vine-users ML アーカイブ

[vine-users:058798] Re: Vine2.6 メモリ上限

  • From: Satoshi I.Nozawa <snozawa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [vine-users:058798] Re: Vine2.6 メモリ上限
  • Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2003 14:23:17 +0900 (JST)

> 飯田です。

> Vine Linux 2.5/2.6のマシンがあるんで調べてみたところ
> 3台のうちの1台が少なめ認識でした。


Vine 2.5 CR 4GB超搭載でもインスト・起動可能 認識は 4GB迄
Vine 2.6 CR 不明#1


Installing with more than 1GB of memory:

It is not wise to have the installer use more than 1GB of memory. The
installer may not be configured to handle it and may get confused and
abort. Limit the amount of memory that the installer sees to 960M. The
following may be keyed in at the boot prompt:


Gaining access to more than 1GB of memory:

If your system isn't detecting more than 1GB of memory then there are
several ways to get around this:

    * Install the Enterprise-kernel - this has support for more memory built in already
    * Recompile the kernel choosing either 1GB, 2GB or 4GB during configuration
    * Recompile the kernel enabling bigmem

ですね。RedHat-6.2 を RAM 2GB にしたマシンではカーネルを作り直していま
す。 以上は google で「Linux 1GB memory」で検索しました。