome}/macros.d
  416. %dir %{rpmhome}/vine
  417. %rpmattr /bin/rpm
  418. %{__bindir}/rpm
  419. %rpmattr %{__bindir}/rpm2archive
  420. %rpmattr %{__bindir}/rpm2cpio
  421. %rpmattr %{__bindir}/rpmdb
  422. %rpmattr %{__bindir}/rpmkeys
  423. %{__bindir}/rpmquery
  424. %rpmattr %{__bindir}/rpmsign
  425. %{__bindir}/rpmverify
  426. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/rpmdb_*
  427. %attr(0644, rpm, rpm) %{rpmhome}/macros
  428. %attr(0644, rpm, rpm) %{rpmhome}/lua
  429. %attr(0644, rpm, rpm) %{rpmhome}/rpmpopt*
  430. %attr(0644, rpm, rpm) %{rpmhome}/rpmrc
  431. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/rpm.*
  432. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/rpm2cpio.sh
  433. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/tgpg
  434. %attr(-, rpm, rpm) %{rpmhome}/platform
  435. %{__mandir}/man8/rpm.8*
  436. %{__mandir}/man8/rpmdb.8*
  437. %{__mandir}/man8/rpmkeys.8*
  438. %{__mandir}/man8/rpm2archive.8*
  439. %{__mandir}/man8/rpm2cpio.8*
  440. %{__mandir}/man8/rpmsign.8*
  441. %{__mandir}/man8/rpm-misc.8*
  442. %if %{with plugins}
  443. %{__mandir}/man8/rpm-plugins.8*
  444. %endif
  445. # XXX this places translated manuals to wrong package wrt eg rpmbuild
  446. %lang(fr) %{__mandir}/fr/man[18]/*.[18]*
  447. %lang(ko) %{__mandir}/ko/man[18]/*.[18]*
  448. %lang(ja) %{__mandir}/ja/man[18]/*.[18]*
  449. %lang(pl) %{__mandir}/pl/man[18]/*.[18]*
  450. %lang(ru) %{__mandir}/ru/man[18]/*.[18]*
  451. %lang(sk) %{__mandir}/sk/man[18]/*.[18]*
  452. %files libs
  453. %defattr(-,root,root)
  454. %{__libdir}/librpm.so.*
  455. %{__libdir}/librpmio.so.*
  456. %{__libdir}/librpmbuild.so.*
  457. %{__libdir}/librpmsign.so.*
  458. %files build
  459. %defattr(-,root,root)
  460. %rpmattr %{__bindir}/gendiff
  461. %rpmattr %{__bindir}/rpmbuild
  462. %rpmattr %{__bindir}/rpmspec
  463. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/brp-*
  464. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/check-*
  465. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/debugedit
  466. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/sepdebugcrcfix
  467. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/find-debuginfo.sh
  468. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/find-lang.sh
  469. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/*provides*
  470. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/*requires*
  471. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/*deps*
  472. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/*.prov
  473. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/*.req
  474. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/mkinstalldirs
  475. %attr(0755, rpm, rpm) %dir %{rpmhome}/fileattrs
  476. %rpmattr %{rpmhome}/fileattrs/*
  477. %{__mandir}/man1/gendiff.1*
  478. %{__mandir}/man8/rpmbuild.8*
  479. %{__mandir}/man8/rpmdeps.8*
  480. %{__mandir}/man8/rpmspec.8*
  481. %if %{with_python_subpackage}
  482. %files -n python3-rpm
  483. %defattr(-,root,root)
  484. %{python3_sitearch}/rpm/
  485. %{python3_sitearch}/rpm-%{rpm_version}*.egg-info
  486. %endif
  487. %files devel
  488. %defattr(-,root,root)
  489. %{__mandir}/man8/rpmgraph.8*
  490. %rpmattr %{__bindir}/rpmgraph
  491. %{__libdir}/librp*[a-z].so
  492. %{__libdir}/pkgconfig/rpm.pc
  493. %{__includedir}/rpm
  494. %files apidocs
  495. %defattr(-,root,root)
  496. %license COPYING
  497. %doc doc/librpm/html/*
  498. %changelog
  499. * Fri Apr 02 2021 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net>
  500. - updated to
  501. - fixed %%_sharedstatedir in macros.
