vine-users ML アーカイブ

[vine-users:062645] Re: Winscp について


At Wed, 15 Oct 2003 21:55:46 +0900,
I wrote:

| RSSH はどうでしょうか?
| # 私,まだ使ったこと無いので,使ったら感想聞かせて下さい.

ちらっと FAQ 読んだら,WinSCP に対応するのは絶対いや! らしい.

Q: I support Windows users who can't/won't learn how to use
SSH command-line tools. Can't you make rssh work with

A: Absolutely not. It's not because I think Windows is a
crappy operating system that should never be used whenever
alternatives exist (though that's basically true)... This
ties in with the previous question. WinSCP is a bit of a
hack (though a good one -- no offense meant to the author)
which provides a GUI front end to command-line ssh tools. It
requires that the user be able to run commands through ssh
to manipulate the file system. There's already a way to do
this... with sftp. In order to make rssh work with WinSCP,
I'd have to modify rssh to be able to run a number of other
commands. This is, IMO, the wrong approach.

If you want a GUI front end that works with rssh, that I can
provide. Or at least tell you where to get it. Check out
FileZilla, which is freeware, or SecureFX, which is
commercial. Thanks to Paul C. Bryan for providing me with
this information. There are also a number of commercial FTP
clients that now also support sftp. WS-FTP Pro is one. There
are others. Google is your friend.
KAWABE, Tsuyoshi