123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410 |
- Summary: A DSSSL implementation.
- Summary(ja): DSSSL 言語の実装
- Name: openjade
- Version: 1.3.2
- Release: 33%{?_dist_release}
- License: BSD
- Group: Applications/Text
- URL: http://openjade.sourceforge.net/
- Source0: http://download.sourceforge.net/openjade/openjade-%{version}.tar.gz
- Patch0: openjade-ppc64.patch
- Patch1: openjade-1.3.1-nsl.patch
- Patch2: openjade-deplibs.patch
- Patch3: openjade-nola.patch
- Patch4: openjade-1.3.2-gcc46.patch
- Patch5: openjade-getoptperl.patch
- BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
- BuildRequires: opensp-devel
- BuildRequires: libtool
- Requires(post): sgml-common >= 0.5
- Requires(preun): sgml-common >= 0.5
- Obsoletes: openjade-devel < 1.3.2-17
- Obsoletes: jade
- Provides: jade
- Vendor: Project Vine
- Distribution: Vine Linux
- %description
- OpenJade is an implementation of the ISO/IEC 10179:1996 standard DSSSL
- (Document Style Semantics and Specification Language). OpenJade is
- based on James Clark's Jade implementation of DSSSL. OpenJade is a
- command-line application and a set of components. The DSSSL engine
- inputs an SGML or XML document and can output a variety of formats:
- XML, RTF, TeX, MIF (FrameMaker), SGML, or XML.
- %prep
- %setup -q
- %patch0 -p1
- %patch1 -p1
- %patch2 -p1 -b .deplibs
- %patch3 -p1 -b .nola
- %patch4 -p1 -b .gcc46
- %patch5 -p1 -b .getopt
- %build
- %configure --disable-static --datadir=%{_datadir}/sgml/%{name}-%{version} \
- --enable-splibdir=%{_libdir}
- make LIBTOOL=%{_bindir}/libtool
- %install
- rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
- make install install-man DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT LIBTOOL=%{_bindir}/libtool
- ln -s openjade $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_prefix}/bin/jade
- echo ".so man1/openjade.1" > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1/jade.1
- cp dsssl/catalog $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/sgml/%{name}-%{version}/
- cp dsssl/{dsssl,style-sheet,fot}.dtd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/sgml/%{name}-%{version}/
- mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/sgml
- cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/sgml
- touch %{name}-%{version}-%{release}.soc
- ln -s %{name}-%{version}-%{release}.soc %{name}.soc
- cd -
- rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.a
- rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.la
- %clean
- rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
- %post
- /sbin/ldconfig
- /usr/bin/install-catalog --add /etc/sgml/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.soc \
- %{_datadir}/sgml/%{name}-%{version}/catalog >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || :
- %preun
- /usr/bin/install-catalog --remove /etc/sgml/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.soc \
- %{_datadir}/sgml/%{name}-%{version}/catalog >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || :
- %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
- %files
- %defattr(-,root,root)
- %doc jadedoc/* dsssl/README.jadetex
- %ghost /etc/sgml/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.soc
- /etc/sgml/%{name}.soc
- %{_bindir}/*
- %{_libdir}/*.so
- %{_libdir}/*.so.*
- %{_mandir}/*/*
- %{_datadir}/sgml/%{name}-%{version}
- %changelog
- * Mon Jul 4 2016 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <tomop@teamgedoh.net> 1.3.2-33
- - rebuilt with new toolchain.
- * Tue Nov 4 2014 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@toki.waseda.jp> 1.3.2-32
- - rebuilt on current VineSeed environment
- - used system libtool
- - added Patch4 and 5 from fc
- * Fri Aug 10 2012 Ondrej Vasik <ovasik@redhat.com> 1.3.2-41
- - avoid build failure with using Getopt::Std;
- * Wed Jun 08 2011 Ondrej Vasik <ovasik@redhat.com> 1.3.2-38
- - fix build with gcc46 (upstream bug tracker)
- * Mon Dec 30 2013 Yoji TOYODA <bsyamato@sea.plala.or.jp> 1.3.2-31
- - rebuild with VineSeed environment
- * Sun Apr 17 2011 Shu KONNO <owa@bg.wakwak.com> 1.3.2-30
- - rebuilt with rpm-4.8.1-3
- * Fri Feb 19 2010 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com> 1.3.2-29
- - updated Patch3 based on FC
- - added Patch4 from FC
- * Thu Sep 25 2008 Ondrej Vasik <ovasik@redhat.com> 1.3.2-32
- - do not require OpenSP libosp.la file for build(#485114)
- * Sat May 17 2008 Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1@bc.wakwak.com> 1.3.2-28
- - applied new versioning policy
- - used Requires(post,preun)
- * Wed May 09 2007 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 1.3.2-27vl1
- - based on FC6 1.3.2-27 (opensp into separate package, no openjade-devel)
- - built with new toolchain
- - previous Vine changelogs were as follows:
- - Sat Aug 19 2006 KAZUKI SHIMURA <kazuki@ma.ccnw.ne.jp> 1.3.2-9vl2
- - skip libtoolize (cannot build if not so)
- - use %%{_sysconfdir}, %%{_datadir} instead of /etc, /usr/share
- - rename README, COPYING to *.{openjade,opensp}
- - Sat Feb 28 2004 Daisuke SUZUKI <daisuke@linux.or.jp> 1.3.2-9vl1
- - add Patch12 to build with gcc33
- - add Patch13 to not link with libnsl
- - Mon May 05 2003 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji <shaolin@vinelinux.org> 1.3.2-2vl2
- - sorry, rebuilt without openjade-1.3.1-10vl2
- - Wed Apr 30 2003 IWAI Masaharu <iwai@alib.jp> 1.3.2-2vl1
- - sync rawhide-1.3.2-2
- * Mon Jul 17 2006 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-27
- - Rebuilt.