  502. - updated Patch11000: ja.po.
  503. * Tue Mar 09 2021 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net>
  504. - added missing directories.
  505. - dropped ldconfig scriptlets.
  506. * Sun Feb 21 2021 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net>
  507. - updated to
  508. - updated patches from fedora.
  509. - updated vine-patches.
  510. * Sat Aug 22 2020 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net>
  511. - rebuilt with lua51-5.1.5.
  512. * Fri May 08 2020 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net>
  513. - moved macros.vine to vine-rpm-macros.
  514. - dropped appdata macros.
  515. - imported metainfo.fileattr from upstream.
  516. - imported Patch10000 from upstream.
  517. * Tue Nov 24 2015 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@vinelinux.org>
  518. - add new utils (rpm2archive)
  519. * Mon Nov 23 2015 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@vinelinux.org>
  520. - update to
  521. - add BR: libarchive-devel
  522. - use external bdb by default
  523. * Mon Jun 23 2014 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@vinelinux.org> 4.11.2-1
  524. - update to 4.11.2
  525. - update internal bdb to 5.3.28
  526. * Mon Aug 12 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.11.1-1
  527. - update to 4.11.1
  528. * Wed May 08 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.11.1-0.rc1
  529. - update to 4.11.1-rc1
  530. * Thu Feb 07 2013 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  531. - update to
  532. - add %%_sourcedir to macros.vine
  533. * Wed Oct 31 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.10.2-3
  534. - use internal bdb(5.3.21)
  535. * Thu Oct 25 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.10.1-2
  536. - update vine patch
  537. - split vine specific macros to /etc/rpm/macros.vine
  538. - fix ruby macros
  539. - update ja.po (fix bogus translations)
  540. * Wed Oct 03 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.10.1-1
  541. - update to 4.10.1
  542. * Mon Sep 17 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.10.0-1
  543. - update to 4.10.0
  544. - add apidocs subpackage
  545. * Fri Apr 06 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  546. - update to
  547. * Tue Mar 13 2012 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  548. - add patch102-109 from upstream
  549. * Wed Feb 15 2012 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp>
  550. - rebuild with python-2.7.2
  551. * Fri Dec 23 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  552. - fix vine patch
  553. - remove broken/dupreacted macro (__id_u)
  554. - add patch1340 to disable rpmbuild --sign functionality
  555. * Thu Dec 22 2011 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  556. - update to
  557. - add patch1330 to enable xz payload (binary payload)
  558. - add BR: file-devel
  559. * Mon Jan 10 2011 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 4.8.1-3
  560. - rebuild package (fix typo in /usr/lib/rpm/macros on i686)
  561. * Thu Jan 6 2011 Satoshi IWAMOTO <satoshi.iwamoto@nifty.ne.jp> 4.8.1-2
  562. - add R: xz into rpm-build pkg
  563. - add BR: xz-devel
  564. * Sun Sep 19 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.8.1-1
  565. - update to 4.8.1
  566. - add patch1320 to force gpg v3 signature on package signing
  567. - add --force-v3-sigs to gpg option
  568. - use internal dependency generator (upstream default)
  569. * Thu Mar 11 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.8.0-6
  570. - drop patch1160 to disable brp-strip-shared (<BTS:954>)
  571. - update patch1170 (enable legacymacros again)
  572. - add patch1300 to brp-compress xz/lzma support
  573. - add patch1310 to find static libs only on brp-strip-static-archive
  574. * Tue Feb 16 2010 KOBAYASHI Taizo <tkoba@vinelinux.org> - 4.8.0-5
  575. - drop Requires: beecrypt and BuildRequires: beecrypt-devel
  576. - added Requires: nss
  577. * Fri Feb 12 2010 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> - 4.8.0-4
  578. - rebuilt with gcc-4.4.3-3 on ppc
  579. * Fri Feb 5 2010 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> - 4.8.0-3
  580. - modified Patch1230: add missing ppc-specific optflags, as in
  581. * Tue Feb 02 2010 Shu KONNO <owa@bg.wakwak.com> 4.8.0-2
  582. - add '--libdir=%%{_libdir}' to configure
  583. * Sun Jan 10 2010 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.8.0-1
  584. - update to rpm-4.8.0
  585. - change default buildarch to i686
  586. add BR: lua-devel, lkibcap-devel, libacl-devel, nss-devel
  587. - build with external Berkeley DB (db4)
  588. * Thu Jul 16 2009 Kazutaka HARADA <kazutaka@dc4.so-net.ne.jp>
  589. - rebuild to fix absolute path of sed in macros <BTS:VineLinux:0723>
  590. * Tue Jul 07 2009 Kazutaka HARADA <kazutaka@dc4.so-net.ne.jp>
  591. - add Patch290 to find mono-dependencies automatically
  592. * Sun Jul 5 2009 Satoshi IWAMOTO <satoshi.iwamoto@nifty.ne.jp>
  593. - update patch100 to add _compat32_arch macro (currently i386)
  594. - add "_with_compat32 1" into i[356]86, athlon's macro to force compat32 build
  595. - add BR: cvs
  596. * Sat May 16 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  597. - add Patch30 backported from 4.6.0
  598. - allocating in even sized chunks helps avoiding crazy memory
  599. fragmentation when resizing a lot (rhbz#472507)
  600. * Thu May 14 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  601. - add Patch20-25 from upstream
  602. * Tue Apr 21 2009 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  603. - remove %ifos from spec file.
