vine-users ML アーカイブ

[vine-users:070483] Re: LaTeX において明朝・ゴシック以 外のリコーフォントの不具 合

  • From: Koichi Hashimoto <koichi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [vine-users:070483] Re: LaTeX において明朝・ゴシック以 外のリコーフォントの不具 合
  • Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 21:52:14 +0900 (JST)


> 2ヶ月が経過しましたが、
> 今日(2月16日)になって、
> セキュリティ対策とバグフィクスが出ました。
> 早速、apt-get dist-upgrade しましたら
> 件の問題もすっかり改善されています。

ところが,私の環境では印刷できません.(LIPS IV, PS とも)
たとえば LIPS IV プリンタ(Canon LBP-1310)の場合の log を見ますと
ghostscript がこけているようです.
debug モードにしたので長いですが,貼り付けます.
CUPS の問題ですか?


I [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] Listening to 0:631
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] AddLocation: added location '/'
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] DenyIP: / deny 00000000/00000000
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] AllowIP: / allow 7f000001/ffffffff
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] AddLocation: added location '/admin'
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] DenyIP: /admin deny 00000000/00000000
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] AllowIP: /admin allow 7f000001/ffffffff
I [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] Full reload is required.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadAllPrinters: Loading printer kp1...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadAllPrinters: Loading printer kp1b...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadAllPrinters: Loading printer p8400...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadAllPrinters: Loading printer p8400b...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "parallel:/dev/lp0"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "http"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "ipp"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "lpd"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "smb"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "scsi"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS0?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS1?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS2?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS3?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS4?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS5?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS6?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS7?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS8?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS9?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS10?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS11?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS12?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS13?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS14?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS15?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS16?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS17?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS18?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS19?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS20?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS21?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS22?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS23?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS24?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS25?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS26?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS27?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS28?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS29?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS30?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "serial:/dev/ttyS31?baud=115200"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "socket"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usblp0"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usblp1"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usblp2"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usblp3"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usblp4"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usblp5"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usblp6"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usblp7"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usblp8"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usblp9"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usblp10"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usblp11"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usblp12"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usblp13"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usblp14"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usblp15"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "ccp:/var/ccpd/fifo0"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "ccp:/var/ccpd/fifo1"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "ccp:/var/ccpd/fifo2"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "ccp:/var/ccpd/fifo3"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "ccp:/var/ccpd/fifo4"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "ccp:/var/ccpd/fifo5"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "ccp:/var/ccpd/fifo6"...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "ccp:/var/ccpd/fifo7"...
I [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadPPDs: Read "/etc/cups/ppds.dat", 2280 PPDs...
I [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadPPDs: No new or changed PPDs...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Scanning /var/spool/cups...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:52 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 11...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 12...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 13...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 14...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 16...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 15...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 7...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 8...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 9...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 10...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 17...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 18...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 19...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 20...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 21...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 22...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 23...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 24...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 25...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 26...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 27...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 28...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 29...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 30...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 31...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 32...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 33...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 34...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 35...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 36...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 37...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 38...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 39...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 40...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 41...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 42...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 43...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 44...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 45...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 46...
I [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] Full reload complete.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] StartListening: NumListeners=1
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] StartListening: address=00000000 port=631
D [18/Feb/2005:21:34:53 +0900] ResumeListening: setting input bits...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] AcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] ReadClient: 7 POST /printers/kp1 HTTP/1.1
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] print_job: auto-typing file...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] print_job: request file type is application/postscript.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] check_quotas: requesting-user-name = 'koichi'
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] print_job: requesting-user-name = 'koichi'
I [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] Adding start banner page "none" to job 47.
I [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] Adding end banner page "none" to job 47.
