vine-users ML アーカイブ

[vine-users:061872] Re: upnpd が 3,4 分で落ちる

  • From: "K.Iwamoto" <burn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [vine-users:061872] Re: upnpd が 3,4 分で落ちる
  • Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 01:02:36 +0900

On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 23:58:40 +0900
Kenji Nagoshi <nagoshi@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> 》同様にFORWARDもこのソフトの必要性に応じ空けてやらないと機能しない
> 》のでは?
> こっちが理解出来なかったのですが、upnpdはこれを自動でやってくれるの
> ですよね?



NOTE:  This program basically assumes that you have a DEFAULT policy of ACCEPT
on your FORWARD chain in iptables, as well as an ACCEPT verdict on the input 
chain for your client machine to the firewall for all tcp and udp. (Actually, 
it really only uses ports up above 1024, but which ones are completely random).

NOTE:  This program only creates DNAT (portmap) entries in you firewall on the
external interface (public ip).  Any other firewall code must be set to allow
basically all tcp and udp through the FORWARD chain to your client machines,
and the client machines must be able to contact the firewall using tcp and udp
through the firewall's INPUT chain on it internal interface.  

We will be adding some checks to see if FORWARD has a default policy of DROP or
REJECT, however placing rules once we determine this is a bit tricky.  There's 
at the moment no real way to check to see if a packet matchin this rule will
pass through any additional rules that may be located above it. Also, we will
probably need to check for any rules below as well.  Hopefully we can get this
implemented soon.
