vine-users ML アーカイブ

[vine-users:060571] Re: Lucent 用ドライバのインストールについて

  • From: Hideki Tagashira <hideki.tagashira@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [vine-users:060571] Re: Lucent 用ドライバのインストールについて
  • Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 16:54:52 +0900


ltmodem-8.26a9をインストールしてみて, 内蔵モデムの動作を企てています。
休みの間にいろいろと設定を変えて試してみましたが, うまくいきませんでした。


 (1)./build_modleを実行し, moduleの作成。
 (2)root権限で, ./ltinst2 ./autoloadを実行

が, 無事インストールできました。

  options lt_modem vender_id=0x8086 device_id=0x2486
  options lt_modem Forced=11,0x2400,0x2000,0

がエラーを出しませんでしたが, 動作しないばかりか, オーディオまで動作しなく

以下に試みたことを記述しますので, 詳しい方, ご教授ください。

また, optionsの記述内容ですが,マニュアルでは

  options irq,BaseAddress,CommAddress,{0/1}


これらの値の意味もご存じの方, 教えてください。



  IBM ThinkPad A30(TYPE 2652-3CJ)
  Vine Linux 2.6CR kernel:2.4.19-0vl26




  Cystal WDM Audio Codec
  PCI Bus 0,Device 31,機能 5
  IRQ 09
  I/O F800-F8FF

  Agere System AC'97 Modem
  PCI Bus 0,Device 31,機能 6
  IRQ 09
  I/O F900-F9FF

>Vine Linuxの認識結果


  00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 3575 (rev 02)
  00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 3576 (rev 02)
  00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 2482 (rev 01)
  00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 2484 (rev 01)
  00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 2487 (rev 01)
  00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82820 820 (Camino 2) Chipset PCI
(-M) (rev 41)
  00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 248c (rev 01)
  00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 248a (rev 01)
  00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 2483 (rev 01)
  00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation AC'97 Audio
Controller (rev 01)
  00:1f.6 Modem: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 2486 (rev 01)
  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility
  02:00.0 CardBus bridge: Ricoh Co Ltd RL5c476 II (rev 80)
  02:00.1 CardBus bridge: Ricoh Co Ltd RL5c476 II (rev 80)
  02:02.0 Network controller: Harris Semiconductor: Unknown device 3873
(rev 01)
  02:08.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82801CAM (ICH3) Chipset
Ethernet Controller (rev 41)

(2)lspci -vの結果(関係個所のみ抜粋)

  00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation AC'97 Audio
Controller (rev 01)
      Subsystem: IBM: Unknown device 0222
      Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 0, IRQ 11
      I/O ports at 1c00 [size=256]
      I/O ports at 18c0 [size=64]

  00:1f.6 Modem: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 2486 (rev 01) (prog-if
00 [Generic])
      Subsystem: IBM: Unknown device 0227
      Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 11
      I/O ports at 2400 [size=256]
      I/O ports at 2000 [size=128]

(3)lspci -nvの結果(関係個所のみ抜粋)

  00:1f.5 Class 0401: 8086:2485 (rev 01)
      Subsystem: 1014:0222
      Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 0, IRQ 11
      I/O ports at 1c00 [size=256]
      I/O ports at 18c0 [size=64]

  00:1f.6 Class 0703: 8086:2486 (rev 01)
      Subsystem: 1014:0227
      Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 11
      I/O ports at 2400 [size=256]
      I/O ports at 2000 [size=128]

(4)cat /proc/ioportsの結果

0000-001f : dma1
0020-003f : pic1
0040-005f : timer
0060-006f : keyboard
0070-007f : rtc
0080-008f : dma page reg
00a0-00bf : pic2
00c0-00df : dma2
00f0-00ff : fpu
0170-0177 : Intel Corp. 82801CAM IDE U100
01f0-01f7 : Intel Corp. 82801CAM IDE U100
01f0-01f7 : ide0
0376-0376 : Intel Corp. 82801CAM IDE U100
03bc-03be : parport0
03c0-03df : vga+
03f6-03f6 : Intel Corp. 82801CAM IDE U100
03f6-03f6 : ide0
03f8-03ff : serial(auto)
0cf8-0cff : PCI conf1
1800-181f : Intel Corp. 82801CA/CAM USB (Hub #1)
1800-181f : usb-uhci
1820-183f : Intel Corp. 82801CA/CAM USB (Hub #2)
1820-183f : usb-uhci
1840-185f : Intel Corp. 82801CA/CAM USB (Hub #3)
1840-185f : usb-uhci
1860-186f : Intel Corp. 82801CAM IDE U100
1860-1867 : ide0
1868-186f : ide1
1880-189f : Intel Corp. 82801CA/CAM SMBus
18c0-18ff : Intel Corp. 82801CA/CAM AC'97 Audio
18c0-18ff : Intel 82801CA-ICH3 - Controller
1c00-1cff : Intel Corp. 82801CA/CAM AC'97 Audio
1c00-1cff : Intel 82801CA-ICH3 - AC'97
2000-207f : Intel Corp. 82801CA/CAM AC'97 Modem
2400-24ff : Intel Corp. 82801CA/CAM AC'97 Modem
3000-3fff : PCI Bus #01
3000-30ff : ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY
4000-40ff : PCI CardBus #03
4400-44ff : PCI CardBus #03
4800-48ff : PCI CardBus #06
4c00-4cff : PCI CardBus #06
8000-803f : Intel Corp. 82801CAM (ICH3) PRO/100 VE (LOM) Ethernet Controller
8000-803f : eepro100