I [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] Job 47 queued on 'kp1' by 'koichi'.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] Job 47 hold_until = 0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob(47, 0x8095598)
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob() id = 47, file = 0/1
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] job-sheets=none,none
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] banner_page = 0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: argv = "kp1","47","koichi","","1","","/var/spool/cups/d00047-001"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: envp[0]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/bin:/usr/bin"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: envp[1]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.1"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: envp[2]="USER=root"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: envp[3]="CHARSET=utf-8"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: envp[4]="LANG=ja"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: envp[5]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/kp1.ppd"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: envp[7]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: envp[8]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: envp[9]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/postscript"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: envp[10]="DEVICE_URI=lpd://"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: envp[11]="PRINTER=kp1"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: envp[12]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: envp[13]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=localhost"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: envp[15]="IPP_PORT=631"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: statusfds = [ 5 8 ]
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 9 -1 ]
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: filter = "/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ 10 11 ]
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops", 0xbffefd50, 0xbffef0c0, 9, 11, 8)
I [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 10774) for job 47.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: filter = "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 9 12 ]
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip", 0xbffefd50, 0xbffef0c0, 10, 12, 8)
I [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 10775) for job 47.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: backend = "/usr/lib/cups/backend/lpd"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ -1 10 ]
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/backend/lpd", 0xbffefd50, 0xbffef0c0, 9, 10, 8)
I [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/lpd (PID 10776) for job 47.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Page = 595x842; 0,0 to 595,842
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] slowcollate=0, slowduplex=0, sloworder=0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%Creator: dvips(k) 5.94a p1.6a1 Copyright 2004 ASCII Corp.(www-ptex@xxxxxxxxxxx)
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%+ based on dvips(k) 5.94a Copyright 2003 Radical Eye Software (
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%Title: ora.dvi
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%CreationDate: Fri Feb 18 20:33:54 2005
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%Pages: 3
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%PageOrder: Ascend
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 596 842
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%DocumentFonts: Gothic-Medium-H CMBX12 Mincho-Medium-H Mincho-Italic-H
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%+ Gothic-Italic-H CMR10 LX-POP--Regular-H LX-POP--Italic-H
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%+ LX-MaruGothic--Regular-H LX-MaruGothic--Italic-H
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%+ LX-Gothic-UB--Regular-H LX-Gothic-UB--Italic-H
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%EndComments
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%BeginProcSet: 0 0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%EndProcSet
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%BeginProcSet: f7b6d320.enc 0 0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%EndProcSet
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%BeginProcSet: 0 0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%EndProcSet
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%BeginProcSet: 0 0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] LANGUAGE = (unset),
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] LC_ALL = (unset),
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] LANG = "ja"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] are supported and installed on your system.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] CloseClient: 7
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] foomatic-rip version $Revision: $ running...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Parsing PPD file ...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] *cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 foomatic-rip"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Added option ColorSpace
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Added option PageSize
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Added option PageRegion
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Added option ImageableArea
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Added option PaperDimension
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Added option Resolution
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Added option Font
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Parameter Summary
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] -----------------
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Spooler: cups
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Printer: kp1
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] PPD file: /etc/cups/ppd/kp1.ppd
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Printer model: Canon LIPS-IVv Foomatic/lips4v (recommended)
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Job title:
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] File(s) to be printed: 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] <STDIN>
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] ================================================
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] File: <STDIN>
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] ================================================
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Reading PostScript input ...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%EndProcSet
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%BeginFont: LX-Gothic-UB--Regular-H
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%EndFont 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%BeginFont: LX-MaruGothic--Regular-H
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%EndFont 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%BeginFont: LX-POP--Regular-H
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%EndFont 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%BeginFont: CMR10
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%CreationDate: 1992 Feb 19 19:54:52
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] --> This document is DSC-conforming!
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Job claims to be DSC-conforming, but "%%BeginProlog" was missing before first line with another "%%Begin..." comment (is this a TeX/LaTeX/dvips-generated PostScript file?). Assuming start of "Prolog" here.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%EndFont 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%BeginFont: Gothic-Medium-H
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%EndFont 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%BeginFont: Mincho-Medium-H
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%EndFont 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%BeginFont: CMBX12
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 20 16:34:54
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%EndFont 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%EndProlog
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%BeginSetup
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%Feature: *Resolution 600dpi
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%PaperSize: A4
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%EndSetup
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%Page: 1 1
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%Page: 1 1
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] pw = 595.0, pl = 842.0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] PageLeft = 0.0, PageRight = 595.0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] PageTop = 842.0, PageBottom = 0.0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Found: %%EndProlog
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] -----------