- * Mon Jul 10 2006 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-26
- - Fix dependent libs for libogrove (bug
- * Mon Jun 26 2006 Florian La Roche <laroche@redhat.com> 1.3.2-25
- - add redirection to /dev/null for preun
- * Tue Jun 13 2006 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-24
- - Rebuild against opensp.
- * Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 1.3.2-23.2
- - bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)
- * Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 1.3.2-23.1
- - rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes
- * Fri Jan 6 2006 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-23
- - Rebuild against new opensp.
- * Mon Dec 19 2005 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-22
- - Fix SOC files.
- - Quieten scriptlets.
- * Mon Dec 19 2005 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-21
- - Fix location of catalog.
- * Tue Dec 13 2005 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-20
- - Use --enable-splibdir to prevent ambiguity.
- - Move 'install-catalog --remove' to %%preun section (bug
- * Thu Dec 8 2005 Terje Bless <link@pobox.com> - 1.3.2-19
- - Drop -devel subpackage.
- * Sun Dec 4 2005 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at iki.fi> - 1.3.2-18
- - Really BuildRequire opensp-devel.
- - Clean up unneeded build dependencies and configure options.
- - Drop dependency on docbook-dtds.
- - Fix %%post(un) syntax and catalog installation.
- * Wed Nov 30 2005 Terje Bless <link@pobox.com> 1.3.2-17
- - Split opensp out into its own package.
- - BuildRequire OpenSP-devel, Require OpenSP.
- - Drop openjade-1.3.1-manpage.patch (it patches opensp, not openjade, and is
- obsolete with external opensp).
- * Tue Mar 1 2005 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-16
- - Rebuilt for new GCC.
- * Wed Feb 9 2005 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-15
- - Rebuilt.
- * Tue Oct 5 2004 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-14
- - Build requires gettext-devel (bug
- * Tue Jun 15 2004 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
- - rebuilt
- * Fri Mar 19 2004 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-11.2
- - Rebuilt.
- * Tue Mar 02 2004 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
- - rebuilt
- * Fri Feb 13 2004 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
- - rebuilt
- * Sat Jan 31 2004 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-10
- - More C++ fixes (for GCC 3.4).
- * Thu Dec 4 2003 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-9
- - No longer need httphost patch.
- * Mon Oct 20 2003 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-8
- - Rebuilt.
- * Tue Sep 23 2003 Florian La Roche <Florian.LaRoche@redhat.de> 1.3.2-7
- - do not link against -lnsl
- * Thu Aug 7 2003 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-6
- - Rebootstrap to create a libtool that actually works.
- * Wed Aug 6 2003 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-5
- - Rebuilt.
- * Wed Jun 04 2003 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com> 1.3.2-4
- - rebuilt
- * Thu May 22 2003 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-3
- - Fixes for GCC 3.3.
- - Use --parents for %doc.
- * Tue Mar 18 2003 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-2
- - Provide sgml2xml man page (bug
- - Add devel subpackage.
- * Fri Mar 14 2003 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.2-1
- - OpenSP 1.5, openjade 1.3.2.
- - Renumber patches.
- * Thu Feb 13 2003 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com> 1.3.1-13
- - Add openjade-ppc64.patch
- * Wed Jan 22 2003 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
- - rebuilt
- * Tue Jan 7 2003 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 1.3.1-11
- - don't include -debuginfo files in package.
