vine-users ML アーカイブ

[vine-users:056600] Re: XWindow が起動できません (Using config file: "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4")

  • From: "KM" <MK278@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [vine-users:056600] Re: XWindow が起動できません (Using config file: "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4")
  • Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 01:09:38 +0900

Ms/Mr Masaki SHINOMIYA wrote in [vine-users:056580].
> WindowMakerではどうでしょうか?
/usr/X11R6/bin/wmaker warning: could not open IM
X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

localhost being added to access control list

loading /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/00vupgrade...
loading /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/01xresources...
loading /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/browser...
loading /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/setime...
Selecting IME ... Canna with kinput2, server=localhost
setting up canna...
    Canna server is NOT running!
    Start canna server and try again!
I recommend you to restart X to validate this setting in all your shells.
loading /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/x-wrapper...
loading /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/xfontsize...
loading /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/xhost...
loading /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/xkbdmap...
Starting KDE
/usr/bin/startkde: [: 43%: integer expression expected
/usr/bin/startkde: [: 43%: integer expression expected
QGDict::hashKeyString: Invalid null key
QGDict::hashKeyString: Invalid null key
DCOPServer up and running.
Error can't create database!
QGDict::hashKeyString: Invalid null key
QGDict::hashKeyString: Invalid null key
DCOP aborting call from 'anonymous-5803' to 'kded'
QGDict::hashKeyString: Invalid null key
QGDict::hashKeyString: Invalid null key
QGDict::hashKeyString: Invalid null key
QGDict::hashKeyString: Invalid null key
DCOP aborting call from 'anonymous-5807' to 'knotify'
QGDict::hashKeyString: Invalid null key
QGDict::hashKeyString: Invalid null key
kdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit: sending SIGHUP to children.
KLauncher: Exiting on signal 1
unix_connect: can't connect to server
kdeinit: sending SIGTERM to children.
kdeinit: Exit.

> 復活させて実験していたところ、私のケースでは
> ~/.ICEauthority
> というのを消したところで立ち上がりました。