vine-users ML アーカイブ

[vine-users:053571] Re: lg2c について

  • From: Hiroshi Futami <futami@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [vine-users:053571] Re: lg2c について
  • Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2002 06:19:43 +0900 (JST)

> # GCCがgnu C compilerの略だとして、egcsってなんの略なんだろう
> # (脊髄反射で書いてます) には

  In April 1999, the egcs steering committee was appointed by 
  the FSF as the official GNU maintainer for GCC. At that time 
  GCC was renamed from the "GNU C Compiler" to the "GNU Compiler 
  Collection" and received a new mission statement.

とあります。EGCS の E には、Experimental と Enhanced 等の説が
あるようですが、 には、

  A bunch of us (including Fortran, Linux, Intel and RTEMS hackers) have
  decided to start a more experimental development project, just like
  Cygnus and the FSF started the gcc2 project about 6 years ago.  Only
  this time the net community with which we are working is larger!  We
  are calling this project 'egcs' (pronounced 'eggs').

とあるので、個人的には Experimental 説を採っております。あと、C99 に
なってから、C での複素数の取り扱いもそれなりに楽になっていると聞いて

-- ふ