- * Thu Dec 12 2002 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com>
- - Fix typo in description (bug
- * Mon Nov 4 2002 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.1-10
- - Fix DTD retrieval from virtual hosts (bug
- * Sat Aug 10 2002 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
- - rebuilt with gcc-3.2 (we hope)
- * Mon Jul 22 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com> 1.3.1-8
- - rebuild using gcc-3.2-0.1
- * Fri Jun 21 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com> 1.3.1-7
- - automated rebuild
- * Thu Jun 13 2002 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.1-6
- - Fix sgmlnorm(1) man page (bug
- - Fix %%files list (bug
- * Thu May 23 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com> 1.3.1-5
- - automated rebuild
- * Thu Feb 21 2002 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.1-4
- - Avoid bad triggers.
- * Thu Feb 21 2002 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.1-3
- - Rebuild in new environment.
- * Mon Jan 28 2002 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.1-2
- - Ship man pages.
- * Mon Jan 28 2002 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3.1-1
- - 1.3.1.
- - Patches no longer needed: decl, strdup, foo, size_t, 31525, indev,
- ligature, twosidestartonright.
- - Updated lt patch.
- * Mon Jan 14 2002 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3-22
- - Enable build on GCC 3.0 onwards.
- - Run libtoolize.
- * Fri Nov 2 2001 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3-21
- - Enable HTTP support. Now a DocBook XML document can be processed by
- either xsltproc or openjade.
- * Tue Oct 30 2001 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3-20
- - Apply twosidestartonright patch from Ian Castle.
- * Thu Oct 11 2001 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3-19
- - s/Copyright:/License:/
- - Use %%{_tmppath}.
- - Fix up libtool libraries (bug
- * Wed Sep 12 2001 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com> 1.3-18
- - rebuild with new gcc and binutils
- * Fri Jun 15 2001 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3-17
- - Apply patch from CVS to break up unintentional ligatures (bugs
- * Mon Jun 4 2001 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3-16
- - Apply the iNdev openjade-1.3.patch patch.
- * Tue May 29 2001 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 1.3-15
- - ldconfig (bug
- - Fix up some libtool problems.
- * Fri Apr 27 2001 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com> 1.3-14
- - rebuild for C++ exception handling on ia64
- - build with optimization on ia64
- * Tue Mar 13 2001 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com>
- - Avoid creating bogus TeX output for section headings containing
- special characters (#bug 31525).
- * Mon Jan 22 2001 Florian La Roche <Florian.LaRoche@redhat.de>
- - Apply original autoconf patch to s390 s390x only. This patch can
- be deleted once s390* uses a current compiler.
- * Fri Jan 19 2001 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com>
- - Don't conflict with stylesheets; require sgml-common >= 0.5 instead.
- - Revert autoconf change, as it's still broken.
- * Wed Jan 17 2001 Florian La Roche <Florian.LaRoche@redhat.de>
- - fix this autoconf macro to work on all archs :-)
- * Wed Jan 17 2001 Florian La Roche <Florian.LaRoche@redhat.de>
- - apply patch from Fritz Elfert <felfert@to.com>
- - removed explicit stripping
- - Added autoconf macro for correctly recognizing if size_t
- is unsigned int
- * Tue Jan 16 2001 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com>
- - Default catalog file is /etc/sgml/catalog.
- * Mon Jan 08 2001 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com>
- - Conflict with stylesheets (new-trials location changes).
- - /usr/lib/sgml -> /usr/share/sgml/%%{name}-%%{version}.
- - Remove %%post and %%postun.
- * Wed Oct 18 2000 Matt Wilson <msw@redhat.com>
- - rebuilt against g++-2.96-60, fixes jade on alpha
- * Wed Jul 12 2000 Prospector <bugzilla@redhat.com>
- - automatic rebuild
- * Tue Jul 4 2000 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com>
- - Rebuild with new C++
- * Wed May 31 2000 Matt Wilson <msw@redhat.com>
- - fix several C++ build problems (declarations)
- - build against new libstdc++
- * Wed May 17 2000 Matt Wilson <msw@redhat.com>
- - build with -O0 on alpha
- - fix -j testing
- * Fri May 5 2000 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com>
- - openjade is maintained, and actually builds. Let's try that.
- * Thu Mar 9 2000 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com>
- - this package is way too huge. strip *everything*
- * Mon Feb 21 2000 Matt Wilson <msw@redhat.com>
- - build with CXXFLAGS="-O2 -ggdb" to work around segfault on alpha
- * Thu Feb 3 2000 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com>
- - strip binaries
- * Wed Jan 5 2000 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com>
- - sanitize spec file some
- * Tue Aug 17 1999 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
- - fixed conflict problem with sgml-tools
- * Sat Jul 17 1999 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
- - changed buildroot path to /var/tmp
- - rebuilt for 6.1
- * Fri Apr 23 1999 Michael K. Johnson <johnsonm@redhat.com>
- - quiet scripts
- * Fri Apr 23 1999 Owen Taylor <otaylor@redhat.com>
- - Made requires for sgml-common into prereq