  604. - add python_site{lib,arch}, pyver macros
  605. - add emacsen_pkgdir macros
  606. - add macros for font package
  607. - update auto* files
  608. * Fri Oct 10 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  609. - update Patch230
  610. - add -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-schedule-insns2 to optflags
  611. (VineSeed:16128)
  612. * Sun Aug 17 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  613. - rebuild with external libpopt
  614. * Mon Jul 28 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  615. - rebuild with python-2.5
  616. * Fri Apr 18 2008 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com>
  617. - rebuilt with neon-0.28.2
  618. * Wed Apr 09 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  619. - add Patch280 to fix external dependancy generator(revert patch)
  620. * Mon Apr 07 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  621. - new upstream release
  622. * Thu Mar 20 2008 Satoshi IWAMOTO <satoshi.iwamoto@nifty.ne.jp>
  623. - fix file section for x86_64 build
  624. * Wed Mar 19 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  625. - fix typo in Patch100 (_dist_release macro)
  626. * Tue Mar 18 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  627. - new upstream rc version
  628. - add new _dist_release macro
  629. seed http://trac.vinelinux.org/wiki/VersioningPolicy
  630. - use new release numbering policy
  631. * Wed Feb 27 2008 Takuya Kobayashi <ruby11@cocoa.ocn.ne.jp>
  632. - update Patch260,Source100 <BTS:VineLinux:504>
  633. - update Patch260 (fix typo in rpmbuild japanese manpage)
  634. * Wed Feb 20 2008 AKIYAMA Kazuhito <akiyama@yb3.so-net.ne.jp>
  635. - rebuild with expat-2.0.1
  636. * Mon Feb 04 2008 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org>
  637. - rebuild
  638. * Sun Feb 03 2008 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org>
  639. - fix Patch230 (remove unnecessary white spaces)
  640. * Fri Oct 19 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  641. - fix vine patch
  642. * Sat Oct 13 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  643. - new upstream release
  644. * Mon Jul 23 2007 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org>
  645. - fix popt version (
  646. * Mon Jul 23 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp>
  647. - new upstream release
  648. - remove obsolete patches
  649. * Wed May 23 2007 NAKAMURA Kenta <kenta@vinelinux.org> 4.4.2-0vl25
  650. - rebuild with neon-0.26.3 (expecially for x86_64)
  651. * Tue May 15 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.4.2-0vl24
  652. - add patch 37 to build without neon
  653. * Mon May 14 2007 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 4.4.2-0vl23
  654. - updated Patch230 (-m32 on ppc, -m64 on ppc64, and likewise)
  655. * Thu May 10 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.4.2-0vl22
  656. - use -mtune option instead of -mcpu
  657. * Wed May 09 2007 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 4.4.2-0vl21
  658. - rebuilt with new toolchain
  659. - disable Patch53
  660. - add BuildReq: nkf
  661. * Fri Jan 26 2007 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.4.2-0vl20
  662. - rebuild
  663. * Sun Dec 31 2006 Kazutaka HARADA <kazutaka@dc4.so-net.ne.jp> 4.4.2-0vl19
  664. - update patch270. <BTS:VineLinux:448>
  665. * Sun Dec 31 2006 Kazutaka HARADA <kazutaka@dc4.so-net.ne.jp> 4.4.2-0vl18
  666. - fix typo in GROUPS-DESC_for_vine.txt <BTS:VineLinux:448>
  667. * Sat Dec 30 2006 Kazutaka HARADA <kazutaka@dc4.so-net.ne.jp> 4.4.2-0vl17
  668. - fix typo in GROUPS*_for_vine.txt <BTS:VineLinux:429>
  669. * Thu Nov 09 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.4.2-0vl16
  670. - update ja.po and manpage to fix typo (<BTS:278>)
