vine-users ML アーカイブ

[vine-users:067882] Vine3.0の SONY VAIO PCG-C1XEへインストール設 定中にエラーが発生する

  • From: OKUDA Sosuke <sok@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [vine-users:067882] Vine3.0の SONY VAIO PCG-C1XEへインストール設 定中にエラーが発生する
  • Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 19:28:15 +0900




■ パーティション構成
/dev/hda1       vfat            (Windows98SE)
    /dev/hda5   ext3    /       (Debian(sarge))
    /dev/hda6   ext3    /home   (Debian(sarge))
    /dev/hda7   ext3    /       (Vine3.0)       ←このインストール中にエラー
    /dev/hda8   ext3    /home   (Vine3.0)
    /dev/hda9   swap
/dev/hda3       ext3    /data   (共有)
/dev/hda4       ハイバネーション領域



る方いらっしゃいませんか? 推察程度でも構いませんので宣しくお願いいたします。

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/usr/bin/anaconda", line 620, in ?, dispatch, configFileData)
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 387, in run
    rc = apply(win, (self.screen, ) + args)
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/textw/", line 365, in __call__
    raise RuntimeError, "Could not match monitor %s" % (self.monitor.getMonitorID())
RuntimeError: Could not match monitor Unprobed Monitor

Local variables in innermost frame:
man: Mitsuba Corp.
mon: ('Mitsuba Corp. 710MH', '710mh', '50.0-90.0', '15.0-38.0')
monitor: monEisa: None
monName: None
monID: Unprobed Monitor
monHoriz: 31.5-48.5
monVert: 50-70

xconfig: <xf86config.XF86Config instance at 82bb8c8>
screen: <snack.SnackScreen instance at 84194a0>
self: <xconfig_text.MonitorWindow instance at 91a5bf0>

Package Group selection status:
Base: 1
X Window System: 0
Ghostscript: 0
Japanese Inputmethod: 0
Internet Client: 0
TeX Document Formatting: 0
Emacs: 0
CD Writing/Ripping: 0
Document Viewer: 0
Graphics Applications: 0
Administration Tools: 0
Printing Tools: 0
Internet Server: 0
File Server: 0
Build Essentials: 0
Power Saving: 0
Ruby Scripting Language: 0
Namazu: 0
Extra Documentation: 0
Extra Tools: 0
Sound Tools: 0
Note PC Tools: 0
Development Tools: 0 0
Dialup Workstation(for PPP): 0
Networked Workstation(for xDSL/pppoe): 0
Networked Workstation (for LAN): 0
PPPoE client: 0
Data Base(PostgreSQL): 0
Extra Documentation: 0
Extra Package: 0
File Server(NFS/SMB/IPX): 0
Internet Server(DNS/WWW/News): 0
DesktopPC: 0
DesktopPC(with GNOME): 0
NotePC: 0
NotePC(with GNOME): 0
Laptop Support: 0
GNOME Workstation: 0
Workstation Common: 0
Base System: 0
Server: 0
Everything: 0
Everything: 1

