vine-users ML アーカイブ

[vine-users:059287] Re: Request for Testing: kernel-2.4.20-0vl20.1 for Vine Linux 2.6

  • From: Nao Wada -sa- <nao_wada@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [vine-users:059287] Re: Request for Testing: kernel-2.4.20-0vl20.1 for Vine Linux 2.6
  • Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 21:04:01 +0900
和田 です。

Daisuke SUZUKI さん [vine-users:059142] Request for Testing: kernel-2.4.20-0vl20.1 for Vine Linux 2.6
> Vine Linux 2.6 updates として用意する予定の kernel パッケージ
> を以下のところに置きましたのでテストしてレポートをお願いいたし
> ます。(ptraceのsecurity fixも入っています)

 バイナリではありませんが、src.rpmでmkkpkg xconfigに失敗します。

$ /usr/sbin/mkkpkg kernel-2.4.20-0vl20.2.src.rpm xconfig
Welcome to mkkpkg

Please wait for a while "make xconfig" to be executed...
Executing "rpm -bp /home/nao/rpm/SPECS/kernel-2.4.spec"...done.
Input your kernel Revision [SRPM = 0vl20.2]: 
Input your kernel Revision [SRPM = 0vl20.2]: 0vl20.2.n1
/home/nao/rpm/RPMS/i386/kernel-2.4.20-0vl20.2.n1.i386.rpm found.
  Override? [y/n] y

Do you want to edit kernel-2.4.20-0vl20.2.n1.spec? [y/n] n
Do you want to build SRPM? (If no, only RPMs are built) [y/n] y
Ready for make "xconfig" by kernel-2.4.20-i386.config
[Push enter to continue] 
drivers/net/ 188: unknown command
make[1]: *** [] エラー 1
make: *** [xconfig] エラー 2
Something wrong with "make xconfig". Continue? [y/n] 


Nao Wada   nao_wada@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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