山本@千葉です。 /VineSeed へ emacs-23.1-6vl6.{i386,x86_64,src}.rpm libotf-0.9.9-1vl6.{i386,x86_64,src}.rpm libotf-devel-0.9.9-1vl6.{i386,x86_64}.rpm を put しました。 libotf は新規パッケージです。 ====================================================================== Summary(ja): OpenType フォントを扱うライブラリ %description The library "libotf" provides the following facilites. Read Open Type Layout Tables from OTF file. Currently these tables are supported; head, name, cmap, GDEF, GSUB, and GPOS. Convert a Unicode character sequence to a glyph code sequence by using the above tables. The combination of libotf and the FreeType library (Ver.2) realizes CTL (complex text layout) by OpenType fonts. This library is currently used by the m17n library. It seems that the probject Free Type Layout provides the similar (or better) facility as this library, but currently they have not yet released their library. So, we have developed this one. ====================================================================== emacs の変更点は、BuildRequires: に - librsvg2-devel - m17n-lib-devel - libotf-devel を追加しました。 本件の emacs は、主に libotf-devel でリビルドです。 5.0 へ proposed-updates として、emacs の更新を考えています。 以上、どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。 ---------- 山本 宗宏 Key ID: 0x7637A1D1 Key Fingerprint: 570B C7E6 E5F3 E14F 0898 3EB8 8ECC 8310 7637 A1D1