Individual package selection status:
Canna: 1, GConf2: 1, ImageMagick: 1, ImageMagick-c++: 1, JF: 1, MAKEDEV: 1, ORBit: 1, ORBit2: 1, SDL: 1, SysVinit: 1, TrueType-base: 1, TrueType-kochi-subst: 1, VFlib: 1, VFlib-utils: 1, XOrg: 1, XOrg-75dpi-fonts: 1, XOrg-Xnest: 1, XOrg-base-fonts: 1, XOrg-cursors: 1, XOrg-doc: 1, XOrg-font-utils: 1, XOrg-gl: 1, XOrg-jpfonts: 1, XOrg-libs: 1, XOrg-tools: 1, XOrg-truetype-fonts: 1, XOrg-twm: 1, XOrg-xdm: 1, XOrg-xfs: 1, Xaw3d: 1, Xconfigurator: 1, acpid: 1, adjtimex: 1, alternatives: 1, anacron: 1, apache: 1, apel: 1, apmd: 1, apt: 1, arts: 1, ash: 1, aspell: 1, at: 1, atk: 1, audiofile: 1, aumix: 1, authconfig: 1, autoconf: 1, autofs: 1, automake: 1, basesystem: 1, bash: 1, bash-doc: 1, bc: 1, bind: 1, bind-utils: 1, binutils: 1, bootsplash: 1, build-essential: 1, bzip2: 1, cdrtools-cdda2wav: 1, cdrtools-cdrecord: 1, cdrtools-mkisofs: 1, chkconfig: 1, chkfontpath: 1, console-tools: 1, control-center: 1, cpio: 1, cpufreqd: 1, cracklib: 1, cracklib-dicts: 1, crontabs: 1, ctags: 1, cups: 1, cups-libs: 1, curl: 1, cvs: 1, cyrus-sasl: 1, db4: 1, desktop-file-utils: 1, dev: 1, dhcpcd: 1, dia: 1, dialog: 1, diffutils: 1, docbook-dtds: 1, dosfstools: 1, dump: 1, dvipdfmx: 1, e2fsprogs: 1, ed: 1, eel2: 1, eject: 1, emacs: 1, emacsen-common: 1, eog: 1, eplaser-cups: 1, eruby: 1, esound: 1, etcskel: 1, fam: 1, file: 1, file-roller: 1, filesystem: 1, fileutils: 1, findutils: 1, flim: 1, foomatic: 1, foomatic-ppd: 1, foomatic-ppd-gimp-print-ijs: 1, fortune-mod: 1, freetype: 1, freetype-utils: 1, freetype2: 1, ftdumps: 1, ftp: 1, gail: 1, gaim: 1, gawk: 1, gc: 1, gcc: 1, gcc-c++: 1, gcc-cpp: 1, gcc-docs: 1, gconf-editor: 1, gd: 1, gd-progs: 1, gdbm: 1, gdk-pixbuf: 1, gdm: 1, gedit: 1, gftp: 1, ggv: 1, ghostscript: 1, ghostscript-fonts: 1, gimageview: 1, gimp: 1, gimp-print: 1, gimp-print-plugin: 1, glib: 1, glib2: 1, glibc: 1, glibc-common: 1, glibc-devel: 1, gmp: 1, gnome-applets: 1, gnome-audio: 1, gnome-audio-extra: 1, gnome-cups-manager: 1, gnome-desktop: 1, gnome-desktop-libs: 1, gnome-icon-theme: 1, gnome-icon-theme-extra: 1, gnome-libs: 1, gnome-media: 1, gnome-mime-data: 1, gnome-panel: 1, gnome-session: 1, gnome-system-monitor: 1, gnome-system-tools: 1, gnome-terminal: 1, gnome-themes: 1, gnome-user-docs: 1, gnome-utils: 1, gnome-vfs2: 1, gnupg: 1, gpm: 1, grep: 1, grip: 1, groff: 1, groff-gxditview: 1, groff-perl: 1, gstreamer: 1, gstreamer-plugins: 1, gtk+: 1, gtk-engines: 1, gtk-xfce-engine: 1, gtk1-xfce-engine: 1, gtk2: 1, gtk2-engines: 1, gtkhtml2: 1, gtksourceview: 1, gzip: 1, hdparm: 1, hpijs: 1, hwdata: 1, imlib: 1, indent: 1, indexhtml: 1, inetd: 1, initscripts: 1, install-info: 1, intltool: 1, iproute: 1, iptables: 1, iputils: 1, irb: 1, isapnptools: 1, jed: 1, jed-common: 1, jman_pages: 1, jvf: 1, kakasi: 1, kbdconfig: 1, kernel: 1, kernel-headers: 1, kernel-pcmcia-cs: 1, kernel-smp: 0, kinput2: 1, kterm: 1, kudzu: 1, less: 1, lftp: 1, lha: 1, libIDL: 1, libao: 1, libart_lgpl: 1, libbonobo: 1, libbonoboui: 1, libcanna: 1, libelf: 1, liberuby: 1, libexpat: 1, libgcc: 1, libghttp: 1, libglade: 1, libglade2: 1, libgnome: 1, libgnomecanvas: 1, libgnomecups: 1, libgnomeprint: 1, libgnomeprintui: 1, libgnomeui: 1, libgtop2: 1, libjpeg: 1, libmng: 1, libogg: 1, libpng: 1, librsvg2: 1, libruby: 1, libstdc++3: 1, libstdc++3-devel: 1, libtermcap: 1, libtiff: 1, libtool: 1, libtool-libs: 1, libungif: 1, libungif-progs: 1, libuser: 1, libvorbis: 1, libwnck: 1, libwnn6: 1, libxml: 1, libxml2: 1, libxml2-python: 1, libxslt: 1, libxslt-python: 1, liece: 1, lilo: 1, linc: 1, logrotate: 1, losetup: 1, m4: 1, magicdev: 1, mailcap: 1, mailx: 1, make: 1, man: 1, man-pages: 1, metacity: 1, metamail: 1, mew: 1, mew-common: 1, mingetty: 1, mkinitrd: 1, mkkickstart: 1, mktcapdir: 1, mktemp: 1, mod_ssl: 1, modutils: 1, mount: 1, mouseconfig: 1, mozilla: 1, mozilla-chat: 1, mozilla-dom-inspector: 1, mozilla-mail: 1, mozilla-nspr: 1, mozilla-nss: 1, mozilla-psm: 1, mpage: 1, mtools: 1, murasaki: 1, murasaki-usb-mount: 1, namazu: 1, namazu_JFdb: 1, namazu_JMANdb: 1, namazu_VineDocsdb: 1, nautilus: 1, nautilus-media: 1, ncompress: 1, ncurses: 1, net-tools: 1, netpbm: 1, netpbm-progs: 1, newt: 1, nfs-utils: 1, nkf: 1, nscd: 1, ntp: 1, ntsysv: 1, open: 1, openMotif: 1, openjade: 1, openssh: 1, openssh-askpass: 1, openssh-askpass-gnome: 1, openssh-clients: 1, openssh-contrib: 1, openssh-server: 1, openssl: 1, openssl-perl: 1, openssl096: 1, pam: 1, pango: 1, passwd: 1, patch: 1, pciutils: 1, pcre: 1, perl: 1, perl-DateManip: 1, perl-File-MMagic: 1, perl-Parse-Yapp: 1, perl-SGMLSpm: 1, perl-XML-Dumper: 1, perl-XML-Encoding: 1, perl-XML-Parser: 1, perl-libxml-enno: 1, perl-libxml-perl: 1, pkgconfig: 1, pnm2ppa: 1, popt: 1, portmap: 1, postfix: 1, ppp: 1, ppxp: 1, procinfo: 1, procmail: 1, procps: 1, procps-X11: 1, proftpd: 1, psmisc: 1, pump: 1, pwdb: 1, python: 1, python-docs: 1, quota: 1, raidtools: 1, rail: 1, readline: 1, reiserfsprogs: 1, rmt: 1, rootfiles: 1, rp-pppoe: 1, rp-pppoe-gui: 1, rpm: 1, rpm-build: 1, rpm-perl: 1, rpm-python: 1, ruby: 1, ruby-docs: 1, ruby-mode: 1, ruby-tcltk: 1, sash: 1, screen: 1, scrollkeeper: 1, sed: 1, semi: 1, setup: 1, setuptool: 1, sgml-common: 1, sh-utils: 1, shadow-utils: 1, sharutils: 1, slang: 1, slocate: 1, sndconfig: 1, sox: 1, startup-notification: 1, stat: 1, strace: 1, sudo: 1, sylpheed: 1, synaptic: 1, sysklogd: 1, syslinux: 1, t1lib: 1, tar: 1, tcl: 1, tcp_wrappers: 1, tcsh: 1, telnet: 1, termcap: 1, tetex: 1, tetex-macros: 1, texinfo: 1, textutils: 1, tgif: 1, time: 1, tk: 1, tknamazu: 1, tmpwatch: 1, traceroute: 1, unarj: 1, unzip: 1, urw-fonts: 1, usermode: 1, usermode-gtk: 1, utempter: 1, util-linux: 1, vim: 1, vim-common: 1, vim-man: 1, vine-backgrounds: 1, vine-keyring: 1, vine-logos: 1, vine-menus: 1, vine-release: 1, vixie-cron: 1, vte: 1, vutils: 1, w3m: 1, w3m-el: 1, w3m-img: 1, wget: 1, which: 1, wireless-tools: 1, wl: 1, words: 1, xcdroast: 1, xchat: 1, xdvik: 1, xinitrc: 1, xml-common: 1, xmms: 1, xpaint: 1, xpdf: 1, xscreensaver: 1, xsri: 1, yatex: 1, yelp: 1, yp-tools: 1, ypbind: 1, zip: 1, zlib: 1, zsh: 1, 