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Found: %%BeginSetup
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Inserting PostScript code for CUPS' page accounting
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Found: %%BeginFeature: *PageSize A4
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Option: PageSize=A4 --> Option will be set by PostScript interpreter
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Resolution 600x600dpi
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Option: Resolution=600x600dpi --> Option will be set by PostScript interpreter
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Found: %%EndSetup
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] -----------
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] New page:  1 1
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Inserting option code into "PageSetup" section.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] No page header or page header not DSC-conforming
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%Page: 2 2
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] pw = 595.0, pl = 842.0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] PageLeft = 0.0, PageRight = 595.0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] PageTop = 842.0, PageBottom = 0.0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] New page found but previous not printed, print it now.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Found:
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] %%Page: 2 2
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] --> Output goes directly to the renderer now.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Starting renderer
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] JCL: <job data> 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] renderer PID kid4=10778
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] renderer command: gs -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=lips4v -sOutputFile=- -
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] LANGUAGE = (unset),
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] LC_ALL = (unset),
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] LANG = "ja"
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] are supported and installed on your system.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] foomatic-gswrapper: gs '-dBATCH' '-dPARANOIDSAFER' '-dQUIET' '-dNOPAUSE' '-sDEVICE=lips4v' '-sOutputFile=/dev/fd/3' '/dev/fd/0' 3>&1 1>&2
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Error: /undefinedresource in --findresource--
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Operand stack:
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Fa   256   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   0   198.503   LX-Gothic-UB--Italic-H   Font   LX-Gothic-UB--Italic-H   (LX-Gothic-UB--Italic-H)   13   LX-Gothic-UB   Italic-H   Italic-H   --dict:1/10(G)--   LX-Gothic-UB   false   LX-Gothic-UB   LX-Gothic-UB   (/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/lxgothub.ttc)   --nostringval--   CMap   (/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/lxgothub.ttc)   CMap   (/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/lxgothub.ttc)
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Execution stack:
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   7   4   %oparray_pop   8   4   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   21   5   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   24   6   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Dictionary stack:
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] --dict:1064/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:90/200(L)--   --dict:108/300(L)--   --dict:17/17(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/10(L)--   --dict:16/24(ro)(G)--
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Current allocation mode is local
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Last OS error: 2
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] GNU Ghostscript 7.07: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] renderer return value: 1
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] renderer received signal: 1
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Process dying with "Possible error on renderer command line or PostScript error. Check options.", exit stat: 3
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Possible error on renderer command line or PostScript error. Check options.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] tail process done writing data to STDOUT
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] KID4 finished
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] -----------
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] New page:  2 2
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Inserting option code into "PageSetup" section.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Found:
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] %%Page: 2 2
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] --> Output goes to the FIFO buffer now.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] No page header or page header not DSC-conforming
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%Page: 3 3
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] pw = 595.0, pl = 842.0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] PageLeft = 0.0, PageRight = 595.0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] PageTop = 842.0, PageBottom = 0.0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 0 %%Trailer
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Saw Trailer!
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] New page found but previous not printed, print it now.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Found:
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] %%Page: 3 3
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] --> Output goes directly to the renderer now.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] -----------
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] New page:  3 3
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Inserting option code into "PageSetup" section.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Found:
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] %%Page: 3 3
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] --> Output goes to the FIFO buffer now.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] No page header or page header not DSC-conforming
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Saw EOF!
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Flushing FIFO.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] 
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Closing renderer
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] KID3 exited with status 3
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Renderer exit stat: 3
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Renderer process finished
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Killing process 10777 (KID3)
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Process dying with "Error closing renderer", exit stat: 3
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Error closing renderer
E [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] PID 10775 stopped with status 3!
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Connected on ports 515 (local 1023)...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] lpd_command 02 kp1
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Sending command string (5 bytes)...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Reading command status...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] lpd_command returning 0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Control file is:
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Hvmtiga
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Pkoichi
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Jora_ps
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] ldfA776vmtiga
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] UdfA776vmtiga
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Nora_ps
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] lpd_command 02 60 cfA776vmtiga
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Sending command string (17 bytes)...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Reading command status...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] lpd_command returning 0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] lpd_command 03 4 dfA776vmtiga
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Sending command string (16 bytes)...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] Reading command status...
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] [Job 47] lpd_command returning 0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] UpdateJob: job 47, file 0 is complete.
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] CancelJob: id = 47
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StopJob: id = 47, force = 0
D [18/Feb/2005:21:35:02 +0900] StopJob: printer state is 3