vine-users ML アーカイブ

[vine-users:050994] Re: ThinkPad A21P Video ports.

  • From: Mitsuhiro ABE <abem@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [vine-users:050994] Re: ThinkPad A21P Video ports.
  • Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 14:14:13 +0900

At Thu, 30 May 2002 22:43:57 +0900,
Masaki SHINOMIYA <shino@xxxxxx> wrote:
> シノバーです


> > Vine2.5	XFree86 4.2.0 では、お手上げなのでしょうか?
> うっ。ATI-All-in-Wonderを使っていますが、 X-4.x系ではちゃんとできてません。
> Vine2.5などに入っているXはいろいろ手が入っているので
> GATOSが提供するバイナリでは動かないのでは、と勝手に思っていて、
> 誰かがやってくれるのをじっと待っているしだいです(^^;

Vine2.5FTP の kernel は、2.4.18-pre4 よりも新しく、
アップグレードに相当するので、動かなくなった kernel なのでしょうか?

drm-kernel が作る r128.o を /sbin/depmod -a しようとすると、
ATI ボードをお持ちの仲間がいるとうれしく思います。

A22P RH7.2 をお使いの人は、以下のように話しております。

I just installed the XFree86 4.2.0 binaries (from, not RPMs) on my
Thinkpad A22p (ATI Rage Mobilty 128 graphics), kernel 2.4.18-pre4. There was no
problem with the installation, but the kernel driver for the r128 card
doesn't give DRI (DRM) access, and I got errors about the version of the
r128.o module being too old (not unexpected). 

Next I used the DRI kernel source module from
to build a new module...that worked for acceleration and DRI (and it's
noticeably faster), but:
        under 16bpp, I notice a bit of color "corruption" at the xdm (kdm,
        actually) login prompt (but everything is fine once I'm logged in)

        dvd display is corrupt--the "classic" ATI problem--only the left 1/2
        of the image is shown, and the pixels have the wrong proportion (this
        happens with a number of different players and disks--and it was not
        a problem under X 4.1.0)

problems, still unsolved...
        of the image is shown, and the pixels have the wrong proportion (this
        happens with a number of different players and disks--and it was not
        a problem under X 4.1.0)

I then tried the drivers from
and then the drm-kernel modules from 
(which don't have a Makefile.linux in the tarball), and the drm-kernel source
from CVS (where there is a Makefile.linux). Now there's still the minor color
problem during the kdm login (I have an image background, and the overlayed
login dialog box doesn't have the correct colors--it sort of looks like a
bit-depth problem), but everything elese works.

先のページに drm-kernel-1.2.0-6.tar.gz は、

ついでに、ノートで、GnomeMeeting も動くと嬉しいです。