Dispatcher instance, containing members:
skipSteps: {'reconfigwelcome': 1, 'upgrademigratefs': 1, 'findpackages': 1, 'network': 1, 'bootdisk': 1, 'language': 2, 'upgradeswapsuggestion': 1, 'reconfigkeyboard': 1, 'findinstall': 1, 'findrootparts': 1, 'upgradecontinue': 1, 'autopartition': 1, 'addswap': 1, 'indivpackage': 1, 'reconfigcomplete': 1, 'makebootdisk': 1, 'autopartitionexecute': 1, 'upgrademount': 1, 'languagesupport': 1, 'confirmupgrade': 1, 'fdisk': 1, 'firewall': 1, 'upgrademigfind': 1, 'dependencies': 1}
dir: 1
id: InstallData instance, containing members:
  configFileData: {'Splashscreen': pixmaps/first.png, 'WelcomeScreen': pixmaps/splash.png, 'TitleBar': pixmaps/anaconda_header.png, 'Title': Vine Linux}
  upgradeSwapInfo: None
  langSupport: Language instance, containing members:
    langList: None
    allSupportedLangs: None
    supported: []
    langNicks: None
    default: None
    langInfoByName: {'English (USA)': ('en_US', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Japanese': ('ja_JP.eucJP', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16')}
    info: {'SUPPORTED': None, 'LANG': ja_JP.eucJP}
  rootPassword: None
  diskset: DiskSet instance, containing members:
    disks: {'hda': <PedDisk object at 854b438>}
  tmpData: {'Splashscreen': pixmaps/first.png, 'WelcomeScreen': pixmaps/splash.png, 'TitleBar': pixmaps/anaconda_header.png, 'Title': Vine Linux}
  instLanguage: InstallTimeLanguage instance, containing members:
    kbd: {'English': us, 'Japanese': jp106}
    font: {'English': default8x16, 'Japanese': Kon}
    langNicks: {'English': en_US, 'Japanese': ja_JP.eucJP}
    langList: [English, Japanese]
    tz: {'English': America/New_York, 'Japanese': Asia/Tokyo}
    map: {'English': iso01, 'Japanese': None}
    current: ja_JP.eucJP
  instProgress: None
  desktop: Desktop instance, containing members:
    runlevel: 5
    info: {'DESKTOP': GNOME}
  videocard: primary: 0
vidCards: [<videocard.VideoCard instance at 81ec6c8>]
Primary Video Card Info:
device: None
descr : NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV (laptop/notebook)
server: XFree86
cardManf: MagicMedia 256AV  48K
vidRam: 2048
carddata: {'NAME': 'NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV (laptop/notebook)', 'DRIVER': 'neomagic', 'NOCLOCKPROBE': '', 'LINE': '#   Option     "Rotate"\012#   Option     "pciBurst"\012#   Option     "ShadowFB"\012#   Option     "NoStretch"\012#   Option     "LcdCenter"\012    Option     "externDisp"\012    Option     "internDisp"\012#   Option     "noMMIO"\012#   Option     "SWcursor"\012#   Option     "NoAccel"\012#   Option     "NoLinear"\012#    Option     "XaaNoScanlineImageWriteRect" # Normally enabled, disabled for now for Red Hat testing\012#    Option     "XaaNoScanlineCPUToScreenColorExpandFill" # Normally enabled, disabled for now for Red Hat testing', 'CHIPSET': 'NM2200', 'VENDOR': 'MagicMedia 256AV  48K'}
devID: NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV (laptop/notebook)
fbmodes: None
fbbpp: None

  floppyDevice: sda
  xconfig: XF86Config instance, containing members:
    keyLayout: us
    manualModes: {}
    mouse: FULLNAME="Generic - 3 Button Wheel Mouse (PS/2)"

    monlist: {}
    keyRules: xfree86
    keyModel: pc101
    device: None
    monids: {}
# The location of the RGB database.  Note, this is the name of the
# file minus the extension (like ".txt" or ".db").  There is normally
# no need to change the default.

    RgbPath	"/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated together)
# By default, Red Hat 6.0 and later now use a font server independent of
# the X server to render fonts.

    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType"
    FontPath   "unix/:7100"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/japanese"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi"

    videocard: device: None
descr : NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV (laptop/notebook)
server: XFree86
cardManf: MagicMedia 256AV  48K
vidRam: 2048
carddata: {'NAME': 'NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV (laptop/notebook)', 'DRIVER': 'neomagic', 'NOCLOCKPROBE': '', 'LINE': '#   Option     "Rotate"\012#   Option     "pciBurst"\012#   Option     "ShadowFB"\012#   Option     "NoStretch"\012#   Option     "LcdCenter"\012    Option     "externDisp"\012    Option     "internDisp"\012#   Option     "noMMIO"\012#   Option     "SWcursor"\012#   Option     "NoAccel"\012#   Option     "NoLinear"\012#    Option     "XaaNoScanlineImageWriteRect" # Normally enabled, disabled for now for Red Hat testing\012#    Option     "XaaNoScanlineCPUToScreenColorExpandFill" # Normally enabled, disabled for now for Red Hat testing', 'CHIPSET': 'NM2200', 'VENDOR': 'MagicMedia 256AV  48K'}
devID: NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV (laptop/notebook)
fbmodes: None
fbbpp: None

    modes: {'16': ['640x480', '800x600', '1024x480', '1024x600', '1024x768', '1152x864', '1280x600'], '32': ['640x480', '800x600'], '8': ['640x480', '800x600', '1024x480', '1024x600', '1024x768', '1152x864', '1280x600', '1280x768', '1280x1024']}
    res: 800x600
    monitor: monEisa: None
monName: None
monID: Unprobed Monitor
monHoriz: 31.5-48.5
monVert: 50-70

