vine-users ML アーカイブ

[vine-users:062493] Re: bind $B$N(B named.conf$B$O$I$3$K$"$k$N!)(B

  • From: "SAWAI, Masahiko" <rururu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [vine-users:062493] Re: bind $B$N(B named.conf$B$O$I$3$K$"$k$N!)(B
  • Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 16:45:32 +0900 (JST)
$B_70f!w0l8D?M(B $B$G$9!%(B


>vine 2.6$B$r;HMQ$7$F$*$j!"%Q%C%1!<%8$O4pK\E*$K(Bapt-get 
># apt-get install bind

 % rpm -qf /etc/named.conf

 % rpm -ql `rpm -qf /etc/named.conf`

 % rpm -qi `rpm -qf /etc/named.conf`
 Name        : caching-nameserver           Relocations: (not relocateable)
 Version     : 7.1                               Vendor: Project Vine
 Release     : 3vl4                          Build Date: 2002$BG/(B11$B7n(B14$BF|(B 23$B;~(B10$BJ,(B45$BIC(B
 Install date: 2002$BG/(B11$B7n(B20$BF|(B 16$B;~(B23$BJ,(B08$BIC(B      Build Host: localhost
 Group       : System Environment/Daemons    Source RPM: caching-nameserver-7.1-3vl4.src.rpm
 Size        : 8098                             License: Public Domain
 Summary     : The configuration files for setting up a caching name server.
 Description :
 The caching-nameserver package includes the configuration files which
 will make BIND, the DNS name server, act as a simple caching nameserver.
 Many users on dialup connections use this package along with BIND for
 such a purpose.
 If you would like to set up a caching name server, you'll need to install
 the caching-nameserver package; you'll also need to install bind.


 _/ SAWAI, Masahiko
_/ rururu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx