vine-users ML アーカイブ

[vine-users:062661] Re: Winscp について


皆さん,RSSH には興味ないみたいなので,これが最後

At Thu, 16 Oct 2003 00:29:16 +0900,
Tsuyoshi KAWABE <kawabe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

| If you want a GUI front end that works with rssh, that I can
| provide. Or at least tell you where to get it. Check out
| FileZilla, which is freeware, or SecureFX, which is
| commercial. Thanks to Paul C. Bryan for providing me with
| this information. There are also a number of commercial FTP
| clients that now also support sftp. WS-FTP Pro is one. There
| are others. Google is your friend.

RSSH 入れて,クライアントに WinSCP 捨てて FileZilla にすれば
sftp 経由で出来そうです.

FileZilla 入れてみたのですが,日本語表示でなかなかよさげ.

KAWABE, Tsuyoshi