    skipx: 0
    fallbackModes: {'16': ['800x600']}
    skip: 0
    fbDepth: 16
  monitor: Already dumped
  upgrade: Boolean instance, containing members:
    val: 0
  instClass: InstallClass instance, containing members:
  partitions: Partitions instance, containing members:
    deletes: []
    reinitializeDisks: 0
    autoPartitionRequests: [mountpoint: /   type: ext3   uniqueID:None
  size: 700M   requestSize: 700M  grow: 1   max: None
  start: None   end: None   partnum: None
  drive: None   primary: None  
  format: 1, options: None  device: None, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: /boot   type: ext3   uniqueID:None
  size: 50M   requestSize: 50M  grow: 0   max: None
  start: None   end: None   partnum: None
  drive: None   primary: None  
  format: 1, options: None  device: None, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: None   type: swap   uniqueID:None
  size: 192M   requestSize: 192M  grow: 1   max: 384
  start: None   end: None   partnum: None
  drive: None   primary: None  
  format: 1, options: None  device: None, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
    nextUniqueID: 25
    zeroMbr: 0
    autoClearPartType: 1
    requests: [mountpoint: /   type: ext3   uniqueID:21
  size: 7820.67480469M   requestSize: 7820.67480469M  grow: 0   max: None
  start: 36467613L   end: 52484354L   partnum: None
  drive: hda   primary: None  
  format: 1, options: None  device: hda7, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: None   type: vfat   uniqueID:15
  size: 4784.95458984M   requestSize: 4784.95458984M  grow: 0   max: None
  start: 63L   end: 9799649L   partnum: None
  drive: hda   primary: None  
  format: None, options: None  device: hda1, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: None   type: None   uniqueID:16
  size: 3043.56445312M   requestSize: 3043.56445312M  grow: 0   max: None
  start: 9799650L   end: 16032869L   partnum: None
  drive: hda   primary: None  
  format: None, options: None  device: hda-1, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: None   type: foreign   uniqueID:20
  size: 1961.02880859M   requestSize: 1961.02880859M  grow: 0   max: None
  start: 32451363L   end: 36467549L   partnum: None
  drive: hda   primary: None  
  format: None, options: None  device: hda6, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: /home   type: ext3   uniqueID:22
  size: 1961.02880859M   requestSize: 1961.02880859M  grow: 0   max: None
  start: 52484418L   end: 56500604L   partnum: None
  drive: hda   primary: None  
  format: 1, options: None  device: hda8, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: None   type: swap   uniqueID:23
  size: 470.623535156M   requestSize: 470.623535156M  grow: 0   max: None
  start: 56500668L   end: 57464504L   partnum: None
  drive: hda   primary: None  
  format: 1, options: None  device: hda9, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: /data   type: ext3   uniqueID:24
  size: 10095.534668M   requestSize: 10095.534668M  grow: 0   max: None
  start: 57464505L   end: 78140159L   partnum: None
  drive: hda   primary: None  
  format: 1, options: None  device: hda3, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: None   type: None   uniqueID:18
  size: 20034.1845703M   requestSize: 20034.1845703M  grow: 0   max: None
  start: 16434495L   end: 57464504L   partnum: None
  drive: hda   primary: None  
  format: None, options: None  device: hda2, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: None   type: foreign   uniqueID:19
  size: 7820.67480469M   requestSize: 7820.67480469M  grow: 0   max: None
  start: 16434558L   end: 32451299L   partnum: None
  drive: hda   primary: None  
  format: None, options: None  device: hda5, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: None   type: foreign   uniqueID:17
  size: 196.105957031M   requestSize: 196.105957031M  grow: 0   max: None
  start: 16032870L   end: 16434494L   partnum: None
  drive: hda   primary: None  
  format: None, options: None  device: hda4, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
    autoClearPartDrives: []
    useFdisk: 0
    useAutopartitioning: 0
  extraModules: []
  mouse: Already dumped
  bootloader: x86BootloaderInfo instance, containing members:
    useGrubVal: 0
    forceLBA32: 0
    password: None
    images: BootImages instance, containing members:
      images: {'hda1': ('win', 'Windows', 'FAT'), 'hda7': ('VineLinux3.0', 'Vine Linux', 'ext3')}
      default: hda7
    pure: None
    device: hda7
    configfile: /etc/lilo.conf
    above1024: 0
    kernelLocation: /boot/
    args: KernelArguments instance, containing members:
      args:  resume2=swap:/dev/hda9
    perms: 384
    defaultDevice: None
    useLinear: 0
  timezone: Timezone instance, containing members:
    dst: 0
    tz: Asia/Tokyo
    arc: 0
    utcOffset: 0
    utc: 0
  keyboard: Keyboard instance, containing members:
    beenset: 1
    layout: None
    model: None
    type: PC
    info: {'KEYBOARDTYPE': pc, 'KEYTABLE': us}
  accounts: None
  dependencies: []
  comps: None
  upgradeRoot: None
  auth: Authentication instance, containing members:
    useNIS: 0
    useLdap: 0
    useHesiod: 0
    useLdapauth: 0
    enableCache: 0
    useSamba: 0
    useMD5: 1
    ldapTLS: 0
    useShadow: 1
    nisuseBroadcast: 1
    useKrb5: 0
  firewall: Firewall instance, containing members:
    ports: []
    trustdevs: []
    dhcp: 0
    policy: 1
    ssh: 0
    custom: 1
    telnet: 0
    smtp: 0
    enabled: -1
    http: 0
    ftp: 0
  dbpath: None
  network: Network instance, containing members:
    netdevices: {}
    hostname: localhost.localdomain
    domains: [localdomain]
    isConfigured: 0
    readData: 0
  fsset: FileSystemSet instance, containing members:
    migratedfs: 1
    mountcount: 6
    entries: [FileSystemSetEntry instance, containing members:
      origfsystem: ForeignFileSystem instance, containing members:
        partedFileSystemType: None
        formattable: 0
        extraFormatArgs: []
        maxSize: 2097152
        defaultOptions: defaults
        linuxnativefs: 0
        deviceArguments: {}
        migratetofs: None
        name: foreign
        checked: 0
        partedPartitionFlags: []
        supported: -1
      mountcount: 0
      options: defaults
      order: 0
      mountpoint: None
      device: PartitionDevice instance, containing members:
        label: None
        isSetup: 0
        fsoptions: {}
        device: hda6
      label: None
      fsck: 0
      fsystem: Already dumped
      migrate: 0
      format: 0
      badblocks: 0
, FileSystemSetEntry instance, containing members:
      origfsystem: Already dumped
      mountcount: 0
      options: defaults
      order: 0
      mountpoint: None
      device: PartitionDevice instance, containing members:
        label: None
        isSetup: 0
        fsoptions: {}
        device: hda5
      label: None
      fsck: 0
      fsystem: Already dumped
      migrate: 0
      format: 0
      badblocks: 0
, FileSystemSetEntry instance, containing members:
      origfsystem: Already dumped
      mountcount: 0
      options: defaults
      order: 0
      mountpoint: None
      device: PartitionDevice instance, containing members:
        label: None
        isSetup: 0
        fsoptions: {}
        device: hda4
      label: None
      fsck: 0
      fsystem: Already dumped
      migrate: 0
      format: 0
      badblocks: 0
, FileSystemSetEntry instance, containing members:
      origfsystem: Already dumped
      mountcount: 1
      options: defaults
      order: 1
      mountpoint: /
      device: PartitionDevice instance, containing members:
        label: None
        isSetup: 0
        fsoptions: {}
        device: hda7
      label: /
      fsck: 1
      fsystem: ext3FileSystem instance, containing members:
        partedFileSystemType: <PedFileSystemType object at 8201160>
        formattable: 1
        extraFormatArgs: [-j]
        maxSize: 2097152
        defaultOptions: defaults
        linuxnativefs: 1
        deviceArguments: {}
        migratetofs: None
        name: ext3
        checked: 1
        partedPartitionFlags: []
        supported: -1
      migrate: 0
      format: 1
      badblocks: 0
, FileSystemSetEntry instance, containing members:
      origfsystem: Already dumped
      mountcount: 1
      options: defaults
      order: 2
      mountpoint: /data
      device: PartitionDevice instance, containing members:
        label: None
        isSetup: 0
        fsoptions: {}
        device: hda3
      label: /data
      fsck: 1
      fsystem: Already dumped
      migrate: 0
      format: 1
      badblocks: 0
, FileSystemSetEntry instance, containing members:
      origfsystem: None
      mountcount: 1
      options: gid=5,mode=620
      order: 0
      mountpoint: /dev/pts
      device: Device instance, containing members:
        label: None
        isSetup: 0
        fsoptions: {}
        device: none
      label: None
      fsck: 0
      fsystem: DevptsFileSystem instance, containing members:
        partedFileSystemType: None
        formattable: 0
        extraFormatArgs: []
        maxSize: 2097152
        defaultOptions: gid=5,mode=620
        linuxnativefs: 0
        deviceArguments: {}
        migratetofs: None
        name: devpts
        checked: 0
        partedPartitionFlags: []
        supported: 0
      migrate: 0
      format: 0
      badblocks: 0
, FileSystemSetEntry instance, containing members:
      origfsystem: Already dumped
      mountcount: 1
      options: defaults
      order: 2
      mountpoint: /home
      device: PartitionDevice instance, containing members:
        label: None
        isSetup: 0
        fsoptions: {}
        device: hda8
      label: /home
      fsck: 1
      fsystem: Already dumped
      migrate: 0
      format: 1
      badblocks: 0
, FileSystemSetEntry instance, containing members:
      origfsystem: None
      mountcount: 1
      options: defaults
      order: 0
      mountpoint: /proc
      device: Device instance, containing members:
        label: None
        isSetup: 0
        fsoptions: {}
        device: none
      label: None
      fsck: 0
      fsystem: ProcFileSystem instance, containing members:
        partedFileSystemType: None
        formattable: 0
        extraFormatArgs: []
        maxSize: 2097152
        defaultOptions: defaults
        linuxnativefs: 0
        deviceArguments: {}
        migratetofs: None
        name: proc
        checked: 0
        partedPartitionFlags: []
        supported: 0
      migrate: 0
      format: 0
      badblocks: 0
, FileSystemSetEntry instance, containing members:
      origfsystem: Already dumped
      mountcount: 1
      options: defaults
      order: 0
      mountpoint: swap
      device: PartitionDevice instance, containing members:
        label: None
        isSetup: 0
        fsoptions: {}
        device: hda9
      label: None
      fsck: 0
      fsystem: swapFileSystem instance, containing members:
        partedFileSystemType: <PedFileSystemType object at 83a95c0>
        formattable: 1
        extraFormatArgs: []
        maxSize: 2048
        defaultOptions: defaults
        linuxnativefs: 1
        deviceArguments: {}
        migratetofs: None
        name: swap
        checked: 0
        partedPartitionFlags: []
        supported: 1
      migrate: 0
      format: 1
      badblocks: 0
    progressWindow: <method InstallInterface.progressWindow of InstallInterface instance at 82c34e8>
    waitWindow: <method InstallInterface.waitWindow of InstallInterface instance at 82c34e8>
    messageWindow: <method InstallInterface.messageWindow of InstallInterface instance at 82c34e8>
  hdList: None
firstStep: 0
method: CdromInstallMethod instance, containing members:
  progressWindow: <method InstallInterface.progressWindow of InstallInterface instance at 82c34e8>
  device: hde
  tree: /mnt/source
  currentDisc: 1
  loopbackFile: None
  messageWindow: <method InstallInterface.messageWindow of InstallInterface instance at 82c34e8>
instPath: /mnt/sysimage
flags: Flags instance, containing members:
  flags: {'autostep': 0, 'expert': 0, 'setupFilesystems': 1, 'serial': 0, 'reconfig': 0, 'test': 0}
intf: InstallInterface instance, containing members:
  showingHelpOnHelp: 0
  instLanguage: Already dumped
  welcomeText: Vine Linux (C) 2002 Project Vine., 2001 Red Hat, Inc.
  langSearchPath: [ja_JP.eucJP, ja_JP, ja, C]
  screen: SnackScreen instance, containing members:
    height: 30
    width: 80
    helpCb: <method InstallInterface.helpWindow of InstallInterface instance at 82c34e8>
step: 54
dispatch: Already dumped