  671. - update GROUPS for Vine Linux
  672. - add GROUPS*_for_vine.txt
  673. * Sat Jun 17 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.4.2-0vl15
  674. - fix changelogname for 4.4.2-0vl14
  675. ( was accidentally copied from 0vl13.. )
  676. * Fri Jun 16 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.4.2-0vl14
  677. - update Patch230
  678. - remove "-m64 -mcpu=nocona" from x86_64 optflags
  679. - add Patch250
  680. - add %%_srcdefattr (-,root,root) to default macros
  681. * Mon May 15 2006 KAZUKI SHIMURA <kazuki@ma.ccnw.ne.jp> 4.4.2-0vl13
  682. - fix typo in changelog
  683. * Thu Apr 20 2006 KAZUKI SHIMURA <kazuki@ma.ccnw.ne.jp> 4.4.2-0vl12
  684. - rebuild with neon-0.25.5
  685. * Thu Mar 23 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.4.2-0vl11
  686. - update Patch100 to use /var for %%{_localstatedir} instead of /var/lib
  687. * Mon Feb 27 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.4.2-0vl10
  688. - update ja.po
  689. - fix some mistranslations (thanks to NAKAMURA Kenta)
  690. - squash some fuzzy translations
  691. * Mon Feb 27 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.4.2-0vl9
  692. - fix spec bug.
  693. * Sun Feb 26 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.4.2-0vl8
  694. - update Patch240 to install pentium?-linux/macros on x86_64 arch.
  695. - added compat32-popt for x86_64 architecture support (NAKAMURA Kenta)
  696. * Wed Feb 08 2006 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.4.2-0vl7
  697. - add Patch230 to append "-m32/-m64" option to %%optflags in rpmrc
  698. - add Patch240 to install ix86-linux/macros on x86_64 arch.
  699. - update Patch100 to use lib/lib64 for %%_lib macro in per-platform
  700. macros.
  701. * Sun Dec 25 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.4.2-0vl6
  702. - add Patch220 to remove debug option from optflags (in rpmrc)
  703. * Wed Dec 21 2005 KOBAYASHI Taizo <tkoba@vinelinux.org> 4.4.2-0vl5
  704. - added Patch210 for PPC deadlock.
  705. * Sun Dec 18 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.4.2-0vl4
  706. - import Patch51-55 from MDK package.
  707. * Sun Dec 18 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.4.2-0vl3
  708. - add Requires: popt >= %%{poptversion} to rpm-libs.
  709. librpm-4.4 need new popt feature.
  710. * Fri Dec 16 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.4.2-0vl2
  711. - change manpage kanjicode to euc-jp
  712. - add Patch190 to disable python_requires
  713. - add Patch200 to use external dependency generator instead of internal one.
  714. * Wed Dec 14 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.4.2-0vl1
  715. - update to rpm-4.4.3
  716. - Patche0-14 are imported from FC-devel
  717. - vine patches are ported from rpm-4.0.5 (Patch100-160)
  718. - add Patch170 for legacy(rpm-4.0) compatible build mode aliases
  719. - add Patch180 to disable {missing_doc,unpackaged}_files_terminate_build
  720. by default. (This would be reenabled in future release)
  721. If you need this feature, please set in your .rpmmacros file.
  722. * Sun Oct 23 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.0.5-1vl12
  723. - rebuild on new environment
  724. - use external libtool
  725. - update makefile patch to fix build failure
  726. * Sun Apr 03 2005 Shu KONNO <owa@bg.wakwak.com> 4.0.5-1vl11
  727. - rebuild with python-2.4.1-0vl1
  728. * Thu Mar 17 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.0.5-1vl10
  729. - self rebuilt
  730. * Thu Mar 17 2005 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.0.5-1vl9
  731. - add brp-strip-shared in build macros
  732. * Wed Jul 28 2004 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.0.5-1vl8
  733. - remove %%vendor from global rpmmacro settings.