(5)cat /proc/interruptsの結果

  0:     802975          XT-PIC  timer
  1:       6219          XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade
  8:          1          XT-PIC  rtc
 11:      48753          XT-PIC  Intel 82801CA-ICH3, usb-uhci, usb-uhci,
usb-uhci, wlan0, eth0,
                 Ricoh Co Ltd RL5c476 II, Ricoh Co Ltd
RL5c476 II (#2)
 12:         99          XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
 14:      13135          XT-PIC  ide0
NMI:          0 
LOC:     802904 
ERR:          0
MIS:          0




  alias char-major-62 lt_serial
  alias /dev/tts/LT0 lt_serial
  alias /dev/modem lt_serial
  options lt_modem vender_id=0x115d device_id=0x0420
  options lt_modem Forced=3,0x130,0x2f8,0

  cu -l /dev/modemでATDT<TEL number>の結果,NO DIALTONEを返す。
  rmmod lt_serial,rmmod lt_modemを実行すると, dmesgに以下の結果が示される。

     Loading Lucent Modem Controller driver version 8.26
     Forced Parameters Irq=3 BaseAddress=0x130 ComAddress=0x2f8
     Lucent Modem Interface driver version 8.26 (2002-11-04) with
SHARE_IRQ enabled
     ttyLT00 at 0x0130 (irq = 3) is a Lucent Modem
     Unloading Lucent Modem Interface driver: version 8.26
     Trying to free nonexistent resource <00000130-0000022f>
     Unloading Lucent Modem Controller driver: version 8.26


 options lt_modem vender_id=0x8086 device_id=0x2486とする。

  alias char-major-62 lt_serial
  alias /dev/tts/LT0 lt_serial
  alias /dev/modem lt_serial
  options lt_modem vender_id=0x8086 device_id=0x2486
  # options lt_modem Forced=3,0x130,0x2f8,0

  cu -l /dev/modemで以下の結果が示される。
     cu: open (/dev/modem): No such device
     cu: /dev/modem: Line in use


     Loading Lucent Modem Controller driver version 8.26
     Unloading Lucent Modem Controller driver: version 8.26



  alias char-major-62 lt_serial
  alias /dev/tts/LT0 lt_serial
  alias /dev/modem lt_serial
  options lt_modem vender_id=0x8086 device_id=0x2486
  options lt_modem Forced=3,0x130,0x2f8,0

  cu -l /dev/modemでATDT<TEL number>の結果,NO DIALTONEを返す。
  rmmod lt_serial,rmmod lt_modemを実行すると, dmesgに以下の結果が示される。

     Loading Lucent Modem Controller driver version 8.26
     Forced Parameters Irq=3 BaseAddress=0x130 ComAddress=0x2f8
     Lucent Modem Interface driver version 8.26 (2002-11-04) with
SHARE_IRQ enabled
     ttyLT00 at 0x0130 (irq = 3) is a Lucent Modem
     Unloading Lucent Modem Interface driver: version 8.26
     Trying to free nonexistent resource <00000130-0000022f>
     Unloading Lucent Modem Controller driver: version 8.26



  alias char-major-62 lt_serial
  alias /dev/tts/LT0 lt_serial
  alias /dev/modem lt_serial
  options lt_modem vender_id=0x8086 device_id=0x2486
  options lt_modem Forced=11,0x130,0x2f8,0

  cu -l /dev/modemでATDT<TEL number>の結果,NO DIALTONEを返す。
  rmmod lt_serial,rmmod lt_modemを実行すると, dmesgに以下の結果が示される。

     Loading Lucent Modem Controller driver version 8.26
     Forced Parameters Irq=11 BaseAddress=0x130 ComAddress=0x2f8
     Lucent Modem Interface driver version 8.26 (2002-11-04) with
SHARE_IRQ enabled
     ttyLT00 at 0x0130 (irq = 11) is a Lucent Modem
     Unloading Lucent Modem Interface driver: version 8.26
     Trying to free nonexistent resource <00000130-0000022f>
     Unloading Lucent Modem Controller driver: version 8.26

(5)IRQをlspci等で確認した値11に, BaseAddressの部分を0x2400に, CommAddressの


  alias char-major-62 lt_serial
  alias /dev/tts/LT0 lt_serial
  alias /dev/modem lt_serial
  options lt_modem vender_id=0x8086 device_id=0x2486
  options lt_modem Forced=11,0x2400,0x2000,0

  cu -l /dev/modemでATDT<TEL number>の結果,NO DIALTONEを返す。
  rmmod lt_serial,rmmod lt_modemを実行すると, dmesgに以下の結果が示される。

     Loading Lucent Modem Controller driver version 8.26
     Forced Parameters Irq=11 BaseAddress=0x2400 ComAddress=0x2000
     Lucent Modem Interface driver version 8.26 (2002-11-04) with
SHARE_IRQ enabled
     ttyLT00 at 0x2400 (irq = 11) is a Lucent Modem
     Unloading Lucent Modem Interface driver: version 8.26
     Unloading Lucent Modem Controller driver: version 8.26
