vine-users ML アーカイブ

[vine-users:064253] Re: 署名の引用

  • From: IKEDA Katsumi <ikedak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [vine-users:064253] Re: 署名の引用
  • Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2004 23:16:10 +0900 (JST)

From: 長南洋一 <cyoichi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2004 20:05:20 +0900 (JST)
Message-ID: <20040202.200520.74755382.cyoichi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> マイナス・マイナス・スペースのみの行以下を署名と見なす典拠に
> ついて、当 ML で大里さんと小島さんのやり取りがあったのを
> 思い出しました。捜してみたところ見つかったので、興味がある
> 方のご参考に、そのメールの URL を書いておきます。

'-- ' 以下署名、に関連した資料をおまけで追加します。

[ Son of RFC1036 ]
| Early difficulties in inferring return addresses from  arti-
| cle  headers led to "signatures": short closing texts, auto-
| matically added to the end of articles  by  posting  agents,
| identifying the poster and giving his network addresses etc.
| If a poster or posting agent does append a signature  to  an
| article,  the  signature SHOULD be preceded with a delimiter
| line containing (only) two hyphens (ASCII  45)  followed  by
| one  blank  (ASCII  32).   Posting  agents  SHOULD limit the
| length of signatures,  since  verbose  excess  bordering  on
| abuse  is  common  if  no restraint is imposed; 4 lines is a
| common limit.

[ RFC2646 ]
| 4.3.  Usenet Signature Convention
|    There is a convention in Usenet news of using "-- " as the separator
|    line between the body and the signature of a message.  When
|    generating a Format=Flowed message containing a Usenet-style
|    separator before the signature, the separator line is sent as-is.
|    This is a special case; an (optionally quoted) line consisting of
|    DASH DASH SP is not considered flowed.

私が '-- ' を使うようになった時も何かを読んだはずなのですが、

さらにおまけ、RFC1855 の日本語版。

メールの基本については、RFC2821 と RFC2822 が役に立ちます。

IKEDA Katsumi  <ikedak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>