  734. * Mon May 10 2004 Tomoya TAKA <taka@vinelinux.org> 4.0.5-1vl7
  735. - fix %%pre script, remove bogus ppc* and alpha* macro directories
  736. * Mon May 10 2004 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.0.5-1vl6
  737. - remove bogus macro directories and symlinks in %%pre script
  738. * Sat Apr 17 2004 Shu KONNO <owa@bg.wakwak.com> 4.0.5-1vl5
  739. - rebuild with python-2.3.3-0vl1
  740. * Sun Apr 11 2004 Shu KONNO <owa@bg.wakwak.com> 4.0.5-1vl4.1
  741. - rebuild with python-2.3.3-0vl0.3 (for TestPkg)
  742. * Tue Apr 6 2004 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.0.5-1vl4
  743. - remove GPG/PGP key from %%_docdir.
  744. - add Requires: vine-keyring, the Vine Linux official keyring.
  745. - add '--keyring' option in macros to use vine keyring.
  746. * Sun Mar 7 2004 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.0.5-1vl3
  747. - remove "--target" and "--host" from %%configure option.
  748. The RPM does not work well on cross compiling, and the options
  749. break some compile configurations....
  750. * Thu Feb 26 2004 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.0.5-1vl2
  751. - use internal db only.
  752. - update Patch100 to fix %%configure macros
  753. * Fri Feb 20 2004 KOBAYASHI R. Taizo <tkoba@vinelinux.org> 4.0.5-1vl1
  754. - source update for rebuild and current autotools
  755. - added BuildRequires libtool >= 1.5.2
  756. - added patch107,200
  757. * Tue Mar 25 2003 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.0.5-1
  758. - bump rpm/popt versions, hardwire 4.0.4 in libraries.
  759. - link rpm libraries together, move symbols to achieve forward linkage.
  760. - use db-4.1.25, not db-4.0.14, internally.
  761. - add rpmdb_loadcvt script, rpmdb_foo utilities.
  762. - use current autotools,
  763. - use splint, not lclint.
  764. - delete rpm-4.1 header-only signatures/digests when signing.
  765. - hack out O_DIRECT support in db4 for now.
  766. * Tue Nov 5 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.0.4-7x.26
  767. - backport /etc/rpm/platform changes.
  768. - backport db-4.1.17 changes.
  769. - add _noDirTokens macro for 6x builds.
  770. * Sat Jun 15 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.0.4-7x.24
  771. - beecrypt: revert cpu/arch compile option mixup (#66752).
  772. * Sun Jun 9 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 4.0.4-7x.23
  773. - make peace with automake-1.6.1 et al.
  774. - backport all beecrypt/rpmio bits from 4.1 that don't break the API.
  775. - use /etc/rpm/platform (if it exists), rather than uname(2), for arch.
  776. - add /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/* per-vendor configuration.
  777. * Thu May 2 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  778. - fix: include <sys/time.h> for 6.2 python modules.
  779. * Fri Apr 26 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  780. - fix: rpmdb iterator memory leak in python bindings.
  781. * Fri Apr 19 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  782. - fix: packages produced by rpm-4.0 dinna merge signature tags.
  783. * Fri May 02 2003 KOBAYASHI R. Taizo <tkoba@vinelinux.org> 4.0.4-18vl15
  784. - rebuild against perl-5.8.0
  785. - BuildRequires db4-devel
  786. * Wed Mar 12 2003 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 4.0.4-18vl14
  787. - rebuild against recent toolchain
  788. * Wed Jan 29 2003 Tomoya TAKA <taka@vinelinux.org> 4.0.4-18vl13
  789. - rebuild against python-2.2
  790. * Fri Dec 13 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 4.0.4-18vl12
  791. - fixed typo in %%files for popt subpackage
  792. - added BuildRequires: autoconf213, automake14
  793. * Fri Nov 29 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 4.0.4-18vl11
  794. - update Patch100 again: %%{_infodir} is now set to %%{_datadir}/info.