<4>Linux version 2.4.26-0vl16BOOT (root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) (gcc С 3.3.2 20031218 (Vine Linux 3.3.2-0vl8)) #1 2004ǯ 7 30  04:03:32 JST
<6>BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
<4> BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009f400 (usable)
<4> BIOS-e820: 000000000009f400 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
<4> BIOS-e820: 00000000000e8400 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
<4> BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 000000000bff0000 (usable)
<4> BIOS-e820: 000000000bff0000 - 000000000bfff800 (ACPI data)
<4> BIOS-e820: 000000000bfff800 - 000000000c000000 (ACPI NVS)
<4> BIOS-e820: 00000000fff80000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
<5>191MB LOWMEM available.
<4>On node 0 totalpages: 49136
<4>zone(0): 4096 pages.
<4>zone(1): 45040 pages.
<4>zone(2): 0 pages.
<6>Sony Vaio laptop detected.
<4>Kernel command line: initrd=initrd.img lang=ja text devfs=nomount ramdisk_size=8192 BOOT_IMAGE=vmlinuz 
<6>Initializing CPU#0
<4>Detected 264.670 MHz processor.
<4>Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
<4>Calibrating delay loop... 527.56 BogoMIPS
<6>Memory: 188584k/196544k available (993k kernel code, 7572k reserved, 258k data, 80k init, 0k highmem)
<6>Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
<6>Inode cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
<6>Mount cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
<6>Buffer cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
<4>Page-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
<6>CPU: L1 I cache: 16K, L1 D cache: 16K
<6>CPU: L2 cache: 256K
<7>CPU:     After generic, caps: 0183f9ff 00000000 00000000 00000000
<7>CPU:             Common caps: 0183f9ff 00000000 00000000 00000000
<4>CPU: Intel Mobile Pentium II stepping 0a
<6>Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
<6>Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
<6>Checking for popad bug... OK.
<4>POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
<6>PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfd99e, last bus=1
<6>PCI: Using configuration type 1
<6>PCI: Probing PCI hardware
<4>PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00)
<6>PCI: Using IRQ router PIIX/ICH [8086/7110] at 00:07.0
<6>PCI: Found IRQ 9 for device 00:0c.0
<6>PCI: Sharing IRQ 9 with 00:0a.0
<6>Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers.
<6>Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4
<6>Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
<4>Initializing RT netlink socket
<4>Starting kswapd
<4>pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured
<6>Serial driver version 5.1 (2004-01-29) with MANY_PORTS SHARE_IRQ SERIAL_PCI enabled
<6>ttyS02 at 0x03e8 (irq = 4) is a 8250
<6>Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
<4>floppy0: no floppy controllers found
<4>RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 8192K size 1024 blocksize
<6>loop: loaded (max 8 devices)
<6>Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00beta4-2.4
<6>ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
<6>PIIX4: IDE controller at PCI slot 00:07.1
<6>PIIX4: chipset revision 1
<6>PIIX4: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
<6>    ide0: BM-DMA at 0xfc90-0xfc97, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
<6>    ide1: BM-DMA at 0xfc98-0xfc9f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
<4>hda: IC25N040ATMR04-0, ATA DISK drive
<4>blk: queue c027c980, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask 0xffffffff)
<3>ide2: ports already in use, skipping probe
<4>ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
<4>hda: attached ide-disk driver.
<4>hda: host protected area => 1
<6>hda: 78140160 sectors (40008 MB) w/1740KiB Cache, CHS=4864/255/63, UDMA(33)
<6>Partition check:
<6> hda: hda1 hda4
<6>usb.c: registered new driver usbdevfs
<6>usb.c: registered new driver hub
<6>mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
<6>NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
<6>IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP
<6>IP: routing cache hash table of 1024 buckets, 8Kbytes
<6>TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 32768)
<6>NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.
<5>RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
<6>Freeing initrd memory: 3855k freed
<4>VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem).
<6>SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
<6>usb-uhci.c: $Revision: 1.275 $ time 04:06:52 Jul 30 2004
<6>usb-uhci.c: High bandwidth mode enabled
<6>PCI: Found IRQ 9 for device 00:07.2
<6>PCI: Sharing IRQ 9 with 00:08.0
<6>usb-uhci.c: USB UHCI at I/O 0xfca0, IRQ 9
<4>usb-uhci.c: Detected 2 ports
<6>usb.c: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
<6>hub.c: USB hub found
<6>hub.c: 2 ports detected
<6>usb-uhci.c: v1.275:USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver
<6>hub.c: new USB device 00:07.2-1, assigned address 2
<4>usb.c: USB device 2 (vend/prod 0x57b/0x0) is not claimed by any active driver.
<6>usb.c: registered new driver hiddev
<6>usb.c: registered new driver hid
<6>hid-core.c: v1.8.1 Andreas Gal, Vojtech Pavlik <vojtech@xxxxxxx>
<6>hid-core.c: USB HID support drivers
<6>Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
<6>usb.c: registered new driver usb-storage
<6>scsi0 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
<4>  Vendor: Y-E DATA  Model: USB-FDU           Rev: 1.28
<4>  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 02
<4>Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
<4>usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 3, frame# 1271
<5>sda: Unit Not Ready, sense:
<4>Current 00:00: sns = 70  2
<4>ASC=3a ASCQ= 0
<4>Raw sense data:0x70 0x00 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0a 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x3a 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 
<7>WARNING: USB Mass Storage data integrity not assured
<7>USB Mass Storage device found at 2
<6>USB Mass Storage support registered.
<6>pegasus.c: v0.4.32 (2003/06/06):Pegasus/Pegasus II USB Ethernet driver
<6>usb.c: registered new driver pegasus
<7>kaweth.c: Driver loading
<6>usb.c: registered new driver kaweth
<7>CDCEther.c: CDCEther.c: 0.98.6 7 Jan 2002 Brad Hards and another
<6>usb.c: registered new driver CDCEther
<6>Linux Kernel Card Services 3.1.22
<6>  options:  [pci] [cardbus]
<6>PCI: Found IRQ 9 for device 00:0c.0
<6>PCI: Sharing IRQ 9 with 00:0a.0
<6>Yenta ISA IRQ mask 0x0898, PCI irq 9
<6>Socket status: 30000419
<6>cs: IO port probe 0x0c00-0x0cff: clean.
<6>cs: IO port probe 0x0100-0x04ff: excluding 0x170-0x177 0x220-0x22f 0x330-0x337 0x370-0x377 0x388-0x38f 0x398-0x39f 0x4d0-0x4d7
<6>cs: IO port probe 0x0a00-0x0aff: clean.
<30>Sep 24 08:51:52 cardmgr[53]: starting, version is 3.1.23<27>Sep 24 08:51:52 cardmgr[53]: config error, file 'config' line 499: ID method already defined<27>Sep 24 08:51:52 cardmgr[53]: config error, file 'config' line 540: ID method already defined
<27>Sep 24 08:51:52 cardmgr[53]: config error, file 'config' line 605: ID method already defined<27>Sep 24 08:51:52 cardmgr[53]: config error, file 'config' line 804: syntax error<27>Sep 24 08:51:52 cardmgr[53]: config error, file 'config' line 1691: ID method already defined<27>Sep 24 08:51:52 cardmgr[53]: config error, file './vine.conf' line 91: ID method already defined<30>Sep 24 08:51:52 cardmgr[53]: watching 1 sockets<30>Sep 24 08:51:52 cardmgr[53]: Card Services release does not match
<30>Sep 24 08:51:52 cardmgr[53]: initializing socket 0
<6>cs: memory probe 0xa0000000-0xa0ffffff: clean.
<30>Sep 24 08:51:52 cardmgr[53]: socket 0: TOSHIBA/NOTEWORTHY IPC5009A CD-ROM
<30>Sep 24 08:51:52 cardmgr[53]: executing: 'modprobe ide-cs.o'
<4>hde: UJDB110, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
<4>ide2 at 0x180-0x187,0x386 on irq 3
<4>hde: attached ide-cdrom driver.
<6>hde: ATAPI 14X CD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache
<6>Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.12
<6>ide_cs: hde: Vcc = 5.0, Vpp = 0.0
<30>Sep 24 08:51:58 cardmgr[53]: exiting
<7>ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A
<4>Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
<4>VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on dev loop(7,0).
<6>md: md driver 0.90.0 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MD_SB_DISKS=27
<6>md: raid0 personality registered as nr 2
<6>md: raid1 personality registered as nr 3
<6>raid5: measuring checksumming speed
<4>   8regs     :   437.600 MB/sec
<4>   32regs    :   264.400 MB/sec
<4>   pII_mmx   :   599.600 MB/sec
<4>   p5_mmx    :   626.000 MB/sec
<4>raid5: using function: p5_mmx (626.000 MB/sec)
<6>md: raid5 personality registered as nr 4
<6>Journalled Block Device driver loaded
<5>sda: Unit Not Ready, sense:
<4>Current 00:00: sns = 70  2
<4>ASC=3a ASCQ= 0
<4>Raw sense data:0x70 0x00 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0a 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x3a 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 
<4>usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 3, frame# 451
<6> hda: hda1 hda2 < hda5 hda6 hda7 hda8 hda9 > hda3 hda4
<6> hda: hda1 hda2 < hda5 hda6 hda7 hda8 hda9 > hda3 hda4
<6> hda: hda1 hda2 < hda5 hda6 hda7 hda8 hda9 > hda3 hda4
<6>Adding Swap: 481908k swap-space (priority -1)
<4>EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,7)): ext2_read_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2
<4>EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,3)): ext2_read_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2
<4>EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,8)): ext2_read_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2
<4>spurious 8259A interrupt: IRQ7.
<4>SCSI device sda: 2880 512-byte hdwr sectors (1 MB)
<4>sda: Write Protect is off
<6> sda: sda1

