vine-users ML アーカイブ

[vine-users:058711] Re: mozilla メーラーのメールのバックアップ

  • From: Toshiyasu KOJIMA (小島登志泰) <t_kojima@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [vine-users:058711] Re: mozilla メーラーのメールのバックアップ
  • Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 02:43:16 +0900
>>>> [vine-users: No.058705] にて
>>>> "大里" = 大里和朗 <kazz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> さんは書きました:

大里> 連続する二つのハイフンと一つの空白文字で署名を区切るというの
大里> もごく緩い慣習なのかな(由来は忘れました)。

draft-ietf-usefor-article-08.txt でしょう。`MUST' とか `Ought"
とか大文字なのがすごいですね。2002年8月の文書です。勿論、body の

   A "personal signature" is a short closing text automatically added to
   the end of articles by posting agents, identifying the poster and
   giving his network addresses, etc. Whenever a poster or posting agent
   appends such a signature to an article, it MUST be preceded with a
   delimiter line containing (only) two hyphens (US-ASCII 45) followed
   by one SP (US-ASCII 32). The signature is considered to extend from
   the last occurrence of that delimiter up to the end of the article
   (or up to the end of the part in the case of a multipart MIME body).
   Followup agents, when incorporating quoted text from a precursor,
   Ought Not to include the signature in the quotation. Posting agents
   Ought to discourage (at least with a warning) signatures of excessive
   length (4 lines is a commonly accepted limit).