  795. * Fri Nov 29 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 4.0.4-18vl10
  796. - added Patch106 for ppc
  797. (to fix misdetection of PowerPC 750FX/745x as pSeries. Doh!)
  798. * Fri Nov 22 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 4.0.4-18vl9
  799. - modified Patch100 for macros.in, platform.in and installplatform
  800. (important platform-dependent macros were missing. Fixed.)
  801. * Thu Nov 21 2002 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.0.4-18vl8
  802. - add Patch105 to make more short circuit on rpm building.
  803. * Thu Nov 21 2002 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.0.4-18vl7
  804. - update Patch100. (use _real_vendor instead of _vendor)
  805. * Thu Nov 21 2002 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 4.0.4-18vl6
  806. - add Patch103 to use mkstemp instead of mktemp.
  807. - add Patch104 for $HOME expantion.
  808. * Sun Nov 17 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 4.0.4-18vl5
  809. - Source100 (rpm-4.0.4-ja.po) updated (small fix)
  810. * Fri Nov 15 2002 Tomoya TAKA <taka@vinelinux.org> 4.0.4-18vl4
  811. - add Prereq: rpm = %%{rpm_version} to rpm-*
  812. * Fri Nov 15 2002 Tomoya TAKA <taka@vinelinux.org> 4.0.4-18vl3
  813. - add --with-pic to ./configure on alpha
  814. - echo notice in %%post
  815. * Sun Nov 10 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 4.0.4-18vl2
  816. - added Source100 (Japanese message catalogue file)
  817. * Sun Nov 10 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 4.0.4-18vl1
  818. - added Patch102 to get correct "provides" information
  819. (for objdump in newer binutils may have translated message catalogues)
  820. * Sat Nov 09 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 4.0.4-18vl0
  821. - first attempt for rpm-4.0.4 on Vine Linux
  822. - based on rpm-4.0.4-7x.18 from Red Hat Linux 7.3
  823. - /usr/src/redhat -> /usr/src/vine
  824. - use built rpm binary, not preinstalled rpm, when compiling perl module
  825. - FIXME: more patches and japanese translations would be needed
  826. * Thu Apr 18 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  827. - fix: queries that evaluated to "" incorrectly returned NULL.
  828. * Thu Apr 11 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  829. - fix: generate config file md5 as ascii, not binary (#62542).
  830. * Fri Apr 5 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  831. - non-glibc: on upgrade, mergesort is much faster than quicksort.
  832. * Thu Apr 4 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  833. - speedup large queries by ~50%.
  834. - revert to presentation ordering Yet Again (#62158).
  835. * Wed Mar 27 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  836. - fix: look for "/path" in Providename as well as Basenames (#59665).
  837. - fix: avoid /dev/log installation more carefully (#62012).
  838. - fix: don't compile beecrypt java bindings (#61992).
  839. - solaris: save main() envp in global environ for use with gpg.
  840. - don't add empty md5 strings to Filemd5's index.
  841. - create Filemd5 index with binary, not ascii, keys.
  842. * Fri Mar 22 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  843. - fix: make sure that .rpmsave files are created (#57078).
  844. * Mon Mar 18 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  845. - fix: one-step-too-far when searching added package provides (#61388).
  846. - fix: avoid libio misconfiguration with bleeding edge glibc.
  847. - fix: add quotes around [:blank:] in linux find-provides.
  848. - make --addsign and --resign behave exactly the same.
  849. - *really* dump signature header immutable region.
  850. - fix: don't overflow result buffer if gpg/pgp gives copious output.
  851. * Fri Mar 15 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  852. - re-enable FD_CLOEXEC, the problem is in zlib through mmap.
  853. - add toy python callbacks for payload unpacking failure(s).
  854. * Wed Feb 13 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  855. - don't do close-on-exec, 2 powertools packages cannot be read when doing.
  856. - reapply Berkeley DB patch #4491.
  857. * Thu Feb 7 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  858. - rpm-4.0.4 release candidate.
  859. - add cpanflute2, another perl.req fiddle.
  860. - another cpanflute2 patch.