454 ĤΥѥå򥤥󥹥ȡ򤷤Ƥޤ

JF 򥤥󥹥ȡ
XOrg-cursors 򥤥󥹥ȡ
XOrg-doc 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ghostscript-fonts 򥤥󥹥ȡ
glibc-common 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-audio 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-audio-extra 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-icon-theme 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-icon-theme-extra 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-mime-data 򥤥󥹥ȡ
hwdata 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mailcap 򥤥󥹥ȡ
man-pages 򥤥󥹥ȡ
python-docs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
rmt 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ruby-docs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
sash 򥤥󥹥ȡ
setup 򥤥󥹥ȡ
dump 򥤥󥹥ȡ
filesystem 򥤥󥹥ȡ
basesystem 򥤥󥹥ȡ
glibc 򥤥󥹥ȡ
adjtimex 򥤥󥹥ȡ
audiofile 򥤥󥹥ȡ
cdrtools-cdda2wav 򥤥󥹥ȡ
cdrtools-cdrecord 򥤥󥹥ȡ
cdrtools-mkisofs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
chkconfig 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ctags 򥤥󥹥ȡ
db4 򥤥󥹥ȡ
dosfstools 򥤥󥹥ȡ
e2fsprogs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
eject 򥤥󥹥ȡ
fortune-mod 򥤥󥹥ȡ
freetype 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gc 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gdbm 򥤥󥹥ȡ
glib2 򥤥󥹥ȡ
atk 򥤥󥹥ȡ
hdparm 򥤥󥹥ȡ
iputils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
isapnptools 򥤥󥹥ȡ
lha 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libIDL 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libart_lgpl 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libcanna 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libelf 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libexpat 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libgcc 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libgtop2 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libjpeg 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libogg 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libpng 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libstdc++3 򥤥󥹥ȡ
arts 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gmp 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libstdc++3-devel 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libtool-libs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libvorbis 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libwnn6 򥤥󥹥ȡ
linc 򥤥󥹥ȡ
losetup 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mailx 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mingetty 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mktemp 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mpage 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ncompress 򥤥󥹥ȡ
net-tools 򥤥󥹥ȡ
netpbm 򥤥󥹥ȡ
open 򥤥󥹥ȡ
openssl096 򥤥󥹥ȡ
bind-utils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
patch 򥤥󥹥ȡ
pcre 򥤥󥹥ȡ
perl 򥤥󥹥ȡ
alternatives 򥤥󥹥ȡ
groff-perl 򥤥󥹥ȡ
nkf 򥤥󥹥ȡ
perl-DateManip 򥤥󥹥ȡ
perl-File-MMagic 򥤥󥹥ȡ
perl-Parse-Yapp 򥤥󥹥ȡ
perl-XML-Encoding 򥤥󥹥ȡ
perl-XML-Parser 򥤥󥹥ȡ
perl-XML-Dumper 򥤥󥹥ȡ
perl-libxml-enno 򥤥󥹥ȡ
perl-libxml-perl 򥤥󥹥ȡ
pkgconfig 򥤥󥹥ȡ
popt 򥤥󥹥ȡ
chkfontpath 򥤥󥹥ȡ
pwdb 򥤥󥹥ȡ
reiserfsprogs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
shadow-utils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
stat 򥤥󥹥ȡ
strace 򥤥󥹥ȡ
sudo 򥤥󥹥ȡ
syslinux 򥤥󥹥ȡ
t1lib 򥤥󥹥ȡ
tcp_wrappers 򥤥󥹥ȡ
termcap 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libtermcap 򥤥󥹥ȡ
bash 򥤥󥹥ȡ
apmd 򥤥󥹥ȡ
bash-doc 򥤥󥹥ȡ
bzip2 򥤥󥹥ȡ
cracklib 򥤥󥹥ȡ
esound 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gcc-cpp 򥤥󥹥ȡ
groff 򥤥󥹥ȡ
inetd 򥤥󥹥ȡ
intltool 򥤥󥹥ȡ
iproute 򥤥󥹥ȡ
kakasi 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libao 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libghttp 򥤥󥹥ȡ
lilo 򥤥󥹥ȡ
logrotate 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mozilla-nspr 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mozilla-nss 򥤥󥹥ȡ
openssl 򥤥󥹥ȡ
openssl-perl 򥤥󥹥ȡ
pnm2ppa 򥤥󥹥ȡ
portmap 򥤥󥹥ȡ
procinfo 򥤥󥹥ȡ
procmail 򥤥󥹥ȡ
procps-X11 򥤥󥹥ȡ
rootfiles 򥤥󥹥ȡ
slocate 򥤥󥹥ȡ
sox 򥤥󥹥ȡ
tcl 򥤥󥹥ȡ
traceroute 򥤥󥹥ȡ
unarj 򥤥󥹥ȡ
unzip 򥤥󥹥ȡ
vim-man 򥤥󥹥ȡ
vine-backgrounds 򥤥󥹥ȡ
vine-logos 򥤥󥹥ȡ
indexhtml 򥤥󥹥ȡ
vine-menus 򥤥󥹥ȡ
vine-release 򥤥󥹥ȡ
wireless-tools 򥤥󥹥ȡ
words 򥤥󥹥ȡ
cracklib-dicts 򥤥󥹥ȡ
zip 򥤥󥹥ȡ
zlib 򥤥󥹥ȡ
curl 򥤥󥹥ȡ
file 򥤥󥹥ȡ
freetype2 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ftdumps 򥤥󥹥ȡ
install-info 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ORBit2 򥤥󥹥ȡ
binutils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
install-info: Τ褦ʥեǥ쥯ȥϤޤ for /usr/share/info/
cpio 򥤥󥹥ȡ
diffutils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ed 򥤥󥹥ȡ
fileutils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
at 򥤥󥹥ȡ
findutils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gawk 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gcc-docs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
glib 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ORBit 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnupg 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gpm 򥤥󥹥ȡ
grep 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ash 򥤥󥹥ȡ
dhcpcd 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gtk+ 򥤥󥹥ȡ
indent 򥤥󥹥ȡ
jed-common 򥤥󥹥ȡ
kernel-headers 򥤥󥹥ȡ
glibc-devel 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gcc 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gcc-c++ 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libmng 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libtiff 򥤥󥹥ȡ
cups-libs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libxml 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libxml2 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gstreamer 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libbonobo 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libxslt 򥤥󥹥ȡ
m4 򥤥󥹥ȡ
make 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mew-common 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mktcapdir 򥤥󥹥ȡ
TrueType-base 򥤥󥹥ȡ
TrueType-kochi-subst 򥤥󥹥ȡ
VFlib 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mtools 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ncurses 򥤥󥹥ȡ
Canna 򥤥󥹥ȡ
dialog 򥤥󥹥ȡ
netpbm-progs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
procps 򥤥󥹥ȡ
psmisc 򥤥󥹥ȡ
readline 򥤥󥹥ȡ
bc 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ftp 򥤥󥹥ȡ
lftp 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ntp 򥤥󥹥ȡ
sed 򥤥󥹥ȡ
sharutils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
sysklogd 򥤥󥹥ȡ
tar 򥤥󥹥ȡ
tcsh 򥤥󥹥ȡ
cvs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
metamail 򥤥󥹥ȡ
telnet 򥤥󥹥ȡ
texinfo 򥤥󥹥ȡ
textutils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
XOrg-libs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
SDL 򥤥󥹥ȡ
VFlib-utils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
XOrg-font-utils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
XOrg-75dpi-fonts 򥤥󥹥ȡ
XOrg-base-fonts 򥤥󥹥ȡ
XOrg-gl 򥤥󥹥ȡ
XOrg-jpfonts 򥤥󥹥ȡ
Xaw3d 򥤥󥹥ȡ
apache 򥤥󥹥ȡ
/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd: line 15: /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions: Τ褦ʥեǥ쥯ȥϤޤ
autoconf 򥤥󥹥ȡ
automake 򥤥󥹥ȡ
dev 򥤥󥹥ȡ
freetype-utils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
XOrg-truetype-fonts 򥤥󥹥ȡ
XOrg-xfs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gd 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gd-progs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
groff-gxditview 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gtk1-xfce-engine 򥤥󥹥ȡ