  861. * Mon Feb 4 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  862. - generate index for pkgid (aka Sigmd5) tag, query/verify by pkgid.
  863. - generate index for hdrid (aka Sha1header) tag, query/verify by hdrid.
  864. - generate index for fileid (aka Filemd5s) tag, query/verify by fileid.
  865. - query/verify by install transaction id.
  866. * Sun Feb 3 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  867. - transaction rollbacks are functional.
  868. * Sat Feb 2 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  869. - fix: drop header region when writing repackaged legacy header.
  870. - bail on %%files macro.
  871. * Fri Feb 1 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  872. - macro for %%files, always include %%defattr(), redhat config only.
  873. * Thu Jan 31 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  874. - permit args to be hidden within %%__find_{requires,provides}.
  875. - a couple more perl.{prov,req} fiddles.
  876. * Wed Jan 30 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  877. - legacy: configurable whiteout for known Red Hat dependency loops.
  878. - perl.req: don't mis-generate dependencies like perl(::path/to/foo.pl).
  879. - use chainsaw algorithm for dependency tree decimation when ordering.
  880. * Tue Jan 29 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  881. - transaction rollback code in rpmRollback().
  882. - Red Hat 6.2 portability cruft.
  883. * Sun Jan 27 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  884. - fix: fancy hash fiddles if not a tty.
  885. - fix: handle /.../ correctly in rpmCleanPath().
  886. * Sat Jan 26 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  887. - fix: %%exclude functional (again).
  888. - trap SIGILL for ppc64 inline asm voodoo fix from cross-dressed ppc32.
  889. - rpm-perl: force numeric comparison on rpm version (#58882).
  890. * Tue Jan 22 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  891. - fix: query format qualifiers needed header.c merge.
  892. - ppc64 arch added (#58634,#58636).
  893. - turn on auto-generated perl requirements (#58519, #58536, #58537).
  894. - add internal (customized) version of zlib.
  895. * Mon Jan 21 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  896. - sync rpmdb and build with rpm-4.1, lots of splint annotations.
  897. - add :armor and :base64 query format qualifiers for binary signatures.
  898. * Sat Jan 19 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  899. - use beecrypt routines to calculate digests in rpm.
  900. - dump legacy support for broken md5 signatures.
  901. - sync popt and rpmio with rpm-4.1, rpmio has OpenPGP API.
  902. * Thu Jan 17 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  903. - missing key(s) on keyring when verifying a signature is now an error.
  904. - remove dependency whiteout.
  905. - calculate rpm-4.1 ordering/orientation metrics in rpmdepOrder().
  906. * Fri Jan 11 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  907. - permit subset installs for %%lang colored hardlink file sets.
  908. * Thu Jan 10 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  909. - fix: signing multiple times dinna work, discard immutable region.
  910. - remove poptmodule.so for separate packaging.
  911. * Wed Jan 9 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  912. - permit gpg/pgp/pgp5 execs to be reconfigured.
  913. * Tue Jan 8 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  914. - use db-4.0.14 final internally.
  915. - make rpm-perl package self-hosting (#57748).
  916. * Mon Jan 7 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  917. - Depends should use CDB if configured.
  918. - autodetect python 1.5/2.2.
  919. * Sun Jan 6 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  920. - handle lazy db open's in chroot with absolute path, not prefix strip.
  921. * Sat Jan 5 2002 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  922. - sparc: make dbenv per-rpmdb, not per-dbi.
  923. * Thu Dec 20 2001 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  924. - tru64 compiler message cleanup.
  925. - add buildarch lines for hppa (#57728).
  926. * Wed Dec 19 2001 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  927. - look for PY_VERSION 2.2c1.
  928. - fix: typo in find-requires.
  929. * Sun Dec 9 2001 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  930. - solaris: translate i86pc to i386 (#57182).
  931. - fix: %%GNUconfigure breaks with single quotes (#57264).
  932. * Mon Dec 3 2001 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
  933. - rpm-4.0.4 started.
  934. - turn off rpm-perl until it's self-hosting.
  935. - jigger up rpm-python with python-2.2b2 for now.
  936. - remove libtoolize from %%configure for now (#57039).
  937. - teach find-requires to autogenerate GCC_3.0 dependencies.