kinput2 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libtool 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libungif 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ImageMagick 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ImageMagick-c++ 򥤥󥹥ȡ
imlib 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gtk-engines 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libungif-progs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mkkickstart 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mod_ssl 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mount 򥤥󥹥ȡ
openMotif 򥤥󥹥ȡ
pam 򥤥󥹥ȡ
SysVinit 򥤥󥹥ȡ
cyrus-sasl 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libuser 򥤥󥹥ȡ
pango 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gtk2 򥤥󥹥ȡ
GConf2 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gconf-editor 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gftp 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gtk-xfce-engine 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gtk2-engines 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libglade2 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libgnomecanvas 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gail 򥤥󥹥ȡ
librsvg2 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gimageview 򥤥󥹥ȡ
passwd 򥤥󥹥ȡ
postfix 򥤥󥹥ȡ
postalias: fatal: could not find any active network interfaces
ppp 򥤥󥹥ȡ
proftpd 򥤥󥹥ȡ
raidtools 򥤥󥹥ȡ
rp-pppoe 򥤥󥹥ȡ
sh-utils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
autofs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
bind 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libruby 򥤥󥹥ȡ
liberuby 򥤥󥹥ȡ
eruby 򥤥󥹥ȡ
modutils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
nscd 򥤥󥹥ȡ
python 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libxml2-python 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libxslt-python 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ruby 򥤥󥹥ȡ
irb 򥤥󥹥ȡ
sgml-common 򥤥󥹥ȡ
openjade 򥤥󥹥ȡ
perl-SGMLSpm 򥤥󥹥ȡ
slang 򥤥󥹥ȡ
jed 򥤥󥹥ȡ
newt 򥤥󥹥ȡ
authconfig 򥤥󥹥ȡ
kbdconfig 򥤥󥹥ȡ
kudzu 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mouseconfig 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ntsysv 򥤥󥹥ȡ
setuptool 򥤥󥹥ȡ
startup-notification 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gaim 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libwnck 򥤥󥹥ȡ
metacity 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-themes 򥤥󥹥ȡ
sylpheed 򥤥󥹥ȡ
tgif 򥤥󥹥ȡ
time 򥤥󥹥ȡ
tk 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ppxp 򥤥󥹥ȡ
rp-pppoe-gui 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ruby-tcltk 򥤥󥹥ȡ
tmpwatch 򥤥󥹥ȡ
crontabs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
anacron 򥤥󥹥ȡ
urw-fonts 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ghostscript 򥤥󥹥ȡ
hpijs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gimp-print 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libgnomeprint 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gtksourceview 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libgnomeprintui 򥤥󥹥ȡ
utempter 򥤥󥹥ȡ
XOrg 򥤥󥹥ȡ
XOrg-Xnest 򥤥󥹥ȡ
XOrg-tools 򥤥󥹥ȡ
XOrg-twm 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-libs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gdk-pixbuf 򥤥󥹥ȡ
kterm 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libglade 򥤥󥹥ȡ
screen 򥤥󥹥ȡ
vim-common 򥤥󥹥ȡ
vim 򥤥󥹥ȡ
vine-keyring 򥤥󥹥ȡ
rpm 򥤥󥹥ȡ
apt 򥤥󥹥ȡ
rpm-build 򥤥󥹥ȡ
rpm-perl 򥤥󥹥ȡ
rpm-python 򥤥󥹥ȡ
vte 򥤥󥹥ȡ
vutils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
etcskel 򥤥󥹥ȡ
w3m 򥤥󥹥ȡ
namazu 򥤥󥹥ȡ
namazu_JFdb 򥤥󥹥ȡ
namazu_VineDocsdb 򥤥󥹥ȡ
tknamazu 򥤥󥹥ȡ
w3m-img 򥤥󥹥ȡ
wget 򥤥󥹥ȡ
which 򥤥󥹥ȡ
xcdroast 򥤥󥹥ȡ
xchat 򥤥󥹥ȡ
xinitrc 򥤥󥹥ȡ
XOrg-xdm 򥤥󥹥ȡ
xml-common 򥤥󥹥ȡ
docbook-dtds 򥤥󥹥ȡ
scrollkeeper 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-user-docs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
xmms 򥤥󥹥ȡ
xpaint 򥤥󥹥ȡ
xpdf 򥤥󥹥ȡ
xscreensaver 򥤥󥹥ȡ
xsri 򥤥󥹥ȡ
zsh 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gzip 򥤥󥹥ȡ
build-essential 򥤥󥹥ȡ
console-tools 򥤥󥹥ȡ
emacsen-common 򥤥󥹥ȡ
aspell 򥤥󥹥ȡ
emacs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ln: ``/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/aspell/aspell-init.el'' ؤΥܥå ``/etc/emacs-21.3/site-start.d/53aspell-init.el'' : Τ褦ʥեǥ쥯ȥϤޤ
apel 򥤥󥹥ȡ
flim 򥤥󥹥ȡ
less 򥤥󥹥ȡ
liece 򥤥󥹥ȡ
man 򥤥󥹥ȡ
jman_pages 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mew 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mkinitrd 򥤥󥹥ȡ
namazu_JMANdb 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ruby-mode 򥤥󥹥ȡ
Wrote /usr/share/emacs-21.3/site-lisp/ruby-mode/inf-ruby.elc
Wrote /usr/share/emacs-21.3/site-lisp/ruby-mode/ruby-mode.elc
Wrote /usr/share/emacs-21.3/site-lisp/ruby-mode/rubydb2x.elc
Wrote /usr/share/emacs-21.3/site-lisp/ruby-mode/rubydb3x.elc
semi 򥤥󥹥ȡ
rail 򥤥󥹥ȡ
tetex 򥤥󥹥ȡ
dvipdfmx 򥤥󥹥ȡ
jvf 򥤥󥹥ȡ
tetex-macros 򥤥󥹥ȡ
usermode 򥤥󥹥ȡ
synaptic 򥤥󥹥ȡ
usermode-gtk 򥤥󥹥ȡ
util-linux 򥤥󥹥ȡ
initscripts 򥤥󥹥ȡ
Xconfigurator 򥤥󥹥ȡ
acpid 򥤥󥹥ȡ
aumix 򥤥󥹥ȡ
cpufreqd 򥤥󥹥ȡ
cups 򥤥󥹥ȡ
fam 򥤥󥹥ȡ
foomatic 򥤥󥹥ȡ
eplaser-cups 򥤥󥹥ȡ
foomatic-ppd 򥤥󥹥ȡ
foomatic-ppd-gimp-print-ijs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-vfs2 򥤥󥹥ȡ
desktop-file-utils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gstreamer-plugins 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gtkhtml2 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gimp 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gimp-print-plugin 򥤥󥹥ȡ
kernel 򥤥󥹥ȡ
bootsplash 򥤥󥹥ȡ
iptables 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libgnome 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libbonoboui 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libgnomecups 򥤥󥹥ȡ
libgnomeui 򥤥󥹥ȡ
dia 򥤥󥹥ȡ
eel2 򥤥󥹥ȡ
eog 򥤥󥹥ȡ
file-roller 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gdm 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gedit 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ggv 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-cups-manager 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-desktop-libs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-desktop 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-media 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-panel 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-applets 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-session 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-system-monitor 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-system-tools 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-terminal 򥤥󥹥ȡ
gnome-utils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
grip 򥤥󥹥ȡ
magicdev 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mozilla 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mozilla-chat 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mozilla-dom-inspector 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mozilla-mail 򥤥󥹥ȡ
mozilla-psm 򥤥󥹥ȡ
murasaki 򥤥󥹥ȡ
kernel-pcmcia-cs 򥤥󥹥ȡ
murasaki-usb-mount 򥤥󥹥ȡ
nautilus 򥤥󥹥ȡ
control-center 򥤥󥹥ȡ
nautilus-media 򥤥󥹥ȡ
nfs-utils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
openssh 򥤥󥹥ȡ
openssh-askpass 򥤥󥹥ȡ
openssh-askpass-gnome 򥤥󥹥ȡ
openssh-clients 򥤥󥹥ȡ
openssh-contrib 򥤥󥹥ȡ
openssh-server 򥤥󥹥ȡ
pciutils 򥤥󥹥ȡ
pump 򥤥󥹥ȡ
quota 򥤥󥹥ȡ
sndconfig 򥤥󥹥ȡ
vixie-cron 򥤥󥹥ȡ
w3m-el 򥤥󥹥ȡ
wl 򥤥󥹥ȡ
xdvik 򥤥󥹥ȡ
yatex 򥤥󥹥ȡ
yelp 򥤥󥹥ȡ
ypbind 򥤥󥹥ȡ
yp-tools 򥤥󥹥ȡ
db4 error(2) from db->close: Τ褦ʥեǥ쥯ȥϤޤ

db4 error(2) from db->close: Τ褦ʥեǥ쥯ȥϤޤ

db4 error(2) from db->close: Τ褦ʥեǥ쥯ȥϤޤ

db4 error(2) from db->close: Τ褦ʥեǥ쥯ȥϤޤ

db4 error(2) from db->close: Τ褦ʥեǥ쥯ȥϤޤ